z rTHE UNIVERSITY UYf MICHIGAN DAILY +.+ loo posibe, have issued bulletins r- quing every student to be vacciated beoe 'atteuding any iclasses. Different d epartments were assigned to different Published Daily i(Msaays ecepteddriug members of te medical factlty, and it coll -eecoar. at will cost the students notinilg for tie THEt L1IVEISfl' Of MICHIGAN vaccination. It is oped in this way MAss OFtcs BRANCuH OFICs to prevent tie appearance of any more Args Bid, Mats St. 336 S. Stae Street. cses. No new cases ave appeared, SBsth-'Phsnes 13. Ne State 'Phes e 182 and those on probiliots hve success- MANAGING EDITOR, fully passed te critical ,limitation, but . H.HAS, 01 these steps are thought advisable as BUSNES MNAGR, preliminary methods only. BUSIENGESS ANAGER, The hospital management are to be 'F. ssutsas, '0 I, congratulated upon tile efficiency in EDITORS: preveting further spread in te os- ATM.I,ETICS, - . . 13. ssyTT, '1 E pitals. It was due alone to their - itprompt and able attention its isolating A. H. MoussALL,'01 . W. A KNIs, 'OttL and vaccinatinsg all patients exposed. MISS L, K. SAsIss '3 CHASs. vees '1 Just last year otis case was discovered H. H. WOssssw,'04 W. P. CAss, 'Os L.Ill the same way ill the Harper ospital W. A. BESOE, '03 E.HOUSTaOeN, '3 ill Detroit, titd 3 ptietts, wo were thr at te tim, cugt the disease and died. Te successful mnanier in which te itfectioti was blotted out hiire certanly sea~iks higly for te mdicl faculty. Tbe Daily is pleased to note that the The gytmnatsittmt will be closed for atbletic conferetnce sa1w ft to idisuss twoi ottks, but tilc work iti tll depart- antd adv octeteartly tll itt the refomns lettt'ttiwill otitti' susual, bitttatll whicih were clled for in this cumntittinltg luist have the certiicttes of just before the vacationt. 'de thattgis vacciation. Arrtaigemets hiive also askedl for were justtanttiiset tein-beet intitde at tte Soclol of Mitslc atd strtt approval not oily othSi' almit eveiiriy studetithSitre will lbe subject to biutt of the undtiergrttdutates as well. the itterdict. Eiverystttnt soldtic o-oerte with Every stueint shioull e pomt nte faculty itt this tmtttter attnt get vtc- complyitng with the vaccitationtre- ciaited imtmieiattely. Ytu will protect quirettents. Tbe order is ablsoute atd yours'lf is well 15 others, tutd at the mutst be followed. Tue tprecuttion is samtlime ttuprevet tieidistribiutiot of t very simple one, iosever, antd stu- a, ditssvict. it it sottid Ibecoie dentts should take thte renedy out of epideicic would tnecessitate the closin regtrd for tbeir feelitg of persotnal of tei' Uiiversity- fr n ideitit, safety. ieriot. VACCIATIO REQIRED The following is a synopsis of "A Terrible Time," wici will be seen atj te Atens teatre Tuesday, Jan. 8: (Coldtitued from pge tie.) Damon Blastella wealthy banker, has' iliiticlbs ver iortili. 1w i'obtained a divocec from his second! tun it'fitr viksyet. o sit i o lre- r lrltresque queen. AMr. Bastell engages eludeli tany furtieritfection. 'Ther' wa5Dtaisv, a pretty typewriter, to work in tattniumbe opesos xosed ttheit his office, with whom his son Lotis. iisease ate time tis ase wts dis- fals ii loe with at once. Blastel, coveredi tit they were vtccitedcianid Sr., is also tffected the sate way, butj ctreftlly watched atidio cases have upon hearing that his ex-wife as do. , developed.'fTose patitintts wbo were elped into a beautiful woman, pro. ill tilt' hospitals tlt'e timeo latd were ceds to renew is old affections, at tej e'xpoisi'dwrei isoltteid, bttntone of same time keeping up is lov matb thn hatveluti shiownt signs of tle disease. witb Daisy. Tho many amusing situa-j EPvery iatiettsthio coites is givent a tions arising from this omplcation arej iisinifec-ttig-bath vccinatted atd his said to be very amusing. A comical clothiesidisinfi'cted, 's tttito tnew cse Jew detective, an impudent office boy, i-til