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January 15, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-15

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,#"* FEEfEEF*.*-IP #E ErrtEpmtf;mew"I*:F4!FHwowc mW w-"P*.**.WE:EFFElpete**.I wopI

:E:IE:EEEIE-'FEE:EEi FEf: !rr. tFl f fEtrEE: EEf


More for quality, wear and fit, than extreme style of pattern, that will
give you extra wear and comfort for your money-we have something
that will interest you................. . . . . .. .. .. . .
We have taken all broken lots of $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts-
bunched them and made one lot-at price, while they last, of 63c each.
Here is where you get shirts for the coat of the making with the
material thrown in. See them in the window......... . .

.7 MAIN ST. S.


.ateaasa raa s iala Lm-&m s :aaaa Aaa s Lm~ t3&, MLM, ..2k::dr"dr"waia "«Lm,!

3 3 i 3 i 3i i 3 EE:Ei EE:i 3 3i 3 3 3 33

Michigan Ce ta Maroon's Base Ball Schedule Comedy Club Notice Alarm Clockse
The University of Chicago baseball Th manager of the Comedy club is-
NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE schedule has been given ont by Direc- sned a noticeinteDlysmtmeUofMPis50to$.. F
otr Stagg. It includes three games i int teefetbetai h lyuomedtim aU.hofRM. i- S c o $1.0
THE SHORT LINE- the east, with the prospect of a fourth, ago oteefc btth lbbd WthRpaiiita peciA
They will start on the eastern trip June started ups for the year and had al- Jo1L CHAPMAN, JEW[EER
ANN AR BOR TO 1 after the game with Northwestern, ready chosen a play. Applications for 2ee Main South. GG
CHICAGOIt will he seen that four games are positions in the cast were asked for
BU FA OArorduldwt igntwo at Ahcao. 'n and several were received, but not CHAFING DIK $5wOOj
Arbor and tw at Chicago.enoughl to till the large cast of the playBU F LThsceutowihfrmre g , b
ThNshduetYwicOouRKc selected. There are a number of parts 3 pint size, pate-ni lamp, hanal~
NE Y RK gaines may yet ise added, is as fob- yet to be filed, and it is urged upon all on hot water pan, absolutely 1-wF
AND BOSTON lows:aniSrest of those who have nny inclination to best in town foez the piced
.Atpril k--P'hysic~liianS urens tin osnpinteriaesadares
With direct connections at Chicags for St. Mrhl il.tyNtmn plctoswr e ~ lAnll e er
MasalFed lyt edi hi ae n tlatLesi, Kansas City, St. Paul and the west. Apiit-hanatMral Field.cieifrmteglsote uvr
oR infermastienanod through tieket csll o evdfo h fteUi r .
or write teoSi. W. HATES. Agent, Ann Arbor. April hi MAichigani at -Morshall Field. sity, and as there is plenty ot toom TO THE".
________________________________ April1 20-Nortlswestern ,it Evassstons. for them this year- the manasgesnent
April 27-Northwesterss st Aarsiml wosuld iike to hear fronm sosne nore as
ANN ARBOR Field. soossias possible. Those who wish to a U NlOPR H OP
May 1-llisnis at Marshmll Field. iry cussfiisd oust all the tparticulars by
RAI ROA I'ii 1 -Notre Dasne at Marshall eallisig onsAMr. E. P'. DePosit, 5091 East Have the Quseest Serv ce aiis
RM LROAD sold etfersonSs. 81 beet criae.New rubber ttisae
ja~zs= ~ ~ is May 5-Illintois at Mar111shall Field. t arigs
TIME TABLE -May it-Wisco illOatsMatdisosn. ___________________ coaches. Finest tirn1ou1ts ins 11ss
Taking Effect Sunsay, May 21, 1899. Mlay Us-Mieligass at Aisi Arbor. 'EI B TJtS U OEatne
Tralno ireave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. May 17-Illissois at Chlampaign. SO(GOD promptly atne too.
.ehd Time. Mlay 18-Purdtse at Lyaftsyette. Rosyal Tigers, t10e, Tigerettes. arc.
SOUTH NORTH May '-tllisiois at Marshall Field.H l e
