z ~THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, Ija DebaJe-"~Resolvd' that labor diff- Kw. O S IN ________________ culties slould be settled by arbitra- . The "100' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe culse Diy(onaysexteat seng ts." Negrative Ficlsaberg nMorese.to wear when the weather is ucer- 4 Coleg Yer, a so. Ngatie, ebaerg,-Mose.taln. A little rain doesn't hurt it THE UNIVERSITY O[ MICBIGAN sibyl. speiss whle it affods plenty of comfort on as~0m oos0sa Imprompttmspeches the warmest of days. MIOFIE BRNHFFC UlArs Bldg, Mast St 36S tate Stret pinOBin But of course we havelih shoes Both_'Phones_13._Nwstate_'Phone_182 Discussiont of some of the important for right days and heavy shoes for MANAOING EDITOR, political canges of last centry. rainy days if you prefer. . H HAts.'0 Msk ADELPHI. BUSINESS MANAGER, Msc GLASS'S SHOE STORE, F. ENOOLHn5, °01 L Debate-"Resolved'that the ship sub- \' \ 1 9So. Min Street. EDITORS: sidy bill as presented inthte senate Ops evenings until ANN ARBOR, MICK{ would be oll uwise law." Affirmative, 8 P. M.ATLTC,- GD.HD'T,01ESok eirk Ngtvewy ttamilton.sA WA. BENCT ERL, '01-E. W .OO, '03 F cutttn et5at ih MisIK ~a'3C o vs the'0 n111sfiOtSchoo o ui at iviig l SisadOecasaesta M. O. H A nesso o wh.IHo eom- e :,a el t'03, vrysa The 19Mb f.Thauyicncer(isea- Oreniesocmfaloerlohnet ral ettimdthDalacallson),lgven ihn Feev Meoralhalttheuedoftiporidurin mouth oJnuypirt evnng Mr Ichee s onetdtired bnive rti Deboo g ofpMusic lastnicng. aSutsandOvrcts at ess than wilh thse -tismesota Daily ansd relports Conseto . 10 op 83 Mozart, for two thsasftie tpaper, which is making is pianos, played by Ruth J. Martin and prices. Every thing new. msaidlen effort, is hsaving a msost su- Alhert Lckwood twas a ffing ntro- dution to tfhe conscert. They played esslul year. We are glad to iote fhit withs great expressionthe blending of If IhIflI fat, for it is no 5051smal eriorisr 555i the tvo pianos being terfect. -Mrs. STA LER ANDW IIRTIN thsese sdays to1 la uscis a(,)11(,gs' daimy Alice Bsliley Riolfe as at her best. Itofle Daily. Issosti her hearers feel as if they wer. _______________________ ________ int fairyhanlsd. The last on the pro- grastl, Msrce Militare" played by We hope that Miclsgsn will be sis- Albierrt okwood, was so faking that AT H EN S IIT H E AT R E restful tomnight. Her tast record is: one culd hardy hlp marcching to A i x S IF M F L debatinog and oratory is a most envi- ismldosnoe oes o usic, abl oor omd smold icoryrossetowhso were not presenmissed one of abe nead hol vctrycmet ste finesf faculy comcerts ever given. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 us the pieoofige of Michigan will be the -________W.GSITH AnFNK .PEEY IL PRET greater. -Whatever may e ths' result oT'e regularm Saturday evenig assess:- G S1T ND F A K L P R E IL R S N we know that our debaters rti-ilhave blessastt sotsgero's .tcailmiy will ros- VIL.LIAI'1 COLLIER ably rps' etfd ,ichrigan ando tho n tss ime strsloe 10h flit olsgi' yeam. Mititior anbe .lhe-NoD.SsturodatvNe'w C't'tntrrysog>rass. IN THECO tMEDY SUCCESS 01P THE CENTUIRY tte-i(ista u e utsr ON THlEQUIET." ~0flTeQuilt *IFrir truenaivknrwlege.I0* By AUGUSTUS THOMAS, Athor of Arizna, Alabama, Etc.C * ill guarstntee