Ihe ~ O(94 Pil-
Announcement PRES. GOMPERS ON LABORI Foot Bal Game at 0. S U. Probable FACULTY DESERVE THANKS
Head of the Fedratioo of Labor Gives I Managr Chas. Baird returned frmSnal Pox Danor Past-But for the
AL Our special line Columsus yesterday from a conference
uwa Vivid Picture of the Working Maoswiths the athletic authorities of Ohio Preventative 14 ea usies, Many Would
of foreign and to U. of M. Students j Stae University. As a result of his Have Caught the Plague
V o etc fbis Last evening in University Hall, ga~ll llplyfoalt t ios s caita Alli fear of a smalllptox epidemic
For the Fal and Winter of 1900 has Peiln llpr tOs ilrcn let fal. Tie usiness men and the amoii ietlvriyssdnsi o
railodls were greatly ilteletdlldps.Tcpro fisicini at
arrived and is arranged for inspec- federation of Laor, lecturesi to tie were willing to do what the y coulad to ps.Thtie tiper oispeetinsascss
tion. The ame careful atention tood Government cuh 011 the suject, aidi tie veture. rie railroads ex- fully warded off when it seemed as
is gvento he tyls ad fnis of"Tie Rough Bust Enoling Struggle Pressed a willingess to give satisfac- tiougstie sped of the contagiosn
sit Lahor." tHe gve rtermore of an si ae tol onsnerClmnwould reulstdiastruslyis due ,weten- eusdfr oi
everl to brig crowds lin to the gane tirely to tie efiient me asrs of the
every uit, wether o he ued forexposiioli (f wrom thetdriolriste surroniding coutry. Tie faclty. The thanks of iosands of
business purposes tr for full dress 1 stands for, thnil a 11trguent for its buin~less mens are desirous of aiding parets is ierie men sv s so well
oaions. existence. as lhscing the udetakig. The guarded tie students rist the
Co., H tracedth ue gradual develolmet chief difficulty Ill ie way of prasgilg malady.
Ge WILD0, ftie laorer from early times, wheni a gssise tuns lies in the fact tiat 0. S. Health Officer Click di-tal ii the fol-
h le was sold as iart of the land, to the ti. iss110siaahle grondscs or gransd lowig statemlet exlts 'vw to the
io8 I,. Washington St. present day. standis to tke eare of a crowi, Stands Daily:
_________________________________ In tie erly part of the nieteeth oill an extensive scale wolhve to 'As fas1wie dill say , . all has
elltslr steans was introduced into e rovided efsre the game could e eess dole. The dnger is pst. There
worksihotps. tIn order to run the ma- played tiere. lit the gamse will al- wii e 110oisore cotagio. Twelve to
chissery for a longer tme than the sun- mosst certainly tbc payed at Columus fourteets days are considered ful time
ligit permitted, artificial light was in- if satisfactory arrantgemets so to fo tie sllpox to deveop fromn the
vented. Tis gave is great impetus to statds ad a date cats e siade. The time ofinifectit. All of that has
ihe use of machinery. Hours of laor (le cntssttdubtedly e agreed upon espe ~c iesuessrtre
W I LDED'5 ~wre legthened. Womets and children andii s means of takitg care of the from h eir holiday vscation. Hence I
were rought into te mills and fac- rowd will proabsly e devised. Te cll5 sfey sy tat there wit e no
Isuries. Laorers held meetings to dis- gane would e atsinportant ote and tmor sihIssx its Ann Arhorunless
cuss these cotditions. At first they ai larg' erowd is assured if it is payed- souse trveigtmat or stdsent retrn-
seesuppressed, ut finally (reat itg hate bring it withs him.
P IA M C Bhritains relaxed, and legalized the for- TO ENCOURAGE FORESTRY Those students who were exposed
uatiots of labor unions. to thi s tdiet tkenscowni efore the
The speaker said that the Usited holiday ass rest assured of their
States has te greatest systems of o- Prof. Spaulding, of U. of M. Gives safety. All possile dnger of atsv
5ahszedlahr i theword. e uged State Lgislaure Poi +ters-A ill otes eeotiig the disease from tisi
th___________________ ue teed of child-laor taws in the vt-fisamonyceisvr.
