THE UYIVEJ~bITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS Perfect Tailoring--Shape Retaining ECA WORTH READING The ardnola sslihex, Heny Hsr and Is a quality often wanting in Men's Suits, but our tailors Brine in y The ~ arlna's nuf~box flnryHarand- - an offer. ea the Wngs Otsns Joel Chandler Harris have mastered tie secret of imparting this characteristic Te fearts Highway Mary E. Wiliis to tegret made for us. Every Garment is made ex- 3e2dqSa The Inane that had no Tomb , Gibrt Parkcer pressly for the man who hys it and if it doesn't satisfy him Chimneys. Alace ofaldines, Mas.eGhrary Ao e doesn't get it. If that's a fair proposition come up and ISn the Palace of the King, Il'. Motrillrs 5rarefsd et us tell you just how many Dollars we can save you on your S A Thre Isle af Unrest, Hesrry Seless Merrian -T l ABicyle si Cathay, bank dR. Sodto OO T~i ~he to 11b Expatriates, Lilin Bel gent for the Bet Tailors on Earth. Frot rai)n ser Firs National ank --St I a" the Above at Discout a______________________ l, a Prics-AStudents Prce O str Cocktails Iome (t (Yin Ks A Ir andIOCday, E Sheehan ________________________ W .For that hungry feeling $.0f ________________suit__ag 320 S. STATE STREET. R. S You can get a F HOT L NCH lentschiet, the jjbotographer. *IIn AT ----- -_--------capital, $5,0 T jT 5TL_'O'SCdataRSttorr. Lroreoiryof tIterurbanR, u tar, it U 11. . Lharm rtys ais tetire i.of sa pri~er to F I?1J ut'1IStateNS E'S riday Jan.18 trp. Ci.ood Govtbe ead by Professor Join RAllern, of p erSt hb.Pe.SmulGmesrhrratitn fmehnclcgii- FIRST NA JL ectures 1 dep 'Jan.m1, :30p i.(Tping of ~ tie Detroit Eigineei:s o rnat Printed lectures for al e r hl),R .i.(rah. awl Agl i eldl today. cr ieel mnts of the Unvit Taly TpO- Ht ii Saturiday, Jain.ilJ, ll.30) a. ir., - E . KINi writing andas 'imehgr plang (TrsappanHall)-Me'etinigs sof Mihigani Alarm Clocks, at HALLER'S JEW- t EDWARDS ROS. SrePisitirrl.Seierise Asooiatio. ELRY _________ plo-er Sheehans) state Sre Sturdsly, Jan. 19, 8ip.rrr-trof. Thr fl-i- _________________________________h_ ins Talor. t Ns'svberrt lails. sr Cosmplete lee of "Adler" fall sis TefU -'RIlE A 'ksrr'orlif'iitliug. and overcoas at Wadhams, Ryn & Clra ., 1 rdRyTu La 8J. m-ird hor M elo.lganisd, X. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Win. A. Itowland Alarm Clocks, t HALLER'S JEW- Sae.Dat 119 W. Waslsngton St. Susl. nrsl ay, un. P, De1'bia.t'e.iry-ELRY. aVieP Classes in Dancing Tuesdayt Jan. 21 . . ktRv. NwJ The finest mongraph and other Uni- J rt, se ell__Dwight___Hillis__in__S.___A.Core versiy facutry paper and pads in -- r~elnr-aisStra l~O~oaQiriivesitykrl.the city All Styles. Schale's Book- W toa F etleman Saurdy ,ornigtlO0Frtuay, I-eli. 1S , 1.iIn 'loruri 'rioir store, 116 So. Mai St. J. V. Snea Lardies and Gesterea Wedesda even- Sins-sPiunoReci iital--Ernst lDolraryi, __________JON.C. Was' rgs a krivsrstlyHail. If you see the work of bhe Toledo program tor ae xisrrdanoers 'Tuesday 11 s'oris' y, Fel;,. i ~t .-Fauslily Laundry Co. you will te convinced ..resin , 8:31 .-t srr-ert. S'hosol of Mrrsi. that you want no other. Agency 121 S. Gran Private losseos by Mr. or r. Ross Grarger idaiiy, hit. 58-uior flts. Water- Main. Baul I iiy, l ets. -ist oemester loses. If yell are rot stifiedl with yasr J L-'idtay, Fsb. S ard Sstirdss, let. 05royeanaid hoard or yos wist tex- nracexmaios 11 . Erirari's' esiiiiiiutioii. n015O5were a little 1lSS, go dowvniandr , I * TtrsiMondy, Febtury 11-Ses-osd sss'- Italk with Ann Aror Mlusic Co. f C. E.BAR~IELL Aget, , Bicycle Playing Cards land Poker u6 5.Stat St. Ann rbor tli h e 'l'tis ui'of55e5ts fsr thes'"Burrgo- Chips t Sclaler's Booktsore, Main St. __6_S.