4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MlICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS WORTH READING The Cardina's snuff-hox, Hrnry Harland On the Winggif Octsions, Joet Chcsnder Harris The Hearts Highway, Mary E. Wtlkins c'he Lane that had no Turnin, Gilbert Parker riolre Fables,. Georg Ade Alice of Old Viacennes, Maurice Thompson fIn the Palace of the King, F. MariOn Crawford Songo of nhe,rlornfng. EenestPhillpotts the isle of Unrest, Hert Seton Merriman A Bicycle of Cathay, Frank B. BSekton Hleanor, Mrs. Humphrey Wardt 'The Expatriates, Lillian Belt il the Above at Discount Prices Sheehan &Co. e32O:;S. STATE STREET. You can get a 'HOT LUNCH' AT 338 South 'State St. START ON THE RIGHT ROAD The WABASH i the oshort line to all youthw etern points -St. Louis, Kansas City, GOn- aha, all pointo in Illinois. 'Students Tickets at Low Rates Hlomeseeker tickets to pois in Kansas, Aiikansas, Texao and Colorado-on sale Tues- day, Dee. 18. One fare plus $200 from baying points, Con- sult agtnto. R. S. GREENWOOD, M. P. A. GRANGER'S ADVANCED CLASS 1FAD A V EVE Perfect Tailoring=-s.sShape (Retaining is a quality often wanting in Menas Suito, hut our tailors have mastered the secret of imparting this characteristic s to the garments made for us. Every Garment is made ex- pressly for the man who buys it and If it doesn't satiofy him a e! doesn't get it. If that's a fair propooltion tome up and I let us tell you just how many Dollars we can save you on your new Suit or Overcoat. GOODRICH & DUKE, GAgent tsr the Best Tailors as Earth. Front roson over First National Bank LAW OKU! (AL1AAN 1 &(. LAWV BOOK PUBLISHERIS AND IMPORTERS 114 MONROE ST. CHICAGO CALKI NS' CHRISTMAS CANDIES Lowney,s and Sparrow's in pretty boxes up to $3 a box. We pack for shipment or deliver in the city with out extra charge. . lTcntschlev, the Ilb'otographer. BAStKET BtALL GAME. NOTICE: This aftertnoon at 5 stcock thsre situdentso expect to get psiltlonss will toe csgamse' at freohmain as teachers throuoghs lie appttto t'et 'casket 1)011 at the Baerboutr' gym- comoittee mutsst report to the' sec-re- nasiumis, wheno the 3 '.1clock sectioni will tary itn Ioom A (U. 11.)attlone' ofthkie' ploy lihe 5 o'clock. followintg hours: Wednesday, Dec. 1'),-it 4. SPECIAL TO U. OF '.N. STUDENTS. Thutrsdaty, 10cc". 20, atl 4. You eon make $5 per day doring Friday. iDec. 21, at 4. your Christmas vacation by so little"' exertion. How? I'll tell you. 'See me Take somsething hsome thcat will before Dec. 18, -at 631 So. Thayer S1. please the pcaternal Wagnter h- Co., 70 5S . 1 ORGAN, tHaberdashiers. 75 Coins over to 427 Thompson aod try Otoetn evecniogs unotil Christmas. Wag- the hboard, Finse rervlce and cooking. icer & Co., Hlaherdashers. 75 Music during dinner, Board by week, day cc single meal. Boarders accom- STUDENTS NOTICE! meodated :tltroughlt hrietuas vaaion. The btlal cundry is the Toledo Lauus- dry. 'Tpy lt. Work -called for -and de- Waterman or Laughlin Fountain liveredl. Leave your order 'at 121 S. iits. $1 'ach at Schaller's Bookstore. Main at. Car. Mainad HrnmSstreets. capitol, 15,055. Sueplus, $50m. Transacts geeatltbahking htieose. B, KEarr, Pres. C. E.Oscssss, Vice-Preis FREss . BELmSR, Cashier. BIN of Aaa Arbor; FIRST NATIONAL SAKgO Capital, $100e000. Surplucsad Pronts, 130,0010 Trasacsts a general bcacking business. Foreign exchasge bought andsoed. Fornish letters of. ,credit. it, 0. KINNE, Pres. HARISOi5N SOULE, Vice-Pres. S, W. CLARKSON Cashier The thNofRrbor Savinus Bang CptlStack. ,00.,Stt