O r special line The University Stands Second Without4
O rSummer Schools. 3
of foreign and
The statistics of attendance of the
domestic fabrics leading Amierican universities at the 1
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has beginning of the academic year 1900-01
are nmw available, having een gath-
arrived and is arranged for inspec- red by the Harvard Graduates Maga-
sion.The nme caeful tten inc. From these statistics it is seen
adfnsofthat Michigans stands second in pointI
is given to the stylesan fisho of attendance, summer schools being
every suit, whether to he used for excded, and third if snmmer schools
are included. Harvard stands first.
business purposes or for full dress I Colnmia exceeds ichigans when sum-I
occasions. mer schools are iscluded. The attend-f
nc, excding the summer schools
6B.WILD CO, show the universities to rank as fl
so0 . Washington St1-Harvard"""""..........4,28g
____2-__________.........___...... 3,404
_________________________ 3-Minnesota.................,137r
4-Columbia ................. 2,94
5-California ................. 2,788
6-Yale ..................... 2,53
7-Cornell ..... ............. 2,418
W ILDER ~ 9-Pennsylvania ........ ..... 2,319
~V LD k.)-Chicago ...... ..... ......1,841
10-Wisconsin................. 1793
11-Stanford...... ............ 1,22
12-Princeton ........ ......... 1,233
13-Johns Hopkins .............0631
PHIIARMXACY Whesi the summer schools, women
colleges and teachers' courses are in-
luded the universities are mde to
rank as follows:
1-Harvard..... .............,7021
2-Colunmbia............... .. 3,7231
________________________ -3-Michigan ................. 3,6553
YOU KNOW where to get... 4-Minnesota---------------..3,412
A GOOD LUNCH 5__C lo ...i..-------------3,2211
l--oreonell . .. .. . . . . . . 2,833
SMOKE 8-Pensnsylvasn ---------2,5491
i L. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. 10WVsiscoisin- - --........ ,129I
121Piiiceton :..... ...........1233
Laboratory 1-Johns Hokins-------------311
15'Showing the growth is attendance
Supples ofthese nniverstie we stppend te
Sup lie 'fiues tanrlatvec rank of thesein1
stittios attheclos of189t, accord-
AND in' to the Wiodd's Almanac. It will be
seen tha t the inces.ei attendansee1
ini ieirly ll these instititions has
{ Instruments 2--ichga .......----------.3,014
i 3-Pensyvaniia-------------..2,72
AT5-Yale- - - - --.2,413
QU1A DDV 7- iiafss .....-------------,400
S-Ciao 1,881
9-Cornell............................... 1,800
10--------- ------------------------------1,6000
11-Stanford...... ............ 1,100
j]I 12-Princetoni...... ........... 1,080
p, ' WINSTON l1-Johns IHopkins.............590
P tennsylvania i the only college to
SSPENCER. .* show a loss. The increase in Joiis
Hllopkins s very small, only 3, Princ-
CI VHUR HILL'5 uo's increase is 173 and Stanford 12,
Ian Hamilton's March with and Yale 121. On the other hand Har-
extracts from the diary of * yard gains 2,102, Columbia 1,82, Cor-
I Lieut. HI. Frankland. a pris- nell 1,03, Minnesota 837, California
oner of war at Pretoria, with 821, Chicago 83, Michigan 641, Wis-
portrait of Gen. Hamilton,* cosin 52.
a colored mai n sd several Returning to the igures of tie Harv-
t plans $1.20 . an Graduate Magazine for the pres-
London to Ldysmih 1 ent year, the undergraduates in the de-
via inPretoria
'' An acount of Mr. Church- 1prtment of the science and the arts in
S ill's experiences as a special± these various unversities rank as
4. correspondent with the Brit- I follows:
S ish armies in South Africa 1.-Harvard................. 2,400
from she early days of the g 2-California...... ......... 1,85
4. war until the relief of Lady-± 3.-yale.......... .. ...... 1,802
'l smith. Containing also an 4-Cornell ...... ........1,400
train. Mr. Churchill's deten- ,-~hgn........,7
tion at Pretoria as a prisoner 6-Minnesota..........1,40
~. of war, his escape and eubse- 7-Colum bia.. .. . . .. . .1,4 2
I' quent service his the Natal 8-Chicago................. 1,33
9-Wisconsin ........ ........ 1,3
\# W H R1S1-Princeton .. .1,100
p 13-Johns Hopkins............ 180
Michigan lion the largest law depart-
men~t, with 809 studesnts. Then follows
Harivard 643, Minnesota 450, Columbia
123, Pennsylvania 344, Wisconisin 249,
tale 210, Stanford 184, Cornell 174,
California 121.
