TE UMVEBSI Y OF MICRIG A tiDAILY. iii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii * *i W iii ii ii ii ii iii Dont e 63Ik Thiere won't be many days 'tween now and the end of our 63c shirt, sal-, I f' you are going to choose from some of the best made shirts and m ad c. (t finse material, at a bargain price you must do it NOW. Fact is at these prices it will pay you to lay in an extra supply. 4, 4. T. 117 MAIN ST. GOO DSPEED'S l11t MAIN ST. ;w r 'F'F'F 3 ? 3 33 3 333i 33 3? '? 3 Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chtoago for St. ooiKansasa(ity, St.Pauot and the west. OOOOOOOOOO+O++0+++00++O+tO+++ IHNRY BROSI Now on the loor at + 709 N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE +We have on our tables an Entirely New Line a of Fall and Winter Suitings. It Will Pay You to, See Us. 4 ~HENRY BRS 'ARTISTIC ITAILORS," Mnnesota Recieves Her Debaters-I1 t'5tie1N tO dtmanttogttt'ushes hl"et The JOSEPH BOHIMANN MANDOLINS & GUITARS Rtecetved Pirs-Preamtom at thie Ports Expoao ttoa, 1t900. They are fot safe at the Schseberle Music Store I1t W.Liherty St. Ann Arbac CHAFING DISH $5,0O 3 pint size, pateni lamp, handlas On hsot water pan, absolutely tl~v" best in town for the price. Win, Arnold, Jeweler 0 Eorinfrmaio an tlrogn iC~TSCal Oi ", "=vU vw-. " 5astthesedebaters fhave done, or asoour Ti ... orewrite to H. W. HAYES, Aaeat, Anti Arbor. Letter from Pres. Angell atthletes have dlone, ohould Stave the IOT ~ ~.~stitte hottor paid hint not only by the JUiNIORIbHO A ININ ARBO R 'Site Mittesotti Daily of Wetdtesday tresidettt bitt by the othiet studenits is .JL(,i.j~iiO 5'; Hve heQut eteSrle. AAfter the chapiel exercises, yesterday,HaeteQli'tse ce lL RreidIt LROADup itt lis utstal way, t"tttttty Eddie Foy and a largetCoti-beet carriages. '4e tubbertire . 5' H .tdvdTTIA'ziarvw introducedi the matter of the iutte- piany of 60 petopde inthte "Cadet Girl" coachee. Fln itt t tit1otets tll TIME TABLE ot-iiia lbt yraii iewill be it the Aitentstomorrow. "The s -ihgna eat yraigp teCity. ] lock tti cbii gave ordee Taking ]Effect, Sunday, Mtay 2t, t899. followitig ctaracteriotic letter from Catie Girl" is woithottt doubt otte of the t Itilfi A lt iixi T tcila lis. Trains leave An Arhor by Central Stand- Prsdn nelo lciai ags rdcin htwl wse aid HTie. Peiet tgl fMeittt hebre thist tetasTeta y ha 60i Holme Pr_______________________ esidentt1srtltrop, Utnivsersity if IeeLhsietot.vheotptyriy 5 SOUTH NOETH MAiattesota, Miltiettpolis, Minn.: members, and it is ltea ott by those Ho rre Liey *No. 6.- 7:25 A. Mt. No. 1.- 8:50 A. 5M. lMy lDear Presidenit -We htave en- well-knownt faivorites, Eddie F~oy, 'PHONE 106, 51i5 E. LtIRE RIST fN. S,-11:35 A. aM. *Nn. 5.-12:3S .M oe eyiubtevsto ord-AeeRthe n wei asr l1 _Yo . :5P . N.3-45 P. M batesoy.dTery titie alth len t sthe- Aerd ctiontiestaloneefthe highst:________________ ittg tttd left it very pleasatitt ttpres- orider anttlhats sh'or'edt tany sutccesses *kun betwenen Ann Arbor and Toledo only. sisit itt altl trtic'tlairs. 