She Uo( ALT 1T !1T v y A l T I r A it Tl A T1 l{ Ir T i-w TT m TT'T r. ra " VOL. X. AINN ARBORUI, MICH., TUESDJAY, JANUARY 8, 1901. No 75 Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of rgo has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for business purposes or for full dress occasions.' G. H. WILD C. sob E. Washington St. DAINTY XPIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Cress Wre, hand painted with gold trimmings that nverc tarnih. POR'GENTLEMEN: Ebony Toie Sets silexnaanted. FOR EVERYBODY: Lowne's Choco- ltaes i: bulk and fancy pac- ages. SEE5 OUR WINDOWS. Wilder's Pbartnacy YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE R. 1E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. Laboratory Supplies AND Dissecting Instruments AT QUARR'5 SEXCELSIOR SDIARIES SFOR 1g0e I. in bindings of cloth .l and leather, some ¢plain, others with± +padded covers a:d ,p gold edges. A var i. ety of sizes fronm the± C smallest for the vealt4 25-' pocket, to the large to desk ook. Each diary contains, be I.5sides the space for 1 each day's entry, a vaiety of very useful items, arranged in convenient form for \ reference. . ATHLETIC CONFERENCES wanted a:d okd fr each yar. The. co:venttio::'adjoun ed1 witlot pssing Michigan's Old Grads and Prominent any resolutions Athletes Talk on Plant fr the ANOTHER VETERAN GONE Betterment of the Athletic____ Situation. Asst. Law Librarian Vanes Succumbed to the Inevitable During the Hl- 0:: Friday evening, Dec. 21, ce, day Vacation - He will Be who, among others, are prominent in Mse yteLW h ackiing Michigan's athletic interests, Mse yte Lw gathered to find out where we are at aindi inre properly to discuss where whe During the tChristmias holidays the are to he at athletically. The confer- Uiversity and Ani Aror lot one of ence was hield at th~e Camnpus Clu, its old officials ad a respected and w-iere a dinner was given y the host, well-known citizen io te death of Jo- The questions snhiitted were dis- sp .Vne sititlwlhain cussed pro sind con ciitl the midnight spiH acassatlwlbain hour. Among those present were Mr. Vance was taken sick a few days Regents Lawton and Deant, DeanwlHt- previos to the close of college for the chins, Profs. Pattengil, McLaughlin, holidays. lHe was sffering rainaan at- Lomnard, MMurrick, and Hunher, Di citk of typhid peuonia fruit which rector Baird, esides Mtessrs Bates,ic Maicilan and Browninsg of Chlicag; liecnecerinecoiiiediidying Sunday, Dec. Messrs. Codd aiid Murfini of Detroit 24, aite age of M: years. snS Farnthani of Toledo. Mr. H. (G. He was tic'gne-al libiraia of the Prettymnan. Secretary trentiss. ices. Uniicrsity for iwo: years. fruin 15.4 to Verdier, Niel Snow, ('apt. Hugh: White, 1850. Several years later. in 1 9. i Manager Crafts aiid Treasrer Rlobin- ntered the law dea~rmientf and gru- soun represenstedl the local contingent. atfed wiiii the ciass itt '1. It was not intended that the confer- He: then iokup: tlhe iprctice ofth te encc should sap out ii ptlicy io hie fol- sci:w~e i oe u eea owdhtrtetogvteiusag- lyear in t. forhcce:::'aredsort.iisveralc lowed t rte ogv h mng-yas uof our athletics sosme ideas tutu tire uas tot tis smrilianlt u success, hi :1ra- opinions whirl: might e of cs in get- though he w;as ai inly ediated "'anii. tiug-ourselves on ai imure:'firs: antupir- Ini1883 he n-s eleted to fih' poitio: ititneitly stron~g batsis iii athldetis. o it l-ibirari:n,. andtIlewas s'ldom: Spteechtes u-rc made iy altmtst ivery prominient personasge present, anid al- miost every phase of the: situation was-, dkis!ussed to some degree. The srng slimtai tkent hy the Daily in its edito- z riol columnis ti ten- days before vact- tin: icts uphieldl tnt,.in: fact, adviciated t the mieetin~g. Th'ie'coachtinue:::stitit uisustssed cit-c fulls-.Ti:'etcetsus of oiinws a h.Di doae)tatitiso t titlelst interests fto get oir:::actint-ttg ont ti sysit ti :iii a lter:cnt:fead, - fitd if itossibleefliiiout thei:staff swith Sit otidtheni C:::go lto otherfils for Coat-les. icitti Sin:,Michigan:or inii:- A mtost butter tiraigiiiict-wait:wute of Ciihteiimers Nfsit nilnthlii'athletic hoard anld fighftilut fci tinalIfeesi, iiidSic so doing butchier tourtathltici seemedcilso strina ngithe3 i'giauates citfsiimtiiiug sill a:oidiiibttresuliitst5 etogical ou{:ciumei'of t l iulgnationiiiec- pressed totuhby grt:::tis anth tetder-^ Perhap:is the motitsrikingitettre of tih- wholes'Confere'nce were the rmaitrks a , directed aithflutytof theBunier- ity. The olil gads ClaimedithaCltitour fatculty tailedto i:showusvantiinterest missitg front is lost of dutty iilt'e tither in: t' meni or teamus, suit thatt it ilriry. Becuse of