THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN L)AILY 4 ThE UNIVERSITY Ok ALICIIIGAN DAILY IGE Toss Oil lamps For "Ann NEW BOOKS Perfect Tailoring===Slhape RetainingEXAI WORTH READING GAS ed m ardinal's snuffboxe, lienrydHarland Is a quality often wanting in Men'a Suits, but our tailors Bring in y anofer the Wingeof Occtsions, ooel Chandler Harris have mastered the secret of imparting this characteristic. anofer. Tfhe_ Hearts Highway, Mary E. Wilkins to the garments made for us. Every Garment is made ox- 329S. "The Lane that had no 'Tarin G ilbert Pasrker Headquai riGeFbes lorg Ad preesly for the man who boys it and if is doesn't satisfy him Chimneys. 'orie Faldnesn, Mstte itopos he doesn't get it. If that's a fair poostocme up and- MfO lVicne, faraTopogprpsto p the Palace at the King, F. Mres Craweford let us tell you just how many Dollars we can sore you on your nacmgs oi theflerning, Eden t'ltillpotls new 5uit or Overcoat. S A Ahe Isle ef Unrest, oHery Sehes Merriman TA BAlicycle ei Cathay, P'rank R. SoktoTe no Bpra, M is. so Hrell Agen GOODRICH & DUKE,. iet w-heExaes,, h Mrs. pheti'adl Aetsr the Hest Tailors on Earth. Frost room over First National Hank --St. I, If the Above at DISCOUnt U .__________________________ aim, al Prices IflA IT T ilT n7 CHRISTMAS CANDIES Students Sheehan &Co. 320, S. STATE STREET. You can get it AT LJTTLE'S 330 Sooth State St. Printed lectures for all 'depart- cments of the University. Type- ,writing and Mimeographing. EDWARDS BROS. Jqber Sherhacn's) Stat Stres ) -,IDE A~5~ I. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 119 W. Waslsington St. lasses ini dancing p giners-Ladies Saturday afternoos ad Q op:tleman Saturday morning 10' es and Gentlemen Wednesday eves- 1a5 co, gam tar advanced danseers Toesday :nig 0.8:1 F isatelesss by Mr. or Mrs. Eoss Grauger I I Abi1S Lowney,s and Sparrow's in pretty boxes up to $3 a box. We pack for shipment or deliver in the city with out extra charge.I lRentschler, the llPbotorapber. Chicago Part,of Our Stamping Ground Prssf. Ak. II. Sabitn of New York will leture to engioeerlingagnsd chemical The quesstiotn of games to be playeed studelnts tupotn the subject, "Paints mod its Chicago withs other teams thou that Otto-r Protective Coatings," at 4:30 of the University of Chicago is e h. 2n., on Monday, Tnesday, 'NA-dnes' whsichi Massager Btaird has settled very day, Jatn. 14, 15,l16, ins Roomi A, c-bomb decidedly and definitely for Michigan's sal buildinig. interests. The Iowa Eaton will he - played ini thle Witndy City oiste morn- M. and Mrs. Gratiger announnce the ing of the same clay that will witnsestnew cettury program for next Sat- the clas of arisnbhetweetnClhicago urdaoy night. Eightecin dances; no ex- and Wisconos Universities. In regard Iras, nost evcn ittchtarges. to the tmatter Mr. Balirdi says: "Miclsi- -_______ gait has ta larger followitng iin Chicago The Old Reliable is IJALLER'S thon any other -nivcrsity. 11cr tcams I.Tl.SELRY. have always playel there and we ini- tende to cotntinuc doinig so" Bicycle I'laying Cards asid Poker -Chips at Schtalter's, Bookstore, Mlai st. "J" HOP INDEPENDENT NOTICE. All ilndepesndlentlscoittemtplatittg at- The fluent monograph and other Ui- trtsditgtge jciisih'plt is.s ycar w-ill versity fancy letter paper land padts in pletase- cssitiutiisuttc sithtPtil. E.(ihe -city. All styles. SehaIler's Book- Bulseey,te isidepetident reisrese-ita- close. 116 So. AMaIn st. live' otthe toilscsiiii-iitts'e, at 6363 S t'ttayer st. so Come over to 427 Thomsoon and try _____________ the beard. Fine service and cooking. WANTED-By a number of College Music during dinner. Board by week, Girls, work in te line of caring for day or single meal. Boarders accom- children, eewing, waiting on table msodated thtrough Christmos vacOlhon. and other light housework. Ladies - wishing such work, apply tos Chair-.) Arii thcks, at ITALLEIS JEW- tuiu of Employment Bureau of Wom- I11.. si's League, Mrs. F. P. Jordtist.923 tOlivia Place. 