THE UNlYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 ..f f '".:: rf~r E~:Ff, EC ~f': ='!E : :e'E iE E3 r.EfTH 'E'.E IJMVEB:E+SY OE Fe r. F8r~.r:P E rF MC AL. 3.EE ::: E3rE1:r.i'~. ':Fie FEi~:~::Ef : C w 'a' Wa 'ii Wi Sb W W . You'll Ha Our to order tr touched the Can't make yoi immediately. See patterns in Le to Hurry rouser sale seems to have right spot. ur pair unless you order the window. $5.00 QOOBSPEED'S Tailors for Young Men. 110 WASHINGTON E. I 3.y I-.-... .'. ,.s.s"s.s "a"s"s "s"s"s .s .5. s.y.s........ .... ..... . . __ or ~aa3a Michigan Cntal NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansa City, St. Paul and the weut. Eor information and through ticketcall on or write to H. W. HAYES, Agent, Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, sunday, May 2S, 1899. Trains leave Aaa Arbor by Central Stand- ard Time. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- 8:50 A. M. No. 8-11:35 A. u. *No. 5.-12:30- P . No. 4.-8:5:0P . a. No. .- d:56r. a. 'Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily excep Sunday. pW. T. WILLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A- H OCKING VALLEY RY The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUMBUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. W. Landman, 0. P. A. C. Tray. Agt. Columbus, Ohio. Detroit. Mich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half our, neginning at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. to.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. M. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main es.: Detroit, 111 Griswold st. MONEY LOANED on Watches, Diamond,Wheels and other Per- annul Property. Office at residence, Hi1 E. Liberty street. All business confidentlal. Hours. 8 tol1:30 a. m.nd 1 to3:30and 7to9 Pin. JOSEPH C. WATTS " 0+ +be JOSEPH BO''HANN HENRY BROS. Now on the floor at 709 N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE We have on our tables an Entirely New Line of Fall and Winter Suitings. It Will Pay You to See Us. HENRY BROSe " ARTISTIC TAILORS, +o~oo~o~~o~oo~o~~o~oo~o~~o~oo~o~~I ..i.,.O; Mayor S. M. Jones of Toledo has notified the Good Govermnment club and S. C. A. that it will be impossible for him to fill his dates for them next Saturday evening and Sunday after- noon. He offers them any Saturday and Sunday in February. Strictly Up-to-Date on all Tables, Cigars, Tobaccos, and Lunches, at ROSEY'S. See the show window of the Ann Arbor Music Co. if you are in doubt about your Xmas gift. You may see something that will help you to decide. Best $3 hat made is the Howard. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, sole agents. Come over to 427 Thompson and try the (board. Fine service and cooking. Music during dinner. Board by week, day or single meal. Boarders accom- modated through Christmas vacation. Skating at the Skating Park. Hill and Fifth. A SMOKER'S SMOKE Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5c. The inter-society debates leading to the choice of the team against Penn- sylvania, will take place one week from tonight. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule are soie agents for Ypsilanti ainderwear. Skating at the Skating Park. Hill and Fifth. If you see the work of the Toledo Laundry Co. you will be convinced that you want no other. Agency 121 S. Main. Certiicates were not required at Thanksgiving time to secure the spec- ial rate on the railroads, but they will be required for the Christmas vaca- tion. Secure them at Sec. Wade's office. Oysters on z Shell and you like them, at ROSEY'S. Have you seen the new pen and ink drawings of J. A. Bardin, in his Michi- gan Calendar. For sale at bookstores. Price 50 cents. 73 Repairing at HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. Waterman or Laughlin Fountain Pens, $1 each at Schaller's Bookstore. THE ASSEMBLY. The regular assemblies at:Granger's Academy will continue !through the holiday vacation. Next Saturday night dancing will commence promptly at 8:30 ouclock. The balcony will be reserved for patrons. SPECIAL TO U. OF M. STUDENTS. You can make $5 per day during your Christmas vacation by a little exertion. How? I'll tell you. 'See me before Dec. 18, at 631 So. Thayer st. 70 S. J. 'MORGAN, :rt Pictures for students' rooms, at Schlialer's Bookstore, 116 So: Main st. Manhattan and Wilson Bros.' shirts for sale at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. Buy a nice Clock for your room alt HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. Everything new except the name, at ROSEY'S. MANDOLINS & GUITARS Heceived First Premium at the Paris Exposi. tio, 19in. They are forsale at the Schaeberle Music Store, 180 W.Liberty St. Ann Arbor The Grandest Line of IIOLIbAT QWFTS you ever saw in our store Wm, Arnold, Jeweler To NEW STUDENTS AND THE OLD ONES Afso. We are better prepared than ever to give the best of carriage service, having added two rubber tired coach a to our stock. Holmes Livery PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY STS " IDOL OF THE HOUR But center of attraction is still ait Hank's for hot chocolate and fre candies and oysters, served in any style at either store. 200 E. Washington, 316 So. State. Pickwick. Billiard Parlors, Regulation Size Tables, Monarch Cushions. Everything New and Strictly tip-to-Date. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor t YAVE YOU SEEN THE. NEW CUSTOM" SHOE MADE BY PURITAN SHOE 00. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THE NEW EXTENSION HEEL. III South Main Stre e . Ba r e steaming and E NO rTER E E .mbalmer ndrH3 e am Street UOfV Br r massage a special.[EOC IETnLAL Funeral Directeo vr s YUt e ee kas if lckWuFi,