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January 22, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-22

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.-r T,-T - - - -



A . Our special line The Recipient of Honor From the
uw Senior Law Class-Arrangements
of foreign and Being Made For Cooley Day. ,
domestic fabricsE
ta meeting of the senior law class,c
For the Fall and Winter of 0900 has ld yesterday morning, final action
arrived and is arranged for inspec- regarding the class memorial wasj
tion. The same careful attention tae. The meeting was very entu-
asgvn ote tls n ins fstir and largely attended. t
%sgventothestlesandfiishof As has lenithe esstomi forcears
every ut, whether to e used for lpast the class decided ts present to thet
business purposes or for full dress I lawe department a class seioial in
occasions, Clhe fornm of as oil painoting of siiie
0. H, si emibler Of the slaw faclty.
6. HheWIhIDceOmdTueasiithee sistideuwti
Fo8 E. Washington St. on0theli class. Tlcottr fell is thea
__________________________________ lot ofhDeaiatH.I. Htcthinsselio isl
* s-i-ti lileiand thogt of by the mcoan-a
bes of the class. is emiinent qualifi-
cations as ai profesr siiid deaii of thea
iepartmenti, anti his fair deatlig hiave
alwys eesi recogniedl by the si-
~ iests of te class.
I / JII17 Following the elct-ioii aicmintsitee
oisisting of L. W. Mcttaidless, chair-
smati:I. T. Mfiller anti F. I. Sage, was
choisin toi iailupoin iDeansHutcinbst
PH 1ARMVACY andini~iform imiiiiof te aticliofte
At this iieeiig aitority was also
given te presitet of Che class Ce ai-
oint committees tii arraiige for the
class imemsoritl andsalso for tooley CDay
celbratiot. PresidentfCarsmody last
ight tapisointedth ie followig ettnit-
YOU KNOW where to get.. tees:
A GOOD LUJNCH Cilss Iii siril-H. A. Grves. caiir-
itsn;iM.5 D) Dav is, F. C. tendon, i. B.
Most ils T.f. tChrisiansn.
SMOKE -C ooly 1)Div (rogran-.lI. Collins,
Iit. . Jolly, 308 S. State Street. elairtmaniis; D. L. Browni, Jamees Digsb-h
___________________________________resen, tLlyThomptittson, T. ft.fMaks.
chairmatn; Glhenati1if.Dosi, . . til-
NOTHING -sitetr.I 1,Li-arnediS. L. eiser.
{, ( Ducked Foi Hisa Talk.
Trowbrid g's Fcioa fein tSafrdndvr-
Ch cat esChips iiiftse is-ecs-tttrtublle wichiitsi-ctirsi
V m' sieitis of ts- facltiy hasve ihaid wits
(THlE ORIGINAL) tke ptes thatifble. Te stdetsiatre
sldii tsded Citte iquestios. Tiers- sit
40 Cents per lb. lstwo ilitit paries. Te tconservtive
pitr ity, osisi sifofit-e slinssi-ssof te
iterary, iisfttrls-ssai sudciottitt te-
.1 Q ia i-I stos sitand fist-ra osniteLrecost.
Q IJ IKY 45 isisratitonsof ft-eswlitlesifairite re-
CAMU RGSOE isttlentf iatll fts-eiprfesorssand
CAMUSDRG SOR fr te mtaingfiti- efesi itin-fby icble-
_..._ ----- -__ gram isMrs. Stnfordtrhatliisiewit-
-________ --- - tirau fros thie sssssssgessssssfof te si-
.Iset it sindturnitit ICor to Clii-tris-
WIIN1SVAN toes.Tie msmeirs oftClii- eneitic
V1 v i eprmet clltemeve rdcas
+ tiNERahstieo Cthiave the whiole iuatter
c p it its upi withis islittleijry tite
~~ tutu1sfewldais ago C.h1. DMotgtomiery,
an Hamilton's March wth a tonservative, was ducked its a big
extracts from the diary of reervoir, for inatkig i speech it which
oner of wr t Pretoria with ~ dCt oiyo h
,, portrait of Gen. Hlamilton, Untiversity authorities.
+ plans $120 'Tsatdnal ti yer go, when Dr.
+ London to Ladysmith Ross, -head of te ecoomisic depart-
+ viaPretoria wt codenounced te iontortationo of
An account of Mr. Church- ..ttCi se as a mesace to worinigmen.
4 ill's experences as a specal
* correspondet with te Brit- ± rs. Stanford has always been a large
* ish armies in South Africa 4 emoydoer of Chinee labor, and his re-
from otto early days of the onsomrks ofended her. Sle demaded
S war until the relief of Lady- h.Iis resignation. IC o venber lis re-
smith.- Cotaining also an± sigoe, and since teos four other pro-
+ account of the armoured+ fessors have withdtriwn front sym-
4." tria. MMr Churchill's deten-
S tson at Pretoria as a prsoner ptlit tood it is feareil stha sor- ity
of war, his escape and subse 0o
qun a rvi$ in 20 a coo Themnwgotlre oeStnefac-
aretmsrvieo. th N tal cueSlonstetonesoeeftfafor
t,- IAIly ippdadtir ithdrawral has serios-
- AIL11 creppled te institution, as all their
I l ses have bheen dismssed for the

