THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE TYMNA$IUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS' be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co. 20 S. STATE STREET. ktrolt, YpsiI4nti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. 1rs leave for Detrit anti ynilanti ,w ry half our,oaginning at 7:15a. m. si-wtil 7:45 p. m:;after that _to+Deatroit Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES WE CAN SHOW YOU more than 000sA f the-mit inviting styles for fall and Winter Snilings that were ever brought together. TO ALL WH-O BELEIVE that strictly amade-to-meaaure garments oght to be bought below the prie, nordinarily charged we frankly say, " HERD YOU ARE.' L. C. GOORRICH, Agent inr the Beat. Tailors an Earth. Fronat noons nver First National Bank ICALKINS' When we fill a prescription it con- tains exactly what the Doctor orders, weighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescription to ns is to be sure that it will be right... i SEW tex, cou OPPI Old Thi Lai Q the . I __,a~cr 7%, lRentschter, the 1jbotorapher. LAWS!I NIOR. JUNIOR. FRESHMAN eou can obtain ALL the t books used in the arse. DSITE LAW BUILDING, S-0 . STATE We are not only The lest firm but 'we carry e Most Complete line of w Books in the city. IUR 1900 LAW CATALOGUE for asking, Cot. 'Main and Hunton teets, 'at, 150,000. Surplns, $O Tr0 Vansacts genera l banking bnolanos. arca, Pes. C. N. GOsznox, Vine-Pes Faso. B. Bossa. Cashier. ST ATINALBAN K of Ay ro Wt, $100,400. Snrplund Peofits, 140,W0 assects a generallbankingbjnss. Yrefga aage~buh and od.. orniob lettee n ) KINNE, Pes. HARRISO;t SOULE. Vice-Pres S. W. CLABKSON Ca bier fn lbrSavinus Bank ,anied undter the General Banking Lore istate. BRcee depoets, yes and sells 0ng 00 the rinipai tiefte ef nite Or. o)raft cseatupn lpreie nati~natFsn, ,dejnsit Foges to rent. ronnluChridtlisiXgkPres.: W.. B are:- Vide;iree:;'Cks.°E. Haonk. CasiertS. to, Assistant Cashier. 3300TH, 1'sR.3 ianrD st dce prs '.G.OO L, stC'as BRINK ~Transacto a general Banking Boniness. ata 845 p. sin., 9:45 p. m ud 11:15 p. m. whnting room, corner ANnn and. Main Prtof. T. C. Rutssell, iprofessor of ge -S. C. A. Capita tei.: Detroit, 1 hIasaold oFt: lo-g, tilts returneal from w-estv-rn Idaho where hie spent the suitaier prospect- Tih-epening soeiail oftathe Snedets RKa G-~RANGER'S SH O OF lug tor water for irrigation put-poses. (Ciristhsn associationt will take place H te foaineltwIscasins where thiittcat- nest Friday evening at ,Newberry hall. ,, A " tionts art- very favorabsle.i All are cordially tovtled to tome anld FIR gfMret acquaintedi. Capita clsses now open toe theseepttonof puils (10 to the Mlapleharst, 314 5. I-ifIlth Oct. 5 has beenl set to the hate tsr Trat c s.a rnes.Beatety !Oflar at aefo he best 3 oard in An r tefreshmian soeial.teei, CYCLE EMPQ: 1IIJMexpctsto taike- at master's degree iintg: 'A big-siredelfreshmanl,won Ca lii yesterday ansi after iasking for a Orbs (andidates for the 'VarityBndlwill of nba: Isakertcatoally remarking Iliactamotng sanba ~r~T~LES, meet at 7:30 it. nt.. Thuirsdtay-inte oolier things lheie wttiti hot atnd cold states gymnasium.iwaeini.Sismldihi co-Sp 1CYLE + Rtis oadatigscaly and said steswotuld li-is- man;, At4~J47LIE.. Wlliiti Chuutta112 actaa os aaetahe ard tat Ite-geuts pass onithe tat-_,. last carc. Writatle- staff. iasto11rel-t-v tn IIt eir nt-xet iietilag. tatmtputsoW. d. tutrn-edno schtol aoslieis tatlttisiatos licekts"still nacdoutlb e oala satle tdtr- W. -. 