°ThifE UNIVERSITY 01 MIICHIGAN L AILY 4 NEW BOOKS Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . WORTH READING TheCcardinal's sflf=box, .HnyfHarland Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in thie staie n the Wing of Occtsns, Toel Candtler Harris tMciaExxr~ OE The Hearts Highway, Marl/ E. Wilkins o oCigl XETN OE The Lane that had no TarninpGilbert Parkter :Fiore Fables, Georg Ade tARTI5TKCALLX 4,.O N ECMANI CAL T Alice of Old Vinacennes, Maure Ttomp800 In the Palace of the King, F. Marion rawford We will be glad to proveit to yo u, Sangs of thel'lsrning. Eden oPlsillpalotf The Isle of Unrest, HeonrySielo Morrniman Truly FYours, A Bicycle of Cathay, Frask R. Stocktlono.B R H L 16E uo ,Mleanor, Mrs. lHumphrey WardS.B R H EL ' 06 .Huo The Expatriates, .Lillian Bell 1A1.. the Above at. Discountj CH IT A C NDE PricesLowneys and Sparrow's in pretty ricesN boxes up to $3 a bosx We pack for shipment or deliver in the city with atmis Coout extra charge. 320.S. STATE STREET.r You ca gt l101entschter, the I[Photographer. T A U C" AT Ianitl andl Charles Firohnian will Dean Victoir C. Vaughn spoke last 7m pesentt 'At the Wihite' Horse Tavern" night before the lDetroit MNedical So- U S at Athens Theatre Saturday, Det' "1. elety, the newest and largest in the I'aiscomdy rdi te Grma. wic state. islrls lttet wao "The t.edical 338soth tae t. asen... ello rece~tiive b Aican wts-h, 'togl'eoo of thle -NineteenthCetr. _______________________ tr goers in :all the citieis visitedl, - -- -________ RIGT RAD ome wth an endlorsenment of a high ! Ir. iiid Mrs. C'o.peland hnave',, ate to ST R ON tutw RA cht ii un Unlike most Utrean COnlie-! (a fl'iutoIenjor a ;six week' visit. dies, it is said thanitiiposseses noine -____l____ The W'tAIASIt is the Short of the farcicail elemnts. It dt'pt'ods on f line to oil Sothwestern pints!Opienteentinigs until Christmias. W~ag- --St. Louis, Kansas Cit.' , Om- ltogicalunit naturtiltdevelopmlets for tiher & C'o., Itaherdashers. t aha, all points in Illinotis. its laughts-devtetloments ninesver, MSudents Tickets at Low Rates ilare ii siZ.Theliteitits intheI5Itic i SUDETSNOTCE art'iittilps!in. littl osti i n,Ais Theet l'indiiry is the 'Toledoliit Itonteseske ratckets to points lrittn Al.s, iii a litaelettofitfaitiltit- ind Kansas. Arktansas, Texas wher' love sick tourists andi the rid- dr.dClrd-n aeTe- cekd ots aepr i ols iee.Least' your order it 121 S. day, Dec. t8. One fare plus thant four heart affairs.' Main St. 42.00 finns basing points, Con- -suit agenits. liest $., htitsiadei is the Hlowatrt. K. S. GREENWVOOD, M. P. A. CONTINUE HAPPY BY USING Wadlititis, Rytai & Reule, sole agenits. GRANGER'S ADVANCED CLASS Rotyaul Tigers, 10e; Tigerettes, f5r. amYY~~N 7 __________ <- SPECI1L 'TOllU. OF' A1.STUDENTS. ~I'l~j~U AV uP Nuts A Ottknowvbow los'ely it (she) Youmcanumake $5 tier daly'iduritig '11U "LSDAY EVE w~~~isould he swih a nice U. of M. souvenir yu hita aainb Iltl t lien '0 Ohm Christmas. HAL- exeriion.Flows? I'll tell you. Setue Undternoocircutumstncoestllit tOnes 1 hnyub JIR oerO , itefore Dec. 15, at(t0l1 So. Thayer st. lao noadmittedl to tlhisclaso. Ten een 70Et' R~tL S. J. 210R(AN. nen's 0.1.Single Erenint,$020 per couple. _______ Manh_ 2attlan and Wilonl Bros.' shirts_ for stile at. Wadliains, Ryan & Beule. Thit's the iname-HALLEER'S J.I :-1 ! 