'of o aiI VOL. -XI. ANN ,ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1901. No 81 Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The _same carefl attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dressl occasions. 6. H. WILD CO., soS E. Washington St. WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.,; A GOOD LUNCH AND) SMOKE it. E. Jolly, 308S . State Street. Laboratory Supplies AND Dissecting Instruments AT QUARRY'S SPENCER CHURCHILL'SI ยข Ian Hamilton's March with extacts from the diary of Leut H rankand, a pris- S oner of wa at Pretoria, with ,, portrait of Gen Hamilton, plans $120 ,. London to Laysmth j 4. via Pretoria S Anacconut of Mr. Church- S ill's experiences as a special 4'correspoindent with the Brit- i'sh armies so South Africa Ifrom ihe early days of the war until the relief of Lady- smith Cotaising alsq an account of the armoured train Mr Churchill's deten- tion at Pretoria as a prisoner of wa, his escape and suhs- queint service iii the Natal S army-$I 20. WAHR'S "JACK THE HUGGER" Men Dressed Up as Co-eds Fail to Trap Him-Some Red Pepper that He Did Not Get-Co-edo Still Tremble When His Name is Mentioned Jack the Hugger' hue seemisgly ceased his aniioyaces iii the region south aisd east or the University cai- p)us. Not a case of his misdeeds has eeis reported to the police since the holi- days and it is probable tat hie took a tumble to the traps set for hin sd desisted fronm his cray actions. The doiiigs of this myterios per- sonage have beeiskiown to the Daily for some weeks- bt in order to give the culprit fisl sway iid thus furnish the police force an opportunity to take Jack' red-haisded, the news wsp- pressed for the tiime. Bt Jack" is us commoii "Hugger." He not only lisa a finesse about his art, ut lhe knows wheii to stop and get out of harmis way. Ie rely seems to have enjoyed thle game of tag lie has beesi playiing with the co-eds aid Marasl Gierstners mes, aind along with isi vi- tinis can iow read the glowing ac- counits of his dariiig deeds.iand this, too, with no cause for worry. For six weeks previous to Christmas ilo womani was safe from being ap- proached by this mysterious mni if she waked out without a escort is lie evening. The wives of two professors of the university had reported that they had been stopped by the imiscreantand compelledi to listein to tie' imost i- s1ting propositions. One promilnent sorority reported niumerosus occurrences of the same ni- tore while oui one occasion the ian suddenly csamie up behind three wonems who wiere walking together andi tap- ping one oiii the shoulsec. grossly an- stited ter. Everytlsinsg possible was issne to caplturlce li'fllowiwho aplespeuas o bei more o1 a mosnomnaiiac tisili a fiend as nlo violence sas ee attempt- ed by him.unlss iis sosot astounding prcoplositionis could bei considered vi- let.Ie was5 describedO s a tall sled- or young-111111libtIis fae sas ilways cio concesalesd thatt exact idetiications was inlspsssitie. 'Tiie poli~c set up well dsressedst11 i selsessclothes as deisoys lioping to captue him i this ioiaer hiti-very time sne of these traps swas st for the fellow lie fail- ed to appear. The officers worked on thle ease faithfully aid Masal Gest- ier says that lie feels certain thilt he knows whse the miai is. "Btut," said hes, 'ste cannot get anyone to ps itive- ly identify kin. If any of thle ladies sihli have beein molested caii do so see will prosecte bin to a finish." So numerous did these molestatios become that co-edo prepared them- selves to get even with the felloow. Nearly all the occurrences took place between ft and 7 o'clock in the evening. oue young lady of the sorority which seemed to receive the majority of the young -man's atteitions prepared her- self with a most effective weapon in the inature of -a handful of red pepper. She walked about the neighborhood tsr three successive eveiing and if the fellow had approached her she inteinded to throwv the hrning stuff into his eyes and face. t would have temporarily blinded bin and the pain it caused would have compelled him to cry out and capture would have been certain Another young, lady of the same 'so- rority nerved herself up to carry a revolver and so, Indignant had she be- onethat she w- , uld certainly have shot the man if he had ever attempt- ed his Romeo act on her. Two prominent young men who live south of the: campus patroled certain streets niight aifter iight ut the o- currenees wouLb reported the fl- leing days at . a different part of that sec-tion of the city. ea'rly' cerything:hur; a comey side, anld so in the case of "Jack the Hug- ger" Oue eveninig a certain prominent young society lady was going along, unssttended, when Jack appeared. He approached her with his usual method. She screamed and thein became de- termined. She flew at him intending to fight him with finger maials, et. Jacek turned and ran. The young lady was nerved up by we coward's ac- tioiis aiid took after him at a pace that would have pushed Leiblee for a hun- dred yards. Seeing that she was gain- ing on him, Jack deftly jumped over a fence. The young lady was handi- capped iii handling her skirts and Jack got away throughi a back yard route. It is to be regretted that all the ef- forts made to capture the fellow prov- ed futile. There is io crime ois the statute hooks that would cover the case so that he could have been se- verely punished, but so indignant had the entire south and east portion of the city become that the fellow would at least have a coat of tar and feath- ers usider the mackintosh le usually wore. " John Marshall " Day rise irst cnutenial celibrstin ii the- twve-ntiethmentury wiill tbe that hel'd Fe'-trusary 4. in homir of JoniMsrsasll, flh' emsinesst Amesiricsanijurist and chust jiustice. Trhe idesa of hlinstiigaltiaselebs- fios originated iitiig Isast smmeiiir. It uasaoriginalily theits-ntiuntmasiske it ,imiply sa basl sfsir bsult tii'plims has metsl withi suits favor itisat i hsi nsisosusedissainstionsc el. Cehi- lirsitss isill bliielsi-l a sll tel-tssrgs ciiessosithlii-coisitry anit Iy thse- iss-- liisrssitf conigees tissan isay ioflh' stste ls'gislsslnrs's. 