THE [UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. r fhe se t sale of "Princess Chic" U +4 .* ti n opnod yestrdy morning at 9 o'clock o ~ Last eening at 6 Manager Seabolt was Published Daily (Mondays excepted)durislg wearing an r nusualy happy smile, for Cllegevear. at he announced the largest advance sale THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN of the season. A few good seats re. MAsN OFICa BRANCK OFICE main and can e ecured today. The Argus Blag, Alan St. 336 S. State Street company will play to a packed house Bth 'Phones 13. Newc Stat 'Phoec 12. tonight, as It deserves to do. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HANS '01 a \r BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ENGELIAD, '1 L- EDITORS: ATHETKICS, - G. p iDT'1EA..COGLOE P..KIH c, '51 Miss L, . SAsuse '3 Ceos.. uveAKn .5l H. H. WOsnssw,'04 W. . CHANEv, '1 L W. A. BENSCoT~E, '03 E. 1. HSONrs103 ,. As yet no public announcement has been made to the cffect that a Wash ington Birthday speaker has beens-- Cured, In fact several days ago the _ law conmmittee seemed lbusy groping 7 about in the hople of securing some prominent pu~blic man to talk to them ive weeks hence. 'We wish to cast n reflections on the cotnmittee ad i work. They are doinig and:l have done . all that could be extected of anyoe itn the limited time that has been: give thenm. Tile Daily predicted last fall " the very thing that is :ow happening, Ciaovtd"UePics hc grasp the kda situation:he1and appointcs theirtie est comc opea sects there it: comnt:ittee at once to work ahlead oyas To epint te going accounts th~e celebrationoia year fro::: :ow. At ot51:- great hit made tee by the that timne the suggestion: of tle Daily star, Mtargerita Sylva, the idividual nay ha:vc seemed mere talk to tiem n orthiess of ;er supporting oi- buaf tile:. have cold facts to gate at lplly, lie beauty of te rodtction ad :now. We', claim:ed th~etn and we claim the tn:efuless of te music, woult te. sill tlat 110 man of gr(at prom~in:ence quire colt::n:: of space. Th'le critic of cn: be obtained to deliver a:: address the Chicago Inter-Ocean: had some nic here if itvifed o:: short notice. Ptubr tilings to say, of wic: te following is lic en :eare not loaded cow:: with sparea bisusedoata tecotmigo timne and they mtust be elisted far in Iiselo ththectungf advnce I th juio clssprefer-s:an:oerotic prodution: is of such a n- wom to:plif i the ll ppo155 it re tatf it incites an audience to ap comite no w.0olTcsniwiloroitte ill :::s but this was the case several nay be fortunate in findin:g its speake ims ast eve'niasgpr enThda le lratod at this late day, and we sincerely hope esCi'wspeetda h rn th~at it will. But th~e experietnee of Opea Hose. years has indicated flat theoc ommitte .oane"end atost so ftoroughly e estibapld alvays finds itself tied :up 011 oeountvoalgietonoprhrefrsm of titoecand must, as a last resortvcll vtitme.oea lrefr oa brinog faculty inflecto bar, ad Thems noatietin bu in this way fially procure a speake:.°Trhe Ptinoss ttrcive thtili bou "A stitch it: timenavenne" withou~ltlhe sligtst trace of vl gaity." Calendar Toigtt tfieeAtltc:s. Mo::d:y, Tuesda:y and: Wednesday, STUDENTS NOTICE! Jan. 14, 13 an:d 16, at 4:30 p. i., in Te best laundry is te Toledo Laun- roomn A, Chemical building, Prof. A. dry. 