THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 -6- cc: *.If-; *g& - d" 6 "E 'Kg"L SgE :egg: : "dE "E5:E:,.ks'" :tw"ts: k '"r. ia:as: ic. s" r" '"ec. s"+E" .er s"GesW.4m C:"!C"OC""E"!5 < "G"Vr"E"C"Fw"6 6.6"¢"c"c . c u c. c ... o. a HIGH-CLASS TAILORING If YOU are particularabout the style, cut and make of your clothes, we want to see you. Mir. White, for several years with one of the best firms in Chicago, having taken charge of our tailoring department, would be pleased to meet all those, who appreciate- thoroughly, up-to-date clothes. 00? ?9Q SPEED'S EIINi4TON ST. E. c us ois G tOOD 110 WASPa 'a- a- . . . . . MICHIGAN; QLENTRAL, ! E~ FIN1 fC I the Niagara Falls Route."1E CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. B ...Ieautifli Lines of... U. of Taking effect September io, igoo NECV(WEAII, FANCY SHIRTS, GOLF' 11SE, AI Detroit Night E pressn......... 5 55A. M. o .SVATR, UDRE~, AC OI~Y Attantic Epess ............. 745 .o 1 WAES ,NIRE Grand Rapids Etprerss..... it... is0 ]mat il dE pev............. 347PaX. Everything tt tian wants-tn latest IFall Eflects- W;Y. Boston Specl...... . . a... S5 Fuel Easter ..........a...t94 - now displayed-and lniarked at a saving to you GOtIan NE ES T- Boie n, Npe.Y... (ie.......... 0.M THE LARGEST STOCK THE LOWEST PRICES Faet ocsternEsprecit.... to '. .. , . i FOR THE BEST GOODS, G.Res a tu. E aje S.......*-145 Ccage Nilhtices l ase,. t C M F N PacicExpess...M..C................- 38NA. M steamsehip Tickets, alt Cilassesato ned frm Eopean poitst otiwsrates uF el' for- soatton on appliesio. ( oW RUGGLES. H.VI 10HAES ClcsimM. Flits 50c to $1.00. Fine Faci Repairintg a Specialty. 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206 Main Sousth. FREE A 50oIU. ofit.Pitt with every $1.25 Seth IThoaacAlarin('lock:, Dinin ta o~tber tin, Arnold, Jeweler -' c ltoN (nf c li i it, has Beent:t al Itutiiiiin 11 1t-t---STU EN T d _rloof ttau__ -aiil_ illthe - lis ' IIi ic urii iit: i'itii I MN( N- hesiti$'3litt11tde' isch o ad.-,d t o'.) 1ii. iii. to mikei phyt ilt ex ci ii) c i I I Gut 0-c.s Al.~ 4 T STTTTns,-. - II -t-'z ti . iWe are bettcc prepared than even TIME TABLE bitt thuiidealerstt do-c not i lik it) -t-- to give thehelt fcarriage service, Tuaing Efrect, Sull1lay, Ma~y i21, 1899, il tii - o ) aei tll I bt theI,,AnnitArbtie 17,. cc t i--il oi:' frtt'Cic. Ttwo I hvn de to rb e ie Triseave e Anti Arhes by Cenral Stand- . tic-i,-(oI,,,. cc,'hiiit a loti ofipiaiitiiv suite, bltflltck Ctil 1 having a deditwo rbberitiri eeCTile. ttili't~itiitade - to ioder txprsslyfo-111.1hu t t"- tier iteek witih liIwo thod." itie c pert'jcoaches to our stock. SOUTH NORTH ,ue, wek.- 1ill Holmes Livery Nl o. .- ;7:25 A. -4. No. .- 858S A. ci. -___~____ MN 2-ti:33 A. 9M. 'Nc. 5.-12:30 : 7.ofy their Station- A1,11.111 Cloicksit. I i li- x"el-cHO E 16. 5 5E IETYS> Nit 4,- e8:35 P. NY. No . 3.