In the nmedical departments tine rank-
ig is sonmewhant different,* standing:
Columbia 730, Harvard 597, Pennsyl-
vania 566, Michigan 320, Minnesota
317, Cornell 323, Johns Hopkins 288,
California 171, Yale 133.
In dentistry fhe universities stand:
Pennsylvania 415, IMichigan 209, Cali-
fornia'152, Harvard 129, Minnesota 105.
Minnesota has an agricultural do-
partment with 373 students and Wis-
consin osne with 189, while Harvard
farmers number only 34.
The summer schools of these univer-
sities rank as follows: Harvaru 987,
Chicago 700, Cornell 445, California
433. Columbia 420. Wisconsin 334. Min-
nsots 273, Michigan 231.
Prof. Henderson at Newberry Hall
The fin-st of a course of lecturn's en
"Social. Settlemeint Work" wnas give
last eveining at Newberry Hall, by
No 80
A Bold AssAilant
Probiably niothing within recent years
has so aroused CUiversitly_ authorities
and so disturbed the usual tranquility
of "co-edhood" as tine repeated attacks
uponi the wonnen at ai Arbor, made
lately by af creature knsown so the pub.
lie as "Jacsk the Hugger."
Sometime over a month ago some
womnen of thle University, while walk-
ing iii tineyicinity of Inigalls st., just
after dusk, were frightened by the
appeairansce of a nmon who attempted to
seize one of their numbe.% 'ie women
screamed aind their ;i..-ilant took
Thne story was spreani snCA-md among
the faeulty anid studesss'sof,t -e Univer-
sity. but few looked i. son 'Jack" as
anything more than a s or-> ca good
joke at best. However t _s', -:sme expe-
rience was repeated so:..'- times
that pseople at last begn to be startled
by tine boldiness of the evil-doer.
Groups of girls were stopped sin the
street-some grabbed, some addressed
inn isnsultinog lansguage. Yet alwanys this
terrifier of rise fair sex, has escaped
without no scratch.
Prmof. Chas. It. IHenderson, D. D .or Allisdeeds reported have been com-
Cicaengo University,.initted hbetwenG andS 7 o'clock, and
Tine subtject chsosenslmy trot. tResnder-isoi enwthis hesarinig of passers-by.
'sons. "Sociail Mechssniosi and lSetsa1 Inii 5 isis n'the-isan hiss so cleverly
Ilnns. was ns fittiniginitrodisctionisto co5 inceale Isis faice'that attenpsoat
this lectures wvhich sre to follow. idemntifica'tion havee been futile.
Dr5. tHendieresn,.in opeining iis lhe- flit behsolhutie stouit-heartedi s--edie
tusre, saidithtiihle felt lehe was comssing orfrunheUniseersity of Michigan!?Insteadi
home, hisnsg mbciifor msainy y-rsof hbsldlyiefenndnigthemselves agasinst
pstor nof tine Wosnlns'nrnl .'.veiiun' 3tl thiss sail inst.echo is udescribedi as ai
hi-nh chusrchn nf D etr'oih. yosutl i ofsesnher hbsild, thney tremsblinig-
Prof. Hecnsierson einl'evoredto sho 15'ylos 5kiiiiis nd sush wihllyro thirs
thisit tine istitutiionsis bhintrhen'exprsshdwisngsii.'
sioss nsfthes'insists-life'. He empshsizedI h isefore'' sns eiss'si ter' dc-
sin, poisithat tim eiii.grnedt istisitin nclarsi wzis nt'shinev .1 (to insthhains
factonrie's. schnoole.,iuniversitiesa' enhi 5hnsind mrlla, bust eshienstine since for nic-
he fsusnishis ssAesishis in-nity-sllsirs htinsm msseefindsheresselrfsns braers
bisiiniiig nsf Highnisimnidinnsti innlif.ts iiiiinns -ister's.
