TIFF UI OfTWIT (I' CIAN DAILI. Will Discuss State faxaton The annual meeting of the Michigan Published Daily (Mondays excepted)during Political Science Association will be Collegevearat held in Ann Arbor, Friday afternoon, THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN and evening, and Saturday morning, MAIN OFFICE RANCZ OFFICEJ an. 18 and 19. The three sessions of ArBh'g, Man St. Ne State'Stee t. the meeting are given over to a discus- sion of the question or state taxation. O.AN AM , DITOR Representatives from the states her- 0. u. H ANs, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, dering on Michigan have been invited F. ENELEARD, 'l for the purpose of a general discussion EDITORS: of policies and of principles. Each session of the meeting lays stress upon ATHLETICS, - G. D. HUDKUTT,'01 E one phase of the general problem. A. H. McDoUIGALL,'1 E. W. A. xxIGHT, 'O1 I On Friday afternoon the work of the tax commissions of Wisconsin and of Miss L, K. SABINE '03 Css. DVORAK '01 Michigan will be presented; on Friday H. H. WooDow,'04 W. P. CHANEY,'01 L evening two papers bearing on the W. A. BENSCOTER, '03 E. I. HOUSTON, '03 theory of state and local finances will be discussed, and on Saturday morn- ing the situation as it appears in the states of Illinois and Ohio will claim attention of the association. Harvey J. Hollister of Grand Rap- The Daily is in receipt of a short ids, president of the association, will poem by an unknown student hard. open the meeting with a paper en- We regret that we cannot give space titled, "The Importance of Good Tax to the effort. Perhaps Wrinkle or In- Laws." The papers on the purposes to it efor. terlas Winle r n-and workings of the Wisconsin and lander will do so. It's bad enough. Michigan tax commissions will beahy Judge N. S. Gilson, chairman of the Another Michigan debating team hats Wisconsin Tax Commission, and the won a victory for the University and ion. Milo D. Campbell, president of contributed its link to the long chain. the Michigan Board of Tax Commis- The team deserves the congratulation siAtthe Friday evening session r. and thanks to the University, especi- James B. Angell, president ofsthe Uni- ally when their opponents are consid- versity of Michigan, will speak con- ered. The Minnesota team was at: cerning the University. The papers at exceptionally strong antagonist. They his session will be bPniversity and were keen debaters and good speak- the Hon. Horace M. Oren, attorney- ers, who came well prepared for general of Michigan. The subjects are the contest. To wils from such "State Taxation of Inter-State Prop- a team is doubly creditable. To erties" and "The Separation of State the Minnesota men we extend our :1:11 Local Finances." At the Saturday morning session the appreciation of their fair anu lhonor- ion. Harvey B. Hurd of Chicago will able contest and express the hope that read a paper entitled "Some History of Michigan may always meet antagon:- the Struggle in Illinois to Realize ia- as worthy, and that there may be Equity in Taxation." The Hon. Harry .sGarfield of Cleveland, O., will dis- ll ly oti tierce but friendly contests "ss "Txation il lte State of Ohio" at :ccen the two rival universities. at this session. S. L. A. SO ROSIS Chef d'oeuvre do I'Exposition Universeile ST Waflom, Sagli., and Chainpior ADDRESS, 303 SOUTH STATE STREET The publiehers of this work received the Grand Prize and Gold Medal at the Paris Ex. position for its excellence. All works sold ot subscription only. Redmond, Kerr & Co., BANKERS 41 Wall Street, New York Transact a general banking business. Receive deposits subject to draft. Dividends and interest collected sod remitted. Act as Fiscal Agents for and negotiate the issue of railroeas, street railwavs, gas companies, elc. Securities bought and sold on commis'ion. Members New Tork Exchange. DEAL IN HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. List of current oferinr --- as appllrtlon, PsILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS GRAHAM, KERR & CO. We have just recieved our fall and winter stock of FANCY OVALS, FANCY CIRCLES, OR.NAMENTAL FRArIES AND PICTURE MOULDINGS of every description-Come in and see them. THE NEW SHOE FOR WOMEN Are popular in.... Europe as wellaas.... America, and ca~n he. purchased at the... best shoe store in.. every city.... LI A5u5M11.... uc