THE UNIVERSITT OF MICBIGAIN IAILY. SWEAR THE . . "vi fi V Wk 1k W r".c . c".c.r"..ic a:.r": r s e'rs" carr rrrrtir" e:rr" I E EEiEtfrFEE:ir' FFFFE'E1F : F# r' . ARSITY [ATS ~ C OODSPEEDPS 117 MAIN ST.S. KING OF17 Somas aLa!a saim ,.a9 " s saya ' sa s "a"-!Ih "A "'" " " "a" "s" " " a saSar"r" r333 : :3 3i # i'" # 3 3? : '3 3: .3: r 3i ? :3: 3 3 :3:3: :3:3:3: :3 l 3EC f::i33FfEFi 3'3 3 33 # 3'' '3: 3 a1: : : 3: :33 i : Michgan tra Churchill Tomorrow Night Wii-,ton Spencer Churchill, the NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE youngest aiid the best known war cor- respondent of recent years, will appear THlE SHORT LINE- tomorrow night before the Students' Lecture Association. He will tell of ANN ARBOR TO the war Ii South Africa as he saw it. Andlihe saw and psarticipiated in the OH ICAGO leading events of that war up to the BUFFALO relief of Glen. White at Ladysmnith and those immiiediaitely following. Ile NEW YORK knows of the war aid its causes and AND BOSTO N speaks out boldly what lie thinks. tie did nt fear the wrath of tlie- iritishi With direct connections at Cicago toreStliublic but laid bare, unflinchingly, the Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul ad the west. faults and mnistaik(es of thei earlier casm- Eor information and through tickets call on paigni. And lie brought onl his head or write Is H. W. HAYES, Ateat, Ann Arbor, the ang~ei of the war office by his fierce A NI A RBi ttacks1111 th illalagelilellI. Sirce lie NI ~be,., i lecituriniglie has been equlally 0:1 ono er 1tw0occhlasiols lie RA L A D iniiroswlIs c(aplI miobbinig anid ill Silli phaits, of the Unlitetd Slates stronig H2.E.MH3~a - LILawS: I petitions base beeni circulated by Boer TIME TABLE sympililcs to p~revent his speakinig. Taking Effec, Sunaday, May 21, a899. lBnt he has everywhere beeniotutspsokeni Trains rease Ann Arboar by tentral Stand- iln is, addresses andilcatred( neither for and Tine. Btritishi or Bhoer extreinist. SOUTH - NORTH ils lecture tourlIilAmierica thius far Nf .5. N..85 has bi-el an extraordillary success. *No. 6- 72A. Na. No. 1.-la:5sA. M. Everywhlere la1rge aud~ienices have tNo. 4.~ - 83 . .INa. 3.- 4:00 P. a. greeted bim nd 111have ibeen capstisated I by his thrilling story 111n1 outspoken *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. fraiikiess. All trainn dully except Sunday. The dirfectors of the Students' IAc WN. BENNETT. G. W IL. A genttre Assoi-intioll annouinel(e a reductiona in the price of i-isre tickets. Tickets r for the remlaindler of the course ian HtOKI NG VALLEY RY now be broxght for .$1.25 alii will he ce- served for aii additional twenty-five ceiats. The admiosion to Churcill's The Railroad that takes the lecture will be 75e. Business In and Out of Mkihgn. WANTED-By a number of Copsie 4 SOLID VESTISU TRAINS Girls, work in the line of earing for 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4j childirens, sewing, waitiiig on table TOLEDO, COLUIBUS anti other light housework. L~adies and ATH-ENS. wishing nsuch work, apply to Chair- mian of Employment Bureau of W~on- W. H. Fisher, L. W. Ladman, an's League. MTrs. F. P. Jordan. 1323 0. P. A. 0 . Trav. Agt. Columbus, Ohio. Detroit. Mich. Oliviai Ilace. 7 Detroit, Ypsilanti And Ann Ar- A SMNOKE FOR SMiOKEIIS bor Railway. Rloyal Tigers, 10c; Tigea-ettes, -5c. Fare leave for Detroit and Ypailanti every half our, neginniang at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. mn.; After that to Detroit Arilisi r Iookliel, 01, with a sicue at $,45 p.