W Don'tDea6c uoc
S There won't be many days 'tween now and the end of our 63c shirt sale. If
you are going to choose from some of the best made shirts and made o fine
material, at a bargain prikw you must do it NON. FRit is at these prices
it will pay you to lay in 81n extra supply. p
117 G (1S 1(3 le
read a plater onStant ation ofI-
ssiit este[ollrtls. fter a review
NIAGARA FALS ROUTE ofthe oer zerontie system alweRllhihe
,anAR FLLRUTitical S i Seene Assoeiation there charcterized as the local economy the U. of M. Pins 50 to $100 Fine
THESHOT LNE-' thered i Tappan Hall a distil- speaker traced the develotoment of the Watch Reaing a Specialty.
TESOTLN -goslieti number of economists andi Present interstate indstrial system. Pretar los CHAPMAN JEWELER,
A N ARB R 10 legilators together with the represen-prso h nnr.txto ot26M~ ot
OH ICAGO tatives of several railroads. Ex- (iov. e changed to eonfornm to new indus- (
John T. hthwsas also peent . tial nitions. Under the pesent sys- CAIG IS 50
BUFFALO tion. Miflo Campbell, presitent of the tent a person-orpor ate or natur___l HAIN n$5O
NEW YORK oard of tax ommsioners, sail in ina hae turoerty in several or many 3 pint size, pateni lamp, handles
bref, after relating the miethiods of the state. Whee is it to e taxed? The oliot water pan, absolttely the
AND B0STO N risioiln sd eulogizing Professors itst method of reaching this trolerty best in town for te price.
With drect connections at Chicago for Si, AL F.001(le and it.C. Adamns for theiraiwas )y the roe of politial allegiance. Wt] AlA C Je el
Leuis, Kansas City, St. Pant and Slit west. spledi work in f fereting ot the A1 iiiat was taxedit were bie wasis citi- V, ~nz, eeer
For information and through tckes cal o ysetne of railroas: Zel. Then the etolorary reshdence
or wrte to II. W. HAYES, Agent Anni Arbor it e state siold nit framte a stat- rle Was attempttedt to rechtptersondTOTlf
'lIttt offers a preninti for falsehiooud proerty, stocks, etc. 'its edotine( oTO H..
ANN AR BOR andt perury. tIwould lutit amd tax Periaiett resieice or domitieb h05 JNorOsH
miorgages by ay methiot. through re- ext troglt itto use, btots i it tlor- JU IO , O
corsitg officers, and wouldr reaehlbant, ik titl satisfactory. Protety osvtes by
RA L OAdeposits y a reasonatle tax againstjIostfside s thus esaedThe methosd of Bave the Qiltest Sevice and
RAILROA the bak:if hese evsivetpoerties tttxigmovaleroperty ~eet- best carriages. . New ruber tied
$zv r in~xz zr=t are to be taxed at all. 1Were mrop-(Hitedfilftie tolireteltovalel itpr crtcss.Foiptt-imits nlm
TIME TABLE rties ate largely- tamgitle the sits-sb- ciy.Thfltettist antdithbest littlit ( i y is-i(! ptra rdr
Taking Effect, Sunday, tMay 21, 1899 reitttasis is best and srest and fr- ttx sittie ecoomic iterest or atlle ct.-aktmi pag re
Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- iislis thet most relhsable sourmce of lfe g'ittiee.Eerey tittt is t bei tinst 1 - promtptly atttendeditooit.
,rd Tinm.
____________________________________blood fr the state. Btitwhienithe vtct otstaticoirdig-tthe ec oo iuiit ti
SOUTH NORTH valse tsshieflyis- aiifrancise or ofmteest his-hitsitnder it. Bi-i ci et ths Hol ni es L iv rv
*No. .- Ita5 A. a- No. 1.- OtbOA.. imtangible mnatre, thoenta seifi- tax systemitsiill ntiit sitrisi to ti HNEi0, 51 EhitETYS
No. ti.-11:35A. Mi: No. 6.-2:30P. a. or license affords this better plim from unitl tet stti's ftio itittiisttit HN 0. 51 .LBRYS
No. 4.- :5 P . M. No. 3.- 4d6 Pem.this state's point of vew." i-ich' ithr adtoitthi itiri on tit.Te'-_ --
Piof.('owlt old itho f theit crk f his stts tuiti~ti stt itomtiroi titheu-- -
nRunbetween Ann Arbor and Toledo only. coomot iimiitt mriving tai etmtmi.to faplignil:potota;,
W. T WILS.Agent, of this-tatsmmgh hl-sthstshh omof ra~iroad thethisIx. Tmeeshoumld mbhs-e sint-ahi stte
W Hi. BENNETT, . P. A- property- in thi sttte: am tet altitt tx i-it imisoti btutufait L.'
