be 'of PI!711 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR,. MICH..; THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1901. No 83 Announcement Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. u BR . WILD GO., roS E. Washington St. WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND) SMOKIE R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. Laboratory Supplies AND Dissecting Instruments AT QUARRY'S ++++. ++++4... ++.. * IWINSTON I. Ian Hamilton's March wth extracts from the diary of Lieut. H. Frinkland, a pris- oner of war at Pretoria, with portrait of Gen. Hamilton, acolored map and several plans $1.20 London to Ladysmith via Pretoria Au account of Mr. Church- S ill's experiences as a special correspondent with the Brit- + ish armies in South Africa q. from he early days of the # war until the relief of Lady- smith. Containing also an j. accoun of the armoured S train. Mr. Churchill's deten- tion at Pretoria as a prisoner of war, his escape ad subse- quent service is the Natal WINTER TRACK MEETS n Schedule Arranged for Cotest to 1 Bgis Immediately After Exams t -Capt. Hayes Says 1h iere is e Room for God Men c The liVarsity track teasn will have a more)5 work laid ott for it this bea than has ever before been mapped out un any one deartment of atletics.t The msid-winter mseets are attracting t increased attestiosn each succeeding s year and developing many good ath- f letes, aud succeed is reaching their 1 anticipated efficiency in bringing out t raw material Therefore the masage-c ment had paid special attention to the C arrasnging -of a well balanced schedule. The dates of the mseets and the places are as follows: leb. 15-Prelhiaiy Mle, Water-I anl Gym.1 Feb. 20-Mlichigans vs. Chlicago. at C hicago.s Felb. 23-Freshmen- Sophomore seet.s M\arch 2-High School Relay Meet int connsections with an inter-frterniyt meet. March 9-Asnual 'Varsity Mcc. Marceli1(-1Mchigan vs. Chicago.t Ann Arbor.s Biesides these there will be an lot- door meet with Chicago, the Western tntercollegiate is) lne. and possibly entrance to flh- Pai-American gamses1 t Btuffalo; also the 'varsiy otdoor imeet. This is the first tine is) the history of dual mheets at the Uniivroy that tvo such events as the Maroon meets hmve occurred in one season. We meet tChicago twice this year to cotest for indoor hoors. The first uiet will be held in Chicago annd he scodi in Amis Arbor. The Chicago teal)))hasi)been in training since fTan. 2 and In- get- ting iii fairly good form. As our gyml has been closedat this critical timec so so(on) befoe tliese- meets the seen will iave to work very haid to get il form for the 5prelimina)riessvwicitak1)1lac in about four weeks. There has been soiie cisuges maidle in the western athletic mets which will go lte effect this yea. Somle old events have belac) illaside alidlsome nien-nies imtroduced. The inile walk hias lbe)neliinated etirly and the bicycle races lma~de ai sparateev est, nd the fons lwill lit iblcosideredl amonilg those of he regularly cotsted Ievents. All inn~ovationl is thle two-mile rum. Miciigas) has two or three prom)- sing men) who will enter this las:-lel- tiolled event, adt its introductioi will bec greeted witti atptroval. TuCe otler evts will renmhs the smel as form- ely. P i order t iscrease thle iterest amug fraternity senm a special lfft is goig Ill be msade thils seasosi to get the society silos out to take part in the maeets. Withs this i view a meet eclusively for fraternity mn eihlsa been scheduled ad will be given is conjunction with isheihighiscshool relay meet. It is trust- edby the sanmagement that the frater- litltes will take some action on this matter at once in getting their repr- sesntatives out. A banner will e given to the society securing the highest number of points. The preliminaries in the relays will 11e run off upon the d ate mentioned. Thse gymnasium will be opesed again n iext week, as the probation tme for te smnallpox regulatiosi will have then *expired. Capt. Howard Hayes, speak- ing of the coming meets, said: "As the gymna sum has ben close just at the time when the men need the advan- tages'of it, they will have to work with *inl Clp norsvnre nd nnidevt awlts. This applies to the distance ne0n more particulalry tha)) to the, )ole vaiulters and1)1jusmpers. There is Iio polsition oil the teamo that is pos- T :iely filled or cisiedc, anld there is ii 0011 chianlce for good mess n every ent. Every mllan will be chosen ac- -ordilig to his merit. There will be many)3 newv men to comete this year md e-aih)one will lbe give)) as mtuch lersonlli attention as thie timie will pes-l lit," in "Wei-huve great confidesce,' said s 1)51. Harey, , in the ablility of Dire- o fr Fit-paltrick to get the teams In rc shapelS withiii the limited time left be- ce for- thleseets, and if the mesi will hr tn 11u1tprompttly aiid co-oerate with t le men ill i-arge we feel confident we t cnmake- a favorable showing in the evenits." cl "We re espeially weak in) the ham- t nec throwl and discus events. There is t not1 11 lai i)llsight fos these events atw presnt, andiloagood man)1h111 ll))excel- i-I lout oppollrtuity" Puttinig the shot a1nd(1till distace ce runs have good opein)gs for capable ci men. Six years ago "Bnck hall made ai thie higest recirdin ithe wformer evestT thiat is been gaieinl the west, anldD Michigan still holds the record. ti Thle track teal)) is esecially in) seel of qualrtir-mlile runnmers to enter us the s relays tol