his deicliinig yeirs dlliintot semtoii:ralize' low- nucithcite tl'rgents lhit yeir titdl:Prif. V. IH. tiionit:ittthe:'publicis formtedl by the Lanit-libratrian,. butl)Jr. Vncei-i'iis::rc- it-it-i our athlei' teamis sli. The old twnaii s tassistanut. gradshsa5lu idtttthey (id not ask that fehi' siiibeen': itel tutudtfamiitrly flue sicholarshlip:he loweredin an tuy tay knotwn: by mantiy lhudretsiofitltststi- t: acceomumoa~te athletes, ut that udets.lBec-auis' itthis accommodau~iltig theusiue :. who fight for the glory tad ways tatdrusady responiuse t ll maunnuler fame ofitttheirulma ter ttC cshould e ei-sitfuquesionus lie lod cimeicto le ell ictugeil rutter huanl:disc-ouragedl as houghtf of hb' studentsc and1thfle lgal fteynow sre mu somie departmoents. It -proessionuu aliks.Hils ueuuiry was al- is Clauimed tat the muost loyal, success- wilys of hic best adu lie alwuys had fil and enterprisig min::among the numiuerous citatlin t iltingues emit :luui wee those persons who, when uponit almiost ay leding qiestiol. ini the University, either took part or The fueral servies were held Wed- aii tctive, interest ii: ttletis. This nesday, Dee. 20, Rev. J. WE. Geston wcas anmother point strongly and first ofiiating. The services were attended advocated hy the Daily. y President Angell, memlers of the It wan urgedl upon alumini to look up lawr faclty and the lar of Ann Aror newv material and ee that it comes to tind elsewhere. Michigan, also hat Cle Idea of an The following ieek, upon January 4, athletic club house at Ann Aror be Peter Vancue, Cle rother of Joseph pushed along. The conference asked Vance, commiteed suicide. His st Is that one or two games he played each atrihuted o the fact that he was year in Chiago laimin; that Mihi- .lrooslbme over tie death of his brother. VACCINATION REQUIRED Every Student, in the University Must Be Vaccinated Before He Enters Upon His Work- Bequirement is Absolute a4 oFREE VACCINATION. Every Student Must he Vac- cinuated. Gyms Close fur 'f-co Weeks. *Get Certificates fri-u:: ecretary of your department. Thi-, entitles *you: to free vayard:: : jiferar- aind Enuginee'rig Stsu- *dents (Me)-Dr. Yutzy's office,x State street, or Homeopathic Hos pital. WVomen-Barhour Gymna- 1 siumu. Luti Students-Dr. Burr. No. G tHennming Block, opposite Cook* DO huse, or Homeopathic Hospital. -r Medicial aund Phasrmacy-Stu:-a abentus-D~r. Arnueill's office, N. Un:iversif3 tyaenune. Dlentatl Students-Dir. Hutch- hngs,. -: s a -t -:- t' : 1- c. x; The Official Order 'mo ite IEtlifor of thin Daily: 'Tii' tauthourities itt the Uniicersitc letei: iftnecessatry for te rotectiont of ft- st~udent~s atuthue city aigmuiist sutmall- piux that fantysttudntuwoto oitbenu vticcintiueud withinu fle lutst mouth shonulSib' cecuiii:tnd at onc-. Thnic is nut iii o-case hknowi-uti Cit-ity-. Butt pesions trave-llhing dturinug ihu-e rect ic 4-havetbton:expmoseidus thueudicase icsvile-tCitt uuttny pacts oithCli'stuite. '~Tere is its cause fur talarmi, butf eve-ry- precauttionu shoulu lie tatkenito pru-enu:u t ttladmisslionofitthCii disea~se. Atcicrdinglyi-tifhashut-n:dusculted to cc- uu1iti:.every -stiudnt to fhie u sttement-i deiiltiuiiug tut Se'hutssbeetnsvuu'u-h tedi is-itihit: thpatnt nthl, if siu-li is the u-tin:. At itue samttunte ts'nuiveritv hawuprovided fur te vuac-inattion uoftill iWhotinmuei it itihout expense Co the ittuis. liiie iarticiultrur urau~s-ueuts fti cs-hSideparttmeunut are posh-u in: the hitlls. 'liil' reqtuiremn:tnsltsthiulSue tiutiili'dithifmtodlay. In comiancetuutu'wsith the:-advice of ftie meicalh auSuiuthorities it htts btn Sluuuughlil.juduiciousts o close bttmth le gytuiitsiums fur this week auitd next. It is hopedl thamt althiestsudes-lwiill ceuefully co-operate with thi n :iver- sity author~mities in: these ptrecatutionatry itumusurns, wivh aliure asdoptedl for the geutural gotod. JAMES B. A { hEfL. Dean Vaughan's Statemnt This moornuing every muedica:l studsenut still his'examimneulandumnustbSic-ticCle uiuscit ittret-emitiaccminationu. Acstsu- sdentlstice comuinug fromu every- hart of flue stutte, every precamutiotnmuost he takeni to prevemut any nec ases.,sand a vigilanse still he kept over any sums- picious onues. Sitfair, we list-chatd v-sry goodu suc- cess ansd time nmbner limited to Chue one caise discovered in time hospital. Every precautionmillibe exercised shout the hospitals and all students entitled. after examination, to work thmereini isill he nmarked by a red cross upon their arm. We intend no more canes shall arise. Dit. V. 0. VAUGHAN. Dr. Dock and His Patient My smallpox patient is progressing admirably. He is out of all danger and takes his daily: exercise with In-