THE; UNITERSIZ 1 OF MICR IG A N' DAILY. 3 THE UMVEESflX OF M1CE1GAN DAILY. 3 i tl *Y Wl I U 11* E **FEFI: ~Fr '~r FEEfrr****FE~::E:1£ EQ:E Efr.B ~:Ei~ rEf:T.F rF* : 'E :: iE E : k SUIT CASE Twenty-four inch steel frame top and bottom, good locks and catcbes,corners rein formed $ 2.98 T !1 !4 4' 41 GOODSPED'S 117 MAIN ST. J. ' i 33 3: : 3i3 3 3 3 3 '"', '3 ? 1:3:3 3 E: 1?,E 3'.N i:3 3 31i 3 3 13:3 3:3:3 3 3 :33 : 3 :3PrEE-3 EE:F:-3 3 :3:3 ? i t:3 3 3 1E:3 3333 3 3:?! : 3 ?, 3? ie R a..-. *~'~The JOSEPH BOHMANN Micbigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO - CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the west. Eor information and through tickets call on or write toll. W. HAYES, Agent, Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sanday, May121, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- :11A.M. No. 1.-8e50OA.M. No. 8.-i1:35 A. aM. *No. 5.-12:80 P. M. NO. 4.- 0:35 P. ii. Ns. .- :6 e.. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Aul trains dailiy except Sunday. W T. WILLS, Agent. W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A- HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. 4 SOLED VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUI1BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. W. Lanadman, G. P. A. G. Tray. Agt. Columbus, Ohio. Detroit. Mich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Care leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti avery half otr, neginning at 7:15 a.oIm. unti? 7:45 p. .n: After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. en., 9:45 p. m and 11:15 p. In. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main e.: Detroit, 11.1(Griswold st. MONEY W.ANED on Watches, Diasnon a, eels and other Per- sonal Property. Darie at residence, 33t E. Liberty street. Aul businesa confidential. Hours. 8tot11:30a. im. and"ito 3:30and 7toS9 p.min. JOSEPH C. WATTS I I H NQ rY BROS. 709 N. UNIVERSITY FWENUE We have on our tables an Entirely New Line of Fall and Winter Suitinga. It Will Pay You to See Us. HENRY BROS* "ARTISTIC. TAILORS," I I Y-, _S tip +0+0++0o+0+0+0+ .- - .....-.- ...- Z No Trottble Like This in Our Comedy Club. M iss Bertia Whitc of Northwesternt l'niversity objeets to tove-iiaking--ilt ptublic-and her objections for a timec threatened to tisorupst ihe annutal Junlior' play at Northwestern. Mliss White is !a incoollscr of the Julnior class, and wihein the tlafss began to iuke preparaltionis to give it5 ils wila- ter irodultioll, Miss W-Mbie, on atccount af pronounced slrais::iie tastes, was chioscia to take one 'of the leading psafts. It was teccide: to put "A Marlielor's Itoosanco" i ' ts oatrts, loll-Miss White was oclleetell!to take lie isarrt of Haisiet tie (Ofandtthletiteroine of th~e lrtnia. this week sihlen til tlime for t'ieii'arsal ('aise and she 'foundl that sheii' s e1 c- ped'ted to al~w .Wal1ter South to make love to tier oii the stage, rantto :showt the lrpt'Ott'iiiostitt of responsivt'ness,. :the fla::ly refiisedt. 'Slit was willing to standitil'ta'rios' ilesgti and: freccive llltke-bt'lievl' eiiitraices, intlto (receive iier oscu klt~ns at a tlistantcl of iiot less than i i inches. Prof. Pearson, who htastcharge. of the rehearsals, -4aitl it was to be no psanto- ilitite. Thte Pisy was to 'lie t study ini (lie realisiii of art. -Mr. Smiltb1 thotiglct so, 'tos, but M iss Wh1ite wats olsturaite. aind to her frienis she ;made Ito secret of the fa't~t that if 11i way somnetbody else. wshy-. Mliss Whaie said she woultld i'tda from the coist raiher than make the contession aisked, and tier resignation was acecepted. Remember your friend is museical amid that a nice roll of well-selected music from the Ann Arbor Music Co. will please him for Xmas. New Skulls at the Dental Building. T.lwo tinge cases full of skuils have beein received by the idental museum this week from London. Eug. They containet i iitalntents of the siplendid 1itciteil collection of teetih and jaws wisicih has just been donatedl Io the Uui-cersity. Thle dentil faculty are wvondtering who: e to isut ail the curios antd 'sped'- mt'ns as tue museum in tile denltal 'btiltding is airetily filletd. Still more boxes are on the way, so thtere is iio tloutbc blot that an .increase in: shelf rootis-will "be matte soon. TIt is week's airriv-als Inclttde it. baty eltephant's head and almtost all of his skeletoii. This, in itseif, is at very great wsondter.'t'eii'i thert'.are skulls of 'a lio11, it's'r, polar 'bear, grizzly (hear, uslookeys. !oralig ottangs. at Cape httnt- tug dog, several heads of the cat fani- ily, friii'tiht'Chinese tpussy utiisa vidleopartl, and ioa ideous skullI of .a great Java pyiiiont. About 70 skuills ini all ariliv 'tl this week. all of tahiei in the best if contlitioni. 1Fiillly there caeani biaeketscl hu1- mimi skuli,.,probabily the victim of a horribile dleavh penalty 'cii somle Of the E4ast Indban islands. You kiiow that the new ideas tire to lie tounid it Wagner & Co.'s before other'ls htase heard of thiemi. 75 Skating at the Skating Park. Hill and Fifth. A SMOKER'S SMOKE Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5c. If you see the -work of the Toledo Laundry Co. you will be convlitced Hastt you want no other. Agency 121 S. Mn in. 1 MANDOLINS & GUITARS Received First Prembim at the Paris Exposi- to,10. 111.1They are for sale at the SAWbNrlemusic Store, 11h W.Liberty St. Ann Arhar The Grandest ILne of HOLIDAY QWT5 you ever saw in our store Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler TO NEW STUDENTS AND THE OLD ONES ALSO. We arc better prepared than ever to give the best of carriage servicer having added Iwo rubber tired coaches to our stock. Holmes Livery 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY STL AN EYE OPENER. It wiii open your eyes as 10 the candy situ-- ation if you have never visitcd Honk's. Drop in there today. Swipe oine of our chocoiates. 'Ailegretto Style" we niake and sell at IS 'eats. Every variety of randy and only the bent you'll find at llANO'STERFIIS'S, 100 E. Washingtols .eSo. State. P. 5 The oniy first-class p lace is town to eat oysters served' in any styie. Pickwick Billiard Parlors, Regulation Size Tables, Montarch Cuahions, Everyhing New and Strictly Up-to-Date. 707 N. University Ave. Anan Arbor HAVE YOU SEEN THE.NW.CU T M"SHE. MADE BY PURITAN SHOE GCO. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW EXTENSION HEEL. III South Main Stree