z ~THE UNIVERSITY Uk ICHIGAN DAILY. f j1t. will continue to tolerate diomembe- Chef d'oeuvre deT "aftu emot, ,met of our athletic being. The *C~~i 3 remledy for the disease is to cleanse I'1 Exposition Universell the blood. Change the constitution of BY Published Daily (Mondays ecepted) dria g the association. Mtake it mean some- Walon, Sagil, and Chapier CHEUNI EReT Oeara IGA thiitg. rcre Throw off the aedet n verbiage of un-bslt- ADRESS 03SOT STATE STREET 11W NIVESITYOFArnd Prie and Gld Medal at the Paris E- MAN OrrICE BANCH. OrrICE sections and give us a business-like, Wtiono for its excellence. Alt works sad n Arggne Bldg Main St. 336 S. State Street. concse, and sound documeit. educe subcrption only. nith 'Phones 13. New State 'Phsee 182. the athletic board to a small body of - MANAGING EDITOR, tmet. Then elect as members of this Redmond, Kerr & Co., . . HNSs.-o board, men of ability, who will be gav- BANKERS BUSINESS MANAGER, erniod by reason, not by a spirit of re- 41 Wal Sree, New York "F EGEHADolL venige. whto will represent the student S . L . A F seisa,0 . body of Michigan, not cliques of Tranact a general banking bsiess. EDITORS: twenty or twenty-five men, and who Receive deposits sujectio draft. Dividends and interest collected and remitted. Act as ATHLSETICS, G . 1D. HBr or, E will tbuild up our athletic structure, Fiscal Agets for and negtate the issue of nt tear i on h hnems railroads, street railways, gas companies, etc. it dwn.Thechage ustSecurities bought and sold on commision. A.H. MCDOsiAs.L,'O E. W. A. hiG1tno,'Si I. ionto sooner or later, and (dlay will Members New York Exchange. Miss L, K. Seasso '03 Cu..voso-01 only serve to increase the eitangle- H. . Wooosow,'04 w. P. CAEsY, 00 I, itets from which we must free our-oDEAL IN W. A. BaNSCOToc, 103 E. . iHOUSrON, 03 selves. HIGH-GRAD INVESTMENT SECURITIES. ______________________List of crrent oliern mo--+on pssiason Oliver Scott, a noted minstrel man- PILADELPIA CORRESPONDENTS. ager.,las organized a company to make _______________ GRAHAM, KERR do CO. a complete tour of the world, cover- log t period of two years. Their per- We have just recieved our fall Ott tomorrow iight Michtigantandt formtance so far has met with univer- J O 'O I) S and winter stock of Minntesota mieef intdebtate. Both te-tits sal ftvor. The singiig and dancing have a tryinig duty t(o performt. AItiti- is stud to be of tile kind that only the FANCY OVALS, _sota, goaded ono by Ot tieigimigg defeatitnegrot is capable of putting forth. THE NEW SHOE FANCY CIRCLES, of last year, feels thtrteat-cto-littst Their tntmrous specialities are of a FOR WOMEN ORNAMENTAL FRAfiES wilt anld blot outthfle list. M~ichligan~, high order. A big brass band aid a whose odebtiting tetitts a01(1(rattors htate suerib orchestra, and a gala street Being scientifically contructed are AND. ao record thtitakes our eery oppoi- paraide, are but to few of the things always comfortable and never PICTURE MOULDINS ct gaze oi a Mic-higant otan withi awe that Manager Scott introduces in ils tire the feet. anid respect, lis a greatetr tatsk to tper- tll-star ego show. The company tray-____ of every decripion-Come in and forti, antthflat is to uphloldo ou reput- el 01n their owin train, and number see them. tion. It is a very difficult matter to forty people. H ilr pick winces ill it debiaf, and tlhe fact 212 . Man S. 21 SS th AE., ANN RBO if fthe strongest aggregtationt that has (f file F-et-er' Club ot Saturday, Jan. 217______S___4th_____AVE.,_______ANN_____ ARBO______ over gone out from liesota, will af 12 at 2 p. ini,,tt thoe club's rooms, 411 . oncee put the questiomn of supremcy . Univirity tvo. the inre in doubt. Mithigan's mtent Every iiniter is ixpeted ftiielueao- tre working like beavers, as Mihigantett. Applicationstionront ni-wmeberoH A T E tot our.t will be no fault of tlu-eiten. tests dcided. THURSDAY JANUARY 10 'lhe onerTino~g remaimms to be idoneo, anmdlf. I. KIK, lresideit. row mnight atd give or meniiFAAliu- air. -JottitS. ititoito, (ft.asioti~to ~6~a nesotat ailtappreciativ-e and impatriotia troendt oti-Untiverii -iy, omase of LU L K Il U I li sr l aud~ltie. Michoigummwisiesttsim, if ithe(-soriotus ilimit-s.Of hisifathier.1mma 4-OiF THE CtEAM 01F CLOED TAENT-40 Sitt ties win,. Outthemiits oftier tie-lit-ter t otIDtily reotrter Iii-sthtim hte, i-, tintefi(-umdiecem-shotuld nmot fail ihe will 1toitiittibe nab mttle- tocome Prices; 25 and 3$. Bet seats 50C to shoe tim Minsota menm tieiour- iback to this school this year. It will Spoiat pricem for nto engagement only. Seats now selling tesy ammolalpr-ittioin that