JI.L tUMVER81ITT OfICII NDAILY NEW BOOKS WRT H RE A D i\G ' ardinal a snuff-box, Heory Harlaot aistlseWinagaof Oncsona; Joel Cluder Harris, hb~earts Highway, Marys N.* Witkins' ankaelat ,hadl no Turnin Gilbert Parkeor T 7%" besGeorg Ado Ailcof Old Vincennes, MluaricO Thoompont Z ethe Palace af the King, 10. HarilOn Crawford aeg of the,11orning. Esdeo Phllpotts 'WhEelofelUnrest, floury Setotn Merrimans Alckycle of Cathay, FrankoR. Stoofotoo ear, Mrs. Humnphrey Ward Tbh Eapatriates, Lollia Bell the Above at discount Prices Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade... I " Our sartorial-skill is equal to the best in the state of. Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. AIRTISTTIALLX D MECHANICALLY S We wrill. be glad to proveit to you, d Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron IP~iLI~I~' Oyster Cocktails Arbor" Match Generators GASOLINE LAMPS Bring in y our ol d onoo and let uo make you an offer. The Superior M'f'g. Co., 329sS. Main St., near Wilfiamo. Headquarters for Shade, Mantfes and Chimneys. START ON THE RIGHT ROAD The WABASH is the short line to all southwestern points ---St. Lenin, Kansas City, Om- ahsa, all points in Illinois. Students Tickets at Low Rates Hlomneseeker tickets to points sin Kansas. A 4ka,nasa. Texs he ha & C . U lii tl k) Fo that hungry feeling -day, Dec. 18. One fare plus ___________e_______an____________o._____ $2.00 front basing points, Con- 320 S. STATE STREET. uit.ag EenO ,M. - You cans get a lReutschlier, the Pb'otoorapher. _ ;w~WTF~TIFU~f'1_____ ofiofowo'~c 'egffofyCor Main and Hiuronstreets. AT Caleodac Durifsg tit('yo'ar 184)9-190tG, 818 peri. Capital, $50,000.SurpiasSB35o Transact- 1=u'm uodialsvv re eguarl receivedi at the H,KExprr, Prco. C. E. Osassa, Vice-Free: S fThurodaty, Joan. 17-Websoter' ociety Universoity. Pitt' number received at FaE. RBES aCshier. 3MS Sooth State St. ltatqttet. Elko Hall. on Washinogton a t. each of the libraories was as follows:_____________________ Jan. 17, 2 p. tn-Lecture on "Some etso ittt.tO;la ~slt A~IA A of Ann At atl tPrinciplea of Teaching," TposiHlmetdic-i lfibory.tot-6I: detalofiflibrary, li; FIRST NAIOAL sNKa Orastoa ikt. e ti r sby Prof. A. S. Whitney. homoeoathic libreary. 2:;. Capital, stoe,rao. Sarplas aad Prot-, tH0,s. Prited18,8 p m.Goo GoernentTransacts a coneal banking business. S'aretgt. Printed lectures for all depart.- t.Iy . .Gou, Gvrtm MtXanhattant and Wilson Bros. Shirts exchange bought and eold. Furnish letters at met fteUniversity. Type-. Club. Prea. Samuel (rompers of Amer.- credit. 5ntoftecan Ftederatioft of Labor will speak on o neatWdas yat&cl. E, . KINNEi, Fret. HARRiIStN SOYLE. writing and Mimeographing. "The Rough But Enuobling Struggle WalatsSRa. efeaeal W. CLARKSON Cashier Vc-rs EDWARDS BROS. of Labor." W aneofr psilRanti ueware -____sole_________ ovdler Eheehan's) State Stree Jatn. 25-Third Choral Ussiostcostcert, aet o Ysl0iunewa. - Spierintg quartet and Win. A. How- -- Ti1toln Arbior Savings sanIk e" lantd. Waterman or Laughlin Ftountain Capital Stock. $150,0M. Surplus, $15,0.O. i Pes, $1 etrea at See.ler'saookstore Tast. 29-Rev. Newveftl1Dwighitii s leo 1ept t calrsBos ore. Oranized under the IGeneral Banking Lawn ' s.. afcycLw i .L.A ous.of this State. Receerlcposits, buys asd setls ftSL1 ona.I SABERPrCE MO~tMlof. AlfredtH.I loy-c1,-iiisr-c tfie exchange on the principal cittoe at theUnited M_________ States. Drafts canthedaipon proper identificati on. U.SAB eR' nL MPRUtext tnoon 0lecturse inthfe course ott 'The 5afety depositboxee to rcat. o.0 ae 119 W. Wasington SI. Alarmu Clocksa ttHALLER'S JEW-_ rOtt fCtitiootg otfi'Utlt~mn iree.R: Chat.tin icaca;Pe.; W.oshael LI RY. riatn chourceh.is sublject svifllote''The J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier V a se n )aninIg 1 TC! Settolatos of tf l 'oister."