aTHU KIEISI'lY OF M1CMAGA, N AlLY.3 ' ,& :FEJEE:E:E::F~r:: FEEE::'E~EiE:FEtEEE H -EFI : EfFE"EE irEErE:EE FEĀ°EtE~=EirEr:: l f ress' or ,the "JHop" If you contemplate attending this social event, you must begin preparir The .matter o fia foill h' quit is very important We are prepared fit you out with everything pertaining to evening dress. .. .. . Haberdashers fm *117 Main St' O D P E ng... to 4 4w ! Tailor 110 Washintou E ;;i 33 3 i 3ii i i i3 3 3 33 3333E E 3 E 3333 j3 3?3 3 i 3 Michigan Cnftral NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE-- ANN ARBOR 10 CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Wth direct connections at Cicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the west. Eor information and through ticksets call on or write to H. W. HAYES, Agent, Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Tsaking Effect, Sunday, Stay 2l, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arhor hy Central Stand- ardS Tine. SOUTH NOETH *No. 6.- 7:21 A. M. No. 1.- 8:10 A. a. No. 8.-1135 A. a. No. 5.-12:30 P. sM. No. 4.- 8:35 P. a. No. 3.- 4:50 P. M. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toiedo only. All trains daily except Sunday. w. T. WILLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A' Sifting Out the Fencers. The Feincing club field a smceting Sat- unlay to weed out aopirants f or mnem- bers of its various teams. As a result thse expert class isas the following gen- tleimen: Messrs. Dirk, Hornberger, Geigel, Chamberlain, Lennartz, J. Benedicto, P. Benedicto, Stine. Seisior team: J. Guillermety, G. B. Eggert, H. P. Whserry, M. E. Downing, it. tiuilleriuety, J. E. Figtueras. Juiiior team-B. II. Liskow, E. _Mc- Catty, assd four yet to be selectedl. Novice team-Davis, D. McDuff, E. Arizpe, H. Hills anti two yet to bse selected. Satturday's jtidges were': J. Guiller- msety, G. B. Eggert, H. P. Wherry, A. E. Holcombs. Trie regular bsusinessieeting of thse cllb occurs inext Sastusrday. There will bet several foil coitests andtiais exhlibi- tion of sabre fencing by the Gutiller- sisty Ibrothiers. the Yosing Consie Operat conmpaisy of 0o people hs arrivedi in St'ecity aisd are pre'pared to give a numsber of comic opera perforisaises before going away again.'they coise highly recoinid- etd. 'T'e bill 'or toinight is "Said P~asha," nsnd it is (lile'of the 1most pleasing iii the repertoire. Lad- ies shouhilisot forget the free ticket tonight. W'ithi every paid adsiissiois a Lady Nvill be admiitte't free. Pennsy's Debaters Chosen. A am IIn~~~ The Frazier Prize Debate at the Uni- ~* versity of Peiinsylvania was held last U. of M. Piss50c to $1.00. Elnsa Friday evenig. The Frazier prizes in debating are $75 for the first maisaisd Watch RepaiA'ing a Specialty. $25 foi' secoind best. The thsree highest j, L CHAPMIAN JEWELER, in this debate represeist t~enosy in the 206 nain Suh .Michigani-Peinisylvania debate to be held at Aisi Arbor on Match S. CAI6 ~ J The question discussed was the same CHFNG 'IH 50 as for the itercollegiate debate: "Re- stdved Tha~t Itnited States Senators 3 pint size, 'pat eal lamp, handles Should be Elected by Popular Vote." on hot wates paw., absolutely the M. 1). Veasey, '02 L, Bruce A. Metz- best in town for, the price. gs'r. '01 L., and Claude L. R~othl, '02, Wm rod e ee will represent Pennsylvainia, sith Ai~d e ee Thsos. (C. Parkinisons,'02 L, alternate. The constest considered one of the TO lTIE.. mnost succe.ssful in recent years, boths thes iiiatter of argumnent aisd isaisier UJ .tJU NO fHOP, of presenitations being, exceptionlally good. Have the 'Quidoest Service ans Miich~igan's tdebater's swiltbe echosemn lira evening.' beet carriages. New rubber tiyed +aluda- _ coaches. Finst turnouts in the Alario Clocks, at H ALLER'S JEW- city. Hack amti baggage orders ELRY. promptly attetisled too. Complete line of "Adler" fall suits anld overcoats at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. NOTICE FIIESIIME N I! All c'anditdates for Freshmlani track tt'am~ should bsegin traiing with 'War- silt' squald at onrt'. Evt'ry afternoon at lyni. Tusrn osut asod show roa:r Holmes Livery 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBE TY ST Tlii'. weetk it tiranlgers: Tuesday olses sirit.i anfuI N~ AIrV~V night adva nccd class prograin. WetS- AL ).VE111DIER. '0)4'T'rack 51cr. H ~ ~ ~ ig T ~ L IEU*m d :hl. sincght' nley aGuild Art Pictures for students' rooms, at ~ The Railroad that takes the sca.Frioday. night, AIplio Delta h chlArsBostrsore, 116h So. Mlain st. . ' Business In and Out trat'nity dalliinog party. Sa:tsurday,c of Michigan. hia.t suasl chasses:iidthassemlbly. Stanhbattahi and Wilsois Bros.Shrs; , SOLID VESTIBUJLE TRAINS for sale at Wadhiams, Ryans &Pethhe. S DAILY BETWEEN 4 RBEESK NOTICE. T LD ,C UIB S TI:f oihhcianig es is: the Ctreek Yost Know the Place. HAILER'S. - essuhses ahtiholtied for the inext 5011105-____________ and ATHENS. ter arie founhd tts be necessary: Dtsan::lPrescott has returined frsom: De- W. B. Fisher, L. W. Landman, (Courseso.13 anhd 15 ('iiidar andih Greek trolli het iel:siri gvhgtsi AN EVE OPENER. G. P. A. 0. Trav. Agt. t'' n-l tht gei ioyarnso' ed It will open yourr eyes is5to heecady shO't Volaumbus, Ohio. 'Detroit. Sich. - n t e. e) ilnot egvntisyol ojiiteml-pioigcas.1e1 ton it yotshave revs s visit:ed Bask's. tDru __________________________________ Cour'ses 10 anti 20 (thntrodu~ctions to VI S':5o1'li wso n i 05the stasish all Isa'eyes- in (here today. twist erne ofh osm'chcolates. Deri Yslni n n sA-Hmner aisd Luciamn) will be given at "Aieretto tyis" we manteend sell at 10 Detoi, psiani ndAnnArct"nts. Every variety i t carly asd csl tii thoe hoohrs haloed ill the announcement,__ tent you'll find at 11ANGSYEIIFEO', I2S0KX bor Railway. Washinsgton, '.510 Qo. OSte.P1'. 0.The oty ?nrs eave for Detroit and Ypsilanti unless course 20 is desired' at someiO'M2sihattan and Wilson Bros.' shirts first-class place is: sawsn to ta( t