THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY PSTE3R BOARD SIZE 30 x 40 Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTI5TIC LLT A I1 ECflANICALLX We will be glad to prove it to You, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron Red. egreen COLORS Grayw Black EXHNEYour Oil Lamps For "Ann EXHNEArbor" Matoh fGenerators GASOLINE LAMPS Brilug in N our old ones ood let as make you an ofter. The Superior M'f'g. Co., 3295S. Main St., near Williamo. Headquarters, for Shade, Mantles and Chumneys. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WABASH RAILROAD is the only line operating a through sleeping car from~hicago toHotSprings via St. Louis, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily at 11:00 a. in. All ticket agents will sell you via this popular route. Write C. S. CRANE, G P & '1 A, St. Louis. F. A. PALMER, A 0 P A. Chicago. Rt. S. GHEENWCOD, Mt P A. Chicago 15c a Sheet AT Seehanh & Co. 320 . SATESTREET. You can get a UALKLNS' Oyster Cocktails boc For that hungry feeling lRentschler, the llNotogwapher. AT Calendar Rev William Wallace Finn Lecturec U I LE'Shere en Sunday T Friday, Jan. 25, 8 p. m.-Third Choral 3385Suth Slate St. LUnioii coiicert, Spieriug Quartet aiid ite.'. ilai o Osliac e itwifl Win. A. Howlalid. ireath at tleiiiiiittiriaiii hilriinext l e t r sSaturday, Jani. 2G-Seinior TLit Seeoker Nlihtiiottte r :teii uijust e t r sat IDavy Itobinsono hFall. lie slG)pointedt'd in 4itC~iiit ritlbeE Printed lectures for all depart- Saatridiy, Jiat. 26,S p. ini-Peusy- I iDiiity Nilt. lithe icologi I::ldo- intents of the Univcrsity. Type- Mlien lInter-D~epartmaent Debate. isiitiiieit toftHarvardl University, ofc writing and Mimeographing. 'Thu'rsili Jan. 31 . ni-m.Booker Whlichlis it's distiiiguislietdgradaite. EDWADS BOS. 1' is' agtou;, Good Governient Votr sevecrad years lie acted at Harv-ard tieresheehnalState Stree ( 131b, ott"tRace Probleiis," Utniver- tts University ptretachier, along with' Ii ii , Brookelierforti, Phlillips Brotiks aind RID t 1tid'iyFeb. 1, 8 p. in., Choral hUioI-dw-rdEverett t1tle. F-or sone im i~e . J' I'-aerits-Piano Recital-Eriist Doliianyi, lie'his lieen ti lecturer oni biblictil lit- UnI ieraity Hiall. erature it Metitville Thieologictl 4. STAEBLER S CYCLE EMPORIUM, sctiody e.(, ii-aut thool. Ile is ,tust closing a lo-year'se tortWSchoolioftMusht. patsti' of ts' Church of the IMes- it .WalntnS. Iiday. Feb. -Juiior Itoh. Water-; siali. thiciait. the oldest Unitaritan THlE SCHOOL OF l'tsl Gyiti itircht in thatt city, orgtizetd in 18;61. D A C I G Friday, Febt, I tirst semester closes, . l'tnniihlsa ii ctit repuitatitntola F'ridaytueb. 8 aiid SaturtdayFeb. h)-lir*Iticr.iili sttdwe. IEtraince examiniatious. _______bot _estan___ st._ end Mrsi Hasesnis im ple dress prefer- Friday, Felt. 8, 8 p. iii, Mary E. M- s NO IE FfESltI1tE shin far lusq exercise. Term begins when Dlowell of Stock Yards' Settleinit,3 a ynard street, black west ot Statesareon Chlicaigto,. t1. A. tLectiire Course, New- All candidates for Freshmanitracli stare'. Strictly a schotil, isa visitors daring terry Haltttimshiosild begiti training with 'Tar- -lam itoure. Moniday, Febuaty 11-Secoiid senses- sity squlad at onice. Every afternaooni te~u fr itegins. it tGym. Turni out andt show your *onnIalh fTIflfl class slarit. li UUl'e " Alarlin Clocks, at ttAt.LEt'N TRW- 1. 