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January 11, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-11

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No 78

.Announce 11n
I~Our special line
of foreign and
domestic -fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The same careful attention
is given to the styles and finish of
every suit, whether to he used for
husiness purposes or for full dress1
iog E. Washington St.
YOU KNOW t V~~where Nto get.
it E, oly,.530S lStt' CStret.


WLL FIGHT FO HONORS spetnit ini its tsresainoii. We feet that sn tii'Iotfilebiate is, "ItesoiedTatl
the contest: wNitt be close' ad are de- is I avti'e Cur the States to Attempt Cu
termiiied to pt f oni aid our stronigest '1 ix 5ersonal Property."
Minnesota Dehatera en the Ground- effortsCuoicoiptei saii('e'ssfllyt." 5' very tloya1Michsigano ste'ajt stiould
The Contest Premises to he a 1Managir 0. P. II)Lteiseel, speaths b (i n ecusstrage the 'Varsity
if ttie outlook, saiul: 'ieliigsn Iii g ti iii11 every tway possible.
Hard Fought One-Botit feated sus last year -iiil c fttre(' ''s es iy i o' T Bliss wilt arriv e this of-
Teams in Good that twe have na very lihiitt proo,* ti oroo it dpreside at thse !'hate this
CodtoLion to go sigisisot. Mino ids1iii5 a ' TIhe judges are 1Is .. tarry
Condgieatiion .is1s.shhasdo ii hi dClteveland, 0.; Horn. Tihoim-
stogta in n 1c~ 1stehearty suport of she siudlntiuudy it s1i" ii a. Totedo, 0., and Nudge
Thei'fiest (Goites' debaitiing teamo that tiome. We don'tpreendoitto tiredict a i 11sa Dyl e, Columobus, 0.
toss ever venturetd farther east than ttie vietory, thaough of course wve feet eii
"Wiuity City" to claim honor on the eouraged ansd, 1o ssu i teest, feiel Most Caosply With Pequirement
pldatforin sinee the formationo of the ttiat it wilt be ai bard fight, so Ilnif
Central D~ebating Lesigue isi 1.S9S, to-ave lose ave cais feel t list ieigsa ha,1
vadeedt.Asia Arbor yestersday afterooi. woo the honse, <siiist uthtiilMisc _It is the saatentlioiiof 0t, Uniaversity
The party is compsosed of ftersemd- bsota h s isd soan'ii"athoiieissCtha heo.fr-' respecting
tiers-Messrs, 01st A. Lende, lames The -Micstgansdestessers ,use- -ltsil usi si isi.issued Isy-President Ala-
Metntyre antd Alex. L. Jamsue, the con- sdeternminesd to siistsiii the hugh s siiid-"elI osihel euscompied as itO by es-cry

'5 /'5-

Sovrsit sstdents a't«h s'sougtt
Cio s' sls' liii'oidetrbhave to grief
ands'ovessiouldIliaCt they ..at ''taske
thirie isieiiic"atonigavitshtie vest.
OItsI--siiasl ielisoseae tie exeiuses of-
li'sos tolii is's eincsg a'as'sisiats's. ut,
8s. s!iissruleg is's're'efs'r'e's'tthCii'slu-
ii isfors'xssssisslisss. 1Tis'sdoctors,
'Thei'Isia-fas sally yests'rsdy lpostetda
list (if sabosts 00 21 \\- stu' denlsilstssaiol
negleceditlo tilt sut sia v'eiiisioiiisaisli:
anlitheluy aaveenotified to ulos soissisii'
ately. The litserary stisdents s ha's' been
dire-ctd5by Presisdenit AaigelltoCisecur'e
tisk-ts fisoiiluh'irsecrectary fosr' silisis-
sssnis ithir suisas.sisits' isvierait si
lhiii nss'lss'rs sifCli'h eieicl sdepari-
issleiiisa's' isbeis sisississed il fuieIli
caso".avhich is sigiicsautiof ac'is-si
f oIlil('i'V.i'filii. Iii aiss ssy s l
5 s ,r ihi'i'5s15'. ii lti's'ls-s l l . s s
lli' l e'si ' r'5 l i'l sll s 's' i sis h i' s-ise

tissi.s uit , lldItl'. 0. '. ~bl least ill-
i i ii'ti l it s u at l i s 's s it i ii' - r
hulai' 1tssig' issni'ii'b'lut'stirs'st 'sirtyso
fisli cots' i i ls a lasiii aiiti ii s
iii'i issi I Ii 's'issg.~=iiMn l

OTA 'l'II~lI____________________for________ issilsitas olcli''sisiss'
resasdy ls'e'etsli'es's.11it1reusie' di JAMES B. ANt ItI .
to sdsiassmean <isiss a ,s'sssls'sl aslo i as Iizii 1 1
equassl, it list 'xi's' l whc lne
5een hldliher'e''tofsre. 'flei iisisalWo 'l li-a 's ybr 01'f lests i.Ii s ill..
aeillt rs'tssseii lMi's iIsiihylti"';Atlr 55 ht '- dlive'ringa sipci ous
Henary ' .s'sli. Jacob sss, lva sasiasli- ('wflwc lf)mliu.g-;iis' tt ils asisua
selalesi ai7id t tisie ~t~.'~olmcils

'is+o issillsa tEa-isis s'icl ds-la t s's' hisit ka isY s-iis -s "' i.5 5A'
QUA RY9 1w ya ill a' h iash ssl u as tle hussaniug Clu
_ iiii~L5 ,~ Ri( in is the i nestofui'uii deating renihig
ii~~~ ~~ -~'1! as'si sihi s'ssshas'sir lshloii' thale
'' ttIltstuiissa .lihul sag<1 .Honuel rem sinig Is'-
+~i ht1' I i h li f sissl ssso liiia uo tispits-,
+ nbn ig fcloth tlois 'ti i a's-' tut e ds' iis' uit
and leather, some ''ll-si realize ien tshsess enteirt'd Chic
+ plain, others with I" (.;)hmet tisuui thesi ictolsry' wouldt sit his'ddcvesad ywn
gold edges. A var 1'Iuis gea otSrl th hat is tlast. us h 1ss~g
iety of lizes from the l tuulsrsgir th' s tiut ' uo.Tiy ' IIi
smallest for th jet .il I'rsoh avils thisis' f'oostbls l hosniors, i
25C thernne od s elil e"tl
pocket, to the largeilt ~ s r-l i h'luhsg. - /\
desk hook. Each and siipi toili caesrry that lauirels hiacto Isaf
'thu.l~ilis otls sss and i I i'ai'ehr te sasist
44 t diary contains, be a'ssusulilus'st L'siversity ini the siddlile -.
S$ 75sides the saefor
space 4 rst. Wheni the probabhility oftChic re-
each day's entry, a slt of thse debaste this evesnisig is mness-
variety of very useful tiimied Ctse v'isitors are sousewrliat riti- '
items, arranged in coii-st isid perfer tualkding uphonuhes foot- ARoa5J54N5sEiN ><
convenient form for biall outlooks for nsext yeas', thsoughs
reference. thsey say tlat they believe the cosntest
w uill be a close one. gn wv NE~t 3 C~
IA H IA SpeakIing of the subject of the debatIe
S this evening, Mr. Lende said: "We fie tavr neetn n n n hind
h requires an endless amount of timie THlE MICIHIGAN TEAflI

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