THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE UMVEJ3S1TY OF M1CH1GM~ DAILY. 3 £ E' e tE E -E EF:f tE Pry r rF C se me* se PC* c.**. fee: rfr'V virr: w O U W WINTER LINE OF as Ws is SUPERB ySHIRT It is the realization of our " High Grade" ambition and is illustrative of what enterprise and judgement can do in catering to critical tastes- All the .latest styles, designs and colorings are represented in these Shirts of such dependable ma- terials as to make the finding of equal values' else- where a difficult matter- *~*~s~ 515~*5~ 55 '4', Sb sql is 4' ~ 4' is E L~L~LI~j~ 4~ 4' BE 4' 4' '5.3 4' 4' 4' sIs 4' is 4' * 4' is 4' is '5 IlaLLers 4' is 4' sI~ 4' is 4' is 4' ~ Haberdashers ~ 4' * 4' is 4' Tailors is 4' ill 4' is 4' is 4' is 4' is 117 MAIN ST. ~ is 4' *3s?. s 4'is 4'4'4'4'4'*54'4'4'4'4'4'3I34'* 3'''4i4'4'4'3 5*-5*5 33 3 334'3 55* Micbigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THE SHORT LINE- 'ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chicago for St, Louis, Kanoao City, St. Paul and the west. Eor information and through tickets call on or write loll. V. HAYES, Agent, Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. TIME TABLE Traking Effet, Sunday, Mlay 21, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arhor hy Central Stand- sard Tine. SOUTH I NORTH iNn. 6.- 1:25 A. M1. No. 1.- 0:50 A. 1M, No. 8,-11:35 A: . * No. 61-12:301'. A0. So. 4.- 8:35 P. u. No. 3.- 4:50 r. u. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. All tratns dally exece Sunday. W. T. W~ILLS, Agent. W H. HENNETT, G, P. A- HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takesi the Businesa In and Out of Michigan. 4 SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS j DAILY BETWEEN 4T TOLEDO, COLUfIBUS and ATHENS. W. Hf.Fisher. L. W. Landmn, G. P. A. G. Tray. Age.- Colusobue, Ohio. "Detroit. Rich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cmars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half our, neginning at 7:15 a. mo. until 745 p. m.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. ino., 9:15 p. to. and 11:1.5 p. in. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main sta.: Detroit, 1i1. Grinwolst. MONEY LOANED on Watches, iamos,Wheeln and other Per- sonal Property. Office at residence, 31t E. Liberty street. All business ecofdentlal. Hours. 8 o510 a. nm, and lto 3:30and 7ko 9 P. M. JOSE PH C. WATTS DON'T BUY SUIT CASES Until you see the special 24 inch case we offer until Thanksgiving at All Leather, Steel Frame, 3 Hinges, Brass Lock ; and Bolts, Irish Linen Lined. MACK &COMRA NY Headquarters for Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Suit Cases, Rte. 222 - 224 So. Main St. Basement Dept. FOUR MEETS SCHEDULED The company suportinig Jefferson Do Anigelis ill his new operatic comedy, "A Royal Rogue," which is to bo pro- Track Tean to Be Kept Busy the Corn- seiited here tonight, is said to be the igSeason-Schedule Incomplete best this favorite comedian has ever lug had. It iiicludes artists who are quite well knownl in this city. Paula Ed- The track team n-ill the coming sea- wards, the principal comedienne, was s011 have plenlty to keep it busy in last season De Wolf Hopper's leading psrepliration for the Conal meet with all soubrette. Henry Norman, who has 010 the westerin colleges ill June. The iniposrtant role, was for years the prin- schledule is not replete wsitht dual moeets cipail basso-coinediati of H-etderson's anid iiitereoliegiates as was that which Amlerican ExRtravaganzca Comiitainy. was hieldi sp beforetile seasoti last year Eva D~aveiiport, who starredin l "Dor- is all iinducemienit to workbtinptromnises eas," plays a leaditig role; Charles certaini(efiitie