THIE UMYERSITY OF MICHiIGAN DAILY. U.n~ hlnjTeS. C. A.NOTES. RAI N OR SHI1NE U . " d 0 Theauditorium was crowded Sunday _________________afternoon wshen Prof. Henderson spoke %./ The "100' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Published Daily (Mondays excepted)during on 'The Christian Student in the to wear when the weather is uncer- Cottegeveac~at World." The association was especi- tain. A little rain doesn't hurt it THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ally pleatsed to see so many of. the fac- 'while it affords plenty of comfort on Mlat n BRANCH OeasOrt. ut peet the warmest of days. ArgossBldg,Mt St. 336 S. State Street. Tho Wednesday evening~ prayer meet- Bet of course we have light shoes Bosh 'Phons 13. Ne State 'Phone 182. ing. froms 6:45 to 7:30, will he led hy for bright days and heavy shoes for Miss Mary A. Rohison; subject. "The MANAGING EDITOR. iein fCrstaiy frSrn rainy days if you prefer. - 0. H. HAS. 'O tharacters." GASSSO TR BUSISSMANAER, Thte socitl aind receptiott Friday1 -5'.EtOGLS Ae, S ~ tightt will be in chtarge of Sorosis. All *'. 9o anSre. EDITORS: invited. open evulin < unlt ANN ARBOR, MICH .. ATHLETICS, - G. D. Honoree,'0 1, IlProf. 1 tralitim Taylor of Chicago 8__________P._______________M.________ tomotnts will give a stereopt icon lee- A. H . '01UAL~tE. w. A. KHoi °Ts, r01 L. ture at Newberryok Hall itext Saturday fl5V S IN EN ORLS L H.. 55OesOW,'54 w. P. CIItANs,Ot1L Townt Life InI Chicago." 3 M ~ I V N O Y S L W. A. BEsSCa'Tt, '03 g. 1, HOUSTeON, '03 Att excellent course of lectures onl "Socital Settlettenst Work" is heittg giveti t Newberry Hall. Thte course Our entire stock of all new Clothing at greatly ittctides sutch speak ers as Prof. Gra- rdcdpie uigmnho aur ro o ________________________ hltti 'Taylor, Mary E. McDowell, who rdcdpie uigsot fJnaypirt Thte effectiventess of Michigait's tire- is at thte ]lead of fte Untiversity of Clii- invoicing. All Suits and Overcoats at less titan _ seittation of her ttebr itt itt- debaote rago Settlemtenit; R4ev. t'. S. Mills, of M4anufacturers price during this sale. Avail your with Mintnesotat ltst F~ridtty itad mtuch thte P'ilgritt chttrclt, Cleveland; Prof. to dlo svith workiitg tint stir vieto-3. Sstititel Dickie atnd Prof. It. C. Adams. self of this opportunity and save money. Thttt thte tdebate, so tar as, argutmentt Tite sourse tickets are 50c. sittgle ad- All Underwear, and Shirts at reduced wentt, wats quits- etenly totfested, is ttiiouti lar. adttted Bt fitwrksi ro. Thts anttttat stddress bsefore the S. C. prices. Every thing new. aruetteod whic ts wor oft sit-- A. occturs ini University Hall Suindayy g Trtueblod id h rfo s fltmiotfad ~ eettg Nov. 24. The speaker will he batrs ndoraor th mst eard en veinguse Rl. Chas. Cuthbert Htall, D.D. in itelfegate d contests, inti lutesjdt it of the Uniott Theological sure victory. W e might have wotiD. withwit Itero p-eOIMEBLERbu AND WURT if success was tnt entirely tttcertaitn. Last tnight's auldiencte itt "The Priti- Titi student body feels proud of Mlichi- ivss C'hic," at the Athtens Theater was gait orators and deboater's andi stir do- tise third ltargest in the history of the parfint of oratory, tnd justly so. hose. Booth anid Barret twelve years ATH N TH \$ FIIEATR E We make debates-s hteie it Mtichigan. ago st a record that has tiever heett7 Thsey nteed not 130 born. tequsalled. The nearest approach was S.ATFURDAY, JA.NIUARY 19 ______________ that of the U. of MI. Minstrel show of two years ago, whien 400 standitig room A. H1. Chamberlyns Supreme Production of the Merry Musical Conmedy W's' Hit the Janitor? tickets were sold. Last ntight over 100 CIO T -statndintg riom tickets were solt. Man- h G C j I T G R lotidssy the pthysiolosgical chem-ttical igur Seaboif is to be coingutttulated on torture room was cold anid ftse janttior hs success. Marguerita Syls '5 the Same Original and Superb Production and Unrivalled Company of canto in atid announcred that ito ses- stat', responided to