'No. 6.- 7:5 A. M. No. r.- 850 A. . M a y 311iina arhllFed. .l sittisigs for the Mliciiiganu.ini
No. f-5AM. *No. 5.-12:30a P . M Aay :29-towa at Mrshall i eh. snust lie had bsydali. 27. PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY3
Ne. 4.- 8:35 V. M. No. 3.- 4:50 P.Mi. Jusse 1-Nortliwestecli st 'v arston. 84 IIANDAtt. PHOTO STUDIO.-
T______________________ ismse :3-rowis at roidnties._
*Rn aet enr Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Susie .-tirv. I sit (anibrid .
All trains daily execnt Sunda .iss -Hl rs t Wt:.Ir Fire at Grasger'S
%.T. WLLS. Agent. lasta..-~l "OSa r~ti l
W H. BENN'ETT. 0.P.5 Snes
Toss s-. i lit0 gaii at AiisiA 'or. Fire broke out isn the baement of
Tusei I-Nor1thsvestersI' t i , s all tIranlgers Dasicing Academy on Satssr-
Field-Sty evesisig after the aissembdy. The
HOCKING VALLEY Rye Jui _ 17Meldi.%n at I as 4.: Field. blarie wits extiniguished ill short order
__and_\1r._Granger announcesa ttthe
Th ~a~lradtt~mt aks he A 1-itt.Net'x9:S ACADEMY. dsiisg floor has slot been isjured, asid
Business In .and Out Tue advatnced glass pro'ram tosnight all idassces will cositinsue us re.ulrl
of Midir Jan. (Tuesdy), $:30 to'clock. Tomorrow scheduled. "S ODVSIC RIS ngtteets fo einr tE
4 A&VY 8EUEEN 4 o'clock. %turday morniansthe cia s Amiericansiallect Districts as IDe-
T~tEDOfor itint e-gels - ten. :.fmoon tertiised by Certaiss Farnm Wors"'is
OLUe1B S ss for Il ies and a a st ~la sishlythe title of a imaper readl by tsr
and ATHENS. soIi-i e'vosig lesrgietl, tila rofessor of igllish'.
W. H. Finker, L. W. Landman, Iphilollogy asid genieral lisnguistics iss the AN EYE OPESR.
C.eP.sAbi. tTroi t. c. CAN YOU IIANOIIS IsUnivirsity. atthelii neetisig if the It will open your eyes as: so she candy site
;ColumotscnOdunce Detroit.c aiTt.e a el iiIluncliage Alssocisitioi in iii bt- atton iryoolhaye eves viaited Hank'a.Draj
Iflouta. neepr-e ea Tledatginthere today. ;wipervefouert nhcooaiea
Detraitlpailiatl aud An Ar- eenisag seuslserhip card $t. Ifyou "AAlegsetto Styler°tsr nake andseelS nt
roi, psani lf~lt nn r-evnig t~~m e~shspyadv.Ifyo ditivi . cents.aEvery variety rt eand gand pn Ij
bopr Railway. cannot dunes,,jltSount'fbeginning bent you'll fnd at ISANGSTE~f RS
rsmnleave for Detroit a dYpilanti classes, $ . Sismple dress ntiferffhie 1 Oa11t"tspac 31)s s=itP. '.Teoeer
every half our, waginang t 7:15 a. in. for class exercisa. No etuh arrasemeis., Alarns Clocks, at HALLEW'S JEW- in any style.
until 7:45 p. in.; Af1ter that to Detroit as visitors ;are not a dmitted. (Gisang-* BURT.p p
St 6:45 p. in., 9:45 . in. and ISt5 p" mi. er's School of Duning, 18th seasona. r Pick wick il irdPafr
Waiting roomn, corner' Ann sadl Main Office sat Aesney, ouS MayssarA ft. 18 + Bicycle Playing Cards and Poker,
lgts: Deroi, 11 {1iaW~e1 t. _ochips at Schtaller's Bookstore, Main st. Regulation Size Tables,
et.Dtot 11Giwl t - If you see the work of the Toledo ________ Monarchi CushIon:
NEan NE watce samoada,whiela and other Per. Laundry Co. you wilt. e convinced 0mlt line of "Adler" fall sants EeyhnNwap
sonal Property. office at realdence X31 E. aivt you want no other. Agency i12 S. and overcoats at Wadhaine, Ryan & 'Strictly pt-ae
JOet tee.AlbSiEPH en#C. W kAS coleteEvrytingNewt-d a
bourn. 550 sisI0a. an.and Ito 3:S and t9 Slain. . 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbet



'I r

TFace stesnaing and mnu DE RI Embalmer and 6l43 East William Sreet
VU. of MBarber massaapecisi- LNEN QEEREJFnealDrrt niesiy tan as,.Hblaiwsa
, oe y ltstolawb .Alaid



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