AW) t ti . r all VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MIH., THU_ Anniouncem a PEACE AND PROSIPERTY Our special line To Be the Result of the South African War Says Winston Churchill- jp of foreign and The Contest Bitter Fought Out domestic fabrics Will Aid Reconstruction For the Fall and Winter ofrigo00hns arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husiness purposes or for full dress oclcasions. 0, He WILD 00,, so8 E. Washington St. WI LDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AN) SMOKIE it. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. LaboratoryM Supplies t AND Dissecting Instruments 5Ii spite of a heavy, driving onow at large audience vesitured out lasot night to hear Winston Spencer Chnrctiill speak on tthe Sontti Africans War. The specaker, though having soniclhesita- tion in spieechi, was entertainig iiid hieltd the atteutioii of lisa hearers to a renmarkahle extesnt. Htis narrative was interesting and at times thrilling, and lie had the happy faculty of selectiiig iiicideiits of moat iiiterest. A ary,I native wit served at times to distract attentiosi froii somewhat tiersosal at- luons anal to enliven his niarrative. ftc stad a keen way of chartacterizing mien snd eveiits aiidniaking atpt coin- 5)arisouis that made sit for a certain lack of grace in delivery. The earlier part of the lecture was a isarrative of his piersoiial experieisces, pireceingsait after lisa capture. His simuiiesits cii some of tils experieisces aniiiil o sosie of the aictors in the drama ofteii ctlleid forth apphltuse. He com- neda with rather hitter ironsy uposn tie extreime mosderiiiess anti efficiey iif the artillery of 'Ithose siiiiple pieis- ants.'" Sestatde a keeii thrust bysaiy- ig thati Englandal Was 5espeiillyIsrouid 'if lhi ert iansport service ini ciiimparinig ir avil Iitheiuexpseriecioi-i l trha ion lsii rci tly. Thery iadi trntisported 203.- 0i0 iiien 7,0)111 milesuiflioiit losiiig oflere ii -atnri-'11sis uibsiiiicit aibanidoiiiieii:if Spiolcisonj. the fruit- less attack ci V,1i-i1 lraiita 'isil use firaf defeat if issleusis.Ikhe 1ariiiv-wiis iiisit idejectled. Aid thIis n-as lie turns-- ill- poiit ii11intwr. 1mm 11thecaoi Fiullers crin tiche iiTfugela. ciii Rni- irts ill tir west. hlniisiered lishrirway forwairid iiitil-wiils tle captutre of Pre- toria it otily resaied, initliin ioniiiof thii spicitaxr, a isetiiiim ef hlanemucth time aid iiow '1ans11-e11'1) woul hit nedeiliti est t V e war. "AS thiise sif i1.sewii.i;iil Iakenii l-ti ini the citpailgns saiclithellrits Ha iN-aviiig aitove lith-oe iiiiis'eiof Iprlia- mnat. Clay .ill vosveilthai it stiiild RSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1901. No 77 W. D" Hadzits Holds Scott Fellowship The Death of Prof. Moses Colt Tyler The wisiser of the Johnti W. Scott Duritig the Christmas vacations cc- travelling felloshlip this yeirisr 15 l-estres ftie adeathi of a well-knowin formi- tes D. Hadzsits of D~etroit. tte, ac- cc professor of the University. compauied Sty his brother.,I(eorge Prof. Muses Colt Tyler, LL.D. Hadasits, left for Europe Setit. 20. L Hi..,lied at his home ;u Ithaca, They are at piresetit iii Rouse. where N. Y., Dee. 28. Prof. Tyler seas tiorn they will reniain till Febiruiry.ini usts itt. Consn., cii the 2tt day of Mr. Hadzsits is stuadylig at the .tueri- August.,i1535, aiid was educated at caun School of Claissiecal Studies, of Yale Utniversity, where he graduated which Prof. Kelsey is director this in J.857. 