c. cc the hospitals, a clever tramp and a bevy of and. Studients cottintg fottistllpox some girls, all go to make up an even- tiltstatuu w-Io tre ii all likieIy 5o hive lg of mirt, music and song. Slit' exoseitdl fr to bweclud. e lic- I .LE N TO DANCE. litre we itw-i' elliis.ilittfibet- Commteinciitg Wdtesdtay evetitg of andtrut w, sil hae n futh thiis wiekclatsss ii dtancig will ito itt-i. Wdniesdaty) evinilg, 8; gette- Gyms Clos for Two Weeks i-ti- txi-iisvi'y. stirtlttay itorigs, eoistg trout allipits oitt stasttet'ntitnoons, 4.T'iti ot fr tesi' ltssis: SUited states aitd smaitlittix is itest- I i'ttlii'ttitt.$: Ladtleis $3. Progiamt lothe ii'gyltitisiamtforiti'leat' stwo $. Private lssotis by3-Mi. it'Ars. stutients s tigft'gymi. ever'ty 11lay.,taid $150. ('tillatifoffice, gronld floor, aftet' exrcisinsg an111einitg hetetheluy (tiralger's .Academyt3, aittirtgister. 7h re ve'r'y'suscet-ible t cotalgiots iis- etse, d ithIis catn ibe esily cotrattctid its Ins,4in(] 111uponte Sl oor. For (list Chef d'oeuvre d retsons it has b Ieeti thought adlvisablle to Ilxosfo Universele take' cv-ry Srecauttiont o revetthtelie spread should anyonteirinig it ack Waho, SaIio, and Chaiper t itter the vactitiots. - ADDRESS, 3d SOTiSTATE STREET KEENEti'ITPA'3'~flK. The pblihre' othisswoirkceived lbs Grand Peloand soitld Mdal atihe Paris E. The IBarbonr Gymtasiuttswihilitbepositin foc t1s xcellene. Aul works soldo sohoritias asy. i-osed ftr two weeks, folowinig ot te DE.gulations.TRERedmond, Kerr & Co, ____ BANKERS The smallpox sensatiot ichhwtas 41 Wal Sree, New York current before the holidays has quite subsided. Owitsg to a conference of Tasacst a eeral asing busiess. Receve dopsitu sushjet t drat. Dividend the medical facuty, held during the 'ld idtrs olce ndrmte.Ata vacation, it has bon decided by the Fisal Agent for ad negotat the issue of authritis torequre eery ralros, street railways, gas companies, e. University authourities torqieeey berhe ogt and sad on commison. student to be vaccinated. There ae Members New York Ecange. '1 town'ls in this state where the dis- eas e is prevalent, besides te other aIEAL INO piaces in adjoining states, :whore it HIGII-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. may be found, and the University ant- LiP f currentPHIr&A.1a+o;.E5pONDEcnT thorities, desiring to take every precau PRALHACKRR&OE. SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WAN 1 STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHIING Tlhis make of clothing us con-~ fined 'to us 1n this town, and is the swellest tailors' creations for Fall: wear. Suits $15.00 to 25:06n overcoats $16 to 3o. UNIDENSCHfIT'I SOROSIS THE NEW SHOE FOR WOMEN Being scientifieally constructed are always comafortahle and never tire the feet. Geo. H. Miller, 212 S. Main St.. We have just recieved our fall and winier stock of FANCY OVALS,- FANCY CIRCLES, ORNAMENTAL FRAr'IES AND PICTURE MOULDINGS of every description-Come in and tee them. DEFRIES' ART STORE, 21T S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR OHARRY ROGERS Late of Hoyt's " 4Stranger in New York" AND HIS MERRY COMPANY IN SItIS LATEST ('0MEDY SUCCESS IATERRIBLETIE PRICES: 25, 35c, entire lower floor 50. EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME AT ROSEY'S BILLIARD PARLORS HIGH GRADE CIGiARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES REID AND SUCCES:SO32S TTE REYNOLDS RS HLx32 TREET SANITARY PLUMBING. J , PUIU ELECTRIC CONS'TRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, 7 STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, HIHGAEMANTELS AND ORATES. I I We are headquarters for every thing in the line' of furniahings for students' rooms, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. Our Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest. aMARKHAM'S BAZAAR 215, SOUTH MAIN STREET NEW STATE "PHONE 462 TO BE SW FET_ 110 S, MMR