2 2 '1THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY .+ Prof. Wenley at the 0. S. U. f_ RAIN OR SHINE Michigan sems to continue at favor- ~,- The "00' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe 'Pubished Daily (Mondays execeied)during .ilsilaoig'ii E steii shoos as an mter- t erwe h ete sucr ColcES~arat ail~r. he tucW weklyat hiotain. A little rain doesn't hurt it THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN sa te ie:.yhi olwn o while it affords plenty of comfort on MAIN OFICE BRANCH OFICE "The convocation hour text week the warmest of days. Argus Bide s S. . State rt. wil e ccupiedl y Prof. Wenley of But of course we have light shoes Buh'hmn5. Ne tt Poe the University of Michigan. Not only for bright days and heavy shoes for MANAGING EDITOR, ini courtesy to our visitor ut for the rainy days if you prefer. o. H. BANS. 's reutation of the university every stu- B5NSMAAR, dent stould make it a point to e res- GASSSO TR F.USINESSiMANAG, 'p I - -GAS' SO SOE "F cuE~n'lL et at the exercise and show Prof. 109$O0. Aain Street.. EDITORS: Weidey that . S. U. is not ehind open evnings until ANN ARBOR, MICI Michigan in politeness:' 8 p. M. ATBHLETICS, - G. D. HUDA~uTT, 'siS _______ __________E___________________ A. H.HMCI3UALL,'5i5E. W. A KNGHT, '1 CONTINUH HAPPY BY USING MISS L, . SAulas '03 CAS. DVSRAK'01 Royal Tigrs, 10c; Tigerettes, c. a. H. Wooasaw,'04 W. P. CHIANEY, 101 L T H E W. A. Hs. sTErR, '53 -. . Hasva, '03 Open evenings until Christmas. Wag-I tier & Co., Haerdashers. 75 SuL..TAiJ Thfat's The name-HALLHR'S JEW- _______________ELHY. Is again going to be persuaded to Tlie Daily notes withi satisfaction DO NO)T BE DECEIVED. transact a little business. CAN'T the call made for at conference to dis- On-Mnac-usin-i^iy __ cuss our foothall situation. Michigan on all Tales at ROSEY'S. aew euaeyout neti n f is in ieed of an active, energetic, per- our SUITS OH OVERCOATS, we inaent plan and, no dout, the confer- You will finid him at ROSEY'S wait- also have a swell line of Holiday Goods in Neckwear, Silk Reversib le ocer' will he ale to solve with some Ing for you. Come in. Scarfs, Gloves. All kInds of Fancy Silk and Initial Letter Hnder- degree of satisfaction this all-import- No holiday freak styles, ut correct chiefs, Umbrellas, Hosiery and Underwear, Dress Suit Cases. All ant questioni which will e submsited gentlemen's furnishings, at correct to them. The Daily will go into detail prices. Wagner & Co. 75 New Goods at Cas Bass Prces. on Tuesiday, stating what we think is theThnkgiingvaa-ST lineromndewi osteside wayot tioiiav oedo41.hingtholn, itanDLd re-vv~ ii ilins, die oiie we offer. ceive reward.69A H N T E TR MoeRomfo heEgiers dasBest $ hat made is the Howard. A H N H A R MareRoo fortheEngieer. Waham, yan & Iteule, sole agents. That portion of the engineering DATES AHEAD shops which are presided over hy Remefmbelr CTTI U N AT TI ORH T Pints. Cooey and Allen is a hive of UI ~IO U HSOT N AT TI ORHT inidustry ti rae days. The new build- iiig, 48x43 feet in size, on the rear of Dec. 27-Chas Dickson in "Mistakes Will Happen," the engineering shops, is ready for oc- cupancy and is sapidly h. eing filled IaIh " 29-Frohman presenis "At the White Horse Tavern." with tihe necessary machinery and im- IiiW oinf Jan. 3-" Sherlock Holmes." pleinents for the work to e don. W " 4-avdHigisin"Cutig tGren. In the tasement, the old room, little " 4DvdHgisi Cutn tGen. snd tucked up, has hecome a roomyflku LI " 10-Oliver Scott' Minstrels. apartment anid considerale valuale Cur chill :111 12-Willie Oliver in " On The Quiet." out of dark coriers and looked at," 12-Marguerite Sylva Opera Co. in "The Princess Chic" when classes were studying it, can now he connected up, and set to run- Thsiasmnasw dretl abu ning hy the addition. Ti sa on a edr elyouabu Neat offices for Profs. Cooley and Fi t fdn d w now but there are plenty of more high-class - similar suit for Prof. Sadler and Mr. Andrews occupies the space shove YOUR1 CHANCE TO SEE THE BES thoe.After Vacatio- Except iii the asement aiid attic, the____________________________________ new huilding is entirely separated A H R O B N T O O B A fromt the old. The new machinery, L c u e drafting tables, etc., for the new huild-L e t r sA AR CO BIN TI N TO B T ing, is einig made by the students in lrn ectrs o aldeat- R llr c nBunswick Baks Collander Tales, with Lat- the machine shops. Printed sfr l epr- Bila ds est equipment known to the Universe.- The attic demonstrates the difference mets of the University. Type- hetween engineering and old-fashioned writingadMiegraphing. Oysters Fefo themBd-s4 hl rasyulk carpentry. Tie roof with its supports EDWARDS1 BROS. was designsed hy McCrickett, '96 Eug. (Over Shehans Stats Sres Lunches That cannot e excelled. The south portion of the attic forms a tolea~in rom hih wul beha d ned ond, }Kerr & Co., Cigars To suit all tastes and prses. When this old huilding was erected BANKERS the department had-12 seniors, and 41 Wall Siren, New York Tobaccos All styles and mixtures. there was plenty of room. Now the Pr senior class numbers 26 and the fresh- Trsact a general baing buisnss. From Cgyro Contantinople. London, and froma me cas i aot ouleth nmeran itees t ovct adReceive depouts sbeta rf.Divdeds ded f re esEgytTrkey, England and Z..A. muemi class s ahout douhe the numbe and rnest olcem sitted. At as ever enrolled there before The new Fisal Agents fr and negotiate the issue of A pleasant time with your friends at the OLD REIhxmiii, where everthing huliggie om nuhnohtrairoads, ntreet ruiways, gns a neset~mc. is new except the name, ( buildng gies rom enogh no, butSecriies boghtand sold an cemmis-inlaO E a few sore increases and that, too, Member New York Exchange.RO EX S will he too small. At new Michigan Calendar has just IHIGH-GRADE INEATMINT ElCURTIES. I soAs OUTH teem s lsued by J. A. Bardin and F. M.LuCfcrennerruie oAmmam, RE A Ul DSROENHA1 TATE Whitield, whichm is mot only a calendar PILADELPIA CORRESPONDENTS. NR 2 SUTR E but a work of art. It is made up in six _ GRAHAM, KERR &i CO. _______________________________ large sheets with: a handsome cover RIDE! Q UIA SANITARY PLUMBING. design. Each sheet containing a large R a icc: e . Jo F, QSCHUHI ELECTRIC C OSTUCTION AND SUPPLIES pemi and imnk drawimng and the calendar' STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, for two months. M. :STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 207 E. Washington Stret.1 ARTISSIC GAS AND EsETIC FI~xTUES. The work of J. A. Bardin is too well 119 W. Washington St. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND GRATES, known to need especial menton His"- drawings have appeared mu all of the Michigan pulcations, and are always recognized as firtclass. -The fdawN ri T H EN ~ ~ A AL-L W-dA' A6vqA A - 4 AwqAI W IV A3J LLIO