THE 'JUNIVERSITY 'OF MICHIGAN DAILY. , ,! :' : :iE+E : :s:3E: FE:IEF: iE3F: r:lF:g: :BE:E : R ;1 N a, u' sir . a tit '4IIIIIUNI ,; , Nir I N nd' ' Il l u!i ll,,, 'r. .. leil .. o i li !ii i ,III ,o °, i11N I W 11111! I, uu a0y ' IIIiiV '" ' J l It+ ,,, y ,C III L IIh . o o = y16 1 . lii , r .: :;::.. .::. o iii -- ' :r ^ ~ : :'3:x'3 : ' lIT CASI3 OPEN EVENINGS TILL XMAS Twenty-four inch, steel frame top and bottom, good locks and catches, corners reinforced $2.98 !t° pffb nts :P q' OODtSPEE D'S S117 MAIN ST. S, s s :3:X36: 3 33?. ? 3 :33=3:3: 3: =3 : : ? r : : ?= :s r: :3?=3 : : '3: : ; :a: : :s : ; : a' : ?: 3 :3 :. I lA's'nh;ovnn rinn4rni I ~OOO+O++O+OO+O+OO+O+IT!O '!v X')'F Jf B1I1 'NN r NItAAA FALLS ROUTE + Now on the floor at 1'kyat frsaI le t h THE SHORT LlINE- 709 N. UNIVERSITY A1VENUE. + ee~eMsi to8 We have on our tables an Entirely New Line +I'16 W. Sbet 5t. nnAro ANN ARBOR TO of Fall and Winter Suitings. CHICAGO .~~~~~. It Will Pay You to See Us. ..T~G.IoOLt~ BUFFALO PJ- ANR y RQ S OLAbRT IF5 NEWYO K4PJ -L 0onYeversaw in our store NEWYOK ND OSON° ARTISTIC TAILORS," 0 Wrn, Anod, ewle Witfh direct -connectionss at tlicags for St. f Loaf', Kanssas Cit5 015. Saul and5Sfeffse St. lImierwood & Underwood, tlfe firm Tffe followisigAMichfgan grafdu~ates OI Eor 1 Sos souln and f rugfslfckefs caff on wh~ichs fthfe largest and best otere- afe ff5w5pra~ctciffg attorsncys of NewNE or wrt atfo 5 fH_ Pt_1A'S, Agent, Anns Arbor. o~scopicf agec-y isnsthle world, through Yofrk C('fy: A. L. Davis, '98 L; AY. M.ILY A B R its agenftj Mr. C'ourtnefy, gave a Sbanfqutet (ffa5ntler, '99 L; Ri Weaver, '98 I, .- asLvnn:oth tdnsi teUi I lakn,'0L STUD ENTS AN R O ersiy wo0hffd cffnvassed fssr thf0emAD's NE LO RdlL.R A uring the last summer. It was aislIDon't wait unftfi1tihe last minute to AeDbel~ rDprEp A Lha SO RAILROAD elabhi 1orals' affair atidevryone voted it select your Xmas gfft and thsen repenft We are etrpeae hnee a C ~'SH f(015somle success. at leyisure. ("o doswin to the Asfn Arbor Io give the best of rarriage service, rfME TABLE All";_________ icieCo. atof (5f5-.IaniAselect a flrafsSo- havirng"addoed I so erubber tired. Taking E-ffect, Sundasy, Masy210, 1899. Nensesmber yousr friend is snusicat lini or gitiar. cuhst f~oot $dTa rim es e. s' oo Oad ithat a sice toll of well-selected --- - _____________u________ issic fromu the Asins Arbor Music Co. irCNIU AP YUIGH l e SOD FT~ NORTH will please hine for Xmas. CNIU IPYB SN *No. t.- :005A.5,._ No. t.- :tso. Noyal Tigers, 1.0c; Tigerettes, 5c. 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY Sr. No. -50A. M'5. No. 5-1:30OP. m. You kows that the new ideas are to o__-3:__._fN._.456P___eondaWger&Co'_bfr No .eri. N...0M efn tWge o' eoe Nosyyou kiow how lovely it (sbe)l-- - -r ae er o hm. 7 *Rotis t.e haven rbo aeardedoofnthm.. would be with a nice U. of 'M.,souvenir AlN ta tins assa yon go home Christmas. HL w. T. WILLS. Agent. Wateman or Laughlin Fountain LER'S JEWELRNY STORE. H4L W 5. 