__________________________-rimus states, and said tiat the iistoy Wil be Introduced to Pte-c- DricMsiher, hohadiecisroer.' vac
YOU KNOWV where to get.... of ompusry educations badi beenstie serve the Frets_ cihaii_ hie swiosiensstdents si:
A GOOD 4U NCIhiistory of tte laor uniosis"W-ever hd so mans~y asd sucs
Orgatiatits is therter of thss'sisy bestifsli't-kes' eore Thefis i
AND illeverytiig-eahitsiias wtlliaso lsbor. Thi sstsate tgisistsrswilviiiloisk sfter'" - t .
S ~1OIE ~ 11t Gsssspers sisi tiat wishe the tehis'hisevs'sioin of .Shieiigsissfsrsts.seres'istrctes to report to isls sooh
oations sipores strikes asnsitries stoIDtriag thit'dliss'juhst ast the stste a hs seissit osihgsst
Lit. FJolly, 308 S. State Street.peettegt trcgie h trs-try emns 501151ng l'gowrdMayto teavie n
_____ ~ ~~~tere- ri-thisisig ssorse thansstrikes. ,asidsiCoisiisioer \v iisisy, lhuss . O015 prsntig tiemsees i lthis' ses-
_-__-._r- lstths'-aso_-iosem nt.(sii--h l°s'At-ssstu.tsgsehetpr-t ope-i' rlossrh dresses. Ii ey case
Univrsiy, nd rof.tiaildg, u uhd.Svesrl girls, ihoeer, dii not
LIKE THIEMl ! dsents ts it, sisilois- ostthe iicidesisa fsilowsttheoaisitot.poisoiedsith' wssnts
wish-lihaveiiimpllded hthis geniesl poi- ssihis(ha]rissAV. Rlar Itosdisssssthe
h-Isoit hi' isisesie-tsrsft 1sf si sill smades bsythis'lattes 1o1 asiihashitseios ime. he great
lessofte _______ hi rsrvisigtsiohod]isis ind sssouragissgnumtiber of 'tkessssshowsosvg teral
eTrobrdge s - fosrstr. (Ciansgesswsers shgestei ld oshavisse eess the sreai sitthe
(+Alumni to Banquet at Grand Rapids asi d his revie asslhhisill hei'ihtroduced-Ismalostsx hasho precations eess
Chocolate Chips e'st lnsi ' o u si it thi senth sessis'oo this atke.
ATE RIINLreltssiminarys meeting of the IGrandsisi if.avlsorabliei'atin -ist-ectedto-
(TEIti NL apidrs Ai iassociation o h n-ho- thaeii hhtohi it. U. of M. Prohibitionists Elect Officers
veisity 'toebeen-hel for the
40 Cents per lb. psrpose of discussing the miter f AntePie ramli-.of . rsisisictiut
4 h ~~~~~~~~holditg a asiquetsn'oas iboitt+ehri- AntePieDamTer.oAL rhbtoncu mt
try S. svhich shall le the coisitiettes'--- v yserii iy afttwsrnosto orasie ntO
hA ~~~ ,~ sliet of a genersl reorganizationi of the Flthe.ssositdssh rosiisatb ll elscti - shirt iti-ifor this ensuinsi ye-s-icAlt
Q RR Y 'S assciiations aong lhus sshichs sil gsar- siy tiday iitht is.Leaid Stti- ilohtithitst-invetio s ssof isoter-
CAMPUS DRtUG STORE aiset' its stabiity andsuccess. cocih. sil isstsoIe to irhiigu s heard-iti sii' there ias grealitthsiasm~t
7At the meetisg a specia cosusittee coah inext tsll. This is sasither gal o heliiirospietcts fr the ytar. Orgai-
ilas app~oited toi maske te tarrage- lit hiss golly isfiprematurllhiy. bh il is zero frotisthis'-Ntiota(isllege Utu-
n ienst, as foloss: .'SW. Butterfiel, asie tmor'ake rpottot hle s-ac ibiitioi Leagusesswere iss te city atshsort
... ..... ++4+ + d!......... chairtman; Judge Jowel, Chares M. serial. tme agoniand the club il this in~vr-
W N T Wisn, James Af. Crosby, and Afred Grtetts Diretor tai-rtsas ess yoiysiseesst