compete with Chicago. last year Chicago wo) from Penns- li sylvalila and Georgetown ani the Mlal roonlifolur wias0)1e of the strongest ill c 11)1, west. There are two or three mencn who are ectced to s1)01 up well i t tilene lie)) nt11, the two-milie-iun). Italli t1 e winnelr of tii crss-conltry run;), J~oes, 11h)11scurdi cIscod lace; .s tKnolx mallFstr a-eli-y 5pris~lig r 11)1) for this el-I-lt. tPerry, 1who)1ran11for Pennllsylvanlia laIstw year,. is registeriid ill te ienior lawo ilace111 if hei dil) beinducedli1itl (11)1)0 out.h 1-isleigh ii-a pomllisingyunlg at- n5 liite, 1and11)11111t1111team llfor tll 11sf i timela1)st yer. IHis el-i-lt) re tic- brcoadil3)1)11, 5pole-ault and 1hrdles.p 1al- will in1 ll lprobabllility fall itltei place1)vaciateid by Mc-tean ill the lastd vaclitoll he I-lteIredIlI iirtl-l11Cevent illc loca1 lieet-s 1an111o11)twelve irss lull I onelsecoid, mkig amfne holwsinvlg il ll.s lap. Ha yshs bee iu il1lcrespond- I 0111e withl John tRobinsln for some1 time~d returnltiieter till events tlispsring.s M111111tolthe surprise lull plesre lot r literlary detartment. Mus is expectei of histin iltiheents this sring, asdi is will be at close rival utfbishleigls. Ie will lhaindle till so-put 11111 troadl jump. Neuter in ll sllprobabiity will hanlee thsi srints said iii be Cllt. 5Haes runinsg smate ims the qua~lrter-mile. 1 Arsmstrong will be out sagain for tie high jump asdtDvorak wil e in evi- dence with iis pole. There is a. bare possibility thait Lei-' lee wiii return in time to etutr the events, but nothing deimite cams le; stated as yet. At present the outlook is a little dark for the track team because of the de- privation of the use of the gym, but upon the persistency of the training and capability of the material will de- pond Michigan's honors for the ensuing season. "There iever hasiaboomsnschsaimop portunity for mom," sad Capt. tHays, "to secure places on a 'Varsity teani as now. There is a vaancy is each evemnt to be filled by those who were not members of the championship team last year. Aetive training will begin Monday afterneoss sd we trtst tie mess will he oxo hand ready for bus- MEDICS IN HOT WATER iree Stndets of the Sophmore Class Must Stand I ral on Saturday- Trouble Has Been Brewing For Some Time For some time trouble has been brew- ag in tile medical department and the l.msilm.)olicla55sss y be-minus three f is miemlbes hbef ore Ianother week Ws1 --around. The s5w' rlilimg lci. ent, amm accounmt of i-tv appemrd 1 estercavs a iily, iui illroule ib)over lie red cross badges in. vi- brought imgs to a climax. Dlesims Vmighsamsapisa-v -h1 fore the lass an gave them :, "-.ring that soy uill not soo) forge. n--otified soe msembers of the clii,.- at they iiouldh mot be0 admitted to aisy more lasses until the damage of broken imliow panes had been paid for. Al- ady hy iry-three members of tie lss haihplamimked down a nickel apiece ad~ obtafinmed i receipt for the same. I'is receipt wvas deposited with the )lls anmi5tie vere alowed to on- in'e their ork. I am glaid to see thse receipts." id ID. Vaughanm, '-mnd I only wishI lad 1)00) in 'Mr. Wsade's office. I -woud cave gottemsesnoitgh with which to mtid it mnew loratoy." Themn le be- gmeic more i-serious aud said: "But hest' ri-nothlt iiwhio participated isi he smowbvl fight. Whesn I was younmg ike yolu t enjoyed smobaling just as nueh a) s youl do. I dom't blame yo for snwblling bst I do censtre youm for of acikmowl-edging if like mie." It wams clainmedithat sedil-mi studemnts were- allowimgthe ilaws,Tihts a1111engi- sers tosvear their red cross badges. uinI ins this wily the latter gtit ho fle 41m110s. lDeamnVaughasn was romr much icemued mt this amsd said that if any neilinsldentf was caught doing this, Iwould m)10a1)imstast disuissul. The ,pea-kr said he haid rceed i letter foml Dow-h's lieutenatmt (tie Ziomiite) mm wvhichstie deartment was urged toI dsist in 1111 work of vacimatio.smnd 011)1'leaves were5set for whi etisni- -inlandiilismcrdm powers were climne. It is said lthntie whole of Zioms is piayingihaitmf Idreamdfulmieptidemsic of mmlllox miiiflylmi upon tie university Ill-malse of thei foced vacimatio. At this junmctur-eemanlVaulghn sal lit a v'ry onosxiouseleuen-t had spranilg 111ripitime'c-asss amndfithtthee me-mbevs wold be1w asked to appear b' le- fore 1111 fmcuty Ill)Saturdayl- iiriiils' andc stmasdihtrial. Sid e: "I shamll tell the facuty3 that youl mre no lomger fit to pursue the study of medicimne. I do mot criticize your ability, but if you want to knowv why I say you are no longer f to study- Imedicine csme to me and I vill tol you so that you can have timie to preparc your defemsse before the fac- ulty. "This sophomore class," he comn- tinned, "is the worst we have in the University. All the deviltry can be traced to it. It was a sophomore who stole the skull cap. It was three soph- omores who stole the dead body from the anatomical building ad placed it in front of the literasy idepartmnmt. And another thing I want to tell you. I am going to fimd out who it vas v-io hit the janitor if I have to expel every- body. upon whons any suspicion ests." Dr. Vaughamn occupied 'fully three- quarters of an hour in roasting the class after this manner.- When seen by a Daily reporter last evemning Dean Vaughan said that the exact charges upon which the medical moms must stand trial would not be a- noneed, and also" indicated that these men will have much to think ahout between now and the time for