1). VEIlIIIEt!, '04 Track .Mgt'. BOUGHT FOR CASH ELRY. ______'REhA EL ~ook upy your old collection aiid Ti +rsmnYl omte hem it into ready money. Prompt Manihattanl and Niloon Bros. Shirts TeIrsita Yllcmitc r- Cahand Good Pricess. for sale at WGadhams, Ryan &fleule. tt~~ each meinber of the Freshmaini~ T~E MCHIGN STMP CMPAN _____________ 'cltiss tot make upi i yell antd scud it ini Hooem 3. 1it Woodwvard Ace., Dtetroit You Knowv the Place. iJALLER'S. foctai30101 ____________A. ENGLISII, Chiairmaii, - WHY DON'T YOU STUDENTS NOTICE! 512 S. State. t The best laundry is the Toledo Latin- arnCost iLERS.I1- t:,° our Moeais lid Lunchsos at it. Work called 1f r and de- AamCoka ALRSIW - ~ liv ered.Leave your order ofat121 S. ELhtT. ____________St._____L~r1 Alarmi Clocks, at tIALLER'S JEW-' OPEN ALL NIGHT. If you aire not satisfied wvithi your EEY. ________________________ L; u~N ST., Two doors west of Cook Hoose. room and board or you wish the ex- - IATIietisos were a little less, go down and Waterman or Laughlin Fountain 4e 1 talk with Ania Arbor Musie Co. tf Pens, $1 eaeh, at Schaller's Rookatore. FUNERAL_ DIRECTOR j'uf iralmiga specialty. aNo. 209 nd S. 4th ~~4r w~~4. iAmm Ao. mulanconight and day. IRes- odr w aM . t Vuuius _iec 0 FfhXi And with it comes thoughla of ~ Winter Garments: A, NORTH SIDE W AG NER & CO., JmportingTalors, N little things that go to make up - "H WOS. ow 9,:ropr.god aiorng ADetroilrtS. 1457 Boll Phone fgodtirn. _____________________121 and 123 S, Main;Street a . Makers of .; COLLEGIATE CP. ~ m hfQ~RTIlQL~UE GOWNS ond 41000, UTTISTI NQF4 AKNrLCTRE Renting of C APSand GOWNS, C L E E a -f SPECI fILTY .IEILLU CLASS C54EES ___ TEMPORARY t COLLG penLlikea boo COLLEGE PINS, I~i~~ BINDER N CLASSsand 1.___ rHATS and0 CAPS., p p Seals the old string eaves F. -W.(AN&CO Iu0 ectureepaper 3lb. for50 View'V5~~iThe heal fountain pens $1 C1MIAOO, I L F. SCHLEEDE - - - 340 South State Car,.Stole and Huron Streets. Capital, $50,000, Surplus, $35,000. Transacts general hanking husines. R, Knare, Free. C. S. GREnNE, Tite-Prey FRED.n. BLSERan,Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAK OCAn 3 Capiut, $100,000. Surpls and Prais, 1,100 Transacts a general banking business. Foreigs ehange hought and said. Farnish ltlers o' credit. E, D. KINNE, Fees, HARRISON SOUiLE, Tice-Pres S. W. CLARIKSON Cushier; The Rinn flrbor Savings Ban Capital Sltk.s50,00. Surplus, $150,000. Resourees,815,500,005. tOrganized under the GlenceralBunking Lass If this Slate. Reeeive depesits, kayo and setis ehangseon the peincipal eities ai the Uaited Slates. Drafts cahed upon peepee identificatio, Safety deposit knxes to eent. Orriecs histian Mack,FPres.; W.nD.nae. non, Tice-Fres.; Chus. E. Biucoc. Cashicer;M. J. Fritz,AssistanttCashkier W. ANOass, I-I kite-prey J. V. SoEennAs, d j-it.eChi !BRVINK Tfranas a general', Ihankilg IBusiness.' SANDOW'S tatest-Paiesst Dumb - Bells rHE Sndow Spring Grip Dtumbk-Bells are muds in twa halves cotineeted hy adjust- te springsathus fno-cing oe st-ea taping en- erise to knee svrry emuscle at its proper tea- ,ion. Messy mosclesuare also broghtlisoeactien oat weuld etherwssrlie dormantSandow taisis that this smethed ef esercise is superior nolethers. is. No. !Childrens',Pir,1.25 1S. YTenth's. Feir $2.51 6. irts' y" 1.7i5 15LLadies' 135 .Beys, "1.75 16. Hen's <" 34.5 tispuete its bexmwith chartofrexercis. Fall andiWinter Spants Catalogue Free uoe A. G. Spa ,ing & Bros. hEW YORK (n CHICAnO DENVER