__State_____t. __ Ann__ Arbor.___________ rimaster 'will oenisistomrrow ornrrssrrig WYDON'T YOU .t 50 slok at tis' 'sstal T'lesgraphi Art Pictures for students' rooms, a stiofs'ce. The' demiands for setts hars keer Shal.Wrs Bookstore, 11ts So. Alain at. d~ot Toar Meas Slid ssllclo i ems)lisvythast Mririrrer Sertsslt asvises -C YurMal ad ta~t s-a vi'rysirs'tsr iss 011 landslprompiltly, No 'Manhattan ad Wilsona Bros. Shits srsers ill tsr attended to until those for sale at Wadhias, Ryan &CReule oq04L4fID CpE 4,r ti'lurihrvs-betss'er p15t1i'r. Numibers OPEN ALL sisi. Avilt he given osi to a 5trols at 8:30 WssrtaliS, Ryan & Rcel'are sole 5 juRON ST,rTaodoorsn s of51Cao ske.a. e 11,agents for Ypsilanti undserwe'aii sM. MARTIN,. - Manat'ta'n rnd Wilson Bros.' shits Waterman or Laughlin Futi FUNERAL for sale 't Wadhams, Ryan & Menlo, Pens, $1 each, at Shalle's ookstoe /DIRECTOR404404.0f //001.0 oa~rakalmnga specriaty. No 209 S5 th o Ambulance night and day.Me w at ris omu e e 02 5ifthAveAnd with it comes thoughts of Try The... Winer Garments NORTH SIDE RR WAGNER & CO., Importia; Tailors,~ L.AUN 1RY Can please you in the many TWOS1HOWE?, frar. little things hat go to make up - 2oDtott. iBBtPoe good tailoring. B SAN DO - 121 ad 123 S, Main Steet ^0'° LtstPat Arbor" Batch Generatoro SOLINIE LAMPS our od ones and let un make you The Superior M'f'g. Co., 3. Main St., near Williams, Lriern for Shade, Mantles and IT ON THE RIGHT ROAD all southwestern points Louis, Kansas Ciy, Om- 11l points on Illinois. sTickets at low Bates sei ker tickets to points nsda, A 1nktnsdr, Texan ,olorasi- -oti sale Tues- Dec. 18. One fare plus tons basieg poin's. Con- 3GREENW-OOD, M. P. A. r.tais and lHuronsteets. B,0 Surplas, $aa,00u. Teaseacir enoral rushing business. res. C. E. Gnaes, Vise-Pe uCEr. ii BELSEa, Cashie. A' of sA rrssr TIONAL BA K oga er8 rorvl. Srplsacid Prssuca, 51,110, agesnerathaningsgainess. FPeigL ught asd eold. Funsish letersor E, Pros. HA ROsN SOUILE V ie-Y res a', CLARKSON C'aahlee 1 RrtIor S88.0008 Bailk ltock. sa5sa.-. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, 51,500,000. under the Lurisomal Banking taw, Rteceiree deperits, hbuys and miles the peirripaiscities of Ike Uited 'cashed upon' lesper idesileatlon. ht oxes is ress. Christians Maek, Preso.; W1. 1). Osrr- es.; Chas. E. Hiscoeck, Carehir; M. mstn Cashi'or i ~kesr SifiT --ir,a-k.ticll~'ss I4VIN6S iats a1 geletr 5115ff Business NIS BellseaTs 5 ; COLLEGIATE CAPS, Dm d~lSSrn rpDm el GOWNS snd 1R00DS, JU!T THlE TIN'Q FOR TAKIK4Q LECT URE.S Dumb Bell Reg n of adnintw halves coannected by adjusi- CASeq OtNS, 'ablhinsthuoecinrg asnentabing ex- CASs~ OWS ~erise to haveeerysmse ti its properten- 4SPECIEILTY. EMOR oYsB ansymsesare aiso broughtinetsoaction that' wouldsibhewise ii dormsast.Snsdsw CLASS CESItES ___ Il TMOAY climis that this esthod of exercise is superior COLLECK FLAGS, 5 11to isalothers COLLEGE PIN5S.,ls~l'B N t o o r I D R N.N.LASS anad lli .ti~ 1. Ckildresss',Pair,St.25 14. Youth's, Pair $Z5 C( EI~E32.,Girls' '" 1.751a. tadien' 4" 2.5 HATS andOpens like a book. 3. Boyn, t" 1.o56. Bens "« 3.0 CAPS "' Beats the old string cover Pall sod WinterSports Catalogue hreHASadC eshewn hr O-eupon w 5 ERN &C0. ~ ~ 1 ~ n n Lecture paper Sib. for Wec Gc Applloaniaso. iJ K I ~~~The best fountain pes$1,A. VSapalding & Brlos. Ill E. P11 Seventh t. CS 0,SI, F.SHED,--------------40Souh-tattlneorporatedl C$IAG0,ILL F SHLF'D - 34 SuthStteivNWYORK CHICA 1 DENVER YvOU SEEN ' il AM - THE FINEST LINE OFSCOTCH AND