TM ~THE UM'YrUISITY (OF M iiCHL43ADAILY . 1e0fo l. P a tt .I What Minnesota Thinks of the D at Among other things the Minesota Putbished Daily (Moday excepted dtring Daily has the following to say about Cetl4"eear at the debate of last week: THE UIVE RSITY Of MICHIGAN .The debate at Anti Arbor, Friday MAtN OFFICE eaNCE OFIC evening, between the Mlihigan and AgsEfMans. 36SSttStet luCtaBth 'Phonet 13. Nte State 'Phne 182. Mtnst representatives on the question, 'Resolved that it is unwise MANAGING EDITOR, for the State to attempt to tax personal . . as. '51 property,' resulted in ;a hard-ared BUSINESS MANAGER. v itory for Michigan. The character of ,F. 51ssaLaARVt,1'C the "contest is well Indicated by the EDITORS dcision; it was exceedingly close and ATBI,XTICS, .- G. .IBeesro,'OI P the honors were. divided. "Minnesota excelled it trenrh of argument, A. H.MCDoUALL, '1 E. wV. A. KrcaT, .01 L while Michigan proved superior in d- Miss L, K. siss '3 Coats. DOvAsa'51 lier. Minesota ws the more vig- orous and Mticigait the moe polised. '. . Basseo, 03 . P.CHoNEs, '03 fLich former delved deeply into the sub- ____ject antl trged argumetitupoi argu -tient, as tough presetting it brief ott a poitt of law lbefore itort; te lat Cer, igoringis far ats possible the ________________________________ poits turged by the tegative, selected We agree with the iinesota Daily a ittitmber of te moe platsible argu- tht ii Ifeigatiteiiariy ottlassetd ic tier11 its in stuipport of tetaffirative of tti'it- n iotne. o Ir's'ttstol ~the resolttiotn, coched them iieatly hoootsntaionma ttyturned'isettetices tatd Ipored thetn mattr. his oisrottriltitd ~ forth with hice oratricl flourish and .a Vicigatt vih-try atditts we ctltied fetotwsavitr ffro yeserdy, ebaersnee no coe brn echnituet'.over rCte ttore sbttntial a.4suc tt-tto us. Wi'i-ottmake tClien to iqlli of tforettic ability. tre. Htoweve, itt tido not wish it to The ontet ws marked by the best hi tttitetstood hat alt. nt iigo ittoofithgCrtgon.Fv lutde debates expetitg to witn aitdi relyitgofeligtruht. ivhndd alotit on -their delivery to hbring vie stutents gathered to hear the speakers toryv.Ou systemticotinitis argument and while inaturally partial o the with delivery, atid is tot the ideal de- -Aigodtiet, heartily applauded the biteron wo nt nl hs rgumnts god oitstade by 3intesota. The loitr ote wo tit tiily11t1 stetkers ott either side were markedly t resettbut rctt present tletiniticourteousto totheir opotetts awya otinhhs on n ndon- sar-l is ayuiCi ee i hianticitedaduIte-t-tithe dibotte with digity. Presi- tarnr isa nditeMi n tcitatwead dt tttntgell ates psiresiig officer found ott last Friday evintg tt 0111'illthit-tilsettt-t'f1 (hit. IBliss, titd ws atticipatiis were fully realized. Wre moist imiptartitl, as tll kew lit would gldyadwit stm ide, toodittihle. lii'ta grtcefudittroutctoy speech tth~ t ilrmllnrofpeetatio, aslit'welcomedlithe Cii'nnies'ottnmen and h at or otatdited irtsttatiowas treindedithttt ie Slichigant spteakers that theerftntonhasieeveir etttewsd-oltttivictory resttpo thtit'batiter af livry at atiitiret, t vey eeitde itesota they need nt e greatly btate tand ote wicthtwtuld have giveti stutprised" anty jttdgecotatsidertible trotuble itt rtettthiitg cnclusiotis. ____________The Cadet Girl Saturday Night Resolution of Condolente Thti youth tand beauty at *'Te Cadet Whereas, our Hetvenly Father, in (il" chorus is said to be so great as His infinite wisdom, has called from itofford iti genuine and pleasant an-! earth George Chase of te class of prise. All ifthiem tre still in their 1904, of the homeopathic college, Uni- teens eroxiue of hydroget is t-1 versity of Mlichigan, be it therefore knotwnitoIthlemtad they cai all sig Resolved, That we herelty express tatdtdtnte. Altogether there are ver our sorrow itt having lost ant honored 5;0 girls. ntl they orus a delightful classittte atid genial friend;tti:i we tdjuctitt ite merry etertainment as memtbers of te clasextento ttthe whtiht tiill blit ite AtetsTheater1 bereaved