THE UIVEBSlIY OF MICHIlGAN DAILI. y _. EfFFfFvelp FFEmew. FFfrFEEvEFEEEEE*me- mettevEFEMFCMCC&ccMCCM&vMFS; rw I ms IYOU CARE * More for equality; wear and fit, than exti give you extra wear and comfort for3 that will interest you.... .. .. We have taken all broken lots of W bhunched them and made one lot-at pric. Here is where you get shirts foi material thrown in. See them in the W W y car: rc: : _ rrar. !i lc : reme style of patte your money-we hr f$1.00, $1.25 and< a, while they last, the cost of the rns window . ern, that will ive something $1.50 Shirts- of 63c each. aking with the OODSPmELD'S 117 MAIN ST. S. S ".4;bh AAA 444AAA AAAAAA AAAAZAAZAAAa;.T aaalmsla1MIXasteak 3wLm ~ " "' 2kA-!h" " " " ." . .... ...,....,.r.... ...... g 3 ii 3 3 i 33 i3 3 33j i E : : 33 333 ??i j 3 3 ? a 33 y Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO OHIJOAGO BUF=FALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections ai Chicago ror St, tools, Kansan City, St. Paul and the west. Eonftornttion and through tickets call on or wriie to I1. W. HAYES, Agent, Antn Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE 'Croking Effert, Sunday, Masy 21, t898. TTalas lease Ann Arbor by Central Stand-? atd Tln,re. SOU T11NORTH *No. 6.- :25 A. a. No. 1.- 8:51l A. it1. No .l~sA. i,. No. 5.-l2:30iP. a. Na. 4.- 8:5 P . a. INO. .- 4:56 P. s. *,Rnn betsween Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. w T. SWILLS, Agent.: W H. BENNETT, G. P. A" HcKING VLLEYBR. The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. 4 SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS j 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUIIBUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisker, L. W. Landmnan, O.P. A. G. Trav. AsS. Coiusu, Ohio. Dtetroit, icle. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Antn Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half oar, beginning at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. mu.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. to.,:9:15 p. in. and 11:15 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main ste.; Detroit, Ill Griswold at. MONEY LOANED onaWatebes, Diamnowds,Wheeln and other Per- soaliPooperty. _Ottcen at residence, 11E. Liberty street. All boniness confidential. Hours. 8 ;.0,110 a. and ito 3:30 and 7to A P. Mn. JOSEPH C. WATTS Kathiarinie Mulkinis, who glays the part of Ethel, Duchess of Carboiitale, in "Ontime Quiet," has a face and 1ig- sirs' itiat sire calculatedl to set the Jolitinies wild. As it thebe gifts were not sufficietit, she is also hieiress to a large fortune. Mliss Mulkinis is a Cali- forniaii. Her real name1 is a1 mystery, aiii she adogpted a theatrical career for love of the stage. "J" tHOP' NDEPENDENIT NOTtCE. All itidepetideiits cstitemaplatilig at- icliug the junior hip tis yealr will pleasse'omimunicate with Phli. H. Buorsley, the independent repsresenita- tise on il te bop esiiiliittee, at Clii S- tisgyyes st. so jIf yin arceiiot satisfied ivithi your rioim a1111board or you awislithe ox- gisoss weirt a little less, go down anid talk -with? Ann Arbor lMusic Co. tf Alarm Flohcks, at tIAL.LEWIS JEW.1 ELRY. ('LEE CLUBI NOTICE. Thete awill tic arelis'rtr;::l of thnt (Ae stil ivory iiighit lii wct'k a 7 itelock in irsosoii 21. tC. J. D)OVEL. Manlhattan aiid Wilson Egos. Shirts for sale at Wadlionas, Ryan &Reule. It's the same (5d story of a greait big, crosvd at the regular hospital. The~ cistiuiati'd capacty of the hospital, whiein it was erected, was 612 patients, brit thers' were S7,- innthe tiuiliitigwhieii butsiness closed yesterday. Of these thirty have been taken in sinco the quarantine was raised. There are a large numbeir waiting outs ide for pat- ients to be discharged to make room tsr them. THERE ARE OT TERS, BlUT NONE BETTER Rloyal Tigers, locl Tigerettes, .ac. TooubKlow the Place. JIA\LLIEE'S. Beat $3 tint made Is the Howard. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, solo agents. Art Pictures for studetst' reams, at Schal!,sr's Hookstore, 116 So. Main it. MNanhattan and Wilson Bros.' shirts far sale at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. That's the tiame-HALLER'S JEW- ELRY. lIn the report of tho State Teachers' a association that met at Tampa, F'l:, i recently tho Tampa Herald says: Alarm Cl ck S t'rof, Thomas C. Truebilood, iiistrue- tsr iin oratory iin the University of U. of M. Pins 50c to $1.00. Flnos. Mliciiati, waisisresont, and by request Watch Repaisisig a Specialty,, delivered an addross on the "Educa- ~ ess~ tioiial Value of the Study of Publuic I .~lrY~~,JWLte Spe'aking." Professor Trueblood is a206e Main Sontha. most abile and accomplished geiitle- . D 50 iman, and teaches his subject as much CAIG WK $0 tiy example 110 ty precept.Fe took3 tsie ei hnl gra lauei icsigtesb il ,p mjct, as "tile South isItie liotne of nia hot waler pan. abaolutely the-, oratoriy." Thfoestio i ls discussed heat in towna for flee price. fromi thie three poiiils of viewthe Wem Arod Jwl . physical, moental, antimgnal. The ye- ,Arod Je lr 'eil orgalns andi organis of respiratioin ms tie trained for a looper delivery, TO THE., the mntal powers for: