}THE UNIVERSITT OF MICHIGAN DAILL a iii iY iii iii opi iii iii i iii iii iii W iii iii iii iii iii iii iii >Y iir iii i, iii iii ' .i1 : EFEfEfriE:E:E:f'FE:E:E' E fr: :EEEfr:fr.£ FE : 1E: FF : ir.EE:FEEfr:F E r.E E:IEfEI'rfe:E:E=9E:frtr8r. : rE E :E :Sr9r. :e: F:E : :E:1 W 63c Shi*rt Sale En If you are going to cbose from some of the shirts in the dilly-daily. BUY TODAY. The way these. shirts are g there won't be many days 'tween [low and the end of this 117 Main Street GOODSPEEDXS B 1333333i33i3333333i333i33333333333333333333 ?33333333333333E 3?3ccC. 3333s33333 M ichigan Central Coming to Ann Arbor Tn Students ired at Iowa D.aiid irs. Taylor of Eiigiand, niowv ,. , IDac Lean of the State NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE spnigaoiU heh bscuty niversity of Iowa today suts- wlbein Aim Arbor froim Fridaiy to spenided teo stuilents of the sopiio- THlE SHORT LINE-Mii1i.i.2-2.ii ildevr more class for having kidnaped the a iniolr of nireofresnhmareiila1s15president on the even- A N N AR BOR 1TO 5dons. Di-. Taylor lholids tie highest d( iig o1tlie annual claos banquet. On gree that Eniglandl beotows siioiiiler tiheievening of the 14th !inst ton stu- CH ICAGO neiicali mini, anld ilijo coupled with dents seized President Stiles of the BUflAOtthefactthtiitle has sipenttehniyeari fieshmnclas s onl the street, hus tied B U FFALO in iteirio Ciiiiiwheire lie iwis the himi into a ihasckand drove him ten NEW YORK oiil ihyli!itil iniiioiig 15,0{{0.000 Oot miles iiito the county, where he wao AND BOSTON I1 Otilt shoiuld insur im iiiiiigooil '11' loeite in a sailiouise and kept for two With direct connections at Chicago for St. Mrs..ITaylor (liece msse) is tie n-t_______ Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the west. ti unit .The I list4ory of ChlinIilndiiitlYOUNG SYIFE." Eor information and through tickets call on MisSioii. " Thei-tFar East," id otherorwietH.W AES aItAnAbr.obsadhradessto-lll Oeftesuessofatseso A NNiAR Rihn-alse greait interest amonig tie w'~5As Yotung Wife,' which ivill be AcNNlABOges1 iofithteneast. steli at teAthieiisTheater.tonidasy, liii following oneclings nive beeni Im 28. RA LR AD i "rin,,i ifor. It is friiiiliiitheiieof .. .Tilloton, Frldayifi. 2,5., 7:00O-lrs. Tay oowiholois writteni a nituiber of success- zr c~m3. iomTLI- Izz7NH;- I ilneil, atNebryHl. fl haa ''1 potlstesoy TIME TABLE 8,atunlay, fli. 26. 7:21) tr. Tayloro tegioioi son aiii] the bil soni ot all Taking Effect, Sunday, May an, 1899. tisAleicaitSoiic iety, aisLowr ti-ituori w ok-akr.Te on Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- Rloi. til eic ldg Nv sife ifite good soii is accuciedi (f d Tine.Suliday,.fani. 27,. 1011 Mrs. 'pTayloriiucil'eriiig ltheNew Yorkflaniker; she --7 ,SOUITH NORTH lto Womie-nl at -Newbeuurry htill. bl-ives hi(r liusbuanid is the iiurdlerer M Pu. 0.- 7las A. M. No. t.- 8:50 A. Mt. Soundiy, loan. 27, ::00-Dr. 'Taylto anid tries to pirotect hiiui. After iniany N.8-1:5A . *o .1:0P a ln tAeMln11l.trli No.s.-t~t A a. 'N. n-tao . ~ Stnat tc~lln hll.I}ici-iagdiilinturiin ithe sloitis. iii No. 4.- dial P. M.- P0. 3.- 0:56 r. M. Stunday, Ioal. 27,li:lS-M.Aeu-liiig fur I whu-'li a sverdlanit Verhioutet tuerformos yeli aniilWomn, (it 1M. E. (i-ltli. (,exciilg udeedls utfualuor ini behalf of the *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. ldl ussuil by Ir. andiul rs. ,t1ylor. iniiocenitblide, litiimrder miystery is Anl trains daily excep t Sunday.- Aen.clearedl and the hat son pished.slieilTe W H. BENNETT. H. P. A"liii Sienior Smioker coiiiitleu - cast inicluiniig Silos Selina tterimant, cerly irequests that all seniior lit stti- Edini (_x. Brothiers, Alberta Lee, HOCKNG ALL YRY d its il illuothiers who uentered ft thAe-isis.