be 'o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICHR., SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1901. No 79 Announcement ' Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 19oo hasI arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish ofj every suit, whether to be used forI business purposes or for full dress I ocasions. I.. WILD C19 so8 E. Washington St. WILD1ER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.- A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE Lt. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. Laboratory Supplies AND Dissecting Instruments' I AT QUARRY'S f WINSTON SPENCER Ian Hamilto's March with extracts from the diary of LiJeut. HI Frankland. a pris-+ oner of war at Pretoria, with portrait of Gen. Hamilton, 4 a colored mao aid several plans $1.20 - London to Ledysmith via Pretoria An account .of Mr. Church- ill's exper ences as a special correspondent with the Brit- ish armies in South AfricaI from he early days of the war until the relief of Lady- smith. Containing also an account of the armoured train. Mr. Churchill's deten- tion at Pretoria as a prisoner of war, his escape and suse- queit service in the Natal I army-$I.2O ANOTHER FOR MICHIGAN Debating Team Wins from MinnesotaI iuaa Close Contest, the Decisiont being 2 to 1. Michigan last night won its semi-c final contest in the Central Debating League by defeating Minnesota in a contest which was close and spirited. The question under discussion read as follows: "Resolved. That it is Unwise for the States to Attempt to Tax Per- sonal Property." Michigan upheld this proposition, and it was opposed by the Minnesota men. The judges decided the contest in Michigan's favor by a vote of two to one. Gov. A. T. Bliss was to have been the presiding officer of the evening, but was detained at the last minute by the pressure of legisla- tive business. President Angell acted in that capacity, and after an organ solo by Prof. Stanley, accorded a warm welcome to the visiting debaters. The speakers were allowed twelve minutes each on their direct speeches. Follow- ng these, after another organ selec tion and encore by Prof. Stanley, ach speaker made a short rebuttal ad- dress. Tle debate throughout was charac- terized by spirit and warmth, occas- ionally bordering on bitterness, but was for the most purt good-natured on both sides. After the discussion had I rogressed somewhat all the speakers began to devote a large part of their efforts to a close techical discussioni of the question whether frahise and similar taxes we iersoial t s. Tacy devoted suc tie to 5(ncicli Ciscussion of terms and a 15c fally dinute dissection of verbiage. Tme seemed to be an effort to 111ke the question hinge on a fine shale of meaning and an elaboration of terms. Aeide from this caractrisi . boit 4ss p-reseted the oeui:on aby andi fairly. Mi(higIan's most evidew ad- vantage lay in somewhat superior team work and better elocutionary training. The delivery of the victors was more forcible and effective and enabled them to make their arguments for their utmost worth. The opening argu- iients of all the speakers were strong. On rebuttal Lende made a forcible re- suie for the negative, ail Jacob for the nthirimative presented clear and effective answers to his opponents as well as a strong summation for his own side. 'the clseness ofut liecisios is in- di"ative i sn the merits of the delate. ihiligan, however, hade ii eideiit ad- -antage in tfle manner of prea,nttion. The audieice was fair and friendly and applauded generously the strong points of both sides. Hon. Harry A. Garfield declared after the contest that it was much close and better than the final debate with Chicago last year, which lie heard. and much more difficult to de- cide. He commeded especially the work of Mr. Jacob. The final debate will be between the two old rivals, Chicago and Michigan,. Chicago having defeated Northwestern lasi night. The judges last night were Hon. Harry A. Garfield, Cleveland, O.; Hon. Thomas A. Tracy, Toledo, O., and Hon. IDavid Rosser, Chicago, Ill.. After the debate the judges and con- testants repaired to the residence of President Angell, where a reception was given in their honor. A resume of the debate is given be- low:- Mr. George W. Maxey was the first speaker for the _affirmative. He set forth in a clear manner the interpreta- tion of the question and the proposi- tions sought to be sustained by Mic-i gan. Personal property taxes are not adapted to modern conditions, for the wealth of today is largely represented First "Coach" Story for the Season. by stocks, bonds, etc., while formerly it was derived, principally,'from lands. Last night's Ann Arbor Alrgus printed i ainta that the stemwaa report to the effect that Graduate unwise because it discriminated Mnue ar a fee 250t against citizens; resulted ii double tax- CMana gerkBarmhoffeted Un,50 r- ation, uncertain in collection, and soach Eckstorm of Ohio State Univer- reached but a small portion of property city to cone to Michigan next fall and of the country.act (s head coach. The gi--oip seems to have originated with the O. S. U. Mr. Lende, in opening for Mimnesota, Lantern acording to the Argus. When maintained that the affirmative should seen by a Daily reporter this mornrug prove that all efforts to reach personal Manager Baird said "No, I did not property have been fruitless. He offer Mr. Ekstorn or any one else such mamitaiied that to abolish the tax on amount. In fact we have