TH E UNIVERSITY 01 IM CHIC AN DAILY PSTER BOARD SIZE 3o X 40 FOUR COLORS Red 'Gray Green Black 15c a Sheet AT Perfect Tailoring==Shape Retaining Is a quality often wantisg in Mon's Suits, but our tailors have mastered the secret of imparting this characteristic to the garments made for us. Every Garment is made ex- pressly for the man who boys it and if it doesn't satisfy him ne doesn't get it. If that's a fair propositios tome up and let us tell you joot isow many Dollars we can save yoo on your new Suit or Overcoat. GOODRICH & DUKEI, Agest for the Best Tailors ss Earth. Frons ca's a seer First Nstissal Bank ,EXCH Bring ansoffer, Bear Th, lin Stude lIeo in ant day US. SCALINS' Oyster Cocktails IOC For that hungry feeling 320 S. STATE STREET. F ___ You can get a lRcntscbter, the lj'hotoorapher. AT ~capital, I EI1J T 'SiJIi~ Caledar ~Canadias Students in the University , Ea-i ----- hSttsSt Friday, Jan. 2, 5 p. m.-Third Choral .ttrlut h ecord s offt.'Uni ? Unions conscert, Spiering Qurtet and versity of Mihigant there have been fIRSTI L ectu e : Wins. A. Howland. studenrts inthle isttutin from one or Cptl Pritedlecure fo al dgas~. atuda, Jan. 2,08 1. m.-PIesstsy- more ofteprovinces of the Domliion Mih. Inter-Departument Debate. ofCiaiseey year sissce 1871. By exchnge snenits of p)' BivprtSil)'.TylPe Thsrsday, Jan. U, S p. st-Booker far fts largest nutmber have registered credit. writing ap.s" lil lg T asigtn Uo overnmentffrom QOntri. The other provinces vx E DWAR$R-t0S- , (tush.ons "fare troblemss," Univer- that iasestsenreresented at different feseai heehanal S~ate Stree sity ifasll. fiues are' New Brunswick Quebec, Friday, Feb. 1, 5 p. i.. Choral Uinions Noa Scotia Manitoba and British The f RIDE A 14 erns-Piasso Recitsl -Ersnst Dohnanyi , olstisliis. Thes largest number of Ca- Cptta "_) UnCiiverity Ball.iadi an tuets serolled at otis time -Wethtssday Fel. 6, S t.i. -Foeslty was al, surig the years, 188-0. The orraui STAEBLER'S C CKEMEPORIUM, Cocert, School of Music. smtallest numtber registered at otto time excage 119 W. Wut t~on9,t Friday, Feb. S-Juniior Htop, Water- was 17, its 195 96. The largest nuns- Sats.De lusts Gym. her from Onarios its any oute year was Oreseys gass es in .Dauctig F1ridsty, Feb. 8-first sesisster closes. 188990. Te number of Casa Fio z ^aFriday, Feb. 8 aind Saturdsy, Fel. 9-....diani studensts sot beets so lres eglnners-Ladies S asday aternoons 4 2 Entranice examinations, for te last five y-ars asodslinthes '9,tea aodeasa 5 Fridtay, Feb. , 8 p. m -Mary E. Ile. ipreeding 24 tno Itadles ad Gettlaeen Wenesdasy een- Doewel uf Stock Yards' Settlement, -__J._V.3SHEe cosf® Chlistago, S. C. A. Jeture Course, New- SITE O OtAt' ~ S: steamsisatsta o jst C Sangramtsfr adasteed daseers Tiesay l'-'-hi.toioywsststi ss idm Prvaaelesss by M. r-Mrs. Bos rasger Mtoiday, Febissry li1-Secosnd senes- water, gas and eltt~eti igtishatd- ___ ______________ter begins. wood flooss, grate, $ terumonich. aAlso sisgle site, ssme'convenisesces S anip Collections 804_Mnroet.______- BOUGHT FOR} CASH IfRiyal 'igers, 10c: 'ligeretfes, I. OttENT .Asies tare'suit (Ittsisroms V Look up yout old collection and ttitflu'titisiwsrt:it far it into ready ocaey. I'.wp1 t'ESIIMIAN YELL! soderts osveiiissi. 