ITHEM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -DAIL 1. 3 ~ E ITII EFE Ef EE .EtTNIVBRSITY F MICH1OAI EFE 4 DAILI. 3 F 63c Shir aeI raeIf you are going to choose from -some of the shirts in dilly-daily. BU Y TODAY. The way these shirts; there won't be many days 'tweed now la id the enid of 117 Main Street GOODSPEED 9S the store. don't are going says tthis sale.. . Main J Street ' 1400p The JOSEPH BOHNIANN MANDOLINS & GUITARS ) 6Received Firet Premium at the PerisE pRu n " tion, 1900. They are for eale at the Scbaeberle Music Store §116 W. Liberty St, Ann Arbor, Mich.. " CHAFING DISH $5.00 ' 3 pint size, pateni lamp, handlea on hot water pan, absolutely the, best in town for the price. Wmn, Arnold, Jewelero 3 3* 3f~ 3 i3S 3 333 3 *3 3 F *3 W 33 Michigan Central F .~F~ NIAGARA FALL RUT Now on the floor at THlE SHORT LINE- 709 N. U NI VER, + We have on our tables ANN ARBOR TO of Fall and Winter Suit CHICAGO It Will Pay Y4 BUFFALO ~HNRYr NEW YORK ATSI AND BOSTON 44ARISIC With direct connections at Cb cege lee St. Lous, Kansas City, Si. Paul and the wet. TEerinformatione aed through tickesecall o Programme of Law Societies or write to H. WV. HAYES, Agent, Anen Arbor.- liie twoocoietieo of tier literary die- A N N A RBO R pliithu iii Iwill not Meet.thliis week be- R AILRO Aciause of the inter-eprtceeniit udebate. F~,LI t..II,..JI\) liThe o 'ocietieshowever, will tire- sen lt t i Eeusel lprogramisotoinigit. u . riTI.Ox r z= ESe WEBSTER. TIME TABLE Musc(. Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, u899. Exaeegeral. Wtebsie-r mautheIir19th Trains leave Ann Arbor hy Central Stand- (~le t .Mgei "M.d Timre. fltlr