family our heartfelt sym- Slturiloy. fali. Ct9. The costumes and poty with thmClet i their hturs ottdep- seetery tirt-sidt to be especitlly beau- ct sorrow. ti, tlie'femintie cntingent, fll of Rtesolved, 'Tat we spreadtupn our ginger.te music catchty, and the large s tecords these restlutions; that a copy corpsOomittedians, headed by Eddie te htanded o the btraved family and ioy, is certaintly li'ser. Seats are now also be sentttofitt' 1'. itfMAllDily lot' sling. (Signed) 111E B1-ST1' ONEY CAN SUT MlISS ORlA IPOPPT'Il, IRoytlTigers,1cit; 'Tigerettes, 5c. Commtteetl'. Lunotsl'ns tatd dintes at inoerati' - rics furnished for spreads, poartico College Girls itt a Rsh tand balls. Good service, refined t ble appoitmets ad dainty music. TIlE Twohunre gilspalicpetedillitCAMPUS, 42Tlhompson t. cltass tush t OhitiWeOttyantivter- - -- - sity I 'uetly. Chef d'oeuvre d The troutbi'lets pr'cipitated by t I'ExpoSltion Unverseile1 juntior' gitlieringit setior cap atd BY goni into chapel. A lively struggle Wlo ioand iape btwee't rival cltas girls for possessiotn Wlon ail, Ca+pe iot tie cap and gowntetsued, lit it ADDRESS, 301 SOUTH STAT STREET wtis sooti stopped by Presidett Bash- Gand Prbie and old Medal t the Parthe- fand ot members of hic faculty. position for its excellence. Alt wortssod ott eabtrrttlon only. "A ASyet but tw bgilnc tre arrtgi oed-Redmond Kerr C~r tr this years fottball shedle; one ~O withm Itiiesota at Aadisom, Nov. 1, ]BANKERS sind with Chicago at Chicago on 41 Wall Sree, Nw York 'Thantksgivitng day. :Althotughm;t game a- withtAMichigan was hoped for, tegotia- Transact a generatbatthing bstess. Lionts have thus far proved of tio avail. Reeve deposits sb eto draft. Dividends and interest collected and remitted. At as Several changes will probably be made Fiscal Agents for and negotiate the issoe of in thte baseball scedule, but as yet railroads, street rlwly, gas companies, etc. I eorhles boghtand sod on cmmison. e nothting definite has beet doie."- I embes Sew York Eahaag. Cardintal.' The lctureon th "Oraorio"this ll llGUAD .E IN' The eefureon th "Oatoio"thi NIH-GADEINVES1T VENT SECURfITIES, evening in Fri eze Memorial IHall WIllList at current olsin s anee ^11 5ptteuntn, be illustrated by selectionse glVen by PIL~ADELPHIA CORhtiSPOI4DECTS. Mr. William A. 1~owland. G RAHAM, KERR d& 00. REV. Newell D. illis In S. .A. Cous SO OI THE NEW SHOE SFOR WOMEN Are popular in.... Europe as well a.... America, and ca~n he. purchased at the.. . beat shape store in.. every city.... We have just recieved our fti and winter stock of FANCY OVALS, FANCY CIRCLES, ORNAMENTAL FRArIES - ~ AND: PICTURE MOULDINGS of every description-Comt in and see them. l :e.% 14 M :1 Ia.... 212 Sn. Min St. 217EFRIES' ART STORE, 212S.Man t. 21 S4th AVE., ANN ARBOR ATHENS THEATRE SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 A. H. Chamberlyno. Supreme Production of the Merry Musical Conmedy o'he CADET GIRL Same Originah and Superb Production and Unrivalled Company at SIXTY - ARTISTS - SIXTY IZNCLUDING Eddie Foy&Qeei Vassar Q en Two Carloads of Special Scenery Bud Gorgeous Costumes PRICES 50C9 75, $i.oo and 1..50 float Sale Thtursday Morning MONDAY, JANUARY 21l t6he Burgomaster 80 EMMINENT ARTsrS Seat Sale Satuaday. 1 EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME AT ROSEY'S BI- L LIARD PARLORS HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOJBACCO AND CIGARETTES EID NC SCCESORSQUTH RENiLS Rz::: LER3 12 STREET SANITARY PLUMBING. Js , U LECRI ELECTRIC CONiSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, STEA3M AND HOT 'WATER HEATING, 207 E. Washington Street. ARTISSIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FhIvtUaie. We are headquarters for every thing in the line of furnishings for students' room, LAMPS, OIL CAMSi, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES: WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUJSPID)ORS. Our Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest.- MARK HAM'S BAZAAR 215 SOUTH I4AIN"STREET: NEW STATE 'PHONE462