.maim\ of ITV all l I .. . V T 1 lXT V OL. X1. AINN ARBORU~, MICIH., FRIDAY, DECEMIBER 21, 1900. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics or the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress oztcasions. 6, H. WILD CO, io8 E. Washington St. DAINTIY XrIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware, h~andi paintedtith goldstrimm:ings that::neeiarn:ish. FOR GENTLEMEN: Ebsny Tsilet Sets FOR EVERYBODY: Lownev's Choco= lates 1in bulk afan~:c pack- ages. SEE OUR WINDOWS. WiI4r's Pbarmacy X IHGRADE CIGARIS in V Xmsboxes of 12 and up. X/ PIPE RACKS sod [MAGES Ml for Student Rooms N AFINE CHOCOLATES and A ons Boosso tipretty bones A PIPS .ndSokingArticies S just radeive for Christ-S Lt. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. QUARRY'~S Tooth Powder THE "ATHLETIC SITUATION" Michigan-Minnesota Debate Will BeCnieeri ofeec f, Te s-elate with Minnuesota: will oc- Be CnsieredBy onfeenc ~fcur 0n Jant. 11, the first Friday aifter Faculty and Alumni Tonight.- the lholiuday vacaions. Ti:: debate will Plan to Raise Michigan's ibe held ini University hllaid 1Gov.- Athletic Standing Elect Blistwill tact as presidling ______officer.- 5 iiThitveing ne oI(f tittheomo t import- Thei:' iiettl tdelbastes srecogniiitg _ itnt-onfeece-cs ithelhisory of Utti-Micigattis resitisisifo:- turn:iing-out versify athlics will beshll. tradl sisitititas,:o irs' hardsit west.:siposs ifog salumn:si, faicutly delegsatcs, untder- thelie stionst:ansd they expiect Ios:nake f ts gautoesi tiloed is: minenstusi- Theli cogitllege of ft'eslorttiwill be ?eleresctilcwilliymettrtoeditcyte. theIties:: t etic sitationt.-.5: 10-has Jtii-iitsrrprsne 1 r lcnyeamm not beensusccessfusl is:fotbalttlsi for two ir of 1:ist yeirs victorious tesmini : 5 yesars ? Wht arte: the cases for tail- the Slliniicsitsi-hIiwsi idete,:i. attil stre? Where lies ste blaiti'? Whatt Mssors. Sestili' :a::Isanes, whtose work mneasureo cast be ttaent to inssre tfuture ha:s btics': isinltite~ir-sovieiv-. succes: Thtesei'ntuth iler qstsiosns re- Sipi':kinig of theicominsgsiebasie the sain g to: or:11:1'Si:-s as'e iso hi'dis- I'l ii':ssititofM::iitasota Dily lissthe ctussesi. All sides stiltlibeiepsens-sstedl.follow-ssis: to sysits-iur- proisipccts: rTs' playcr, the ists-:c-or, lii'elbusinses "lici :iti odobttha1: tAisligant msilags's- siltls-sach: :'resnt his pha~se otf sill ibe sablys -r'upreste'hinis:this 'earss the q tuestiotn.sde'bate- mid s-llwith ' t 'et-iitanditu it's- Ti:e'cotitesees-:atsscalls'slby almniliss-oac-in~g o ofi. Tritebloodi of otit of the city, bec'u:se, int:heiir ope- Sii:-ma:'s despar-messst foratoriylies' ions, Michiigsstthads tot mantast:iied as spicskcrs still Iii' sis st sropig c-se:-to high si stasndinigis:itliletics hasitnoolier liii judigi'." lilie's is: recetlye'ars. The coniterees hasvc ot coors:'no usathotrity to take Football Captains For 1901 iatyaiction~ bitinitg outr athtorities. Bitt fthcy still cas-efully- andsiftlly tlis-us Tie-elsio : it i llilgatis caiptsiin ft'esitutations andiSrecotmm~ensuchs::i:poll- sotmpiletcosIthe lisi, if ml'liiihst-ill lceii ti-et as thesy tiilststotrlut- lileti-l- (:-liei'fist ali tll 5:5:5 o I it -i' speivei lueiesis. Eecaiuseofthe::-l::ai-aste- andil -::is-sforIisle ii- i5ist iniflucei'of thise'who iwsill lit'prisenit tli-ilois testas phlsts y thIsi astiof it is-sit" i saf st-" t lids-t-i-teil:silil::sl th liii'Isc' -llcou-;s to - 0'il." c:5115551 liuts siill in: lii i tuu::li'itssde-l b ie fiii Lo aisty lyitill. -.