THlE UNIVERSITY O15 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 EXCHANGE Your Gil Iiats~s For "Ann _- _ i WORTH READIG 'Eklie Cardin i's snuff-box, Henry Harland 4*0. tke Wing of Occtsions, l Chandler Harris 71.heat Hoi ighway, lVary En. Wilkins T'ie fLasne that had no Tombi , Gilbert Parker toreiFables, Georg Asda e&tcee'r Old Vincennes, M vrfcc Thompson mthes Palace of the Kiong, P. MasiOn (rawforel 5osos axi shel'lorning. Eden IPhillpotstl Ubelisle o; Unrest, Mery Seton Merriman A Bi1cycle of Cathay, Frank Rt. Stosckon . eauor, Mrs. PHunmphrey Wardl ck IExpatriates, Lillian Belt the Have at Discount Prices SIheehan Co. You can get a h1OT LUNCH AT _TUTTLE'S 338 South State St. ILectures Printed lectures for all depart- wents of thenivirsity ,Type- swriting and Mitiiographinlg. EDWARDS BRAS. diEer Sheehan'sl take Streen STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 119 W. Washington St. Burchffield's Fine Tailoring Trade..0. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state ofP Miciligan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTISTICALLY' N ECH1AICALLY We will be glad to proveit to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron CALKINS' DRUGSTORE 1E lRentschler, the ph~otographer. 4 Wanted-A Speaker f Willliamu Collier iu "Oii the Quiet" ast the Atheuns Theater this even- - . inlg, shlould iplay to a pactketd houlse. It Th tentysecnd o Feruar isshould heununecessary to speak of this hairdly usore thanl five weeks asway, actor aud Iplay, for everyone who reade anld yet the Washington. Birthday roum- at all knoews of the overwhelmig suc- mittee hlas nlot yet heen ahie to secure cess hle has recenutly achieved st the a speker.Detroit opera house. This should he a speker.sufficienit guaranutee of the highi class The committee, at this latistesas, will osf the prosductionl. trobsably ind it ashird talsk to Gutfill ay___________ psromtinlent mant to address the stttdentts All sittinsgs for ths' Miclliganelisiatl 0n anly of thse live topsics of ths' dasy. mulst he had bsy Jan. 27. They htave bseen inlcomunlication 84 RAD ALL PHOTO STUDIO. with -Sir Wilfred Laurier, Premier if _________ Canadla, hut htave julst learued thostlie wnill lie unahle to aceplt the inivittonl. Ed. 1H. tGriffin, '01 L., whso can ap- Thet promlinenst men of tse counltry are p~ointed commlittee clerk of thte state all butsily eugaged at piresenit, either lgsltr two yeatrs algo, has heenl re- with their wsork tt Wasngtonl or else- cclltly reapploinltedh. Arbr"Mach Generators GASOLINE LAMPS Bing in ysur old tees and let us malts you an offer. The Superior M'f'g. Co., 3295S. Main St. near Williams. >Headquarters, for Shade, Mantles and Chimneys. STA RT ON THE RIGHT ROAD line to all southwestern pointe -St. Louis, Kansas City, Om- aha, all points in Illinois. Students Tickets at Low Hates Homeseeker tickets to points in Kansas, As+kanso, Texas and Colorado-ou sale Tues- day, Dec. 18. One fare plus $2.00 from basing points, Con- sult agents. R. S. GREENWOOD, M. P. A. Cor. Mtain and Husron Streets. Capital, $50,00. Surplos, $85,00. Transat general banking business. R, Kzsar, Pres. C. E. tIRRx zs, Vice-Pree FssED. H BELSIM. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL "BA NK Ornnd1 Capitlt0,000te. 5sep1r. and Peos. t30.0011~ Treansacts a general banking business. FareegL exchange bottght and eotd. Psenisti lettse of tredit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. itAttiISoN SOULS. V ice-Prns S.W. CLARKSON Cashier The~ flan frbor Samons Bank Capital Stock. $00,000. Surplus, $150,00e. Resoese. $1.500.t00. Organised anderethe tGeneral Banktng Lawe of this State. Recetveu deposits, bus and me oxthange en the principal cities sf the United States. Drafts cashed upon propee identification. Safety depoeitthoses to