77 YoiitKinows the Place. IIALLER'S. If you see the work of the 'Toledo Btest $3 hat made is the Howard. Laundry GCo. you will he convinced Wadhatns, Ryan & Reule, sole agents. ftlask you want no other. Agency 121 S. Mrain. Art Pictures for students' rooms, at Schall-,r's Bookstore, 116 So. Main at. Waterman or Laughlin Fountain Pens, $1 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. Atsnliottan and Wilson Bros.' shirte ______________ for sale at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. Go where te Crowvd Goes. Yoss will - imeost your friends, at ROSEY'S. Thia'sts'enmine--IALLER'S JEW- __________________ E1 I tY. Complete line of "Adler" fall suits anod overcoate at Wadhams, Ryan & Wiidlitts, tRyant& UReule tire sole Iteule. agens for Yp.silasnti usderwear. pR Colder weather is Commang And with it comes thoughts of Winter Garments p WAGNER & Co., Importing Tailors, Can please you in the many Slisttle things that go to make up good tailoring. 121 and 123 S, Main Street 0 . r . r r a rwr r .r s r ~ w. w r ~ ~ .-r .r .. .. . in Ks and C day, D $2.010 ft sulk ag R. S. Cor. Capital, $50,00 go3 R, KEare, Prf FIRST NA' Capital, $tt0,( Trasaess a1 exchange boot credit. F. D. KINM S-sv 1116 fnn Capital Si Organizedu of tkis State. exehange o Siates. Drafts sarety deposii OFFIES:tC inns, Vice-ye J. Foise, Assis W. J. BOOTH, W.Assess,11 J. V. SnEounT JaHN. C.WAL'- 'traus Bank Arbor" OMatek Generators SOLINE LAMPS ouin old oses and let us make yoo The Superior M'f'g. Co., S. Main St.. near williams. intern. for Shade, Mantles and IT ON THE RIGHT ROAD all southwestern points Louis, Kansas City, Om. 11l points in Illinois. sTickets at Low Rates teeker tickets to points ansas, Asicansas, Texas 'olorado-on sale Tues- Dec. 18. One fare plus Tomn basing points, Con- gents. GREENWOOD, M. P. A. *Mate and Sturon Streets. e0. Surpls, $55,5005. Transacts emir bashing husiness. es. C. E.Hanenx, VTie.Feea Ro. HasEsea, Cashier. TMONAL BAKorganized l1tS MS0. Surplus and Frosts, sassee general banking business. Foreignt ight and sold. Famish letters sf M, Pros. BARRISON SOULS. Vice-Prea. W'. CLARKSON Cskier afirbor Savings Bank stek. $50,000. Surplss, 5150,0M. Rsources, $150,000. snder the General Hanking Las Receives deposits, huys and selts the prineipal cities ot the United ; cashed npsn peeper identificatiost. tbones to rent. Christian Each Free.;tW. D. Harrl- s.;i Chas. E. Aiseoel. Cnshier; IM, tiant Cashier ist ViVee-pres TAsel Cashier fVIN6G BAINK msets a general sing business. C.. .SARS SOLL, iAgent, abS.S State St. Ann Arbor, filch. WHY 00F'TYOU oh e Your MeMaiaid Lunchets at OTL4fID C mlBil OPEN ALL NIGHPT. venilON Sr.. Two doosesofsiCook Sloane. r Mi MARTIN." FUNERAL DIRECTOR . ib-txing a spec . thy No. 209 S. 4th Fe Ambulance ntght and day. Ron Le. ~3W Fth Ave Try The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THSA OWE, Fropin. ale ODetreitiSt. 467 Belh Phone a COLLEGIATE CAPS. GOWNS ad 11005, CAPS srpd GOWNS. COLLECE FLAGLS. COLLEGE PINS. CLASS aad 1.W, O, KERN 4 60,O. JUT THlE TIltQ FOR TnKllNQ'LECTUREs ~ SCH LEED E' TEMPORARY BIN DER Opens like a book. Heat the old string cover hLeetors papers8 lb. fsr50 Thee beat fountahe pens $a F. SCHLIEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State1 r a e s t: c t r 1 a 3 I r SANDOW'S Lotatlest-Ptent ~ . Dumb - Bells TH Cano pring Grip tDumah -Bells are mdo in two halves connseeted by adjust- able springs,thus torcng oewhens taking 0x- ereise to have every msacnle at its groper too- [50n. Manysaasclrearraiso brought sntonaction that weald etherwine lie -dormant. Condom claimns that this omethod oeCrse ims superior to olllethers. Ne. No. 1.Chihdrans',Pair,$1.B I14. Touth's, Fair 52.50 2.Girls' '{ is I1.751.Ladies' ' 2.0 3Boys, i" 175 j 6.Meon's " 3.00 Complete in box with chart ot eecisea. Fall and Winter Sperms Catalogue Free apes A. G. Spalding & Bros.. NEW YOSK CHICAGO DENVER HAVE YOU N MIWA TNECFINEST LINE OFISCOTCH AN.l ENGLSH SWtINGS IN THE CITY