'f'lse 'sttest In tla trgeearsterti olties. It shldi Al tais alyexep unay.LW. T. WILLS. Agent. was redttrdedah one of thi'e (lt we i- be largely ttendted. Seats tire ttoii' w H. BEt~NNETT. Q.P. A- hatte hind it a ltog timetia'. the ud iiges sellitig titd everythinigtbointts tiavery wr iie l hi edcit fsicsfi 'ia~~et H uiN A L Y the three favoritigAiehigati: bitt yu-, itark lCof your y Tittg met'I. IoTil'igers,.l1t': Tigerettes, 5e. ' E The Railroad that takes, the yours rttly, BuiesT n u AMES B. A {.WEL,.a Y YI_ ofsiesMIchian. ut aterrexpressitig hits appreciation of tebs udySUDENT. NOTICE!'N ihe file thlat tieltittitesott i cii had 'iebs lttyis te Toledo Latin- S45 A SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS A acqunitteid theutselves so itobly,.lie cdry. 'itl it. Wourk called foraild'e S DAILY BETWEE N 4 islet the three ilebaters ho rotne to the lvered. Lea'e your order at 121 S. a TOLEDO, COLUM'BUS tplttformtt litthte students itighit give Mlain St. and ATHENS. thtemi the ovationi they dleserved. .tittes ls aei h twrl st a ittly alitehpr''sent, anth after Host $ atl aeisteFrwr. AN EYE OPENER. W. H. Pisher. L. W. Ltandmansom aua eiac opidwt Nah ,Ra elsl gns C . P. A. G. Trny. AgS. sit thta ittity oole vttWitttt. yn&Rtl.sl git. It stilt open Your eyesan o istle randy i0l-t:, Columbuns, Ohio. Detroit. Mich. the Pr'esidentt's r'equiest. Ile, vils givs'tt ation if yon hare never visited Hosiho. Dro;.; Itost heasrty' iveironit', its his fite AT'l' ttftx ttEh'S. in there today. Swipe oee of our iliecotifra. 'Allegretto Style" we nhke and eel, at f. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann. Ar-Nvokint t fithetette tdeserted. tForf hitiltirilty iaiiiiig. lit ''Iol'.I dis cents. Every variety ci' candyaildonivt~hz. bor Railway, stat his selt-pooseohois iit thl ee t55teW dninittrtg fur gtntlt'tit excltu'isiv'ely. Washl ba il'tgon, fn 1 theSo. Stale. . 5. RS,2Th nl i-are leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti .of ant aitdience' left him, is it well Aftfernton, it 4, laidirs exclusively. Ccrst-class place in town tn rut systerm seeca *-very half our, neinning at 7:15 ia. m1.' ih at te i imlrtoshot8Sitrl:y3vtttgasetby 0i ;in anyrstyle. y ,g ai han-oeiasiiapoiin audi. teiiasebyInti 7:45 p. to; After that to Detroit itit tthe esitpletion of sometsvery ___________.ickwickBilliard :5p . :5p n n 11 .m in eak ytepeiet i e hParlors~ Waiting room, corner Ann and Mainli iOpednt et.; Detroit. 111 Griswold t. 'iotited ini i very few well ectosen tetitt-idstatiig PatyS'teslit ii Weiti Ren ithaiton Size Ttibhl's wo'ttdsof atnbtks for the hotter tfforded tie'r's 1ahdlet'hiineht'contitition. SMonarch Coshions MONEY LOAND - ""' hiiis atith the help given tefille by1 fp ostl usith'ic tl)tt's iand. All ye Ee h, ewsi on Wache, Diamtonds, Wheels and other Per- lirliftssoanid sfttdents. livers iftesitirt tturntost. l t is thte ~ t annal Property. Office at reaidence 331 E h c nietwsoesc 1sol vn ftesaoG-n rcsin tity pt-a Hr.iherty So1street. All.ana on buslilnettiettss n sc ssold't i tftl'~tsoi ttiliriesit tit~ pl-ae Mor.St lI .a.and sto :30 d0 ad7 ttoS9 it~ctstti u ell established tbihdettotste.andth Iftitts t Ito'cloek.j 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor p. at. JOSEPH C. WATTS i. i THE PURITAN SHOE COMPANY ARE NOW MAKING DRESS -SHOES. FOR WOMEN. NEW STYLES. Ill'S. Main Street U.( ab r Fc ta ingan N613 East; W~ll111es Street U o1N B ArbrFnitesaig a sal ENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmer mii i ver t ra ce-half blank went Ffimw ho an Bah ty'. done icy latent +1Funeral,, Di etor of ntaw hilnilg. A1lkine SBhrln 21d5.BFurthAve, ,rnn So RoomIts,,22 STATE. mtJ. Trojanewsl 1 S hop 'e arlu ' t * o'IPht