'hla w sso si uioit sfssi yisthliesi- lg icisligessandsuuiersitiis isiss'alsi ltses up tleiii- ims.sdssthtis is Iii le s-issiisli'il liforino pirsn oulilonssg bs' a sussensi ifthsslwindnsst islrsass ssevrlo s'sthels- sss'fil ss'gsu'sis iof .siohn OMrsalsst. I sssscs. Y'sl sassi solhes liasvs already s eu sed ithesir irm- hiesslorithis cs'sss- ",Issli. nWts-Assilis-si gate? W'uithlihflarIsest Isaws'si-ol io thei -ounstry it ousll e esmiinently ti- hung isit swe soulisaes'a ceibrstiosi f ausi-me sskindeisn though itbl ii-siipli is detsail,. Perhassis aiss Is' .~sis liei of the facultiy o this-Amis Ar- Issr lar scoiul e scrd to gie iii as- dress upons thast occassiosn. It is not too ate to miake a start if we beginl Iriar- ations at once. Law Building Closed Nio exercises siera hellusllthe hsaw'd- partument yesterday umorning. s there oas io heat for the bsuidig. Sundatsy hitght istreak sic-curret iusthe late ovhich counects the biulting system of the lasi building with fle manuinhe from the power house. aud. as a result, iso het cohl e secured. The repairs to the pipe hosiev'ur, were quicdy musts- aui work iui this- se- patm'ueut was resumued yeterdasy af- ternoon.- The report was circulated by prsct- sal johker that the buiildisg was closed oun accounit of the smallpox. The re- port found soisesho were wiliug to believe it, but the hoax soon lesked out You Know the Place. HALLEW'S. Faculty Intends to Enforce Rule Re- garding Vacination - NOTICE!' Alt studseuts sihsehsme n.ot beeus vacciusstedt must nsten - ter lasses. Bty order of - JAS. 11. ANtGELL, - Presideunt It seems by this plarir 1. w huch.ap peared tupoms the outer ii",-,'; sitthe law buildiung, and also tlie u it"rs t the vsarious class asmissi h ee room5)asi. that tihe tsaculty umee setermui -o iieusorce their edict regarding vs.'-:. -iou aud mit timrecogunie amny us a ines So they havue msadue it am cuiioni prece- dent to attending classes. There are sbout 20th hu the lsw de- parmenmt ahoe whiose namses ae hben posted by Secretary Johnsn on flue bulietinm board who haoe fuiled to coumlysiiths the reguations. It is diffi- cut tou understamid hy auy stdent shuldihu disregardtsums-tma precatutionay messure s hus beens so prompty ansi thoiiughtfiully proviede by the faculty fec protsectionm of the sftudent body. The gymainiasiumi has beens closedh just tefusue the sprig indor meets sihess eeery sthsete feels tie need of its ad- vasntsges mmmnd free vaucciuation fur- nished, s soas t reventfle sread of a disesase wehichu, at-flue least, is very odiouus ns well as uiersally feared. Tie lsasvschol at Wisconsin.owiths 40th stiuli-uss ini atteundance. has beeni forced to cose ifs doors hes -s-se of fle smassllpox iun thast school. au-sd fuheelso- abilits- is that shsoutuhfle infetios resuehitiuther the entie mmssssits soil his scsosed. itad"it nst his- I fusethus hrompshtandsut sittiet sactions iofur as- thouritiess tere- it o-ight hasve beens neees- sry tos slose this'doosmo f this institu- tion,. limt theysre tos he coiiehneted fuse their tiumel-y action,. smutes-iy stu- lu-st shoulduheah-srily thasnk thismisfr is rasther-mthansushit anuyhinig iii thu s' ss toiiss mpede' stus-iomnussubslsslworiki.. tiknsis fish'this' studen'ts' iprtestison. .1-hsiri- siuumsbis'nsisrueasns swhy enshi inst sissy stumiesnt shosuli ussrs-si opets'itw sitishisiefactm-uhy iithei-is -s iii suuus'nll hl5Iihi i-s sutir-- usout assy fuarthesr- -uutssgissu. sudtshosuds sulsisuttso fit tionce. Wbster Society's 42nd A~sil BUa- quet F~roms "timse immneumorisl," teoi. fory-wso yeairs.fle Webster Literry Socieity f thus Ilaw- deartment saund thesir friendss siveanualluiy conveeds an asutsqueted. Tie ibanquetfistsyear bhuslatsir to eqhuali sany effort of tie lst aonsg this line. evoery preparaions havuing been msudst to insoure- thouse uatendsingsnusen- joyablie, timie. Tie Websters, siith their usuasl c- dialit-, havue extenssedt amsinivitatins is their rivalsh ltaw'societies t banqmue wsiths thiem, uundtmuamy hae lprosmisesd to attesid. A ike insvitations has alshben extemded to the members of the lass faculty and they will be tie guest of honor of the evening. A womne insnovatonisitnsthe lie of music usually" rendered at maffairof this kindi, will be maths this year. au excellent harpist havimng beems egaged fee the evemnhng. Elks Hallfle hest is tie city for tie purpose.ihas beens secumredh. vere tie banqsue oill he heldsIuet Thursdasy evenig Janu. 17. Hansgterfer will do fle caterimng sand this fact alone is a guarantee of a sumptuous repast. 'piket- fer the :banqtuet may "be obfaiied from thom- hbers of the society at T15e per-plate." I