contests wich will be Dungain, Hilda Htollinis, .tdine Boeusier aiple to the needs of the unknown antd Xand Poole lire also singers poleals- teami. As it is till available elates are aittly reimembereed. Atioiig the new es:-copied. This program of track ath- faces are F'. Newton-Uiido, an English letie's intctles, bsesidsicothts usual pro- oiiediaii;John Dutdley, Harold Vizard linlittlry, fre'sh-soplt. aind 'vasity ini- 111d1Etmily Fraucis. The De Angelis sdor meets, a dual meet wills Chicago e'ompanly numobers nearly i)0 people. indoors iniic'llago ini Feb~rualry',sod a-- sinilar meet io Anni Arbisent Maci. Come overv-to 427 Thompson and try Out of dsers a hucal meet will hebelel lidt:' hboard. Pine service and cooking. with C'hicago on Regentis' Field oii1 Music during dinner. Hoard: by week, Maiy 18. Eacli teani will lee contiosed day or single meal. Boarders accom- oft 25mein anthe resulting gaines will : iiodaled through Christioas vacation. i:n:doohtedly heefloe closest and mnost- 'imoportant ever hieldl in An Arbor. $ASIIE' MK 'Thie regular fresli-sophl. oultdoor meet ~SOE' MK will lie held in May, as will also tile Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5c. 'Varsity meet, aind the -Michligan inter- - scholastic is billed for the 25th of the tDc. J. 11. I'otts, editor of Micihigani same miointh. Then on the 21st of lime ('hristiant Advocate, will speak before' the meet under the auspices of the the Wesleyait Guildl at the -Methodist Western College coiiference will be church, Suilday eveing sublject,' "Mod- hielud in Chicago antd Michiigahn will send erii htiraeles." Sa full team to compete there. In the event of readjustment of various dates Ladies' program party at Granger's should the chance he offered for an- Academy this afteron. Progranms will other dual contest to he scheduled, be issued to members of the school 1 ltanager Baird wvill add it to the'omtptly at 2:45 o'clock. The finest monograph and !other Ual- If you :see i-he work of the Toledo versity fancy letter paper (and padts in TIAundry Getr you will hbe convinced the eity. All styles. Sclmaller's Book- that you want no other. Agency 121 S. 9store, 1160{So. Main at. Main. Alarm Clocks SI. U. of M. Pins 50c to $1.00. Find Watch Repais-ing a Specialty. J, L. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206:. Slafn South. The Grandest Line of, flOLIbA, QIFT 5 you ever saw in our store Win, Arnold, Jeweler TO NEW STUDENTS- AND THE OLD ONES ALSO.. We are better prepared than ever to give the bent of, carriage servicer having added two rubber tired- coaches to our stock, Holmes Livery 'PHONE 1O6, 515_E. LIBERTY ST.. AN EYE OPENER.e It wil open yosrecyesas toi the candy silo- an ir you have sneer visited Hankho. Prop In there today. Swipe sete of our cthocolates. "Allegretto Style" we make and sell at 315 cents. Every varityso candy asd only the best you'll Sond at 5IANOSTERFRS, 200 E. Washingtss, 300 So. State. P..Ths only first-class place so town to eat oystere served in any style. Pickwick Billiard Parlors'1 Regulation Sire Tables, Monarch Cushions;,. Everything New and Strictly Up-to-Onte. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor IHAVE YOU SEEN THE.NE." US OM.S OEI MADE BY PURTNSO O SSEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW EXTENSION HEEL. 111 South Main Stre e a I i i tTTTFliTi' ih TTT 'fT~ rFTith tillt U. of IVBarber Fagsa steiand EN OCR DETERE, }Embalmer .and , University Fin..~m tre Sn ah t}done by latent oFnee 14ecen/lW kblu e Al Shop and Bath ann ethos. h(Berlin T IhSho pirs et atly dain-.Po, Room's.5STT.and ai 9i.. 212 SJ our th Axel, B0th Phones Shoe ELa-brtSa hi IUol WE PATRONIZE G00BYEAR'S BRWG STORE