rent. Opriss Christian Mnck Preso.; W. D. Hurri- man, Vice-Pres.; Chas.o. Hhiscoek. Cashier; M. I flt onttlitee tts ltltforlt srely l~O8l'-ADelt U ll~t-Rettrn i ito, Assistant Classes in dancing Thcomtehspufotevr LOTADetUpn.Rurso ' ____________________________ eff ort to seture at spseaker. btit thte ftault D~elta I House, 522 Monrose st. slid 3.egiaers-LadieSaturday afternooss4 0 littsitnut begititliug searlier. Itit to reteive rewasrd. S0 W. J. BOOTH, FnEs t dlntlerneo Saturdhay morning t10 libelihopedsthai they will still bt ilt- ______________________ J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice-prs Ladies end Gentlemned nseday 5evtn- cessful itnsetlcr~sti' ingsoema sf iniote. 1A SMiOKE FOR SMOKERS JbuN. C. 5WALT.oAstashier SAVINGS llrrmg fo5 daeddacr usa RTItll Tigers, 10e; Tigerettes, l5e. BAIN( Pen Ls lserseddetssTedy Waterman or Laughlin Fountain _________________ nrvalesons yAi.orMs1Rss Pne ens.$1 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. ' franaactsa ageneral At_ the__________ vel' 5spers'r 'hilt it Newbherry Banking Business aNOTICE'. Iflsill stsstrii is sfterniosoitheis'rnshy- a thl iasuAlssrs bcl5of this Bsaijo asdtisili- 1 _551slu's-l ut -i-i ifl i -I9I'a - dolinntdslhireplort it Rthlltr's Stu- My Wissny Sioul,"slaiiathem fosr histi- - dIo. Sunda-hly lirltihg sit 1 l sss-clo . lii t toie soloi anidl uasrte't. 'ITle soloist is hav pisi ctii-urs'tkenh. Mr1. PredilEllis. FORElI-ST' It. L tNCO'ASIIRItE. Isnnl. - - _________________ lss rei-isr Saturdlly evenIinlg ss'hi C.E BARTIIELL, Agent, hilsst -ii (I - c~den will con-A . 36 S. ScaeSt. Ann Arbor, ni1gh. The fiuent moograph and other Ui~a- - rii'' \sd11 ver-ily faney letter paper and pad In tun throusslghouslt this-csshhsgs' yrsar. WHYDOeTYOclsty. All styles. Sehalle-'s Rook- ongItNwtiuyprra. 7 -TADNT H O store, 1106tS. Dain St. -et Youir Meals atnd luiichtes at - 'A Msnlic in' isili ic ilkesd up iniOhio P 4 L4M 4, EO.RY. Dalnicinlg julst besfosre the holidlays. The OPEN AL MI~hT STUDETS NOTCE: ow115r5canl hasie Ohsesanh bly calliing It OPNAL IH. TDET OTC! thes Academy offie. 78 ' 1U505 ST., 'wo doors west oi Cook leuse. The hest lauudry is the 'Tolesdo Lauu- - -______ dry -'laiy It. Work =called for and do- Comuplete line of "Adler" fall suit J, M" ARTIN ti ; iveied. Lave your order at 121 8.1 andI overcoats at Wadhams, Ryan & DIRECTOR StraJn 2 0 w taming a speciaty. No. 209 S. 4th slN ALITISn r tie. Amhulance nightfnod cday. t If pQtA~s ete302 fPi fth Ace. ,.NY.. ; .FOUR-IN=HAND 1 TIE ar he. IMPERIAL IN THE £ NORTHSIDEENGILISH SQUARE JSTORE LAU-NDRY__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THOS. if5SiVE Prupe PE a * * 39C -aio Detroit t 457 Boil Phiono a W WoAGNER & CnSNO' - ATTERS IIABERDASHERS? asPe nti - COLLEGIATE CAPS. GOWNS end -10005. JU IT E T HItQ IFOR TAIP'Q LECTURE'JDumb - Belis THE SanidowSpring 'rip Dnmb -lBells are Rentin of P° made ia two haives conneeted by adjust- RePS aGS CfL U able sprinsuthus fercing one when taking es- CAPSuqd000115- -ercise to bare enemy munale at its groper Iens- i~ SE~eLTVsees. Many menclesuarealno brought into ations CLAS AKS.TEMPORARY that would otherwise lie dormast. Sandow CLAS CtitESclaims that this method of exercise is sapeior COLLECS3 FLAGS.-- to alothers COLLEGE PINS, ;'- I IE4~ No. No. LASS ad il seaa N R . 1Childrens',Pair,$l.25 I4. Touth's, Pate $2.5p #.1 t s" I2. els' " 1.75. Ladies' ' 2.M r ®LBC3#AS andOpens like 8a1bo0k. 3. Boys, " t1.756. Men's 3.0 pp -LAP . , ..Bests the old string csver Fall aad Wpete Sports Catalogue XFee upon rW1CaKERN&CO. aLecture paper3Slbsfor WeApplicatios. 41t1R y11y-Sevnth S51 the bestfouontain pens $1i (A".G. $ &1 Bros. ortlOAO, LL.T F. SCHLIIEDE, - - - - 340 South State N SW YORK C eO DNH WHOSE NOB8Y -IR0*N8- iV IL W A R IRENLISH tUITIMPS IN THlE CITY