n. "'I"'er, DEFRIES' ART STORE 212 S. Ma ifl St., 2171S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR ATHENS__THEATRE SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 W. G. SMiTH AND FRANK L. PERLEY WILL PRESENT WILLIAM COLLIER IN THE COMEDY SUCCESS OF THE CENTUTRY I I Comedy Club's Fine Play Bicycle Playing Cards and Poker Chips at Schaller's Bookstore, Main st. The' "M::"istratte," 11y A. W. iniero, T e Q i The comic opera success, "Princess is the name of the play to be produced Chic," will be at the Ypsilanti opera By AUGUSTUS THOMAS, Author of Arizona, Alabama, Etc. by the U. of \1. Comedy club this year. house Monday evening, Jan. 14. Strong and Capable Supporting Cast. The F'rltans had great success with Artistic and Realistic Scenic Effects the piece both in Americ and in There will be an important meeting Prices - - 50c, 75C, $i.oo and $i.5 Europe, and the University 'lub will of the Fencers' Club on Saturday, Jan. Seat Sale Thursday. spare no pains to stage it with all due 12, at 2 p. un., at the club's rooms, 411 splendor.pt 1. University ave. Fun, lots of climaxes and bright, Every member is expected to be pres- clean wit, pervade the story, whicl' ent. Applications from new members dwells in the wooing of Magistrate will be acted upon and fencing con- _______________ Posket and Widow Farrington. The tests decided. widow is gay, but somewhat rich in R. R. KIRK, President. rEVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME years. Posket adores young belles. So the widow grows several years If you are not satisfied with your AT younger-by paint. A 19-year-old son room and board or you wish the ex- would give her away, so he, too, be- --- - comes "only 14," and is made a perfect penses were a little less, go down and love of by the big girls. When the talk with Ann Arbor Music Co. tf denouement comes the judge finds he likes the widow despite her years. and Alarm Clocks, at HALLER'S JEW the "boy" likes t t andlsonme teacher. ELRY. )Vedding bells for two pair, please!________ \1u::.g r Joseph Standart is casting Manhattan and Wilson Bros. Shirts her iss.s Amd vill sots commenet re- for sale at Wadhams, Ryan &Reule. B IL L IA R P A R L O R make the club a permanent organiza- tion with a membership outside the THERE ARE OTHERS, BUT NONE HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES cast of parts so as to bring more stn- TTER'AEIOSES, ssoRS dents into the comedy circle. Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5c. EID A ND o OUTH ________ ___Li PPdLJAI) TATE Junior Class Social E NO D OETAE .a Luncheotis and dilntner's at m::oE'rat:' R EYNO LDS ROSENTHALEETREET The Junior Class social will be given prices furnished for spread, ,artie. Saturday evening, Jan. 1, in the Bar- and balls. I(ood service, refited t able SANITARY PLUM BING- Saur evnin J. 19, inmte Br appointments and dainty music. THE SCHUfl'ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, hour Gymnasium. The committee is CAMPUS, .427 Thomlpsont st. SEMAN o AERHAIG pleased to atnuounce that several mem- STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, -____7_._Wshgt___teet AutTIsSIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. bers of the faculty will be in attend- CAN YOU DANCE 207 E Washington Street. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND ORATES. snce. Mrs. Morton's full orchestra CCG- will furnish the music for dancing. If you can dance procure a Tuesday r We are headquarters for every thing in the line of furnishings For The committee has spared no pains to evening membership card, $3. If you students' rooms, make it a success, and'the party prom- cannot dance, join our beginning LAMPS OIL CANS PHOTO RACKS, SHADES ises to be one of the most delightful classes, $5. Simple dress preferable 'SWASTE PAPER BASKETS, CSPIDORS. ever given by the class. Thie patron- for class exercise. No embarrassment, - Our Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest.. esses will be announced in a later is- as visitors are not admitted. Grang- MrKe H A's FBAZAAR s sue. The tickets may be procured at er's School of Dancing, 18th season. MA RK H AM'S BAZAAR 50 cents a couple.. Office at Acaaemy, on Maynard St. 181215 SOUTH MAINISTREET; NEW STATE 'PHONE462- SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WAN I TO BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN 116 S. MAi i