('iii iisstu'ii oo 0-ufrt' later on. si fut~r the ilos: if tsw --ases:1. liTe attests still sssetisbis' 1 lt'hliar- Liii foilosisgs 5ai ospiii- list sit list::'gymti ::l0standsiti-ll ass flrus::heinewscttsptisilso;isd tie coslges theysy lis othii'ei lCampu~sss cilb,st-lie'II. C. rre:isenit: I tymyaissistill s-i-its-dinnert . Allis lt-e oto-rn s --llaNinet- lii'sinnerit'h-liico-nsfcrecet-isill ltbe s irasI tais01bite. hldi. A hitigs- sinumblers-oif alumn:si 5 'isriuIsiicgless ls-it. havesipeet-sinvi itediiiciusili .forerirsiss tlisterti-s .(t. E. Dietz. thu fsissland lssfo tlliplaycrs. [lie lilisissisL l I. Iiligfrep. . boardii sitContrl an hd ofter fatihy W'isssosi -lss hiliicI'illis-. miembeliroslttilsiilciis ta s romsin~ent lisiletsotOl- llor 1 I Esiosvltli. licalbsinsessmsisianisd aluni, siill lie I-its-Cly's-st'Willissis. 4prseti. Sitmstsof itisse who have itesi- I sssilssss WillissmiSisal-es. sillily lpromsis-dsioItstiendilare: It. 1St. isitni- IsolisitOMiller. lBllss, sc-ster( if the Chiicssgoitts-- niAssos-isslisislt is-siliSlililanisd Es't- I-st ,- Mlait: ('il:iils-l.iiisgsit (lili-sigo; Sc::- Stlt( -ists li-s Gousil. siolts: urisi. Its-s. P. toutS sisdl Edw-itn l's ii lts 'taut1. 1l(!ll. Denbylsi of Dto-ill;'ishad. ts'arslhsaitof lini ssitsil lDtsidii 5 sl tl. fioli-do. Pti'iilstlivlli-h irt fthossel: -sirs tin- Plls lts ilChirgt's stllscis's'. i iit-il siill ie- oi:lisbatd._ No 7 4 MUSEUM TOO CRODWDED Ilifferest Departments Are Starting S Museums of .Their Own Which Alay Same Day Bevel! p Into Goad Collettionb Illis a foregone conclusion that some- thinigtist lie one in the near future ta relieve she crotsded conditions in lie Unsiversity susoeuim. fhe large 'build- log of the southwtest cocos-c of she cam- pus is already iso small for the pur- pose. Twvo or thrceefdepartmnents have com- sienced tWhat seems likoe the only prac- tical solios: of this itpit seing prob- lets. The geological departsitrbelongs intse -iemoseum bu~ilding, atid so dorise exhlbils like s'he Chinese coile-ion, antI others of si general eltatter. ju;§t as lthe general library cotains all isooks which sire gceneral in their chsaracier. But just ao each deisarimenit needs she libriarywis-htdealissvil lb tspecial psrobleiss in close psoxianily Is its class- oissi oes0:5it nesth ue mnseumsicollec- lioss which illstsraiessits spsecisal line sit svorla, close ;by 11s siudents, to come itoisractical utse intshieir'clsssroosis. 'the dental anS lpharmsacy ldissirt- scents atid too or three 'brsanchecs of - ie smesdical deperlineni hsave startesiiu- seus ofs ithisr a-sinand Stheir caller- t siars vsishilt' adjutsis, slinsin s- Has all the desirable' qual- ities of the beat p and g (t ingredients found in so Unitarian Sorsg Servite many. ~ 'it- ollox\u l is lugStericis-iis ts lie ." (( Q i\o I Iithe iiitiriti cs-is::s-u- stx 25c p-er B~ottle. itindsis lss sssissow- S)< is .Slh~isss s is. lto it-sil...Duirs' u' ___________________ MISS__________ t illiusi ttsirid '511th ilsre o I uhf- -hen,"IulWtialis 0isi 5 - "A -.01r.:l.si..'..t.......hisfIa.~ ox +.1. Miss- isyuuiilo, Sic. Clotwsortliy. Sirs. I lsstreils'r. I + So~veni A ithiis, 'TliseeWere Shepherds XA n 11Az\ rb0r .Stilts '()til y Nightt' - Adants 1 11tt'Ms. Iholfe'. + 4Clou,"tit h hrbchs! + 41 ist.ailists-ius75-' +i coliit-bu ~siflihusriftneS'oslo, iItheard the + phto - engravilhgs j 'sssss it ofIlsrpers"-I~rowthsels of College Build- + ily ('ily- - - --.Gaul inugs ahnd places of Trelele-(1f tCtubsitndiSi. Ellis with soprano t' il ulgsuls iiv Sits Farhtlitn. interest in Ann Ar' Posthtdittsi-----........Wachs + bor. Attractive - -___ - + 5 silk cloth binding T'hie Jantittry bookitigs for the Athtets of blue and eil- thleaire hilt fair to surpass those of Ter anexcllet *December hn pohnt of