ITHE_ UNIVERSITY OF MICA 1GAI DAILY. 3 3TBE UMVERSI ITY OF 1CII1GAN DAILY. 3 IZ 110 SWASHINGTON VtEAST CC* CC*. V-11P.f. mtvccc MCC CC* CC* Cc* MCC tvc *cc ccs vcs VE:V CCS; MCC PCS EP -'VMS, VPVCCIP *CV. VS-* MCC fife. *. - E VENING CLOTHES We nake clothes to make you look well -_ the fit does it. In this respect we excel especially, and particularly with ovening cloths. A dress suit made by u,; ca be beaten by no one..................................... (GOODSPEED'S Tailors For Young Men 'ft VP 'ft tie Is If' 4' 4' 4' 4' "a 4' 4' 4' 'P 4' VP VP VP 4' 110 4' 4' WASHINGTON 4' 4' EAST VP 4' Is ®. i aa :3 t: 3 33 E J6:3?.1:3 ? i33 ? :33?,!?,!?: :' 3?:3?? 33:3 :33 ?, 3i'r : : -3 : 3 3 : ? 333: 3 ??:::3 -3??= 3 :3? : Y Michigan Central NIAGARA 'FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at CLi-ofori St. 4n4o4.oo+on44M.n+o4~o~.eo+o4.o4.n+o4. tf'i"WTff i W7'r~ s 4 a w w'a'w-a w-rw s-w- w-.-.. -. w o va.c. w- w- -w-o-w -w-o w- u.- -w-r w-o i °' 0 Q 6° Q c HENRY EROS. Now on the floor at 709 N. UNIVEJRSITY PtVENUE We have on our tables an Entirely New Line of Fall and Witer Suitings. It Will Pay You to See Us. HENRY BROSO -'ii 0 ._ The JOSEPH I5O0iIIANN MANDOLINS & GUITARS tieceieed First Premiumo at the Ports Expose tin9 Pliny asre foe sale at the Scheeherle Music Store, 11(6 WV Liherty St. Ann Arhor, Micli . CHAFING DISH $5.00 3 pint size, pateni lamp, handles ott hot water pain, at soliitely the beet in town for tie price. Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler .. ..... I' I +©aO+C SKl+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O~5 Loots, Kansas City, St. Pant and nihe west.AheieadMes5 0 .NTS for information ad through tickets ccli onor.1 or write to H. Wv. HAYES, Agent, Annc Arbor.Pihecttendtlance at thce Presbyterian TO T .... AP~~~fl p 'fleAthletic Hoard imet last cighIt cc1Sundcay tolieair Prof. Taylor 1 tI (b torthtet puinpose or electirn ctcisist- was tood acid niearly $100. was pledged JU I R H "P tet biseball Hmanacger. The tess clent focr (iccgo Comonnts fellowship. RAILROitd s Ac . .n,;rnati E icoc'csho pc sciledged or aniy onih- Have tie Qiles erie n RLuLOA thter Daiy. W. A. Eversimasc was i o contyri ibuema y adintl ltlc l best Carriages. Nehw ronner tired c am. r~±TEA xzr 3 ms: elecellh is blo n aram Ntolian a tewicerey-I3tI1 . TIME TABLE lion his election wsosmcadle uSiiioiiiiti I-I el l 0ad . CtC1S l]8 iT1ifsi Taktne Effect, Sansy, Say at, tee. To illthe lce 1cof secretary wlic hrie IWednlesdlay eveninlglctiic,' city. 112ck aid elbar gage orders Trains leave Ann Arbor liy Central Stand- AIr. lIscrsmnhaicdc heldaHeniry Dani- HsplitlWIork icn Inctia," sill Ice led promiptiys- a lndei tots. aid Tine.icy AMr.Itector. foithiersscselected. Sir.lDanlfocrthc cocin SOUTH NORTH out frccnci(lclsll lirock.-Iceo s tile 1c cciitiecFidy l-il IcdT ida A 55. o. 5. SianA. a cnit Iclier clliii~c.Collectialte Sois. wssucctdless iI Oin .i r. No. .- 8:35 r. M. Na. 3.