'takitig up the stutly of the- year. troim Rome they will gio to sducy. lie troceeiedi to Atidioser, aiid in A Xtietis, suit in Mlay to soite Germatn atti tiiie tecamse the passtor of the University, probtably 'tottiiigeni. Dtur- First Cotigregational estecli in Potugh- lug next August aind September they keepsie, a positioii whichthelield from will travel ini Fratiee. REiglands anti186to t 1802. Five years later, iii 1567, Germany. hi'wasapposiited hprofesor t the Eug- Tue chief spurposse of their tcoir is to hltpltatgtuage anis lits ::."k, inii the tsty tirt, architecture, andscusltpture uiveis ty of .SMiiganii))nitestab in the muitsesms ansd ruinsa. lislied a high reptitatioit .. a pais-~5 Walter D. Hadits grtadutited from ttikinig, accuirate, tnd discerning histo- the Detroit high school ini 114,tatdcin hut stt.witth a keesi appreciatiosn of the '09 took his matsters degree at this valve. propoirtion sad significasice of univeersity. Ltist yeaur lit'lda the fats, andtis os ct comtpetent ediutcttor. Elistia :Jones classical fellowsip. Tue tte remitneilin t Michigant snntil 1881, Johnut W. Scott fellowasi is ai recet -twets lie ressignted toattccept the chair oneis, offeraed thirisighitheiigen'erosity of itt Auterienii Hitosrv at Cortiell.,svhiich tthe widiow of the lat5 lthnIV Scott It'h eticuitedat-t this tints of his diesthi. of the (his-ago Timies-ttertaldi. hiscithimt lils life lie was ai fee- sus it conttributors to the le'adinsg re- Michtgan Engineers Meet in Ann Arhor via~t stud maigazsines cit tll scrts of hisatoriceal topsics. tie was55 lstithle stuthssrs tf5 siisusier of putblicattionistic- The'Miclilgait State Risgineering tSo- leshoarlisais t eiety rannied is sessions is the engiss ti is tia es-s tHe received the degree erring tbuilaisigyesterdsaya. nm. The it-sitfILl..'1it)slitsm\Wsoster University its tenanuce sit thur meetinig ans s,.mall 'ta 18,75. stat scfL. t1.I. ft-oitsColtutita moat of flue umembers have nsot arrivesd. in 18( The umornisig seas devoted to the pre- CnsadPpsFr'2Lw senstations std discussions of papers o ansadciisFr'0 Lw cia-il eninueerinig anal surveyisng. Prof. Ths-2 ttJusnioriLaw, fslhss\vsng the cutc- J. C. Knsowaltons of the laws depasrtmntstosiof fosrimir hsaachta hsse;= airede readsi aisharup sadforcefaul lpster on55 i~tat istthey, tao, mustcs-my cans. "'TIhe Sturs-eyor its Preseunce of the I. itithandleif thi n'ete is ..itisitust- I Coiurt"siad saserednuuumeroaus quues- by siasiesigns in ails-er, i huthtis cii- flosis iuu the disacussioun thast followed boiedss thie letter "M,'"swhile jutabh-' shout the sursveyor's legall auties, andal tedssv sicroo thereIond-sedin gosl- the relatiouss betsseeun thur surveyortiihssiaiu.attotdsttesusfi. aitd the court. andiuslsith stbacskgrosunditof slick itus' fte stas followveadby- Prof. 5. C. Ins- uTilecomvmi-h itmutehs msil L. ~ o sell, seho talkeas ibout flue uneadal topo foe Ihssanist dsirinlug'caesnbty pti i graiphicasl survey of Michigans. A reac- naclpiett b lofvh Iha lotiounsassoffered fby the mes-tiuugto pa pls-s l i uicthi ds iss ao ilt ti.:ls thur state legislatmure requetinlug aun at)-jisetussisfssscigstsslitif-t - itluitths-5-icas. prsrsssistious fticarry suitChic sork in iits-cras-ll aeavrtatit" cousjunctionu saith the UnsitedStatetsk i'cr iiccis survey. ler. A. AV. Barker of Wsh- tiii C hutiisledtfs- ihsiss otanausis. Thi iuug tous, )D. C., JsbswssSo b havelresataa,btpiperths-iiiiitiIi rels-isssu-n- out Cut 1Glsei tobabydIl aer stumrbttles, 'sic thet' an stnt Chic site. i r j v vy f n ster s-suie(ihiiiiii. ashd I.aa ssli tg- AT Bttas filt-Eug'lishaIisut.S h, it isisy e mis-i's-ue-c I isiy lseruni ss-ts it ui;ii ;just- ltcu-u. re st asstivei- gssa's-tuiau.nt , timi this tCtmmoni Laststo this-pele of Sish tAft-is-s. Thesrei s rooiitsfir sill to a lits in ts-csworiukof rcs-gi-uustiohui. summI +++++ ' +++. .i irlie theira essut ush ymihisti ii - is nof tSlUnCisteidhsiate"Acill ixiet SEXCELSIOR 'liiblefoconbt aiisot1( .. ! ! i -isroersy. 