_____________________________ e f.gieners-Ladies Saturday afternoons 4 n0 IDNS OIE W. J. BOOTH, CoPRES.T[ ; .etieman Saturdasy intorning 10 VToe best launtdry is the Tofedo Launt- Beat $3 hat made istohet Howard. W. ARNOLD, t 1Vice-pre TT To n ctenoWooedpec~d y tyi.Wr atdfradd-Wadhams, Ryaon & Reule, sole agents. J. anSHEEHo, Id Vce-pree- 'LaiesandGenlemn Wdnsda evn- ry. bt.Wokclle._fradd- OHN.C. 5WALTZ. A'-t. tashier8SVINGS argso livened. Leave your order at 121 S. R K ogram tar advanced datneers Tuesday Main St. FORI fENT-Out'ltock we'st of ca'tttot.p otac'.singe 33 pu__________los, forge, watrmtsouite of roomts; ltot PiaeesosbMr bs. Ro-s oranger air funatce, firepetw o tbeds- use T ransacts a generat Fiaeo'osr tott.05 The lbindcery itt eonnfectioni withthoe - ' ' Banking IBusinesa genleral librttry fbotutnd and rebounsd of piasno it desired; bathli, gas. tele- yer phostt. 521 E. Jefferos, N. V. tote. - __ - - - t 1,6151 volumtes odtring the coltege year tc ttlJ est o'. 8 ..I worfk is '2,9 98.59. Thte profits of the- s bindtery- forefte year tret sfinttool at Artf Pictureo for studenta' rooms, at sssoc:.Schaploro MBookstore, 1l.6 So. Main St. C. E. BARTlIELL, Agent, Asueta h .o t rtn .4z S. State St. Ann Arbor.'ieich. fifESIIMIANXYEL.L! . ltlstotIt'U flt ciio ______________________too foen lather ito this city tells of a t ToeF'reshmuaniYelt commsoittee' re- trick tplayedlby to tnutiber ot ineucl DO'l' OU quetsseaclo member of thto tresihuan sfudents regardintg tte ordle mdttdcoo '~ Yoot Mals nd Lncits atclass 1o make oup a yell ando senod it in all sftudents Shootldl te vacciitttctl t .Yu el nd ~1 Et lbeoforte Jant. 30, 1901. Vcio'poinalol s olay. sot to ttootloo- A5. ENGILISH, Chtairmuatt, of stsdents scrtitch-bctheltir tesos with Ll l 12S. State at. oco ktnives. 'fheoy ltusos ocapedil beitog OPEN ALL NIGHIT. cotttlled ltooie the foir sclhotol work, r.,L5gf..T., Two doors wont of Cook ionar. Ms~ls Lutttd, contralto, will sit,"tHe ad otolclose e-xtaminationo havitng becto Alas Di~espised," fromthe tito essiah. tis madeol of thito-itvaccinaotioni the odecep- M, MARTIN.. 'fterntoototthfle Vesper aervice. tioto workedi well.-Owosso Argus. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Saturday, Jar ' srnhe&lming a opeciaity. No. 209 S. 4th >-foe Ambulance night and day. Res. A] -'da me 302 Fifth Ave. --- Te.. ~d~l~, MONARCH $.5 NORTH SIDE FAULTLESS FANCY ,A I~Y WILBUR jSHIRTS TO tWPropr. inoroit SNtPh~foneW AGNE H-ATTERS Makers of * COLLEGIATE CAPS,.~ urr GOWNS and HOODS. UrTlE TIIINQ FO Repting of CAPS aqd GWNS. SPECIAILTY. COLLECH FLAGS, ,.; r COLLEGE PIf . .'5 LASS oand a______ COLLEGEB r HATS and .p CAPS, wtt K IERN &C01 nmary '19, I1901 ,LL for $1.19 rR&COn. HABERDASHERS KR T'AI?Q LECTURES SC H LEED E' TEMPORARY BINDER Opens like a book. Beats the old atring cov'er Lecture paper 3Itb. fora50c ® a SANDOW'S Latest-Paitnt Spring Grip Dumb - Bells THBE Saodow Spring Grip tDumsb - Belts are made in two halves conected by adjast- able springathas forciog oae wheo taking ex- ercise to ha-re e-rery mantle at its proper ten- sion. Hanyinnactesare also broaght ino action that woald 'otherwise 5lOr dormasnt. Sansdow claims that this methed of exercise is saperior to all others.' No. No. 1. Childreos',Pair,$1LM 4.YToath's, Pair S2.B 2. Ginls' "4 1:715 . Ladies' L. 250 3. Boys, «"1.75 10. Bes's ' 3.00 Compoece to boxawith chart ofexercise. Faft and Winter Sports Catalegae Free apen A.G.Spidin& Bros. (tncorporated) NEW YORK CHICAGO DBNVER TNF FIUM tT I IMF III: UCPUIAND L F. ~ SCHLEEDE, - - - - 340 South State iM O'S IA &'