filL UNIVERSITY 011MICHIGA.!N DAILCY Talo in == ha fEX C HAN GE Your Oil Lambs For "Ann NEW BOOKS ~pPerfect TioighpeRetaining GSLN Aro"MPGneos 'WORTH READING GSLN AP th Crdinls snuff=box, 1Reco Harland Is a (duality often wanting in Moo's Suits, but our tailors Bring in your old ones and lot unmake You tgwse Wing of Occtsions feet Gbomolor Harris have mattered the secret of imparting this characteristic The Superior M'f'g. Co., mThe Slearis IHighway, Sav E. Wiltis to the garments made for no. Every Garment is made ex- 319 S. Main St., sear Willias. Ik iaeta a o'unnGlort ler Headquarters for Shade, Mantles and T14e alsththdTui, Ger d presoly for the looanscho buys it and if It doesn't satisfy him Chimneys. ,;th of Old Viocenesos. .t trvrice ' Toheonle dorsal' get it. If thIat's a fair proposition come up and _______________ Oi m t, e Palace of the Kiiw, I'.Vftl raw(,tford let uts tel; you ,just how many Dottars we caii save you on your RA : sng-u cf the.11orning. Eden l'llillpl'ite 1)05'Suit or Overcoat. ' isle of Unrest, tHenry Solon Merrimart START ON THE RIGHT v ucycle of Cathay, Frothkft. Stoetlon (GOODRIC ~ H DUK[ , The WABASH is the short cframrer, Mtrs. Idtmpsiey l iri d~Et I ~ . ~ line to all southwestern points luapatirtes illin el Agent for the Bet Tailo on Earth. Front room seer First National Bank --St. Louis, Kansas Cite, Om- tie Aove a DiscuntsIts, all points in Illinois.' Prices Students Tickets at low Bate ee~n ~ C J1JfIS IOyster Cocktails Hmsekr iktexa pins 1, iQCIl~I and Colorado--on sale Tues- day, Dec. 18. One fare pluo - e an C . A KFor that hungry feeling $2.00 froin basing points, Con- %'n STAF gTFFT.sult agents. r R Q CAT TRF . S. GR.EENW'OOD. M. P. A. YOU Can get a TUTTLE'S 308 Sooth State 5t. Printed lectures for all depart- enents of the University. Type- -writing and Mimeographing. EDWARDS BROS. $lnt Sheehan'si State Stee 41 STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 119 W. Wtsislngton St. Classes ill Dancing lRentscblev, the Pjbotoorapher. Calendar "Tile Cadet Girl,. the weit kinown ________ rtiusicail production, willtIte seeti at the 1m la~y, Tuiesday arid Wednesday, Athens nsext Saturdtay evening. It is aJ~n. 14, 15 arid 16, at 4:30 p. in., in needless, almost. to say ansything re- rom A, Cliemuical building, Prof. A. garditig the organiznationi a the east- 11. Sabini, special lectuires oin "Pinitts erni tapers, ardtdh le others in places and Other Protective C'overiiigs" where it hits beeti produced, have her- Thlursda~y, Jan. 17-Welster tlcletye aided it s success as being one of the Baonqetf Elks Hall, on l ashiinrgton stf best musical productions of the age. Jan. 17, 2 p. n.-Lecture on "Some tt hoas a chorus of sixty and among Principles of Teaching, Tappan Hall, the princripals are Eddie Foy, of Top- bsy Prof. A. S. Whitney. sy Turv y fame. Adele Eitchile and JTani. 18, S p. nm.-Glood Giovernmenitweiei Vassar. tintb. Pres. Samuel Gompilers of Anieri- -________ con tederaiotn of Labtor will speak on The Binest monograph and other Uni- "The tough But Ennistling Struggle veilsity fancy Intltor paper sond pads inj of attor" the city. All styles. Scisaller's Book- Jai.i25-Third Chloral tUnioni coticert, store, 116 So. Mlaln at. Siderig Quatefttndt11ill. . How- landi. Your Know the Place. HIALLER'S. Jatt. ll-Rev. Newvell IDigiht ilullis ____________ Car. Mtain adHaron Stret. Capital, $60,000. Surplus, $5000). Teansct- general hankiag husiness. R, Kzupp,. Pros. C. E. GBaEnn, V ice-Pee FaED. B BELSER.CCsohier. FIRST NATIONAL BNK Ogsnied i18& Capital, 810000~. Surluesad Frots. hISO,0s. 