isdu thm, etiior-membered thief Robimsoon was onm antd which we know they will reeive.fthe track tetatm last year ad his o- SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 Mie-iigau hosiitlity, as well as Micbi- senmiuthiis yettr will greatly weakenm W. G. SMiTH AeN FRANK L. PELEY WILL PRESENT gtmn tdebaoting, should be dealt omut to fit- teamm,tosle is a good hiuroler ad our frienids frtoim lie ortwest. buotit jumper, besides beimg a shot- WVILLIAfel COLLIER hputter ofmo noeto biiy. IN THE COMEDY SUCCESS OF THE CENTURY 'rviuos to fleuhloidaty vacattionitie - Daltly tuhdsommethming to sayoiooneemmmtg 'T-eregulatr-Sotmihy evening ossem- " n T h u i t ftot tomoToalfig hts otoiliheahlelitic btuis atot rouimeiges acemy will com- Bouau. 'te ishltofttll oatentionm to tinue thrmoogbout tie college- ya.Ih e Q i t tie ftatgitn, for our tusitio wasmot Next Satturdaty Ntew Cetury programi. tBy AUGUSTUS THOMAS, Author of Ariona, Alabama, Etc. only taukemotuulimd oapilroved by tie sf1- 78 Strong and Capable Supporting Cast di-mt btoody but ftormni-h footulfir t very - Artisic and Realistic Scenic Effects weoainimg siti--ho ot thou-athletit- oer- A SIIOKE FORffSMOKERS Prices = So CS C $Loo and $oL5o groidotiths huh muttoutti ume- oithe Prwi oalTieru0c agee 'es o. e' alThurscdy grau tsddntmnewrswe y gavi- (out it-ss ou thte igrouu--f ol -_ Z;°c O A AA$A00OA0$00 pecrfotrmanet at- ti is u-tmdly go 3-~ing ! _iloutuintuimo uousitupotfttnte -- outlmunfle TrophyucRoout u.11it-it;n i l-tt .;txi~uttui roof tmfercs Acotuituty of EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAMEE :ttlt-tis t thfle rs-ntiualettu oo-cuthe Dlie tcubr-;ojust bloreuth 0ohduoiuous. 'ie uittd efforts tutd ittst ithulsous i n t nuu o in twootillout vetti l, it s otobyr calimg ot-- A fettered-th ulletic.-bouuudtui I tetolof iN l-u- Ot yott fft uice. 78 this ut-i gi lt-he ibist-hut. ltgoiss - ____ uoft- tuat idictet-notw t t heo-tout 11- ooo lltOll'hAN. litei thitkso touttte nouu-tto up uufor al t ulutust-who t uu itledui omisht cO-stiteratthtmt.butt -tot loomshows Iotht t001-1p1yfutormtomsipin tote Pint- ie is ou thfis or thaot side of ott motr- veerity clutsilmet Mr. Dotu fratermniy fe-ut. athletic itersts ore 'I.Thursday or Fritday, omfternueo, be-ROE' trtown to ftot- imds. Questiomno of vi- tween 2:30 o'clock nd 3:30 in Rloomu lll h irtoost-ceare butecered inthe , University Hll. r toonh hd ie efor revonge. Business tact andt serious otnd sound judgment 'te mext Choral Union conmcert will B II..IIA R D P A R L.0 R S are foreignm things to many of the be givemiJea. 25. Spering (quartette bjoard The one all-absorbing questioni andouh illiemn A. Hfowvland, baritone. HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES is how shall tie issue be decided to oathsfy fle feud. Instead of strining SENIORI FOOTBALL MEN NOTICE]R El D A N D SUCCESSORS 01 S UTH tvery point end using the best judg- There will be a meeting of tie senior A " TO TATE meuti to further end promote every football team Friday afternoomn at 4 EY IkI \i~ ROSENTHALEE R E antd finances where they will be the F. H. LANCAStIRE. - etvy of every other Institution, noF S H H A IA Y L M IG find the members of this board prosti-ELCRCONTU INADSPLE, totirng our interests for the sake of WANTED-By a number of College J1 F1 SCHUN, SEMANI T AY RPLUMING . satisfying a feud that to thie immense Girls, work in the line of caring for 207 E. Washington Street. ATISSIC GAS AND ELCTRIC FIXTURES student body here is of no imoment, children, sewing, waiting on table HIon GRADER MANTELS AND GRATES. and, to say the least, is a most di- and other light housework. Ladies ___________________________________ gus~rting spectatle. wishing such work, apply to Chair- We are headquarkers for every thing in the line- of furnishings for Sacrifice Michigan i athletics to st- man of Employment Bureau of Wom- students' rooms, isfy a petty fight, if you will, gente- an's League, Mrs. F. P. Jordan, 92 LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES meis of the Athletic Board, antd we Olivia Place, 77 WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CSP[DORS. wvarmi you that by so doing you are I- Our Prices You Will Always Fisd the Lowest.- building fbie scaffold for the, destrue-I Complete line of 'Adler' fahl sulaitsMARK p tion of theo present board system.I and overcoats at Wadhams, Ryasn & MAR HAIMS- BAZAAR- Neither graduates or undergraduates Menlo.h 216 SOUTH MAINSTREET NEW STATE 'PHONE4O2' SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WAN I TO BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN 110 S1 MAIN"_