- 4:10 rn . flPR i(KMAEN NO'TIE. Aitrecily enlouigitickets lars ehein _ -- _---_.._ _ Ther wil he t metin illthe ynrSold for the Social Settlemensit lecturesw. nRon between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. illcsinial toiglct cat 7p1. in. of all those ts>dectfray thice iceiises of tile ectir~c Alt trains daily except Sunday. htr-ic c aeI lhce.Ti ist lttl e. W H. BENNETT. o. P. A-". I gn.ilcliccctalll ancd everybocdyIturnc outt. - s 11 . Ic.rVlNflS'Tl)NE. Mgr Y e l isEllbly cwiii take pnaces f HO KIGVA LORy.A1,TOR S, NOTtICE icldeoing folocsitg tile Itunior 1It1p, is i; celoek. swill be tileicoturs tbat All thoet-wclcsictend ltocoolpete liir-). The Railroad that takes the till-Eclasscrcctcriccal coccests sol , ;, Tuthn nasliololior e.1 cca ilt ic c le nilt locf the e1scicyer cct Business In and Out Saclm il) cio efr ec , t urdalycl nic-lh t o mattccserllbl- c- -c-en ofss cill- cticcvIiltci atr5icts ofMichigan. ,t;lil-oseercillcoutydccf ilce Oratorical * *- SSOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS wccrccn iin 111111,_cassndubto 4~ DAILY BETWEEN 4 aiiti.Sec-retory,Bet$hamdeiteHo r. d TOLEDO, COLUfIBUS -.laciH i. Williccicc-. Ha 3Iattasi c oad and ATHENS. __________ Wcdllanls, Ryan & Reule, sole agents., K. 5. Fiher, k. S. L~ndncA. Sr. accclSrs.eiraccger recpannincci ., ., ccese ueIigasryfo c.If yost see lbs week oftlbs'Toledo AN EYE OPEiNER. Eniubns Oho. etrit.511b. ~si lbc icgic lc-fcnc clslicgtoL'tacundry Co. youa will tbe convinced It weill ope ccccccs c- 5s1todice cnccd esiu ColubusOhi. 'Dtroi, Aieh.31st th nigt core ticcsgn 1licc ic-ottwawnio other. Ageicey l121 S. aliasif yen hasecceccr csite dIsect's. Drog Ilirthdcay. Thcc cccirc h'~e'a 'Ol nhrtdy w Detroit, Ypsilanti end Ann Ar- orc-leStra, etc. Mlaccc."Allegeetto Style" wrecaeaned seli at 30 ___cents.__Every vareiy ct candyanddnoly the bor Railway. _______ -best you'il tact at 13AISOSTEliFEttc, 2en F. Cars leave fr Detroit and Ypsilanti i Art Pictures fr studenIa' roomns. atWashington, 3110 So. Scale. Ic. S. The only every hone heginning at 7:15 a. mI. un- (CONTI'NUE RIGHtTliBYIUSINGI f Secll-rT' Bookstorec lie So. Aain St,.finst-ls lc ntw o a vtr evr till 9:15 p. m.; After that to Detroit at tRcyccl Tig;ers, 1.0e; Tigerettes, 5c. 11:15 p.c. Waiting room corner Ant end Main fSts.;"tIetrit111 Griswoltd St.- arronaind Wilsnc s, S ickwicrBiliad' Cars every halt hour }Sturdays acnd SUI'TE OF, ROO0IS; teati heat, sta- or scle at Wadicamts, Rlyan & lenle. ikit il Pros on 'ridays from 2:15 to 5:14p. m. lisiliry wrashntanid, list acid cold llegccbihiccc 1 .c- i dt wascter, gas and electric light, icard- Yoci Knsosv thc Place. HIAIcLER'S. ihllnccfcrsb cilions. MNYLAEEY t nNwon Watches, imonds,Wheelsaned other Pe- Wcodcldoses, grate, $5.tscr cweek. --EvryhigNw and canal Property. Office at residence, 301 E. ls single suite, sauce convesniensces. Alasrm Clocks, at HALLEII'S JTEW-StilyU-0Df, Liberty seree. Alcbusilnessnconndential. [lours. 3Stn11:30a"a.m, and 1lto30andl7to 9 804 Monroec St. 91 . CIV. 1707 N. ccivecesily 0Ave. Ann Arbor p. m. JOSEPH C. WATTS r THE PURITAN SHOE COMPANY' ARE NOW MAKING DRESS SHOES FOR WOMEN. NEW STYLES. 111 5. Mai n St reet m abe acesage aint-nd C D BER mbalmer and U ivr ity t3East Wltam Street n U. o~ 1B rbrmasestgena segal n 0C DITIE E nivrs y last one-halo bllkhes _ Suneral rectsr fatofsaw hathdise.lak#wst21