321 5. Iivis- Bash ansilGood'tricesrie FreshimaniYel commsiittee re- ion St. 87 -SE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY etsissts each memuber (f the Freshssian Roosm 3 46 W'odwa rd As-o. Ietroli lass to taunistl a ytll tutu sendt it its Complete line of "Adler" fali suits isWH efore'Jas. 30, 1901. and verats at Wadats, RyntsC 00 14 1 fl .t. NGLI, Csairmsans, Reule. 512 . State st. met sis eatl idLuis at F!ifty pretty chorus girls arit fetiue OA T L N f A l rm tsC ock s, a t IA L L E R 'S J W ti th e "C a d et i tch. OPEN L ~ r.1 EtlY. _____________Tiatste ntssi-fAt,EI'S J1EW- oPBN'd"Tue finest monograph and other Uni- ELRaY. r us~eV 3T.r Two dors wat of Cook ouse. versty fancy letter paper Bund pads in________ so i~iithe city All Syles. Slalle's Book- Waterman or Laughln I um ass e + 1 in. stotelift So. Main at. Pens, $1 ec, at Schalle's Bookstore FUNERAL _-_--- Iatming a spa alt No 09S4th ~~1e ~ t~ s~ m h a~e Ambulance nght and day. Res C le ete sC mn twce 302 Fifth Ave And with it comes thoughts of Itry he...Winter Garments T NORTH SIDE R WAGNER & CO,, Lmrtiag Tailors, a a LAUNI R Can please you in the many - 2155 ostroisPIsppr Q little things that go to make up 2.® Dt 0 sf0 V7iB41 Pormne good taioring.SAD _______________ 121 and 123 s, Main street SA ( MakS~sers of COLEGIATE CAPS. 11 T TlE "' D b- GOWNS and HO0005, JIT ~ iiri oR iTKINQ LECTUREJ D - etIng 5 seof~s CAPS cn~dOWfIS VH L E t anp En 61 SPEC~fILTY 'a 55toli CLASS CANIES TEMPORARY thatmay COLLEGECINSFLAGIS BtasRtes that COLLEE l iIs aitoher CLASS and IBINDI V. 1. hildres eCeLLISE 2.irs' HATS and : - ~opes ike ag bt)9C. os, pp KERN CO.ets the old srng cooer al as,?@ W.C. KERN & ,Lecture paper 8b for50 .. 'lihe best outanapesl1 .cioaioo, ILL. F. SCRLEEDE - - - 340D South State i O 4J~yflJ ~EEVNEW YQ,,UMfl RANGE~ Your Oil Lamps For "Ass Arbor" Mateca Generatsrs ]ASOLINE LAMPS in0 olsd sass and let no matte you The Superior M'f'g. Co., 3195S. Main St.. sear Williams. dquarters, for Shade, Mastles and ART ON THE RIHT ROAD e to all southwestern points St. Lous, Kansas Cmtv, Om- Ia, all points in Illinois. ills Tickets -at Low Hates )messeker tickets to points Kansas, A saissar, Texas d Colorado---on sale Tues- Y, Dec. t8. One fare plns ,0 front basing points, Con- Iagents. R..~ GRtEEWOOD, M. P. A. Car. Mtatsnand BaresStreets. 150,000. Surpis, $35,000. Tranisacts generai hashing hseiaeee. v, Pree. C. E0. ENas, Tice-Prey Sass. HBLSEsee.Cashier, NATIONAL BANRK of Assni 1, $100,t00. Surplurs and Frame 1 8000 stes a general hanking bsiness. Fareign eaouht and said. Farnish iettere at INNS, Fes. HA ISON SOUL10, Tice-Pree, S. W. CLAtRKSON Cahier, LIln flrbor 8Uvinus Bankl At Sleek. i000. Surplus, $i150,. Ressurces,$11.100.000. zed isndrthe tiesessi Bashiac Laws bate. Meceives deposits, haye anad setln oa the principal cities of the unites )rafts cashed apsn prsper identification, pest bsxes ts rest. as: Chriatias Msek Fees. ;W. D. srrs- s-Per.; Chas. E. Ihiresek, Cathiert;1M. AssistatiCash'sr 'sra,5 tir. la h stoat t a g erm uhisgisasmoa tes a sss Bells 'stow~~~~~~~ BpisCirptt ~t-e~ r ,Paeeaetot toga tt os 1.75w Ladines'ed 1.,7016focin ors's n t 3.n5ex laeets h muwthcleatlites roeren- rinsesparta alslsoght Feenoso d oterise i~e&drmntSn tt i eto o eecie ssuero -s ESTO