'IR ES-ilei'aumis usot iia'i-. 'h 1esssi FOR i9 itugelibeluSr miitr hil utsiu + V iClith resiult is immcshtsitbe. Sincei it hasiio. +' ofc oth *1 usa'rgilg es everuy lift, estry hiltsit * in hinidings o loh+ tleessuili thtfisnowts cerihiecitfur tie + and leather, some A.lihatm-citatutugrudage uuuneasonaluyuliri- plain, others with l' tilmg. uit it seeumasiiest Cii lusve . padded covers and c suclssotiststh loroughlhyfotughutsuit. + gold edges. A var .1s NCas thle eaise sviths theicitvil uwar, if 4' iety of sizes from the * i-suts huma better undelsrstainug siusd smallest for the vest masskesClue ws-rks of rcosiuctionmumore ~25c pcet othe large s tu (easy.' desk hook. Each "Iht is sI nesv white naiums country, t o andmmiiI cannmot tlhink, excit swithi inalan- diary contains, be-.1. elhy miwe, if Chic extinsciounof uu free 1 $i.5 sides the space for iat ancd the crushitug of ifs libertihs, each day's entry, a Stit it uuuust ihiCle priigress of hitory variety of very useful give stay to fair stronsger, greater guy- items, arranged in irnsumenut anui mu broader systeum. There convenient form for + waill Sic iraswntfrouthCle clashu of arns reference. thi nieficent uarsmony of comnmerce. Anud the inspiring memosis of Christian W1 Set and of Joubert. may be the patt force to draw together the wvar- I ___________ run , race s into a happy, prosperous sented by Mr. Shermmanm. The uneetinug closes thltsass imformnsuh diarussions of Clue precedinig paperosummit coumsmuuicstlsus receivedi by Chic cc- a-ty. Theim ter'inoniwsi-spntiu uit hispecting Chiceenginseerinuganal other idelimrtmenats sit the ~i'ui-rsity. i-hti'inest- of a ih' iuiimmlssuu m in i ts-i tendmwuuie fuoumaall parts outClahsitu sadtSCii mesaetinugs pruumilsi- Co it'ellhihly Tonight's Faculty Concert 'The Jasuarusy Facuultytutu-er t: ftime STii-srslty School of Music smith be givenu this eseing. 'i'hus' foloswing sid- nmuirabe irogramiill t btteicgivien: Wolfgaing Amauittts Moizart. Cotucerto No. X, op. 83, for twvo pianofortes; Allegro Andaitme, tRondio Allegro-tuth I. IturthitsandtiAlbmert Aria," of thin Satih fromutFlgto-- Alice'11"tilcy fRolfe. FruazPeter Seliuiieirt. atntausie op. 15, C-Major; Allegro, Adal- gio ("Thin Wanderer"), Scherzo-Attn- gro-Alhmert Lockwood. Der Neuglerige, (Gehreimes, Staendteiin -Alice Bailey Rolfe. Masrdlii Xtilitire--Albeert Lockwood. Pint. Steere Goei to South America tDc. ioausephIl. Steereaoitthfle funiver- sity lwsbeleus 'h u-s-s au omsmmuslsioss Si ts- gsviis''suu-m it ossolectstutle etlutuol losgic-alasecimesoniisthinAumazons risver-. ta-lihtssun C Sto exhuibitfedist Cthi u1f- t'suhi Pallu-Aiiil extuositint.. flu lisssi spoialutist- titus-out this s-sIns- grouutd summit is.,Ctherefore-, Ossr of til- sma iluit'riti'ut1mmmcmiits usml lift' its ltist loityhis. IleeisshhbCiiaseicit abtosut tsstwo Iortirem onmiiuths. lDr. F. C. NewscoumitsuIdSDr. I. It . Pollocka attendedsithur umeting of flue Easternm Society of Natu~ralists of Uinited States sit Baliuuusa , Dee. 27 aimd 28. Thus' meetinug wasaheldilthmChc laboratfories of Clue JuliusStopikinms Cliii- t ersity; Di. Nesscomab rmast m piaper out "Tine Effect of Miechaicaluu Shock Upons thin Grotan td thin Length of Plst Orgsiuss." suitDi. Patol-ha resist hiapers oil Thmnotropiouuof Hoots'"stud out "Thuiginotropisma of Hoofs." Chuas. St. Aldih, '75 L, is onseiif thin greaut legal lights --who is employed by the plaintiffs in-the famous case nuts penuding in thin United States sutpreme ciourtt ti to the statue of Porto Rico anud the Philippines.