'transacts a general hanking bsiness. Foreigs. exchange hought and sold, Farnish oetters of tredit. R.0D. KINNE, Free. HAIRBISON SOUILE, Vice-Pes S. W. CLARKSON Caahier The Afnn farbor 8-a inus Bank Capital- Stock. $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Organized tnder the General Banking Laws of this Slate. Receives deposits, hays and sells exchange en the principal cities of the United States. Orafts ranked upon proper identificatien. Safety deposit hones to rent. OrFseERS: Christian Mnck, Fres.l W. D. Harri- man, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. HitceCa.Cshier: M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cas ir W. J. BOOnH, PRoS. W. ARNOLD, tot Vice-preey tW. at d iepe SITT J. . N ? Vs. Cl) SA1VINGS Transacts a general Flanking Business. ' gitners-Ladiea Saturday afternoonts 4 © ill S. Il. A. Couroe.IfyueetewrofheTld . as:ftlemnan Saturday msorning t Iais. ll-Jutior- flass Social in liar. Lattudry Co. you will he convinced xai ad citms ensa ee-toittyl.tof you want no other. Agency 121 S. Progsnm for advainced danrers Tuesday 1MaIn. nrings 5:31 lItESIIIIHN YELL! - (,qu_ ________ - ttestOsuit-ti turlnito f thefrefshmllanl viwh re ill Itle siervic ft e i i lliftel cl(-hss to ina~ke tup a yell wtid0(11(1if ini Stites dutIrin teSlelai.iAoserirull + 1hefisrilois. ,10,1i~. 1\i11sr.erseqrutestedl1o Siend tthe lle, I II I 1' I A. ENI11811. Chirmanii. rank and r egimnt tosi K-llledy Puotir. Art lPictures for sttudents' rooms, 0at1-01! l Ith. '-On(tlochdarkest of rcam- C. E. BARTlIELL, Agent, SclalottT's Bookstore, till So. lain st. Ills. large,- uvarmi suite of rosomis: lost S, State St. Ann Arbor. filch. air urcfti irplaceltwo' tvsbleds: tise- w~ o~ ''u Alarm C(locks, at EALLIR'S fEW- of tillnoiiif, iisirvio: tli. iOIle I1LRT. lihoinii. 521 . 11sJefirson, N. AV. i-n. tisy uiut id 1(.tiffers uss sts. -it _SFYoioiteals iand ttLiohesit tip I Rudder, Lllsiiig. yiesti-fiy ill- _________ f mrsscdite hitoIutse i-primaus elof ec- If:y(illar iot saifiedt with yotur, TL 4- ion lull lriisvisIrk- Isslruor'.1 . I. (room .1(1(Wrd oyotuoislI fhr cs- 6'tSST w doss-ot5aatlas.hll.. iAlith.\1111 Arbor lMusic Co. If i- " ., --dors-es ofGok o se.Coplete tine of "Adler" faill suits________ atd overcoats at Wadhiins, Ryan & Trhe Old tieliddi-e is If.\ft LIt'S FUNERAL _ DIRECTOR a aing a spednaity. No. 209 S. 4th ,s Vex.An-utaure sightatid day. l Cl de ~~Ur wa er 1$'s Co~ming 5icc 02 Fifth Ava.S And with it comes thoughts of Winter Garments NORTH SIDE R WAGNER & CO., Importin y Tailors, 5 U N DRY Can please youi h many TH09OS o, propr. little things that go to make u m2in DatroWtSC Z7 Bonl Phone ~Sgood tailoring. u -. -~121 and 123 S, Main Street t- COLLEGIATE CAPS, J.TTl III 30 n~I" ~ Z U E - GOWNS sod 10005,JU T E HN i TA IQL T'R , Reine O50HLED CAPS and GOWNS.SHLE E A SPEC1t4LTY TMORR CLASS CfW{ES, EPRR COLLECB FLANS, .COLLEGE 's PINS.BI DE LASS and Iji d'yri FIN E.° eo~pa Si Opens like a book. CAPS,$Beats the old string corer ., KERN& CO rLecture paper 31lb. fort50c #tt . VttySevnth3t.This best fountain pens $1 F.CG~,IL. SCHLEEDE, - - - - 340 South State 1 l i x ., :: s ZL i.: H '. 'S.: I T ''". r' .: y 2n er'la9" s t .t SANDOW'S Latest-Patent SpiGi fDumb - Bells TH adwSpring Grips Dumbh-HBells :are mdo is twoe halves connected hy adjust- able spsrinsc,thus forcing one whet takin~g ex- ercise to have every murscne at its proper tea- sits, Many mntetesarealso hrought iate actiion that would others-iso nir dormnt. Sandow- climos that tiasmethed ot exercise istsuperior to allothers. No. No. 1. Childreso',Pir$1.20 I14. Yotuth',,Pair $2.0 2. firls' ' 1.70 5. Ladies' 4. 2.0 3. oys, "- .751n. Mento's G 3.00 Corpotein booxswitis chartofleercise. hall arid Wisnter Sperts Catalogue free sporn A. G. Spalding & Bros. lInorseorated)t NEW YORK CHICAoO DENVER 'flu SEEM li/Ill IAIAPTHE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND