TE( F. UNIVERSITY UOF MICHIGAN "AIL Y J iE -t y ss j t i claimed that "The Burgomas- jl'fj J ¢ a 4te"' company announced for Monday, Jan. 21 here, is a veritahle "euty show," fo il addition to Edith Yerr- Published Daily (Mndays exceptddarig ingto, said to e one of the mot Collee eaat. divinely formed women ol th stage, THUNIVERSITFY OF MICHIGAN Ida Hawley, Josehiine Ne-lonan and MAIN OFICE. BoANa OFFIE.e Jnice Lynn, the trio of lovelines that eAusBid, Mciii S. 331 S. State Steet. toted fot Artist Magrittf a imposing Bth 'Phoes I13._ Nw- State 'Phoe 182.gruthtaonteacednrne MANAGING EDITOR to te thicago Seiller Art tlltlery, it . 1. sats. '01 possesses a large, merry ciors of BUSINESS MANAGER, yothfu forms with pretty faces and ~. ~ ~II trahing eyes. a revelation that is the reigincrazt' iwherever ty lapper. EDITORS: ATHl-ETICS, - e;. ID. BHence-11 E tattert. i Tonight. A. H.¢Iesc~s.L0.tit'. .A. Bacner,, '01L B liigynmtinnitwill le optned to Miss S, K. tAtIte 03 CHAS ci- ee,0.1 tile stidtit on Monay of et week. g. H. Wseesew, 'tO IW. P. Catic, '11, Fumiigtedtclensed-t. sinedt a1111p1o0- es. A. HeesN-COTen, '0 1E. 1. BHra-oe, e3 seict.the let btildtitlits till le invaded --- y the stidints after tle two long ,ec sof citt. (lisses will te re- pit1chlini)i-!ill a detetrminitatii to make - ut iol lt tcah11111-Never in teir his- cizetd, as tis aliottitevery toteiri-ltge ar tcstpi tei reotinlig. dailly tatter, illregal-tdiftoeaot.tititand__________ kinttlof 1110s trintetd I i it ttColitttt. Caldar At tile lbegitningitftale -oltgt yar the :Nore Dtiiam eIItt14ic tsaw ifi tti afewfiiwords about us i tils r- Sauriay, til. t9, S p. ni-Prof. tGr- speot. Wei sttted our reasons theni for ham 'Taylor, at Newberry tatl, oil printinig the news that we do. We Don Town Life ill Chicago." tinik that tile Miinesoa Daily will Friday, Jan., 25, 8 p. mm-Tlird Cliro findlalltt the persois who art'sit loud Uin cocert, Sirng Qurtret and ill theirSk tall ow very little abot the Win. A. Howland. difficulties ill gettiniglen-s lid ill Saturday, Jan. 21, S p. m.Pellnsy- Ilintillg only suchlilmaltter an s ofit gei- Mich. Inter-Department Deate. elral interest, and yet mlalrticles on Tuesday, Jan. 29, S8p. m-Rtev. New- compaiirttivelv ary subtjets iredabtle. eli Dwight Hlulls in S. t. A. Curse, The Universty editor is not givenl thle University Hal. freedomn that lie frequntlly idtsires. Friday, Feb. 1, 8 p. i., thoral Uion Matny re the occasions whenin iciet Series-Piao Recital-Erist Doliany, occur wichill must be passedil tier ill Uniiersitiy Sall. riter I a iaintaini the digity sld WtiiilyFt.ISt.i.Sti-iy sttaningila.-f the UnIiversity.It fact Coiii-trl School tf Music. hit path 1.; not one strewn with roses. Frilay, F-el. 8-liunior 13to, Water- Bulit it is the sime old story. Thinit ll totuIym. ii to 0 illSh iltile f -i--iy ihieti 1riaty, Feb. S-irt semeser closes. iiive-' proably has never ben ontthe Friday,.SFtb. Stand Sattrdlay,.Fe. 9- iniide of the feic tee e fgts' Fied, LEtriice examinlations. Yet lie is liii'first i liltdenuciaitionl triday. Feb. , 5 p. m.-Mtry E. M- 01f tvei : ltve thnat is madite. 'Those SDotivll itf Stock Yards' Settlement, wsho undertand lt he diicuiltias unldr t(t-iegt. S. (. .. Lecture Corse New-i wiceh a boardS of editos ilabor ini get- beriry Utall. tilig out Ia college dauy iill lei-ry Mndiayi3, Feuary- 11-Second semnes- lowts-Srt~iize. lutS ritits iii- vry tr btgins. plentifulthou;Ilaet bys, is lity lhae aIl ways bet-n. 