0 N.NTT. G., P. A- Pens, $1 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. ______ Mssiatlau and Wilson Bros.' shirts y VALLEY ~~Hidays now' at hand. Don't delay r for sate - 0 Wahumo. Ryan & lesile. 1 a'. H tICKING VALLEY RIIf yourpofsitg.RADL. Ivo see She work of t-be Toledo Is j ., The Railroad that takes .the Art Picturoes fr students' rooms, at LudyC o ilb ovuc Business In and Osut teislltrsooklstore, 116 So. lain s.tat o wnt nolter. Agency 121 S of Michigan. -Msain. 4 SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 1SlaASEMLIE+S DURtING VACATION. ________ 4 DAILY BETWEEN '~ Mr. asid Mrs. t ralsger atnnoiuce 050 Cosue ae ore0427 Thonmpsoun anti try TOLEDO, COLUI1US of scushly for Ns'w Teas's Eve. Special1 thi board. F'ine serviec asemby wil b gien. dmisio C ,t 3S onts. Es-ery varicty (A' saosyandonl the. Deroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- 50geas.enbCywiGAteEgveiESduisson 'SOXbstWigt ulonnd at IIANIGNTElRFPSR',005NlE b~ Riwa.TOBACCO'S liatceas 500in oss o t oustevorso served ('erve lotsfr Detrust and Ypsilanti SNOST~i Xuu tfo O BlAfCO'S' ioesoy style. every half our, neginfng at 7:15 a. m. EIR.FrX,: lit, tli.SYS anti.' 7:453 p. i.; .After that to Detroit All .seniors expecting to uoe old nsega- - at 8:45 p. m., 9:15 p. m. and 11:15 p. m. tives for their Michigan enof an plate5 The finout monograph and othcr Uni- Picck ckRiIi 1IParlors,. Watn om onrAnn and Mi are requested to secure an unmounted veros fuy nctetter paper and pads in ~ " ' ' ate. ;Detroit, 111 Griswold t. - photograph odurinsg the vacation. Ithe city. Alt styles. trclsller's Book- i'igulatiott Sloe Tahis o. MOE ONDS. M. LADD, Man. Ed. niore, 116s So. Main at. E'ryhig ie nd rbCsho owaceDiawoodosWheels aad _otherPer- sonal Property. office at residenee31E Liberty streers. All busiaess eonfadeotsat. Open e ea~gs until Christmas. Wag- Elctis te Goose aud Oyster Lunch Strictly LUp-o-Date. vRnn ors. e to 11:3 . m, and IltoO3:30and 7t~o 9iser & ,Co., Haerdashers. 75 anId linse Cgar at NOSEY'S. 77N nvriyAe n ro p. M. ~JOSEPH C. WATTS i'7N nvriyAe n ro SHAVE YOU SEEN THE.. NEW "CUSTOM "SHOE 111EB U IT N S C) u SEE. OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW EXTENSION HEEL. 111 South Main Street Face steaming anod n~ Embalmer and 61vrst 3 East Wiliam Street I U. oil M. Barber massage a sectal- ENOCH DIIIILOLE, Funeral DirectoneVUniversity just one tf btock westI P Fn S pan B a ntdoneriby late1s21 $e Fourh Bo Phone Shop All kids tFdal men ndB thds.Betlent L Aye1, B 1th of eeaieln gantly doe-. ;I ROOMts5S TATE. d.ILroja)miawakl f 11Sh1100 o E.Lfawbert'. Ph rotos