TE + UNIVERSILTY 01 MICHIG AN DAILY: 4 r ._ NEW BOOKS WORTH READING the Cardinals snuif-box, Henry Harland 'On the Wingeof Octsions, fIeetChander IHarrts The Hlearts Highway, Mary E. Wlins 'The ,Lane that had ns Turnin , Gilbert Parker f'lare Fables, Gtorg Ade. Alice sf Old Vi ncennes, Mauicee Theompson In the Palace of the King, b'. Marione Crawford Songs of hejflornitig, Edent Phtllpeotts 'The Isle of Unrest, Henry Seton Merriman A Bicycle oi Cathay, Frank R. Stockton Zleanor, Mrs. Humphrey Ward -he Expatriates, Lillian 13ll All the Above at Discount Prices Burchf ieldts Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in flee state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTISTKIALLT A."NECM11NICeLLT We will be glad to proveit to yo u, Truly .Yottrs, S. BUROHFIELD' 106 E. Huron i I ~~AI1IN~ .Sheehan &Co. USn 320O"S. STATE STREET. 7_ You can get a lRV flt$Chitrthe ,OT LUNCH AT John W. Yerkes, '77 law, the republi- UT ~.~U'~-- , cans candidate for governor in Ken- E -- a l jU tucky, teas heenso ~linted conmeit- S ioner of interneal revenue. tHs friends ST- TRIGHT R OADsters on te'jstshetltosyoue like The WABASH is the short SENIORtS. tine to alt southwestern poinets 11snosepcigt s l ea --St. Louis, Kansas City, Out- Alotir xerit ota epe alto, all points in Illinois. ' Ltves for fliit' Mirhigane'tsiat plate, requ '(testedl to seuoratenmune ~Students Tickets at Low Rae htgahdrn h aain IlTomeseeker tickets to points S. -M. LADD, Mete. Ed. in Kansas, At~kansas, Texas and Colorado-on oae Tots- Posoitbly youer friened hl os (e for day, Dec. 18. One fare plus his mnedolin or guitaer or thte onerlee $2.110 front hosing points, Con- teas is badly worne. If seo at new oee suit agents. froeth ter Anne Arbocr Jtttsirc C would It. S. GREaENWsOOD, M. P. A. jutoptlease Wite. ORANUER'S ADVANCED CLASS ___ EVE uie kHoldaty Necrkwac'er wherr tier s0-4- mttilpries te'rigid. VWaegner'& -T UESDAY ____ o 75 eUder sne circumsttaes irtll teginners The finest monograph and other UnI- be admitted .togtatsE class.Ton evenrtersyfaelte Iog's N OnteStlng 5 e le ityfacylettr paper and pads in cope.thciyAl styles. Schaller's Book- store, 116 o. Main of. CH-RISTMAS CANDIES mney,s and Sparrow's in pretty xes up to $3 a box We pack for ipment or deliver in the city with textra charge.J e Pjbotogvaphcr. A SMOKER'S SMOKE Royal Tigers, 1tir; Tigerettes, 5c. it LAW BOOK PUBLISHIERS AND IMIPORTERS 1 14 MONROEI ST. CHICAGO Car. Mats co Ho trects. Capital, 550,000. Surepas, $5,5000. Tooosaecto genetal sacking business. R, KE e, Pes. CE. tiENann, V-ice-e FED. HItLReao, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofsnd16 Capital, 8100,t000. Surpias and Preaits, $30,040 Transacts a general Sacking kuietss. Foreign exehange baught and eoid. Fsrnish letters of ceedit. E. D. HIRE,Free. HARRISON sSULE, Vice-Fees S. W. CLARKSON Caaihiee The Rlnni iMor Savings Bank Capital Stoek. $5,0t0. Sureluis, $150,000. Resources. $1.500,000. Organized ander the Gdeneral Banking Laws of tkes State. Receives deposite, kayo and sells exchange on tke principal cities of the United States. Drafts sashed upon proper identitication, Safety deposit boxes to cent. OrrscEss: Chritian Mack Preon.; W. D. Harri- scan, Vice-Prees.; Chas. E. fliscock, Cashier; M.- J. Frittz, Assistant Casbieri W.J. BOavTH, PES. W. ARNOLD, , lt Vise-free ST TE JOHN. C. Wes. Asot. 'ash iserSflI Transacts a genral Banking Business_ 3 (banger atnnoutnces the folloovee)g- for this weekpcit tier Academcy: Lees i evene- iesenior laewtearty'; tonight -'ad to- moeerrow revtning, re'gulaer rlees.: tpre- greis; ''iThrsdaey tigiet, sseelbly, Saturdaey etortniteg eadi afterneoone, regut- her cleasses: Saturdeaytighet, tssembly, 8:301 o'elocrk. A Netwi Cetuttry Betl will be isete Moneday tight, Dec. 31-New Year's Eve. NOTICE TO STUDENTS. Vihe Micheigant Cettral Ity. vill sell tee siudenets going teotne for the lioli- dhees, ott presetttion of certificate of meeetrsheip sigeted iby See'y Wade, rocunde tripte ickets ct thee usuael reducr- tioni. D~ate- of sae. e . 0. t 21 andc 22. Ref'ilmrelimcit, i-eec 8,1101. l1ec1 eceecce tiate fucrnisedia't A1. C tiricet ofliir, r. ac-et tier joitoftihe' of 1It. C'.catd A. A. By. ite Treasuer Soeelis office'. It1. XV. IHAVES.Aget.' SPECIAL. TO U. OTP U SI.STUDENTS. - - K - 1.1)51' (sltc-tctceiiecclittle(c-iff btt- e soil secan cmar e 0 e ey a lielse F IJ o l cte, tee n eff. tcci'cc itlooe rcnd yceec oets Chriottmaso vacation by ctle " ,iy ' ires te creeirsceee-cgexertion. -low? Itll tell youl.'Seetier mid