Princeton Gets "Biffy' Lea Next Year
Lanogdionotest will suplerintiendilthe
wsork siofte footblsl, teaoni at Prinscetoot
nett ftal.fis eosgsgeoseosfwsv anit-
ountedi by the manooagceent of te
eli-s-tottutu appovetatilitijoist toseetisig
of liie-Giraiduates-Atitisory atUtnVites-
graduatesliExie-utivi- i-iomittees tatd
lit-e atltic-assiitiionat Princeetono
Ilssasst Saitirtiy. CHe wsill lie seasd
cochtittitsllt-isiompleti etiese of te
terts.,smanasginsg situ iires-ting te ivork
of Cteother icoachets tis Ntell as thast of
te players.
I -a vt wascaptino sf Ciii '0thteaios std
suc-e-ssfiolly <-eactesi te Tigers !iti'98.
Au effoirt «-vssmnsde Co secure Isis sers-
it-esa i'i'itti- Clast fsall, lut lie hais
Iaigrile iitoistructsthCii-platyesshere.
Ctiin-t iiiiit - uei-le-stOhs- Printtioon
sssssosssgioss andoeds ihttiitttiChit iideasof
liar itog si Oetit ioachi. tud saftairsswee
ettisi te lityt-liva bosiarsiif etits-ies siths
]10 ecoitiuraigisig results,'itsste itory
tif lastsiseaisonttests. It wass. iso fati,
Ciii expieriesose gationedlast fasll tetlis
etutvitiecs-l the masnasgemeost thast ai headi
onhis -absouitely- tiesuiry toi ai so-
A Description of That Interesting but
Ltttle Known Part of the Univer-
sit Equipment Which Lies
Below the Ground.

I o ST
ITrack Men Come Out in Fosrce and Be-
gin Training-Captain Hayes
Encouraged at the Outlook
Yesteriday te gym Wtas tie most
popuolairesoirtstrounofsithe camptusi.
Never stforesiosce their erectios, have
te gyttttssiiitts tieen closedi ottn nac-
counist dutrinigte college seaosont.atoutht
stunilts barie beest brought to appr-eci-
ate snever before te vatlue of te
privileges Chest offer.
'There Naitisilarge crosts. sattend-
asse intshCii-sorining, bt i..-e after-
noonts he rused Chat c. ac upon the
flosor Ntesssomsethoing e s:Eising. The
otdooriecti-sccseisstructcin htthe tennois
coutot ists bet-it ompeted and was
ti;e-intste aftcernoon fo5 i- e istetinse.
fiTher- is-its uslarge nottotiA e of track
ittetsouit inosniforms to te call of Catpt.
1-o s, pu.bsthllisedIsast week. The mno-
asiititit is getily eneouragedi eser
te iteri-stIliaCtte fraternit- imein
hasvi- shssisti. tutuit tlooks snowss-isif
Chire tNvitouildi-betiseofte es-cuts
sif. tlspsrug";scoitests.
Ths hreliinriitees for te fraterntities'
i-i-isis-«s-ill beihetld Sturndaiy-,Felt. 2t;,
antheCliialuss Irctt2.
sitt. iftyci fit-slsmuochsencosuragedi
osserihes-lasrge-umbusier that ipresenstedi
thsemiel-ves utsapptitlcanits for luositions
ou th liteasit. situitt-r te enuthusisms
theseemedtu to shasse, untilthe is-eussIl-
mitionusthat. l iilsanshouildiimake ziu
fl'-iI C iii in iteiiing scQ-