-nm., 9:15 p. m.aid 11:15 p. ma. if 220. isnitile first prim- for high Waiting room, corner Ann and Main si-ore oft the Pckwick 1Illg Alley ate., Detroit, 11l Griswold st. last wee*k. MONEY LOANED can Wntches, DiumondaWbeels and other Per- Complete line of "Adler" fall suits soa rvry fiea eiec 3 . oecasa ahmLiberty street. All business eonflde ntial. andoerosat adm, Ryan& Hours. 8 1l:30na. m, sod 1lto:30 and'7ltoO9Reule. p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS Dean Vaughan is Appointed Giov. Bliss at Lansing, Saturday apspointed P~rof. Victor C. Vaughan, of the Michiiganiuniversity, a member' of the state board of health for the onexpired term of Prof. Delos Fall of Altilon, resigned. At the expiration iof this term on Jain. 31, Prof. Vaughan will be appointed for the full term of six years. tie forimerly served a term oii the hoard aind reindered the state invaluable service. tf you are iiot satisfied with your roon 111 board or yotu wish the ex- tpenseas iser- a little less, go dossnianaid tall: with Ann Arbsor Music Co. tf Mir. ainilAMrs. (Cranger announce the 1new century prograini for next Slat- iilida iiighit. lEighteeii danici-; o:10ex- rlls, nit cviii in charges. rPickets for the course of lectures oii "Siocial Settlemeint Wiirk" are on suite' at Ni-ashi-ry Halt today.. The 01:1 ReliabileI-so I~LT.ERS Al'"1 H \VE1ty. Yots caii enjoy tie tbest aind it costs you iio more, at luO0SEY'S. Doi iot bei deceived. Bicycl- tiayiiigCards aiiilPolker Chips at Schaullei-s Bookstore, lain st. The finest monograph and other Uni- vel-sily fancy letter paper (and pads in the city. All styles. Schaller's Book- store, A110S5..AMain Pet. Comees-er to 427 Thompson and try the hboard. Pine service and cooking. Music during dinner, Board by week, day or- single meal. Boardera acoom- miodated tisaoubh tChristmia% vacallrion. .Alarm Clocks, at HAVLLER'S J-JAW- HElRY. Alarm. Clocks SI. U. of M. Pins 50c to $1.00. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty- J, 1, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 200 MainSouSth. The Grandest Lon:e of 1IOLIMT QWFT$ you over saw in our store Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler 10 NEW SlPiDENTS AND THE OLD ONES ALSOy. We are better prepared than eves' c0 give the hest of carriage service; having added two' rubber tireC, coaches to our stock. Holms Livery- 'PHONE 106, f S E. LIBER.TY St 1 AN EYE3 OPENER. _______________wi"-..opnyorsyeyes as 10 the candyosiu- ation iryou have never visited Hank's. .Drop Cor otis-re the Cri'cnvd Goes. Ton suill i ter ody.Swp sce four chocolates. AlertoI tl"w make sod neil at 30 ili-:- yii30111 friienis, at 1105EY'S5. cents. Every variety of can dy and only the ____________ beat You'ilfiud at llANOSTElgyRS 2Q0IIE. IWashlington, ai6, So. Slate. 11. S. The only Wssflitamsis:, tlyaii.C Pseule ars sole lirst-class place in teswn 0to asters served ligi-uts fic Ypsilanti uniderwear. is any style. If you ioe the work -of the Toledo ikwnkRlir Laundry Co. you will be conv-nred Picwick iiar UU ~ rS, that you want no other. Agency 121 S. Regulation Slze Tahleo.Paor- MWaln. Monarch Cushions. Everything New and Watlerman or Laughlin Fountain St rictly Up-tn-Oate. l1ens, $11 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arboyr IHAVE YOU SEEN THE..PU TA NEW "USTOM" SHOE MADE BY PRTNSO 0 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW EXTENSION, HEEL. I II South Main ,Street- r--- =--lcFr - T --rrrsrrrrrr r rrr-- -- v vuit tt u IDIETER LE, cnra QWreter j U niversity S+ Fourth Ame, Both 'PhNes S hoe Shoi hlock west All kindls Fine: eally do*A, nbsrt.' Photos