pl5sept 5,004s~t. Coio Resoarees, $asyi0,00. Organizesd andere the General Banking Lowe af this Stole, Beceives deposits, hays ad stles exchange en the principal cities at the United States. Drafts cashed apse prapee identification, Safety deposit boxses ts rent, OsriEsssChristian Back Fees,;tW. D. Borri- man, Vice-Pres.; Chas. B,.iliscack, Cashiert;3M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashiere W. AasaLe, l1st Vice-precy TIT J. V. WAsasx, ?dVice asee Jass.C. Waora, Act.Caciee A jj itJ~ L J a J Y Scciscciccce-cdett atGrounds Reeve %Vadliams, Ryan & Heule are soe- Pact ccct crcamtst as wellt e,,i sra' tys there is atsmisapprcehensiono as to agects for Ypsilanti 1!.nderwea: besdcmitted teetilcai~o ss. e yeesn cte coof of tliiaov hbuildiog leaking, - - _____ cousple clet ecic,0.0 ee Ie ottys tlwost has never letiked since Skatittg iic e Skatinog Pasrk. Ilill it wets out on. The worli he has done and Fifth. t + reeccily wvas ptltting it osltier lback of - * Y 11cthechimneys to prevenot te sosefromt ,Best $3 cat made is lice tHowvard. 6 6 ' ' bankinog tui. TVito cire Iciilitig is in Atadheains, IRyan & Reule, sole agecnts. Znetlile consdition. d , ii 1 !I __________ - - 5etrtcoatoor Laughlin Foutint N'OTICE TI) STU I)l+. TS1I;. ci, $1 eachc, at Sebtilira Boosorie. C. F.. BARTHiELL, Agent, Tic' hlicicigctt CetraclIty. will sell' -,a265. Siate Si. Ann Arbor, nilch. to studlentts goinig Kinecc for lice Iooi- leolidays note at haood. Don't delat3 citys, oct presenctationc ef certifictite of your phlotico iltiiccgo.LtDiAI.. WHttSTYOembttership signed iy Sec'y Wade,- Get Yor Meas out Lootlos ~rcstcl tript tickets at 11ce-ususal redec- :act Piictres ftar studensts'rootss, at .etYuMelan tctstttiocn. ocehltllc-'s Boosaktere, 116 So. Rain sI. D~ate' of stile, Dec. 20, 21 attd 22. Alk 0h lf 11D C4,E. L4tiettirc limit, Jats. , 1901. { tlccy a iico Ciscic for your root .1 OPEN ALL NMIGHtT. Pl nomto unse t', .C1 I:1LIV1;JWLYSOE 4SURON 5r., Twa doars west of Cask tKoase. tie e office, or at lice jointoftilce of -- -- ll lM. I'. atid A. A. Ry. its Trea surer Cometee line of "Adler" fall sails O M RR el IO~ Scctte's office. iciovercats at Wadhams, RyanoS& r ' ARTIU. H W. HAYES, Agent.IRue FUNERAL Rue DIRECTOR , ,o j~osj~tocjjj~jjjj Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res R 6older weather is Coming note302 ifthAveAnd with it co-nes~ti~tghts of Tyihe... Winter Garments. CatopleseyyuTihtheman NORTH SIDE R WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors, LAUNDRY Clittleainssaou ntoemaeyu THOS. HOWE, Propr. 1ltl hnsta ot aeu 2oDetriteSt. I$BeflPhone gootd tailoring. __________________-121 and 123 S, Maim Street -, LoIAE AP jrTHlE T'IN~Q FOR TA~I IQ LE(ZTUREJ leittiess of S H E U ' ICAP'S and GOWNS.SHLE D " -ciSssPIES, _TEMPORARY COLLECH FLAG r .iCOLLEGE PINS.I% c IN E MATSLand Opens like a book. WA~.KER & ffi.Lecture paper 35lb. for 50c SANDOW'S ILattPatet Spcrng (Trp ns Dumb - Bells - TH"EtSandaw Spring Gip Dsmbu - telts are m .sade in twa halves conected hy adjust- skis. springsathus eorcicig one whees taking eo- ercise to ha-re every msuscle at its proper tee- sian. Many muscleoare aloabrought icoaaction that would 'otherws tie darmat Sanadow claisis that this method af exercise is superior to all others. 1. Chitdress',Pair,.5 14. Tauth's, Pair $2.500 2. Girls' '°.750 15. Ladies' ' 2.50 3. Bays, " 0.75 16. Me's CC ee0 Camp ile ia.tcax with chart at exercis Fail and Winter Sports Catague Free spas A.6G. Spalding & Bros: 'F YOK (Incoarpratedi) SSY