'PTt' Miiiiisiit i Di.y col- 'HE BI S I ONE Y CAN BUY mi Oil0i t posiitii. say0.stiiiong Ityl liero, 10c; Tigerettes, c. ioter things: "'Tiite Daily lutst furthieri-tintia standa~trdlup toS if not lit-tr thantl that Mahlatan and Wisn Brs.' shirts set bythe dailies of Yaiie. SHarvard, fee sale at Wdhans, Ryan &RSeule. Penneylsainia. Stliigtnu. Iisituitin,- i-t-.DcSi iit iitil thS liit' llll Be Mst $ hat made is the Howard. muistt e apt-i by liesota's daily at Wadhams, Ryan &a Reule, sole agents.i all. The eastrni Saliesleser prit___________ piersonal, and vtry rarely ideed lOF lru lcka HLE'SJW lion fraternitites. I'Sc. 1ichigil's .ELRY. itpaper. tine oit h' very litst 1n te 'ite-____________ __,_imuc _thesame" _ J f you see the work of the Toledo Itaundry Co. you will 'e convinced 'T'lte Cadet eiliitells a story fo01 the Elhat you want no other. Agency 121 S. scott-It of a for;tilt' by I nit yiinglgSlan. gills., ilt ii11liiii il'y n imrat S. ('31, ___________ evr ocivbeosaletrw n if syo are not satisied iith your lthir waiy 1by aikli'5tiiiiltii iBaronl, to lt~OlOand board or yot wishs tileOx- ivittheit'fotrtunit' wil goifT i inciiue- enses sw-rc a little less, go down and toed ini keepiig he lei:'t--o-u-cawy'taltk withs Ann Arbor Music Co. if fti'aiiiii titpotinlit lfui aicirti - - pet a i iftimeti1. Biletieplecre is Chef d'oeuvre de in it, btl tire isoiatllIsosof finniy IA(.ostl Uiesl sitaltins, laiughbleh- tiiliiltiliis, tndHB all St-eelemeinisothat go t make up Walto, Sagli, and Champer th lientlange of fall antSdlmlagi whit-liADRSS, a303 SUTTH STATE STRET tlaraoterize 1a hiimusttti smey.'lTe Te pblshiers orthis wrk eroied the layis10fast andtilrois te Stui rand Petsasd Gold Medal at the Paris Ex- stiiiscposition for its excellence. All1sorks sold onI blirght silt of the thl-hsIh~g kintd. svhile sibecription nly. then- is evry oportunilty-gien ilfor01 vey laortean biliat taeic- Redmnond, KIerr t& Co., turm& BANKERS - 41 Wall Street, New York "Cadet tir" at t .tntT'tonight. -- - Transat a general aking bsines. AtT(GRANGER'S. eetlesdeposits sbette draft. DIvidends ant interest collected sd rested. Act as Satturday ltorlillg, 101 oock, class Fissl Agent for sd negotiate the issue ot railroads, steet rilwys, gas eopanis, etc. in dascing for gentlemns exclusively. Securities boght and sold n cmmiseion. Afterntoon, at 4, ladies exclusively. Members ew Yrk Exchange. Saturday, evening assemly, at 8:30 HEAL IN o'clock.- HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. List of cureent eoeerF Q oito gl -Trion, Bicycle Playing Cards and Poker PRILADELPHIA CORRESPONDEN T. Chins at Schaller's Bookrstore. Main at. GRAHAM. KERB & CO. REV. ewell D. HOillios In, S. L. A. Course TuesdaqyJan. 29 - ~ * S We have just recieved our fall 5 () S( S and wintcr stock of ~ FANCY OVALS, THE Are popular in... . FANCY CIRCLES, NEW Europe a* well as....- ORNAMENTAL FRAI IES SH America, and can he.AN purchased at the...AM FOR heat shoe store in..- PICTURE MOULDINGS WOMEN every city.... of every deacription-Conme in and sec them. Geo. H. Miller, DEFRIE'ATSOE 21 S ai S* 2171S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR ATHENS THEATRE SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 AH.Careherlyns Supreme Production of the Merry Musi.tal Comedy o'ieCADET GIRL Same Original and Sisperh Production and Unrivalled Company of SIXTY - ARTISTS - SIXTY Eddie Foy & Queenie Vassar TwoCaroad ofSpecial Scenery and Gorgeous Costumea PRICES - 50C, 75, $1.00 and 1.50 Seat Sale Thursday Morning MONDAY, JANUARY 21 o'he Burgomaster 80 EMMINENT ARTISTS Seat Sale Satuaday. EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME __AT ROSEY'9S BILLIARD PARLORS HIGH GRADE CIGIARS, TOBAC'CO AND CIGARETTES iR El D AND SCCESP5 I JQOTT * EYNO0LDS ROsEISTHALEE i3llS TREET i. F.ASCHUHRYPLUMBING. ELECoTIC CONSvTUCTIONs AND SUPPLIES, STEAMt AND ROT WATER .HEATING, 207 E. Washington Street. ARtTIShIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES HIHGRADS MANTELS AND GRATES. We are headquarters for every thing in the line' of furnishings for students' rooms, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES' WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. Our Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest.- MARKHAM'S BAZAAR. 215 .SOUTK MAIN STREET NEW STATE 'PHONE462 r