'fy if. Work called for and de 1. Sabin, special lectures on: "Paits lireod Leave your order at 121 S. anod Other Protective Coverigs. Main S. Th~ursday, Jao. 17-Webster ocity Batnquet, Elks Hall, on Washlington: st.__________ Jan. 17, 2 p . n,-Lecture on:"Some Waterman or Laughlin Fountain P'rinciples of TLeaching" Toapan Hall, Pens, $1 each, at Schaller's ookstore. by Prof. A. S. Whitn:ey. Jan. 11, 0 p. II:0)::o1 (Goermnt The finest monograph and other Uni- Club. Pres. Sanmuel liollpers of Amenr- versity fancy letter paper and pads In Federation: of tLabor will speak on the city. All styles. Sballeo's Book- "Tlhe ough: Itt Enn:oblitng Struggle store, 116 S5o. Main t. of Labor,"_^ Spirhg Quartet a::d Wm. A. How- Chfdoeved land.. < I'Expsition Universelle Ja:. 2-Rev. Newell D'wigt illis By ino S. L. A. Course. W~OSgiadCape Jan. 19-Junior Class Social ino Bar- WDDRES , 3Saglin SAnd EhanREEe borGyn. AThe is, 053 o thsTATk eSTEedt hourrThe Puihersnd oftsMedattek arecieias LawSocetes let Oficrs positiofor ts excellnce All works sold on At their last regular netings, the Redmond, Kerr & CGo, two law societies-Webster and Jeffer- BANKERS soian-elected new officers. 41 Wal Street, Nw York The elections resulted as follows: Webster-President, L. . Seigs; Trassact a eneral banig business. vice-president, Geo. E. Cryr; sere- Receive deposts subet to draft. Dividends tor'y, .B. Pickard; treasurer, L. A. Fada Ints olecn teda em itt eAcfa Rowlnd; rltc, E D.Perr; srgeat-Fitsea reAent fr and neagaotiateeIsse. at-arSt. E. Mygatt. ecrItIes bought and sold on commission. Jeffersonian-,-I'resldenlt, . W. tlus- MmesNwYr shne +-. ,n..Tih.aid..S . - APrry: Rec. .u.T REV. Newell D. Hillis In S. L. A. Course Tuesdaqy,J an. 29 SO ROSIS THE Are popular in.... NEW Europe as well as....- SHOE America, and csan he. purchased at the... FOR best shoe store in..- WOMEN every city.... Geo. H. .Miller, 212 S. Main St. We have just recieved our fall and winter stock of FANCY OVALS, FANCY CIRCLES, ORNAMENTAL FRArIE.S AND; PICTURE MOULDINGS of every description--Come in anti tee them. DEFRIES' ART STORE, 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR A THENSHAR T UESDAY EVE. / l H A R January 15 rt The MARCGUERITA SYLVA cm, Te M COI'IIC OPERA COMPANY Ii ~ In Kirke LaShselle's Elaborate $25,000 Pouto N ,THE KIRKE LaSHELLE ~ .. ;" Music by. - .I% ULIAN EDWARDSPRNC S PRN E S c:tion of Coi - CHICCHIC" JOHN P. SLOCUM " ARGUEITA SLVA, he Rigning Beauty ofCoi Opera, supported by Joseph C.MionWalter A. Lawrence,Wis- " ? feld Blake, Frederick ltno,,kts, Thos. Leary, Neil McNeil, Ma1t- hilde Previllec Agnss Paul aind 1 AN ENSEMBLE OF 6o VOICES FOUR STERLING COMEDIANS. AUGMENTEDW ORCHESTRA. A FORTUNE IN COSTUMES AND SCENERY PRICES - - 509 75c, $1.009 $1.50O" ' " :Seat Sole, Moday, January 14, 9a. m. Free list limited to press- EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME AT- ROSEY'S' BILLIARD PARLORS HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES } E ID AND sUCCESORS 21)SOUTH *REYNO0LDS ROSENTEALEE R TREET SANITARY PLUMBING. is FSCHUH ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, I STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, 20 .Washington Street. ATSICGSAND EGCRCITES. S We are headquarters for every thingin the line" of furnishings for students' rooms, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES' WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. Our. Prices You Will .Always Find the Lowest.- " ~ MARKHA %M S'.'BAZAAR