''We aw stnt ticss- ivt-iy-m tit ft itt-k im i tishli-t1trfitedoit'ist-us ii
fl the stta i u teh,'ie ti-sitits hi :-d, i sont t em m eet h t ci'h mim' isiisain oftioa ittk! a
HOCKING VALLEY flY. seats smithailay purcasling enmt Masti.lto agee' oit;n l~int:p. e
The Railroad that takes the sies ssttd tihit-'tlht-r-tsi-t sAttri'-tiitctOttist i
Busines In andOut 'cul-v'rt tutd "frotg" tistemrsmitls andthehsep'tiiationtmoftitits' aissl cu
BsnsInadOt rolling stukapprasis'd. This'rn aioi 5msttitis.''inn tes ' Hpitdthisitheil,'s'a ^t
of lMlichigan. doursilm- ml iiisdays. it s this' , sim' this' prs'nt'mm odeiss'of tar'sstmtms smith
SOLID V[STIBUILE TRAINS thoumsgh weii'wi'scs'fssrmishimmganmes'ti- sstts'stissmmsirt t'sjitlyythe ouityt--ti
DAILY BETW[[N 4 mmiii 1 to utcorpramtionin mimteningto uamnshsttae mastdhdwelt inss- httl ii t' k
TOLEDO, COLUMIBUS Iehs ii ut'rtttooe stim" tis '-t fsssttsmssm t'st i
arnd ATHIENS. Pof. Adtmiiswis-hiss ieniis sapp is- Is-ts-sithat state sallotmltaxtiatit stit
lug thei'tantssgiblet la sf sichs-hintmtgs spi'titi'tm h a-t Ilt this'countiy se ts
G.°P. A. t.Trav. Ag. - asifris. mitesm--mtoThis'p-igtdeIes toili own O tit ittdirect ad.viloismcostly su
Coluambs, Ohis. Detroit ich. f tieme ithodss. I li a t rst. Te taett 'dt a t lon iiyo asever ristilinkds Crp
"Time'tax simn iti sm ihleo' prt'ty iil sitsortic siet sssb lis s o iyt ue,-t in theestsay. Swiperie of (srs chooat tes
DetroitegrttoYpsilanti and Ann Ar- bt'ehisstedussom tau'maitlztionmto'(im - 'shtiudheslitt-Mhstsibcs'stii3 tcitaxeiis. ciets S tveylset'w eip f inid sedll athe
.-aEverygsvaity i OSar P. 5. the l
"sr nvbor Railway. patnt fromt this-net c ri es I pt sch stm-ecorpiraitin.irnchise h-omucbet, y Si id at ANGOERPES, ;$0 E
-ehalf our, oeginning at 715 a . -im,-:'ue."slogrbcoismmpell'es't tps '-ttehitxs.-. maany (53yie.
Ltit 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit EItA1NINi, SESStON. isisut issouh tunm t e suComelleitott5 tI ikic jlir aros
Waiting room, corner Ann and reain S-mm-s iisell Angell Ha~llim thes'Btr- iistft-istimtie statets exctwht it id rsti
st. Detroit, 111 Griswold St. Reuato SieTals
musac 5t13'tt. Presidlent AtigellI s ix-h- Iint eres''st sts thei's'mshol stun . H - e g asoiSt-T be
MONE .0I'fE'sitthe isilsus to theimties'ity smitimestl tit hit'se tshiiiouldh Motrchi Cshion.
on Watches, iamnodsWheehs and other Per- smithsde'clared'sithus' sliiimaim tisrooss'of te aii guts tyit u i s igmmet. eit EvrydigNew and
soeal Property. Office as residence 331 E Il'tiverityoiii e.itsoi hstrauminteStu- tii n'sttht s'- co stdsrais atitiesrov'-!s'-ictl UpIn flaP
Liberty street. Al business confiential. itSrcy
HoursS to 11a mand i t330and Ito t ti-nts h ts'statfillto the state. risisorfth s m-iss.707 N Un versity Ave.Ann Arbor
C.a K Bre aostaigad6!3 East Wiilam Street i v
U.o~MBre sseang n l Fun IEER erEal er and University iseehl inkws'~
Shop and LBa t . done a tes ..Lh. li N.... 1 £1t o a itr n g.. All ks,5e A "
a, :. _
and "P 14.
a is ia."I Z1Z VI rQUI i AYO. duil1 rnones I snnn snnn