att encore and tts re- situt would be held. Some student had spouse to ftse most vociferous cheering SIXTY - ARTISTS - SIXTY brought in some snow aind packing it of the studetits, made at shtott curtainINLD G info a ),ll threwv it with tt William speech-a rare, if tnt almost unheardICUD G Tell like aim and the janitor was the of thing in Mitt Arbor. It is seldom. sufferer by thle exhtibitiont of marks- flint a fetutle star is called upon nd F y V. V s a mnhprepnsini a talk. Sylva is iuiiqute as E de F y & Q e ne V s a Immediately there was confusion wes-l as talentted. Two Carloads oj Special Scenery and Gorgeous Costumes anrd students rushed out hind comn-_____________ P IE 5c,7,$ooad .0 mntced snow ballinsg elacit other with PRICESI AR tatIlc, BUT NONE0 Seat SaeThttayMrnn the enthusiasm of ward] school bsoys. IIEEAEOHR U OESa aeTusa onn Winidow lights wvere brokeni in the SO (hOOD _______________________________________ building and there was at gentet-al Rosyal 'figsrs, lilt; Tigerettes, 5c. MONDAY, JANUARY 21 rough houte.9 Yesterdaty Deati Vaughn appheaireds All sittings for the Micltigatiesiams f i~l~g ~ "~ t the msiii whio struck this janitor stands 84 RANDALL PHOTO STUDIO. 80 EMMINENT ARTISTS si ow balls Saidu.wthstl- toiosi it ntas o e Burgomaste Nobody arose. tIt)S'f A lspocke'tboosk capiltaiig $12; SetSl-audy He theni asked that everybody wvho tear M. C. sdepot, fain. 7. Marked (Oie solitary stutdent showed 1ow tall A... K. Returnt to 1145 Washtemiw li aadrcierewarsd. 83 :EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME Th'ien fts- Deaii demanided that the -- A --- ma v ho hit the janitor should get uip. Ahe d'eved No response. Ce eved 'I kitow the mansi who did5 it," said I'Exposhtion Universeile h(7,",11d 11 114 beter gtile." B Still no respouae., Walton, Saglin, and Ohanipier "Ton, sir," said thre ])eaui, pointitng ADDRESS, soil SOUTH5 STATE STREET his indlex hinger directly at a studentf, The publishers of this wosrk received the "I s,'aint to See you after class." Grand Price ad GOsd Medal of the Parhs Ex-OEI positio for its excellence. Alt works told ons It is satd that interview conviticed subscription only. thse DI,'an thsat his gtuess was worong anid t it thel culprit is still to mseet ~U II I IA I ~ ~ D A I ShrokRedmond! Kerr & Co., B I L L I A n D rPARnLORS- I l l olesry students, hiowever, iappeared BANKERS hsefors- Serretaty 'Wade and paid a 41 Wall Street, New York HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES five-cenuts ftme. The other membhers of T tacnrlhnigbsns ~ A II uC5o5O T atis it is said receipts for the absove ancicdpst sbett rf. iied 2d nterest ttcolleced od rem tted. vA t sos E TO TATE amtounts inust be isresented before the Fiscal Agents fr and negotiate the losse of R EYNO LDS~ ROSENHIALEE R E students cait enter their ulasses. Securities bought aod told on commision. Members New York Exchange. - The junior literary class is groaniing llIUI S NT R L M IG because their class party, which was OREAL IN jA IT R PLUMBING.f Ji Fl C Uto have bec] hield in the Waterman HiIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT S[CUjRITIES. ELECTRIC CONCSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, gyeahmo audyngtnxList of current oflerinaa to..Og- °- sut,'WUW STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, nxwl o o eb edStra ih pi' RISCGSADEETI ITRS wln dtthttm.Alla-a- PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. ARsICGSNDECTCFXUIs vilnthhedathttm.Ala- GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND GRATES. raulgenents wore made, announce-_____ mnents had been printed, and a jollyI time was being looked forward to; but YuCnByte.. it was decided by. Pres. Angell that, as YuCnByte.. the gymnasium is closed on account ofWR small pos, It would he very unwise to M n rhP tn e te .. mpni eoetetm ii e yte$ 0 0TEM!Aedica! faculty. o thc party is called ...That Won't Break Truh218 S.M AIN T. off until after tht Junior hop, when a second attempt will be made to hold it.