been deluged personal property meant the release of with applications from e --hes who 630 per cent of the property of the want positions here nex: y-i-r. Among country from taxation. Mr. Lende their number was one from Mr. Ek- made a strong plea for the taxation of storm. We have acce-i-lied none of corporate property at its full value, as them as yet. We have hardly consid- represented by its stocks and bonds. ered the commnunicatimns at all. You In answer to the argument made by may say that the story is a fiction." Mr. Lende, claiming that personal property constituted 60 her cent of the property of the country, Mr. Sonnen- No Until Septia i schlien, for Michigan, showed that it paid but 25 per cent of the taxes. In PresidentWilliam H Payne of Pea- every state the personal property pays body Normal College, Nashville, Tenn., only a very small per cent of the tax. who has been appointed to and accept- He put forth a clear argument in favor ed the chair of Pedagogy made vacant of the abolishment of the personal by the recent death of Prof. Hinsdale, property tax, and offered as a substi- has tound it impossible to settle up his tution therefor, the creation of fran- affairs at Peabody College at once. but chise, business and inheritance taxes. must remain there for some tine, pos- Mr. Sonnenschein was followed by sibly until next summer. Thus Michi- Alex. L. Jaues, who made a good ap- gan will not be honored by his pres- pearance upon the platform. He ence until next fall. Dr. Rebec, Asst. maintained that the majority of the Prof. of Philosophy, will continue to fill decisions held that the tax on corpora- Prof. Hinsdale's place in the mean- tions was a tax on personality. Also time. that the personal property tax had proved successful in the agricultural Small Pox at the Univ. of Wisconsin slates, mmmd to abolish the system____ would mecesarily increase the taxes f be paid on other property in those "reat excitement prevailed in Wis- states. The fact that several of fthe sonsin University over the discovery states had abolished the personal prop- of a case of smallpox in t at institu- erfty tax and had then gone back to it, tiou Thursday last. Over ''00 students spoke eloquently for the system. were exposed. and, s a result. the In closing for the affirmative Mr. law school has already I -:ii closed Henry F. Jacobs presented the strong- indefinitely: est argnment of the evening. The tax Severas persons are on probation oi other property would not be in- awaitinugi the development of the dis- creased by the abolishment of the per- ease. So many were exposed before sonal property tax, for the franchise, the case discovered was identified that business and other taxes proposed there are strong reasons for believing would avoid this difficulty. The taxa- that all departments of the University iton of a, corporation, he maimtained, will be closed until the epidemic has was not a personal tax, but simply a ce ased. tax imuposed for the privilege of doimg It would seem that they have not business. The adoption of the fran- fared as well at Wisconsin as we have utise, business andi mheritance taxes at ichiiga, mand the infection has wouldi ncrease threefold the product- been far more widespread than it was iveness of taxation. Ero 3 a 1 i E i t t a Mr. James McIntyre, while being fairly strong im his presentation of facts, did "otsave a delivery that vus up to the standard of his colleagues. He affirmed strongly that franchises are personal property and that there- fore the franchise tax proposed by the afirmative could not become a proper substitute for the personal property tax. He also argued that to attempt to tax business corporations for the privilege of arrying oii busimess inma state, would result,h mueir refusing to do busmss there at all. Chicago Defeats No thwstern. (Special Telegram.) Chicago. Jan. 11, 11 p. m. U. of M. Daily. Am', Arbor, Mich.: Chicago whis debate. Times-Herald, It will be seen by the foregoing that Chicago will be our opponents hm the final debate of th. Central Debating League. The Grand Rapids Alumni Associa- tign of the Umiversity of Stichigais is beMug reorganized, and in three or four weeks a banquet will be- held at which officers will be elected. Pres. Angell is expected to be present. There are 400 graduates of the U. of M. in Grand Rapids. shoul it get a foothold ill Wisconu- sin in all probability that school will be closed this week. Tie student body here can no re- alize and appreciate the quick action taken at Miehigan to stamp out the trouble. Students who have been slow to comply with the vaccination require- meuts should be vaccinated at once. Michigan is free fron the epidemicand so simply because due precautions have been taken by the authorities. Friends in the Legislature. The University is particularly fortu- nate ii havmig such good friends of the imstitution* appointed as chairmen of the University committees in the house and senate. D. M. Ferry, Jr., is chairman of the house committee, and the warmth of the Ferrys to the U. of M. is too well known to need any explanation. "Jim" Murfin, of Detroit, is chairman of the senate committee, so that the needs of the institution will be well taken care of in the upper house. On February Oth the U. of M. Glee, Banjo and Maindolin clubs will give their first concert of the year in Ui- versity Hall. Following this appear- ance the clubs will give a concert in Detroit. Faculty permission to make a tour out in the state is expected.