~~ WINS'fONI* H unter. It was decided to invite a Diliy reorttr this min g andg'said.ii Foloing is the rster of officers:
S E C RPe.Atsgel, Deats Iutchins of the l Yost hasinsot eesshiriet by us. Presidet-Edgar N. -Moore. '0,
}+ lavCeR_ eartet enVuhno h h tr saohrfkpr n ot amntn
.F r fTr IJiLTt +J mseical department, asd Prof s. Adams simple. Yost has heems iss erresposid- Vice-President-Thos. A. Sims, '04
CHi1KInI and Itattetgitt to ttesd the celera- emsee with ichisgsn, asaeyhlfssIt nsdinitsposIc
S Ian Hamilton's March with tio. dozens others, ibut you may sty that se Seretry-tI.C. OBriem, '0;, Cat-
extracts from the diary of - have come nearer to cosisg aise1lThrams, Ontario, Cat.
} Lieut. It Frankland, a pri- waes ul etr with oter mest thass witshim. As Treasurer-H. C. Doate, p. g.. Ans
i' oner of war at Pretoria, withs WesleyetyaomatGusilbetsLeleced.reeAror.
coporrit ofpGendseeamito have made Yost no offe. Ie as sig-
a coloe aladsvr i rtRee. Bishop Cheney will appear nifed his wilingmess to ecome here, .hut Expert Testimony for the State
plndon$t1L20y ,ith *siext Suiday evening as the next lee- iso t adsit as as yt set nto tersms. Mtttes stand
4 s-ia Pretoria ~tO sirr in the Wseyan Guild Course.jutiseehyhtshen Yotis
+ An account of Mr. Church- te. Cheney is a resident of Cithago tot beens iired. rf .B rsoti iso h
ili's experiences as a special atnl a bishop of the Reformed Episco- _______ _piarintcy department, has eels in D-
correspomdet with the Brit- patet church. He will tae f or Iis sub- trit for twa days past to give expert
+ iss armies us South Africa ect. "Whse aturs' Fails as a Too Bad and Two Bad testimnon asbehaf of the state, its the
from the earhy dayo of the . Tesscher." eases against te milk dealers charged
S war untit the reief of Lady- 4_______ _Two students, alit and law, fearing by te state food cosiission withs
smith. Containing also an The lster craze is ecoting epi- tat salpox was breaking out on aduteratig milk with formaldehyde.
S account of, the armoured +dmc h tdnsietwl vrteram eecmeldt ali eocpe iesadtegetrpc
train. Mr. Churchill's deten- cel.Tesuet etwl vrteram eecmeldt ali eocpe h tnhtegetrpr
tion at Pretoria as a prisoner the Msarguerta Sylva poster and even trained nurse to bandage the sore of the day yesterday ad al te day
- of war his escape and subse- g, offered to purchase them from the dif- arms. The incident seems humorous before.
.. quen service in the Natal feremnt business houses its which thsey and also sad-one wisbes to die anti he
army--$1.30 were placed. Thin morning Manager cannot, while the other is a newly mar- Ernsest IV. Gibi.on, exs-Ol1 L, end now
~ llA IIff~ c 4.Seabolt stated to the Daily that some ried man and does not wish to die; but one of Vertuasit,', practicing attorneys,.
W VV ii ) admirer of Marguerita has cut out her they both think a few days' bolting was recen ty s ered a $500 judgeship
+ ' ''UP ~ ' ictores from a large bill board in tOle from college will bring them out all in our nev i. yacquired islad osee-