t Ta~VE UNIVESI'TY tu 1 1'" AI(AN DAILY ry meeting yesterday morning and it is R I R H N w Isaid that at that time the co-eds re- ________________quested that they e permitted to pra- } . The "100' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Pubishd Dily(Modayexcpte~duing tice separately from the male contin-10ea hetewahrisne- Puliod allMegse er teddu gent of the troupe until the last week ~t erwe h ete sucr before the presentation of the play, . tao. A little rain doesn't hurt it THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN when they would be willing to tomewhlitaorspeyofcmrtn MAS OFFICE BRANCE OFFICE out and practice love with the young the warmest of days. Args Bldg, Mans St. 336 S. Sate Street. men, so that the presentation of the But of course we have light shoes Bulb 'Phones 13. New State 'Phone 12. lovemaking of Rosalind and Orlando for bright days and heavy shoes for MANAGING EDITOR, would be as realistic as possible. The rainy days if you prefer. O. H. HANs, 'ax young women are said to have oh. HO BUSINESS MANAGER, jetted to too much lovemakitg in prac- - GLASS'S -SO STORE, F. EOOEIsiAS,' 1 tice. 1 9So. Main Street.; EDITORS ~"Whatever the purpose of the secret - tYitIuilAN RB ,MCI EDITORS: ~~meetitng of the company was, it result.OpnenigutlANARRMC ATHLETICS, - G. D. HDselT,'1 E ed in Prof. Clark's putting up a poster ______________.______________________ on the college bulletin board stating A. SH . S3UALL'Sl. W. A. Kstss,0'1 a, that the tmale members of Mtneakes. 0 AY N EN ORfS L H. H. Woosow,'54 W. P. CHAtSEY, 'St L and Tuesdays at 11 o'clock and that 3 A S I V N O Y S L W. A. RENSCOTER, '03 . 1.BHOUSTON, 03 tbe temale members would rehearse at_ 11 o'clock ot Wednesdays" Our entire stock of all new Clothing at greatly If you are not satisfied with your room and board or you wish the ex- reduced prices during month of January prior to penses were a little less, go down and invoicing. All Suits and Overcoats at less than Work Still Coming for Our Debaters talk with Ann Arbor Music Co. tf Manufacturers price during this sale. Avail your Michigan's victory over the MJitneso- Thte comic opera success, "Princess self of this opportunity and save money. toa metnitt debate atnd Chicago's defeat Chic," will be at the Ypsilanti operafNtheer onFiangt oueM dyevigJ.14 All Underwear, and Shirts at reduced placed these teamts in fitals for bo- Mahattan and Wilson Bros. Shirts ors in the Ceitral Debating League. for sale at Wadhams, Ryan &Reule. It may be of itterest to studeints of the _________ Utniversity to ktiowv the ethods stsed S___A__LER____AND_____________ inthle league for the settlettectt of THERE ARE OTHERS, BUT NONE S A B L NA DW E T question, sides, choice of judges, etc., BETTER etc. The governinighotly of the league Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5c. _____________________________________ cotsists of a Graduate ('outicil, cot--________ posed of nitteiersot. Michigan, Mit- M ...'~. q 1.uttcCicglie othesen l- ots and dinnters at tmoderate poeothiclagoe and eorh ieter- prices furnished for spreads, parhibe~ rsete nlei ardbtitwo da(titt s.tlIrantdballs. tGood service, refited t tble A H~ENS ' UESDAY EY£ Besides these eight lueti ti gratduate of aonm s, 427dThoaipnt ms. TE1TE T E £13 some eastercthslool is seectetd is C 1LS 27Topo t of these gntcduates sitthtg in coucil t'AN YOU DANCE?' f fiT e ARG E]ZTA YLVA to select the tquestionts to ie dettted If you can dlance procure a Tuesday COlIC OPERA COMPANY also t list of judgeswiicit is tub- evening tembership card, $3. If you t. I ik L e's Elaborate $25,000 Production V nitted to the coitesting schtools. ctaitnot daince, joint str tegilning InKre ahp The subject for th fel lcltiait-Chi- clatsses, $5. Situple dress preferable Boo by ttgtt tieiate is. "Resoived,.tiat the for class exercise. No embarrassment. 