-5.c S.ituels e 1OE4:51E. BRT T i.No. 102 -C i05'. . Ito.101-9t:5A.. so.try at Scttiltrr's Rootkstore, lMain st. ______________________ 'Ran e teeAnn Arborsand Tolede only.' - Say' If )ye n ttlook ncicenert EVERY DRY' Alltraint laity eelt Sunday. I cure fr C rlc t-i' qusiei etiitt your latlndry cceby the Toledo coiii lsds iy 5E . GtIL OREAgen. ll ttlY iie tcNilltie girven o i ectI' ci e lillny.They tire all right said swill suit / W B ENETT.rG.P.A. andl 7 1uitstlays, ai 4 p).i. at thei,' t1-you. Agencey at Wcgner's, tain street. HOCKING VALLEY RY, o tRI i ~tllDS It buys a $olid Geld Fountalin ten a ___________________Selitallr's Bookctstore, Alain st. The Railroad that takes the esuiitel tirs, ti-libeats;ilawsitirse Alarmit Clocsttle iiI Ititlts J-t lrytie Buosinesu In and Out Fote itirge' sut' -tit, t tl e, irt' t ite;X00 Q ° of Michigan. uititiril ti ei titiri i-i st, l'' telepho '; Manhattan and W'ilson Bros.shiltos- SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 521 H. .Ii'airsttttsi. -7 fee stle at Wadhaitte, Ryan & Reule. ®z 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 I. I''t~ty it:''i~dt2tll'i- 1 I( rr TOLEDO, COLUI1BUS Musical Clabsa and ATHENS. A- Sitio '-cSititi. liitlil tiili'iiAS V E O WV. H. Fier, KL.1W. intil it, Vititeititn JFountain Pens at $1 itatduatilic l rit t-it 11,1s1, Itit I t, G. 1'. A. i. Trar. As-it. Setitlter's Iteetstere, Main at. 7 1).sit., 'l'tti'cii t o ie lec i tsassa t o vuiihni twyi o a u o _________________ t dI li tl ofthe I id l'l 1,rti;to1 -a fe ithe Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- 'i,'c tiettri 15S ilit t lee , iF.~. I. 1 A 171IN. :2)111)1, was ia-''tr Ie a1 tat 17t,. Av ens bor Railw~ay. tl ii ith li st; ilttitigroomti illis ii tt- - - yollget isirC-Iat Cars lenve fee Detroit and Ypsilanti brist. PItt-t$:I tiaed.- - 1 oiitliiutesi-i thce t-footbll team i'Hangsterfer's every lia IC sue, noginning at 7:15 a. ci. appeatr IIt 130i 'cckt ti s nlDc oii-----___ _--__--- until 7:45 p. n1. After that to Detrnit frp iiefrfnilr o h>1010 at 8:45 p3. mi., 9:-i5 . m. and 11:11 p. s o -tseri-tiiiey, Germtainy, toeher of Cr 'o- ii i'iiit~t i, ll Waiting rosom, corner Ann anti Mtain iii, orgia and mushil cmiposisit; NIf.SIO I l etat, Detroit, 11.1 Griatwold st. its,the arttofittaehinig. Studio, 31 tn H~tsPit-iietesfr~l eat MONEY LOANED -S.ilcioi i.Wtlid-Sic-ti ltltult oy)- t il cmertsof thte University. Type- on WairkcDic onsWls tlel l ianerPr- ott (-tilt) of 10 lotrlibani-d iniateii trt nt negahn socaI Pioeory. Diii eontrots ra ae~].M H.T heSl ed l l Ic t irtritintc liv C, tilt tiiua Ciuiec bitertyaireat. Cllioctisess confidential os.1 $ .5 e ee.Adis E i IV leasre. 8tl1:3al m I a ndit to3:30 and rnot9ied it li li iti lit Iy iii N; 'it intli :.;; 1 117of3I.1 i1ofi e . -7iE A(Ap S ROS o ItI~~~J EFPH C. iVATO', htIi tLii1 ' i 1 lic ii i I - i sr PAIL OPENING THURSDAY AND FRIAY OF MufdSEPTEMBER-27 fld 28 C H EvryoneCordially lInvited. PURITASHOEC.i~oe~ U.o abrEOH L nvriFace Mansage a nurn Eblead 63 East William Street l are'Emamrad r i+ -afl5 eeialoy. FrsUICC IEE PastFunral ;DrctrU - eI i Y61ust one-half block ws Shop idt sork,115 TAE.d'FiofDlcoraw buidang All kinds n lar Fn Shpan Sat sWeekioi 212 Fourth Aye ,Both 'Phones So ho opairiog Lesily done. id lPhotos WE PATRONIZE G00BYEIAR'S BRWG STORE