l'er'ofth viitrs o he Cstiyrst.so. 'peaskinugsof tetoutlookc lie saiid:
- "Wi- sit-cuu-scieouiraged os-er Clue
it Nvaalksillongti thiut-shasdedi swstls of isumbrthuat is nine out ayesterdiayasfter-
the camphus asitu sitsl-iii lthbildligs notisatuthChit-nterestf displayedl.
tut flotter gsrens, Cutestasout te Thu lontg-iistne mesis i:e iii cii-
tiligs of ists-ri-stunsser thir s-feel. shus- tmore ttiuuwsichiad ttlicitated.
Tiei ft--estidrte i-csrfactof te tres ingaboieusttCisout. About 00
gi-utisui sre large Cisissels euessuictin iig - iootor rtrbu iereiii
ilb er diii inst assoust. There "sresqiute 5a
lite diffi-rentif iiisiutgs. Titers-ie os suis sc nmeriswhoiate ee ntediis-u i tIrstin-
mutistunuel tutusets-i-sitbranchles. Ths -ist ecuuts-yChiti aissce troceoveresi
masinstCunneluc stsarts sit Cluepo housen-, fruitsvacinatuionu yet. AWe ar- still
sot-ssiWistsacruiss te cutuus. salmost hukugfruualrus~ uestt
Cto lit-euiuus, ChitsIs-turs atu t isesIloii o ure-iene n
Cl-ogh luesuseusueiuCofPUniv-esity spries. sIThey hisven't shuosnsuasuii
thogh- fsast ustvw- expceds they woulsi. Ths
Iallsan onti ssCtofluebasusmnt of the lirt-irs-out fus e eneuwill tikeCplace
1st iiling.'I'li-ui itstaute ssackieust, Fels 16.We uxpett moreits-usout
pssinfg underithi hou opatiuhiiiuiitysc-si-iesandtiif thtey-all wiorks harii ws-cbelieve
dentylbiilisuntifitearlysrsaues te wus om -toor w ~pca
-l gyinas u- fiitt-s iimkesa tonsussIv ths tissueiiirltst ineetis hl-h.
Otlitaatit li ut tutu ie5ti1tut- oe-wsill hie iaumeetinug ifsill ther- s-sis
liei, ipassing throueughslit-e basement u-ih uiihslesforClithessrak teamsstomourross,
ofi he listu ulucaui l usiliisg. \Ve(suiisi v einig.siat thseytsst 7
is- is oveiriuslf us umile- lonug sanduis x-
li -1 enu°"hand ideenouh t esllo hurloc it s-liwtosurelunterestes iiii en-
b b eCu r"-thtisIract,, eietesiacr i isustily
on t wlkthouh t it ese Isreulsuushi-uto lis- usesesst."
shaduue is thast if us horseshoes. 'llsthfloor A eicsls- i- sitostrensgth tisI tug siC-
is if csmntueu. isliit-bi-is i-suis.
flit- purpoiise if thsstunsnel is usoi-usrs- isuruis. thets iy uisuetes, lssbi-e-u
statttpiie ad letrc igt irs opila-eti is thes- aiinttuis asuit ire-ly
sits- adiihtion to tCle uapuaaus. hint-
tus differentsImlsildings iiii ths- iptuthis. hiss-FitzarickIis goinug ufter- Chic-agos.
Alth Cli-altitlight autdhipos-ir is gest- ansi Cteis stuenughtrecordi-treaesusr antu
ersut-ul iou0te sautu ire sisur houusi Alouig -ll oftufelublg mtens sie to hut-put Cii ths
Chit wsaul outonue slits-if ths-tunnelth tre tests.l'lce,. of (Chicago,lurokie suit
arragedioi brcs ohsd cholue -Ca ivesht-rntret-orids itsstrenugtla sst yeaur.
lreppswihcnuttestesi. at isfuuiest tl luss hs
those toClue swalls stud olonug teCop adta nvriysilcaii h
art- the is-ices Ctsrughuishich-ithelue - chamspionuship. -
tricity is trastnsittedi.
DuinogClue tisue swhen steamuu is used Rear. Newell D. Billis Too Ill to Come
out ft-e cauou s for htoesingsir Cpiower, to Ain Arbor.
the tunnsoel is so iery a- itrinplac-.' CCis
lighotedl by electricity-._ACLtvaoriouts pointse Wor hs joist beens received froit
alonug tlse side are ssvitchses, by Wh'lich^ Rea'. NewselI Dwight Hillis, to te
thse visitor turns off Clue lights behtind effect Chat hue cannoot eonsc, Co Anno Ar-
htimsanud trns oulthCose toinssadvace. bor out Jano. 29, Clue date utuswhich io
At several pointse are branco tunnels was Cutoitidress the Students' Lee-tours
leatding to bunildisngs ot reached ha' the assouluthos. Botht Dr. H~illis' _sussist-
nosios titunnlth, e entginteerinog shsope, ansts tire s-cry !ill asnd ltt- himself .hase
thse phlarmoacy butilding anttdCle gyo- out attasck of thse gripspe though hie is
soasinun tore so connoected. A snmall toss- tryinsg to keep 'up. Thoere are atgo-eat
itlch onnects the gymnasium svitho the snty deaths holois congregation, and.
nsesw-homneopathic hosepital. IC is ai he is obliged to ateend to all the fu-
little over 5010 feet losng. nerals hoimoself. Unsder Clue circuns-
F ormerly visitors were admitted to stanoces lois phyisician will not allow
floe tunnel wvithoga-eat .freedonm, but him Cs leave Brooklyn for some time.
owsing to the practice of tunnhg off the Theldoctor hopes to be able to start on
s witches leading to the several -build- a I eure tour early 'in March, and a.
huge the granting of this privilege has, date later In the yeahismay be asrraooged3

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