the performance * Srn and Capable Supporting Cast. Programs of Literary Societies * of '0mn the Quiet," by the Wil-* Artistic and Realistic Scenic Effects h lams:Cillier Co. next Saturday* Prices - - 5oC, 75C, $.oo and $.50 night tot tot a comedy of the * Sat Sle Thursday- 'lstllfrsrysriti' olfi'terpuaryghs srdr ssocietewoies_____________of_____the_______campus_________ will ol'S their regulsar mietings this*hisolo rdserissgdithilosae wlost week. Osinig tot theodeasie oiths Missn. h oiotsit fseigte"TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, still le gvess Satunsday night. The* very best is:this lise that as* 'lsesfionsasrrantsged for discussions sre a ever apepared t the Athens The- * raeiaSyla i "«P N Ej C IC live oties, an tmiierestinig meetintgs 't ttre. I wishs to stake sy reputa- maisylie .looked for. * floss as sa theatrical mnamager on* Tle trogasosfolos'x' DEAN M. SEABOLT, WEHSTER. a*Itanager. Curresnt Events-Foreign, F. z. kEERYHIN NE EXEPTTHENAM Vickery. Domnestic,. Clsslppl. *-V RT IGNW-XETT EN M Imnprompltts-J. A. -Manssfieldl. I'. F.-___ AT Whitmnore, . . Seiter. Chef d'oeuvre de General Discussisits--Hesilvt-d Iothatoito niesl ts- integsrity of the C'hiners Empilire 'xostouv lerel sliouldlbhrw sinistatiss-i." Qn tsbioistforos i-oso seboate.) Waion, ag, and Ctamper speels-A. IR. Ieynolds. ADDRtESS, 3ti 5OUT11 STATE STREET -Msi',T e rili-ier- o (Issacwok received the Msssis-. r.d ii-eiiidoifi'teioslotvthe Paris Ex- lelite-'esolveil that lt-he sited position tr its ecellence. Alt warks sold on Stoles shsol construct, owt-ntasdros- seito ny trt',Acalin anl" fERedmond, Kerr & Co.,. BILLIARD PARLORS tve _ .SadnEr oly ..1 I riffisnNegtive, II. L. Childs, Clin- BANKERS loss M cvii, t. A. Downing. 41 Wall Street, New York HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES Critic's Report-T. R. Marks. Election of Officers. Trnsact a general atig boisese. El __AND. SUCCESSOS O T TEFFERSONIAN. and interet collected and remitted. Act as _ OT T CuretTojs-omsic.xfose1 Fiscal Agents eor and egtiate the issue of OL S ONTALE Foreign, Stienlie. ~~~rairoads, street railways, gs ompanis, etc. R Y O D OETAE S R E ForegnStieke.Securities bught and sld ao n mais isn .peeches-Bailey, Harbaugh. Members New Tack Exchange.____________________________________ Addresses-Christensen, OW. Raiser. #F QPCUHI Oratosso-Fike, elityre OBL INj !SANITARY PLUMBING. Ortos-ik,-cnye lA NImpromptu Debate-Affirmative, Du- HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. . ELECTRIC CO~STRUCTIO AND SuPLIES, boois. Negative, Forrester. List nfesrirent ferings stac"*cpeiation, U III! STEAM AND HO WATER HEATING. igahe-.I.Rue . PHPILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Sreet. ARTSSIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES Johnson. L nCP. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND RATES. Genseral Debate-"Resolved that the s W. integrity of the Chinese Enmpire should hoe maintained." Affirmative, C. Y. Andrews, D. Is. Johnsons. Negative, $3E ETT ETO Critic's Report-ice. Cole. &T$0ESHOESOENAN elections off officers. 218 S. MAIN ST. ALPH-A NU. Vocal solo-Mtoore.-.._ __,. . SWEETS TO'TE SWEET. IF YOU WAN I TO- BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN ie s. MAIN4 d