Tins sh- aborninsrrsik's inofinishi Nt eaione hse nsfellowc s fniiesiis
nescessitie, adii.nssr ais possiblhesttenition to iUniversity girle. Several
luxuriesisir iii's fnami. -'eWhat dshe eifiitinhesicity ladies ihave beein tinee-ic-
vrsiii'fiosrselves'saeni Dr. Hteadier- sunssonfIsis frenzay, but have acted
somn. "W5eeswul-osi snk idthbeauitisIulpie-evithn ittie mere presencee of minid thou
tisres,ewosuldibce surrsndnnedi by isenisitdiscounger ewomsen.
fish thinis, woildhnjoissy'soia imints'- Soi fsrlins greaiteiolensce his beesniat-
sour~e. Tin miske Ilsese s-cmmnnonastempsited,. acid thnomsghstine U. of 31. co-
pmssible., emsteon-ns'smiee._'lues i-sidhis'snmt muse hierseif prouidiin cx-
lii' endiof thn'soins tlseen't'i. Yoiuiiliiuh cosurage,'sine hiss at leaset not
inistencusiiltuirei'ly more han i yoiu fssllen prey to nere-s eprostrsitioni as
r'all seind Christiainityv ocancuit ake a -essnt of these essniiers.
bhTs.sTini's ,ss~n sne-n-v ryif .ktI iset the msen asnS evesnsosf tine
we e sr'to tloite gs' ehis'ee-i nn-i iiinh Usuin'ity' isse cosie tnnsee that this
deliinveit inthss be sstnissgs'. ailantii i s 555 imytical mers-nsge moi
''-e sire not swonrksit ins's-sb-y forn heiaina"5y'5 cre'atioin of fsancifulsicnhossol-
isnsistrialh elsis: easrs 'weosrkisngfsrssihout if issbosldhattacks
rthsem sns ani nsnnnnneit insist nsf osins' ire s''cosntinueds'hice willnit Inc heft loug
tion, to sasut line streets of Annss Arbor.
"'Pl l'sicahistionsnsof tin s geiasetl- Me-anwehnietine terror-srickens co-ed
sinpt is vry obioiis. Ii is yo en ilintallhienr mule acun'iistasnce'sas'
ehnennof ' itnsg innth esiaste' is.lace n s id -iurdis, sindSregaile herslfens
eairths, ton buildnuisinstituinssn inis i-nIha 3tinhisi sipes's.
enill lasst ii in e ndeadies tin followe."
D)r. Itenderonieill naddress tins'sinert- Red Cross Must Be in Sight
ing this nfterisoosnit 4:131sit Nenerryis ____
Halsl.Hlios subje'ct --nill be. "T'hes'('ie-
This'msesics sire compelledhcn to bse
disn Studsenst imn this' norld," listenS unuder "Tine Sigin nsf thme
Cross" these vaccine days. Any medic
C. B. Ford 'OOL a Bentdick wino does not wear a -white sillk badge
- uposs which appears a red cross is
Announcemsents arc out for tieneainr- shovwn which way the door of the class-
riaige of Mr. Carl B. Ford, '00 h, enho roson opens anid lie is compelled to get
is mnvw practicimng lawev am Clevelanid, sin the other side of the same. Thurs-
0., anid Miss Elizabeth Mclee iHurd of day a medical student event into Dr.
Aurorai, 0. CMr. FernS evs mm ell-kmsoevn Vaughasn's lectusre without the usual
persosnage while at tine University, token. He was told to get out. He
havimig been a prominent mueber of protested that he had been vaccisnated
tine famous '00 L class. He evas comn. and showed his certificate, but tune
nected with tine minntrel show' of two Deams told him that the rules must be
yeasrs ago ms stage nianager. amis is a enforcedl and lie did nst argue the
miembuler of thne Alpha Delta Phi frater- mnatter any further, but pinned on a
nity. Thnesnany frienids of "tFat" Ford red cross.
will weish himu success ins his seen' un-
dertaking. Mrs. Lonmbard and Mrs. Reighard, as-
sisted by several hadies of the faculty,
Dr. Moshier, who was confined to her entertained their Women's League
house for several weeks before the hli- groups at the Bartbour Gymnasium yes-
days, is now entirely recovered and terday afternoon. Tea was served in
will resume work at her office in the the parlors and various interesting'
Thompson building next Monday. games were played.