6TH KIRKE LaSHIELLE Uiited Sates Sholdt Suttsitdize tier is visitors are not admitted. Grang- Mscb Mercitanti Marine,'"ttnd the tontest er's School of Dancing, .8tht season. " PRINC S JULIAN EDWARDS ' has beeti set for the evening of T riday, Office at Academiy, ott"Maynard St. 18 'Ari 1 a-tuebkeLal,4hiao.CAJ 'irctono The sides will ie dcidetd by ti toss of at Chef d'oeuvre de- 1 a j j JOHN P. SLOCUM coit, atnd this lutst ibe otteititit t MARGUERITA SYLVA the Reignig Beauty of Comic, ive days from date. The judges iave I'EXposition UfiverSelle Opera supported by Joseph C. Miros Water A. Lawrece Win- Thet betEeieeota e.Sld Blake Fredertck Ksightu, Tho. Leary, Neil McNei: Mat. Wahonbeen ingdecdandilCaanet.iBY hlde Prevtlle AensaPaul and Teqiuestion for debate with Penni- Waon II 'i.an'Camle AN ENSEMBLE OF 6o VOICES sylvania is "Resolved that the Utited ADDRESS, 33 SOUTHO STATE STREET FOUR STERLING COMEDIANS. AUMENTED j States 1.eitators be Elected by at Direct The publishers of this work receivedth ORCHESTRA. Vote of the People," The tnames of Grand Pets. and Gold Medal at the Pars E-. A FORTUNE IN COSTUMES AND SCENERY psitin for its excellence. All works sad os 0 5,$ .0 15 the judges were sett ott to Plilaldel- subscsiptisn only. P I E 0 5s$.0 15 piae yesterday. The agreeonet re-Sa ae ody aur 4 .m rels iie opes qwotwo thatmo ttis nust be done at least Redmond, Kerr & CoSaae ody anay1, .m re ~tlmtdt rs tw motsprevious tothe tdebate. *7 \ , , , .. The contfest tkes place ittUtiversity BANKERS . "" i ... . Hall ott the evetitng of Friday, Marcht 41 Wal Street, New York ____________________________________ . Prelinbaries tre beitig cotntsttted at Pennsy ttow, alnd the debate pttomt- Transact a general banking buines. EVEIRYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME eceie depoits subject to drat. Dividends ises to be a -good ote. and interest conllected and remitted. Act aso _________ Fiscal Agets for and negotiate the issue of AT railroads, street railways, gs companies, etc. C-Edt ox the Midway Seuiisbuh n sold on commis ton A1 shot ttieigothitDatily trintetsIits )EAL IN accouttofitrouttile i i t' 'ottedy thuHIGH-.GRAD[ INVESTM[N SEUITES. at Nsrthwtestt'rni,t,-ierethetii'ero-inte of List of currentoferinrsas .nuO arriuon, the play reftisedl to re-teive prtctit' PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. kisses fromft hiro, iss-stseshtette GRAHAM, KERR & CO. OE' of whit-i thet'ytountg laity wtas askedt o makze w;!y for tanother whio has no fear We have just recieved our fall of hrct-t' osculttionts.Nwcones and winter tock of B L I R A L R Chcg nvestywt e rttobe.She hats stellar lights wvho are havitg FANCY OVALS,HIHGAEC ARTB CO NDIAETS their say to the manager ott anthsler FANCY CIRCLES,HIHGAECARTB COAD IAETS score. The Timnes-Heruald of yeterday ORNAMENTAL FRA11IES UCSO$O T ,aitd: AN;EI DAND S3CE1OESOTH "t i eltearsal eof the male Sak spaitnnspyoffettale PICTOE TATE pat t h hksainptyo OULDINGS ''L IN 0 LDS oETHLRTREET "Ats You Like It," which is tnow beitig_______________________________________ prepared at the University of Chicago of every description-Come in and" to tie presented at the decennial comn- see them. I , OflSC UIU SANITARY PLUMBING. tetnoraton of the founding of the uni- DECwISuiARTSTORE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, lie cause for this separationt f the 27S4h AVE. N RO 207 E. Washington Street. AETISSIC GAS AND ELCTRIC FIXTUES young ment and young wotuen is can 27t . AN ARO HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND RATES. only he guessed at by those outside of the student theatrical company which Prof. Clark of the departmsent of pub-TH E LF O lic speaking is organizing. Rumor hasTH NE L T N it that the co-eds have absolutely re- buskdins andctightsn hencoteson& $6 SHOES .50 W H R HEA fuseditopractichs.wein the ouesof $5$3'T.JIO.A men are present. "Members of the cotupany had a _______________________________ SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WAN 1 TO BE SWEET- SEE BROAN 110$. M A1