1I___________ ItRY. U ~ ' If you See ite work of the Toledo SNOS '. Laundtiry Co. y011uisill lie cotivitnced SNOS t chit yoil sant noioher. Agencey 122 S.. 'Allsentiors exptetintg ti nset'dt ea - ai.liveis for their 2ticitigtttetosian latte, C--RR-iELAgnt -___- - are reqiuested to secure it utnmouniteid C. 5 .SlaRt 51 . An t o, R .IEijtoy ttitheGitte tutdOyster tuticli phoitographt ditrinig theetictationi. 326___.___tate____. _Ann___rbor,_____ch._anid lte Cigtar it ROlSEY"S. S.1. LADD, Man. Ed. WHY DON'T YOU Hae'you seen thoenew pen and ik The finest nmonograph and oilier Ui (A[LA6BAN1 & (Of LAW KOOK PILISIIMfIS AND IWIPOD EllS 114 MON ROE ST. CH ICAGO Cor. Stainnd ues. Streets, Capital, 110,0110. Surplus, '5,000. Transacts general hanhing Bsneses. R, Monroe, Pes. C. E1. GOnoca, Vito-Pee oRE,. H. ESER.Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K ors nnAro Capital, 5100,000. Sueplus and Peoftts,00,000 'Teaosacts a geneeal hankin r bsoiness. Foeign exchange bought and sold. Furnsh blero of credit. .0D. KINE, Pees. nARROISON SOULE, Vice-Pen S.W. CLARiKSON Cashder The~ flan flrbor Savings Banff Capital Stock. 050,000. Sueplus, $110,000. Resoues,$1,500,000. Oeganized under eke General Banking Laws of this Stale. Receives depsits, buys and siles exchange on the peisciltal cities of Ike United Statea. Drafts tased uopropes identification, Safety deposit boxes to rent. OFFICERnSt Christian StockPree.; W. D. Hari- mnn, Vice-Pres.;t Chas. S. Iliscack, Cashier; t, J. Fritz, Assistant Caoshier; W. J.OTHs, PRES. S fT W. ARNOeeselt Vice-pre: J. V. SHEEHANo, Idst V itroNG JON. C.WAL, aAsst.Coki BRfV NK Transacts a general Banking lBusiness.' t, t .i *: 1 .' 4 ca ,j c+~ ,.C; ~ t 1, 8. in t Calendir. lot' salo it bookstores. tliecity. All styles. Sehaller's Book- oPLNDrfE Uice 50i rents. 73 store, 11d So. Htain st. OPEN ALL NIGHiT.ThisytHoliday Neckwear wvhere the No holiay freak styles, hut correet ,lURON If. Twoadors t ef Cook House.'-ft Ii s and prices are right.. Wagner & gotitlemint'sfurnishingsat correet ~i7~. M RTI...Co. 7A lric'es. Wagnter & Co. 75 FUNERAL DIRCTO -JUST ARRIVED... mm i ' a spscteaity. No. 209 S 4th ___ Ave ' khulaio aight and cday. Ies=____ 'lou 302 Pifti c _Re ]IMA KV Try The... NORTH SIDE A LAUNDRY THOS. POW ,Propr. 200 DetroitiSt 457nel Phone a i5ih8lih li ~f~ih~g~ vGOLF HATS WAGNER &1GO. 121 Main st. lATTEreS $3.00 bERBI JUrT THE THIIIQ FOR TAKIr4Q LECZTURESJ1 ffiSCHLEEDE'.0 le TEMPORARYs {=# BI NDER T Opens like a book.3 Beas~heold strieg oers t SANDOW'S Latest I'.ttt Dumb - Bells Tim Sl andow Sprineg Grill teD . n -ells are maode is to hatlves cionecetedkby adjust- isleoprings,thus ftircitig ttoe entakinegex- :risetohave vetyimscle at istp'opeorten- ;io' Masy meesherealo ouaghet isle action oat woultd othertsisetie dotrmeant. Sandow Iaimthtat this moetodttf exerciisaisuperior :oalltothers. Childes',Pi,0.25 4. Yuath's, Pair 52.50 ils' " 1.7015. Ladies' " 2.50 3Boys, ' 1.705 16. Moi's " 3.00 Ctomplee inboxhitssihchart of exercise. t' and Witer Spurts Catlogtics rPeupon A. G. Spading & Bros. 1 'r T OEK ~nCHICAGO DENVER j GAPS.,. IWCo KERN & CO, 411 E.fh ,y Seventh St. HAVE YOU SEEN -THOSE NOBBY BROWIN F. is The heat fountain pes01 SCHLE EICE, - - - :. 340 South State i 1 THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THlE CITY