excellence. They veran ecellnt +are as followvs: "Sherlock Itolmes," thing to take home "Couritig sti Gree's" Otis-er Scoit's I with youChristmnas. refined tmitnstrels, Willie Collier in *"On the Quiet," Marguerite Sylta Op- Sera Co. Its "Pritncess Chic" The! Burg. omnaster," Lester Cotmic Opera Co., W A H R ' ," inegatns G all" anod s"Tle Limitedl -------;- Me::u::It: ail" 'sihiiiuiis -W'. R. irisy. Ionl iusuli'ilfiss .1 -10. Wrier'. l.;fsys'htu-F. Mlts1us-su I 'sllii ttis'aly Ptirce. Ilrssusiss 0. It. liti'. WecstinusitsdiimIF. Csas( Atiushtiuis--Niil E"'. Niellosls. is-hi gh-P. llsurs ilti. .Iiti isuuthi.. '. O'Connorss. 'sluld-Coss-huts 0Vs'Lawlor'. NotresDasih ls-hrf i- l'orfitt. I hitttinti-ltits C. Furitscht. Frcsianli-l'.I. Hasntley. Wi'tteetricg-Sirs util:ler't. RushlMeical's-I. E. Schwevn'deer't. Obierlint-Clarices'Bradlesy. 51::totet'-'lars'ttse Sishalits. itislhattt-Guy Little. Law Debate Last Night 'fTs'esld'ebate bestwsetnthis'to:lawsvoi- eileties-00'ebster attd is ffessotiftati- ocscsutt'edllitsitnight. Thss-fortmer soci- ety wonuth te first isvo:pluaceestnd alter- ntetastd fts'eitird pSlace'' wet tos:ths Tefi'ereoti:t scie'ty. ''T'est's'isisiti:softs' jttdgsswa s follose: Flirst-A. B. Irvitne. Se'cottd-(X. A. 0O1iniier. 't'htrd-L. Cole. Alterttate-N. T. Boose. 'Tsttight will occur the debate he- twsees thie Adelphti and Alpha Nu socie- tlee. which twill also be hseld in Room R of ite lhtw hsildine. I uisliussii ualeItolieu'i lssroomiwsosri. i'-s ii tt'no itime'hss - sgncerist sdeparticut has placedin iithse gieneral sinisu'isnusiaterial for-11itstsi.So Ifar fromsi heliii css rooms, I;is ar>tssluauh r'etrograded,'unt :sil it is nusts hutte moe thispa suce fills'. :! little cffort WtouSdco-'t a lot of vailuabil-' imprciial inhi subLu % 'aidut5v' or luree of those isuicresicol iti the sit' 15:511 ilet-si t lking tieiu stionsup ii sussionsig li'ssl-cs. Aienusualsi'ila nusune:~i is likely 10 be'Ihtelit tifind i tirce i:in te udepuatsets. 'h'reu're'sciiaiiy legasl lsiutintiis us-iis-s are shirs- initheIlic ilr-.' isiltl- li,-,a'.duSotihi''eru111of-ts it'22tpla-s's. huhndseilomlifi' vses'n.cull es '- vs- (srte: I'o sf I hurtlnsushi flist'his asrs',te tit Ithuese'Mstould forii nsilleltcissihi"_' cotllctli, 'si swiin!sigulhsali s-sll su si ad 4u t'i'sshes' froa rth isirI)55 s-t ts and susul stti es. to fuss-its loam su1iseusu si to al s tue this 5 i uhssys lais'ycsi. hisswshosles' hehus 5i-s i'i-il l so" t ssil sit-i'es'esemus etvery' ri-ssosto believes'lushit still tuake lasughshs'fosrm ins I iesieaur future.'The crowdd co -sn dlitiet iniiics-ry huilding l is h grei' psrolemt but lie rapisdly acciisastiu.. ausirial along these litses is less sa'lu- tils'for tis-chitig purpoest-o 5lsc a1- euotoe e uptacksedaas-a?' Ithiliiu'sici?, atu scas-ircis'ly si say hpasstist hstltlsa iiat- her i hoet tsakSes-oer insoi hiway1,' upiteselstcatuts. '02 Medics Will Publish Annual The stuene~ts itt the juttior tiedical silshavesor'gantizesd for the purpoe of publisintg a deparitment antoual. The followitsg board has sc ott electedl: Ettsori-~fe, Norman L. StcDiarmlsl. Hiramt, 0.; associate editors, Alice B. Ellswsortht, tason, Rich.; Claretice B Ripley, Hinsdale, Ill.; Albert A.'lWe- her, Jacksotn; Corties N. Jams-sot:. Rochiester, N. T.t busitnesstmattagers. Htubert D. Russell. Battle Creek; Bur- sOette S. Frary, Tpsilanti; 'Harry A. Schirrmaun, Portsmouth, 0. As yet tno tnatme has beeS selected for the ptbli- catioti. It will 'appear early toni hr sectid seester. Ths-comtmuittee ltavittg ctargil of ite -Welstecbansuet Itas decidet upoCn 1Thsursday evening.Tn. 17, for fts- an- ntualhbanquset. 4