T.HE UI.NEBaTY '01 NMI 'HIGCAN 0DAILY 4 r NEW BOOKS WORTH READING The Cardinal's snufl-box, Hentry Hartoand On the W ing of Occtslons, Joel Chandler Harris The Hearts Highway, Mary SE. Widkcim The Lane that had no Turnin , Gilbert Parker flare Pales, Georg Ade Alice of Old Vincennes, Mauriee Thompson In the Palace of the King, F. Mart~n Crawford Songs of ahafrlorning. SEdesn Phillpots The Isle of Unrest, Heary Selon Mterrimean A Bicycle of Cathay, Frank R. Shsehton Eleanor, Mrs. Humphrey Ward The Expatriates, AI1 n Bell AH the Above at Disounlt Prices Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCHI AT TUTTLE'S 338 South SltseSt. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. Our sartorial skill jy equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ART 15TKCLLT M ECHANICALLY We will be glad to proveit to ,you, Truly Yours, S. BURGHFIELD' 106 E. Huron' Ledl Prsnted mentst writing EDV (Over Sheehan Redmo: 41 Wal Tdrenesecta Lures d lectures for all depart- 3f the University. Type- and Mimeographing. WARDS BROS. ns) State Stree nd, Kerr & Co,, BANKERS il Street, New York ageneral hanhing husisese. osits suhjeet to draft. Dividends collected and remitted. Aot as for and negotiate the lssue of yet railwayf, gat companies, eow. gist and sold on csomnsion. iwTort Esehange. ORIAL IN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Loteris'Pot css opllcuon, GPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. [AM, KERR & CO. g UTGLASS. Dainty Fiscki Agentsc railroads,sree prsnsfor any lady. Mseeorilo o See them in window. ________________HIGH1-GRADE sew s al sr GRAH 1R ftsCbict the li~hotographer. Licy& I IWAF art Pictures for students' rooms, at Do Not lie Deceived.-Onily Mosnarchi Capital, ISotoo.OSrplus, $3-, o. Tra500t Schallet's Bookstore, lid So. Main at. (Cushiosiin city on all tables at general hashing bssiness. ______ IISEY'S. RKanr, Foss. C. N. 000000, Vice-es Jllihasotos cond Wit.son Btos' sirtsa I FaE. B BoLSs.t Cshier. I for sale-at Wadhaso, tRyau & Ilcule. i ~ i - ' 1 Now you know howe loveiy it (she) II~nn nn ulhilll~hiwosuld el with a nice U. of N.. souvenir WAIIAII ~when you go house Christmsua. HAL- IILUI-tll I~tIIULLILE'IVS JEWELRY STOtIE. The pospular roots to Chlicago, St Liis asa C, Srig Buy a sice Clock for your roso, ;t St.Lous, aH~s Ltt' Sping IIALLEE'S JEWELRY STORE. field, Decatur, Danville, anid all ______ points Southwest. Come over to 427 Thomson and try Cosisult ticket ,Agetits. liii'!bord. Flne service anid cooking. Immediate Cexsnectiosl at Milan Muski during dinner. Board by week, with ontienta Limted. day or single meal. Boirdetesccom- with ontiseutalLisitd. modateed throuigs Cristustacs acaition. R. S. (JroEEowOOO, M. P. A. _ -_____ ORAS( iE'S ADVANCED CLASS Skating sit liii Sksoisig Pork. [Ill11 .1 SI(}IltEIt'S 510KBLI TUESAY EEItoyail Tigers, i1le; Tigeretico. 5c. rider noecircustsans wil etilrslr he admittedi to tis. class. Ten evens- _ is. inesl essiso, 1$M0Per THE ASSF3.IBLY. c~ouple. h ueiilais sioeiiibliiiost lrsigirs Ii.1111my swill 11o1tinue1 1 lrosigh lie 1 'littlid is iv i iiin. Next Satusrdasy light, i i i si t tu i i -illcotoiniencre proimitly' -it :.1 o'loc . lue blcony wil sol he C. E. BARTIHELL, Agenit, PEiLTOt.0 31sro r. 306 S. State St. Ann Arbor, rBob. Youi callsiiitii 5I pe rdaiyduirinig youir Chrismsovacartioni'by .