THLE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. E F EEFFFEgE FE E FE F E EE e t. r: E c Fc E F E EE 1 iii iMr iY iii.. iY iY W itr iii Order Sui'*t Sale doll Our recent sale of high grade trousers at exceeding low price of $5.00, having been so fully appreciated by the STUDENTS, it has induced u to offer (FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY) a line of suitings of proportionate value at the reduced price at $20.00 and $25.00. Quality, Worhmanship, Style, Guaranteed HO 4t 4v l's 4t 4'lk !R 4' 4' rye Young Men WASHIGTONE. 4" 119-4.i-a4i Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO{ CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chicago for St, Louts, Kansas C'itt, St. Patti and the west. Eor tnformation and through tickets callion or weite to H.IV. HAYES, Agent, Ants Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, 1899. Trains tenor Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Ttm. SOUTH NORTH aNo. 6.--7:25-..m5. No. 1.- 8:10 A. it. Na. 8.-11:85 A. 0. *No. 5.-12:30oP. m. No. 4.- 8:35rP. . No. 3.- 4:56 *Rn obletween Ann Arbor and Toledoaonaly. All trains daily except Sunday. w T. WILLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT, 0. P. A. HO0CKI NG VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLOUM"BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. W. Landinan, G. P. A. G. Trav. Agot. Columbus, Ohio. Detroit. Mink. Detroit, Ypsslanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half our, beginning at 7:15 a. im. until 7:45 p. m.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. us~ 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. in. W-aiting room, mirner Ann ansi Main sts.; Detroit, i11 Griswold at. MONEY LOANED en Watches, Dianmonds,Wheels and other Per- eonaal Property. Office at residence, Eli E, Liberty street. All bosinesa confidential. goeurs. 8Stot1130t. n, s.and 1ito 3:30andt7to 9 Pus. JOSEPH C. WATTS OOO+O+++ 0+0+©.IO+ + ©+.+4O!O.:.+0+0+©+0+0+iO~l H I HENRY 8ROSe Now on the floer at 709 N. UNIVERSITY AXVENUE We have-on our tables an Entirely New Line of Fall ad Winter Suitings. It Will Pay You to See Us. HENRYBRS 0+. The JOSEPH BOHMANN © MANDOLINS & GUITARS SReceived First Premium at the Parts Exposi" They are for sate at the Scheel Music Store, 1165 .ieryS.Ann Arbas Stats Engineers Banquet P'rof. J1. B. Dais ' Will tatlk. about the ________ St.I('lair tints' Survcy bcfore theHit. liii Liast mseeitng of ithc Michiigant gists'sring 'society ismnight its the t'lysi- tigissecritig society was hesisiycstcr- '1 cstotos sits's. Paplers were rs'sdiby IW. J.;f IPRAT i'islssr itt Istiact, I'. F. Roigers of IPRAT Pt Hu lsrsont ani i. 1".Itensry of De- All thoise who have appliedi tr wish trit. tsapisly for memnberohip its the Uni- Ltsstt iigitt si banqt:istlosesd tihe (cots''vesoity Comsesdy club wtill meet Mr. De vientistis. Among thse ss isi t'espondtsedl Ist'i'iTursday vot'Friday atetsrtnoons, its toasts were trot.11. E. Coley andt lt't ettee 2:31) and 0:30 o'clock its Ioomtt P~rof. .13i. Davis. C, t'itiversity Hall. 77 CHAFING DISH $5.00 3pint size, pateni lamp, handles on hot water pan, absolutely the best in town for tie price. Win, Arnold, Jeweler TO THE.. JUNIOR HOP 11ave the Quickest Service and host carriages. New rubber tised coaches. Finest turnouts in the city. Hack and baggage orders p ronmptly attended too. The talk by Prof. Rusoel upon "Two expeditions to Mt. Elias" aiiiosunced for Friday, Jan. 11, has been Isost- poned on account of conflict, until Monday, Jan. 14, at 7 p. in., Museum lecture room. If yout are slot satisfied wvithi your reomsindsbtoard or yoti wish the ox- pen'tses wcrs a little less, go down itanid talk with Ann Arbor Music Co. if Alarm Clocks, at HALLEII'S JEW- ELRY. Manihattan and Wilson Bros. Shirts for sale at Wadhams, Ryan &Reule. THERE ARE OTHERS, BUT NONE BETTER Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5c. Best $3 hat made Is the Howard. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, sole agents. Art Pictures for studeads' rooms, at Scbal ,r's Bookstore, 116 So. Main st. Manihttan and Wilson Bros.' shirts for sale at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. 11asliss, Ryass & Hesile are sole- aigsnis for Ypsilansitiundlerwear. The Old Reliale is HALLER'S JR VELEY. Bicycle Playing Cards atid Poker Cis at Schaller's Bookstore, Atain at. '1il sitslilt'c1O1erah sit Eeo."ritit es' C'iti','' will its'at lteYsilntiolie hsosest Mosndasy 'vensing,.ltJtn. 14. AllCI()ltANHSN7 All sdraiwings for tlls'ptublictationi ilsstb h andeinisat once. S. W. LADD, Alan. Ed. YosiKntow tse Place. H ALLER'S. Thes seconds of the serit'sssf fraternsity; axsss'mblly pith'es 'sililsbe giv'ensthis evettitig at Girangs'r's. Waterman or Laughlin Fsuntain Pens, $1 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. It you :see the work of the Toledo Laundry Co. you will he convinced that you want no oilier. Agency 121 S. Main.! Holmes Livery 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY ST. AN EYE OPENFR. It will open your eyes as to lie candy sitsu ation if you have never visited Hank's. Drop in there today. Swipe one of oar theecslates. 'Allegretto Style' we sHake tind sell at 15 cents. Every variety (fcaredy sed only the bet you'ltinodat IIANOIOTERFEss'S, 200 E, Washington, 316 So. ;tate. P. S. The only first-class place in town lo eal, ossteis served in any style. Pickwick Billiard Parlor Regulation Sloe Tables, MonairchsCushions. 3 Everything New and (Strictly Up-to-Date 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor Thsat'S se sname-IALLER'S JEW- Alsirm C(locks, at HALLER'S JEW- ELRY. ( ELRY. R. St.L i{ i u! 1_1 l_ t. i i+ E i 1_.L i t i - i i i i jq N}1 ifllLMt_1 N '-'."-rl-uuL-3nl--rLuTl-nPrLL inn, ni Mimi n, ruvu,-LnrLnrm-n HAVE YOU SEEN THE.. NEW "CUSTOM" SHOE allMADE BY PURITAN SHOE CO. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW EXTENSION HEEL. 11I South Main Street U.ofVBarber ceaessgad-Embalmer and teeiif lak ea U. yf ssage a special- E N OCIH DI ETERBLE, uea ietrU n ivers ty gna 2if . AIkWalt Fine Shop and Bath I r.dune lb lat 22 Forh v Fueaofretr h el ain aild ly Md Ro m , ehads. h(Berlin ! of SrpirneatlyPhotos Rom 1s,55852STATE. and R Tro na~i I _____S,_______Are,,_BothPhones $_hoeSho__E.___________________p WE PATRONIZE G00DYA RSBR~jG ST0P7