THE UNIVERSITY 01 MiCEIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. , Our sartorial skill is equal to the best ini the statec GYMNASIUM, I of Michigan, x FOOBAL!We xwiii be olc GOLF GOS f~an be found at Our Store '20 S. STATE STREET. All 0~oo to prv it to ayou, Truly Yours, .BURCHFIELD, 106 E. Huron LAWS! SENIOR. JUNIOR. FRESHMAN You can obtain ALL the text books used in the course. (A1LA6BAN & (0. OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE We are not only The Oldest firm but we carry The Most Complete line of Law Books in the city. Whetn we fill a prescription it con- tains exactly what the JDoctor orders, wveighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescription to us is to-be sure that it will be right.... I __ ____ _ ___ _ UUfl UUULAW UARIRALUM T ir )etroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Air- rr~~cca'swr+ -errs _ r I he asking, bor Railway. Cars leave cur L[t=tetanit Ynsiiantt lentschtvthe IIkbotographcvi.. rms' ( na-ery half eur, uegining at 7:15 a. an. s uantil 7:45 p. an After that touDeteruit St845 p. ni., 9:45 p.,an. aud 11:15 ep. _____ll._____________________-_____ Coa. Main and Huran Streeta. Waiting renal corner Auu nud Stain - Catitni 555,O . Sureina, $30u00. Transacts ate.; Detroit, tit1(Griswuld et ti1 iA11 iilienn i l ni-i iiliii at allcshoiul S.C.A. general bankSing bsnass. ccn__________________________ ou i ii tl d tt it rt he Cii tllilmet I __R,_ HKanr, Pae. C. E. GRENS., Vice-Proa N hI T Sit +111 ii ;disItill a nleu iifur lihe-ctruss- "'' -os- ug u ti'So il cifithe Stdents!FRED. H HanLanR, Cahiea. L~~fllxll TO I~~~~flI ('() iltIjt 1 1 titleii ii) atlet C I(at. SHayes -- l.l n-a - .., aAn Aha 'ar aand Oirs.Rose Or aa,,l or anouancethe d il :: :30 (. at. it lssociationeivell ti t ll K ofAninedrbot at i~lngnlthaja schooa o l hltoas: Centlee) 1.Il.ita aheticoilnxit1riday n-\ "bryhl.FR TN IO A B NK rgnzd1& (_.t ~ nx~ taaurday castniiag lit; l.tdisaftaer- !rundiia-. 'tiere trill bit1s- al - olle-e tiirrCapita ee0,60. Surplasand Panfic., 540,00t. aeena 4. Assemnily eveaiag 8S30elhaira.(ten- Altltire -ortdiallyivitaed tt culnte aid 'asmnWednesday evnintg S. Cillati itoffie. liii this falt. the wittner otat iil etill '- ctiailc.Taecognualnknbnna.Fieg 5l ae r' cdm n,1aeadSre o eev Fldnell ,1-tl 11-eange boughtc and aold. Fuanish ltinters o t'IrnEeas enii1 lat 5a -ihSrct a a--- t-, gttl it- lt. I-t-ttatit. os 3 i-cthe il a dali- lte fur credit.- Nel'~ll 1.ilit il itll t: chug I it t-si- i-atic itill I ' ihtet-I aii-l iii- hlalsocialI. E. .KINNE, n-en, HARRISON SOtUjLE, 11____itteoiy.Vice-Prea STELRSIv -trs ll-t enttuhoulta-site a a- lotf Sity77~ it lui . . CLARKSON Caiiisa ~YCLE EMPORIUM Anti-yrui-e. lI'ii t0.. Ilt ter ;7t.-Sa tel.iAnnrArbos'si Capials e~r Ba ! \htctic i-is iitltovet-rs - Nvailtlato adaulat arowt h ittRasourcs. $a.5i0,000. I~a lya ta t -tti lag at it (ii -. A. Sir j Oaizead onder the Gncal Honking inwa ofta )i il -ait-i isittlati aua tll a i Iaaiii 'yaftat-t (if Clit atcl5Ctl afthaia Sata.Receiveasadepesits, tasteond anita 3IC! yC.L Sis ;itt nt-nle-al il1e~li l l 1lt-al- 1 exchangaeon the palncipal ctire saf iihe nited >ii a;ll t SL Iitit tll-ta-. lie i- c l tt 11I- State.a.. tlie aIc e d upa properaia identificantio - \\' 10 'ac,. v')Chatety tanpasackbox-s to ral- BICYC~~LE SQ.NbR I E.S ((c)tc ]; era livet-i Iaila .Pr I I. sifaptillowsetat an 1s<1 anVice-Pre.; Cha. E. Hiaeock Cahiear00, ala- C Iia-acrt', ae irar n' ,(j % ',ILCHtEMISTRtY-.D- J. FPita, AssitataCashiea ANbNf'41FLIE.S. rt, Siillit17,C-r oios Alal iilttt li- 5111 al~ atiplirnts ruining .from i gh W. ARNOLD, ItaVace-pree T 119 W. Wdshinigton St. 1schoaoai t atttlt~sias ae-ls, noutrmaal scluols and smiallar JOH. .ALTZAsst.VaserS 8IVING W .1511_______ eluhefis fcut cil cllegasaiid wsn-li esepecting in re- ____ -- --_-- __ c11 f h, I~vrslt" elotict A1si. eratss ads anrad credit, will be ax-E iN 1r1(1ltl «ho esre lloppt"111t- t autinad far ouch credit. The axamina-B N ! ig tae te altiolt l ct he cel sliattitat -l pTr, n-e etr ac eia Caungctiusteesa fl -, Iaa iiinc ait aona s l ehlibe held en alluar. day, Oct. 4, Iraunaita a gneral Uict( alttaf ii Stich-,iaal Ionilili tat" tilig ' Apitlicants fraom ibe callagea orunut- _ lI n'ti1) AASICAS. IlIt Il ' r-sitis uf equal rank will bring cre- C. E.BARTHELL, Agent, t T-or- Ca0(,Ts . Ideiaals anid ether evidence offlitneas a36,S.StSate. t Aaaa Arbor aic _______________to_____ ii-lelvetdvnced credit taonimeon -- i ! 11tic .ssei euall1 i 1 -l- ta i te ridaiy, Oct. 3, ii 4 p. an., lower lecture WHY 00 1T YOU Ipo u(c1,1e.":(er-sucro,*1eio ulig (" ia si T'hriiale tlclRtlig alt iht to examiine any or all ap- J Y tloth' Al iil u anl Lunch s zt I N-(, i ol lil l ttula y tthose plileatis arest-reac. P. C. FR~EER., ojTL fI 4 pE la-ca - WA Nil-I I-sI"o1chcttrchit1ale11ilachcliic; C n il l iarJ'or tie Vttt-ill Y Bna1vl lt; 5iiltl'iltla leniar lanad sass saloisi. In- OEN ALL 51(11ST c 17:tat Ia11. I.. iltdaa i itlci- irai'-1 SC . iisioi ta. 1fU-ONlST.,lTwo hours w :tt 4 S.okifthssi-ia-a-' ii sa atia ilalal culisit ~~ U 115Th!f r ttebet.;bolitardt in i A r~a-. ltt 1 ha 1cse.itl-lit1. tooSi. Thayer MYI M~ATINl~.,bor. - FUNERAL IE T R s.... ,,,atalaning 'nsaecialty. Ne.209 S" 4th TWO QUAITES (0TTT ' re. Ambulance night and day. Res- .. " eac e302Fifth Assa 1'Try The... a NORTH 'SIDE LAUNDRY THOS. VOWSF, Panpr. . 1003 BHaadjw]any. aSSBeSailPhoe 5 Wi' Y7 .i Ja.1Lt!7St 7''SFM 7' ''l Makers of COLLEGIATE CAPS,- -' GOWNS and fjOODS, Routing at CAPS ard GOWNS. tl SPECIJ;LTY- CLASS Cj4NES. COeLECE FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, CLASS and- COLLEG3E HATS and CAPS., .. W, KERN00O 411 E. Fitfy-SeventhStS. CHICAGO, ILL. COLLARS IN V/~ SIZES *LET"PAOYC WAGNER &CO, MAKERSIlaberdashers .)U.T THlE THINGIQF5OR TAINIf LE(2TUREJ SCH LEEDES TEMPORARY Liii BINDER Opens like a book. Heas tha old string covea L eettaaeiaper alb.tiora50e The Se-ntfontlanpens $1 F. SCHLEEDF, - - - - - 340 South State I &A~F SPAULDING'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Are univ-ersally used wherever iha gnma is payiedSIhe taadaeniark being nhe garaantee. TeSpandag official Inter-cnllegiate Faet Hall, Is used by al thIe laadiag collegas anad auhietac clabs nofn-Se coantry. Priee, $400 Sead far Catalogue nf all Athletic Sparta. Spaldiagas Offieial beet Hasl Guide, with the new Roles foa 1905, an4 recoads, revies and iastructioans, ancluding pietuaes of 1000 players. Priee, 70Scntsa SANDOW'S SPRIING-GIlP DUJMH-BELLS tInvented by Sandowa. Have no eqlual a an exerciser ad developaa. Every mauacle benea filed. A. 0. SPAULDING & HBOS. NE-W YORK iaeMCnAed) DENVER - THlE FINESTLIME OF SCOTCH AND ENIGLISH SUITINOS IN THE CITY.