-.tlotili .Iacksoi, tohnii T. Nichi- - m~~Uiiersity with It001. shiiiulidatti-nd the! otsiii, .ohnLiiI. 1Wooulerson, Chias. tB. seinr lit smnoker next Saturday even-Craigl. Stark It-ituii Charles Htarris The Railroad that takes jthe lug at Dtavy I oliisoiis 13all. trof _ sustevral ohthers. The scenery ainii Business In and Out tRobert AI. W eoley wvill be turesenut ansti4eelts iir said toi be very ine. of Michigan. tatk tis the seniiors. Rtefreshimenits aud i -______ SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS a Dutch Linili will be served (luring 0i4CtASS NOTICE. 4 DAL4EWE the evening. A class iuiuetilg will betielit Friday T L DOL COLETW BUS EI)W'AItI)D DAIES, Ilho. {Iom. att 4eIi. mi Romi)i, U. H., Every 104 T L D ,C L 1B S_ -__tu__ut.Th Fresh Sotih iieet is the and ATHENS. -'OttIIENT-A nice large suit of ruluohis horning question." W. H. Fisher, L. WV. Landman, oni second1 floor; light andi warns; all Ic ordeur of thu lresidenit 0. P. A. 0. Tinv. Agt. mlodernilcoinveniences. :121. S. Divis -___________________ Coumbus, Ohio. Detroit. Hick. Olo. ~ ~ ~ flpITA.JL ~~( Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- ( I'l thl 'ir-tae.asn Isa iir.tle iirie.7u Cars leave bfor Daiwitand Ypsilanti deft to sent- tabihe for iiis buoard;1 every hour beginning at 7:15 a. m. un- mitustibe-ci-oirii lidhiavi- no S iuo'cc .All sittingo for the liciiigaiiensiaut til 9:15 p m.; After that to Detroit at il ssues. 131 miuist tue had by Jan. 27. 11:15 p. m. Waiting room corner Ann ------____85 RAN D ALL PHOTO S'TUDIO. rud Main Sts.; Iletrotill. Griswold at. The fineot mnonograph and ether Unl-I Cars every half hour Saturdays and velrtily fancy letter paper and pads in SUITE 01F' 110051; sleihia]lieait, sta- on Fridays from 2:1-5 to 5:14 p. m. the. city. All styles. Sc6haller's Book- iioniaiy wtashstand., hot ;anif cohl MONEY LOANED siore, 116h So. Mlain st. w-ater, gas aill elitric lighittiard- on watcesn HlamundsWhela and other Per-niwoid floors. grate, $5 tier tweek, tonal Prnperty. Office at residence, 01 E. That's thie satme-HALLER'S JEW- Also siingle suite, souse convenieiiceo. Lberty street. All bsinescas nfidentialnh Y 5.4Aono t Henri. 010o11:30 n.m, and 1ltol330and 7 tot LY 149tro t91 P. l.JOSEPH C. WATTS p ,5ln tii t:_..uinnnrsnnnnnnLMi-_Li iMML' 1TOEPN!7inn MHFO'3lffOl I nr fEj~n U siij JIURi j store, don't oing .:says sale.... 0- Main "~ Street 4V Alarm Clocks S$n U. of M. Pius 50c to 41.00. Fin* Watch Repairing a Specialty. J. 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER. 2061 Main Snth. CHAFING DISH $5.0 3 pint size, pateni lamp, hande on hot water pan, absolutely the~ best in town for thle price. Win, Arnold, Jeweler TO THE. JUNIOR HOP Have the Quidwest Servies a.-I best carriages. New rubber tiredi coaches. Finest turnouts jin ts city. Back and baggage order promnptly attended too. Holmes Livery 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY ST AN EYE OPENER. I will open yor eyes anhoolle candy sils ation ir you have never viited Hnks. Drop. iii tkere today. Swpe one of our cocolates. 'Allegretto Styie" we make and sel at Mb cents. Every variety ot andy ad only te Set youlinSd at HANSTEEFEERS, 20 3. Washington, 10 So. State. P. S. Te onlyi firs-class place in lown to eat osters save in any style. Pickwick Billiard Parlors. Rtegulation Sine Tables, Mon arch Cushins., Everything New and Strictly Up-to-Baes 707g N. University Ave. Ann Arbo TiLffnL rmrmswr.vnmr. atenc~r THE PURITAN SHOE CO.MPANY DRESS SHOES FOR WOMEN. NEW STYLES. I I S. Main, Street 613 antWilliam Street U.olMBre aesemn n NOH WTRET1D~O fie~j Q t n-bal Shack west *Fze asaapecial- EO H ITRLFneral biiedtog. All kinds ShpadBath f , done'bylatent t' Shop Qc p freaw .Alks'n R Cooms, 822 STATE. I joanParia0w)!akamel -ia hoo