119 W. Washington St. Iaicil.lataasvag.ta .tak t . oalJ'ie~s .O" lt~rtt, 5 1 W.CNTED-For church quaret, choir; ______________________sopranoI tenor and bass soloist. In- fA1 lilalla A1sscaiitiola ticket, tatlt tat-; etuaile3322S. Division ot. antitedat a aliarsJewoelry store-. -- _______umbraatla,edied at his Itotaiein litrasitottn haz yor rpaiin doe b thsetile- ' th of laist Augusit. Ite haiti bee-t C.i.BAT-gLAeit ls tirt$atrutiin a vtaaery sacklae iser sincetreails adutionitIn ,7T26S.State St. An a rhor,,tt0.tiwhao iaeritliate-Htat la-ro setry ,:andhss- -ethtsfrsm WHY ] weettks oialtttaaI"isontly t quetl~ionttoea V VT a~la iia. It:ysal& tietle it a;blle t. e t YournAlIMeatia-d LitttetS at totntar t isilalii iati drsceaar. I Olt SAX tV Sitagia-it-ott leu., -os-cit I Xi--allillacttrati aelclitiI sirea otritta. -scilt tstport ad cotton I imLaiT- edleaataotrunk Ili-aie ts ti latl ,tttta 10 Sat. CTaer OPEN ALt, NI xlIT . alyit ntfcrmtationl regatradiigit a _it_ HI it N ST.,T n~oosrs w- tgoi Cookl Housa.r IlttaasLIiry ttirit. C. I). is thtatkitag at shoart ai s cit tha at ala atIis tfriendts iirIils I t S.3 tiltatmadaea is ta aiatthe H - - D IVI. MAIIIN. ~, Watllaia.t tyain.L&Battle. scala- aigens-t.a11 FUNERAL II. Ei. Bilstr, '001, of Chiariletonaai11W DIRECTOR DAILY FREE TODAY. Vat., is iniltonfair amtsisit ii. A,' naligaseilyNo20S.4hitr Ambulance night andl day . Ites. ___ __ ___r___190 c eT 02 F i th A v . l a d O u r sto c k o f F a ll a d W in te r W o o le s is n o w NORTH SI" complete. A garment made up of one of out- MR ,SDE Imported or Domestic Fabrics with -W & Co. LAUN RY :workmanship will insure - correctness and, ease to TAUGS lWPo the wearer. We, desire your inspection.- _____ ____ ____WAGNER &CO., T ilors - 1Z3 South :Maio% Street SPA GQLIEG1MATE ~kJ.FO -a GvWuSsoul OOOS, Jt 'T TI1 IIN FOR T'AK~ICQ L. TU EJ Are .CAPS sqyd GOWNS.50S 11 Et'S Bal i A SPECi ILTY. Is _ CLAS t'IEB TEMPOlRARY ae CO ,LECE FLAGS, ,5.,npat COLLEGE PINS.r \ ER new N 411, Pf Sveth5 Price. CAPSKeas thae old strang cover exaerci W p ER&. lecture paperealth for 60cited. e w0 , KEN & ot .The besttfountan penn 81 CHICAG~O, ILL. F.+ SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State NEW 'AULDIN.G' )OTBALL SUPPL I 1E$ 3un iversally 4,ped sebres-er thae gats t at,:the trae mark beiog the guarantee. 3.spauhdtng Ofiblsh Inter-collegiate Foot useat by all the leading colleges andi ic clubs of the country. Price, $4i.0 A for Catalogue of all Athletic Sports. sding's Official Foot Ball Guide. ith the Rulstc for 1990. antIrecords, reviews and uct ion s, including pictures of 1600lplayers. .10 ces. DOW'S SPRtNG-GItP DUtMB-BELLS toted by Sandow. Have so equal as an .iser am! derehoper. Everynonsclebeoe A. G. SPAULDING a BROS. (*Ineoa-poratedi PYORK CHICAnO DENVER THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND EINGLSH SWTIN6S IN THE CITY. w s MILU ARD