2 THE UNI VEIrTY ul MICHIGAN DAILY r happens to prevent the students from U.. 1 ~0iA1.attending each game and that we fix things with the weather man in the spring? Either no doubt would be Pubished Daily (Mondays excepted)daring preferahle to the present plan under College Year, at which a student may miss a game and 111E UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN still use up his ticket. MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFriCE In conclusion I might say that I ArgB aBldg,Main St. 33S. State Strest. don't consider myself a member of Seh'Phse1 3. New State'P 182what we find "Dana' is pleased to call MANAGING EDITOR, the "clique" in the Board, but I do con- . H.HAsDITITsider it the duty of any one who has the interests of Michigan athletics at BUSINESS MANAGER, heart to call the lie on such a bundle F. EsGELHARD, '01 L of trash as was emitted from the EDITORS: aforementioned Knocker." ATHLETICS, - G. D. HuDuUTT, '01 "BOARD MEMBER." AH.McDOUGALL,'01E. W. A. KNIGHT, 'o1L COMMUNICATION. Miss L,'K. SAnINE '03 CuAs. DVORAK '01 H. H. WOODSOw,'4 W. P. CHANEY,'01L Editor of Daily: W. A. BENscOTER, '03 E. . HOUSTON, '03 I suggest that the Campus "Anvil Chorus" join in with Innes' "Anvil Chorus," advertised for tonight. I think the local chapter would be able to outdo their more talented brothers The Daily is being loaded down with in the amount of knocking they can th- do. "WEARY LISTENER." STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHING IiOTIlti HNBBIEK SR EATER This make of clothing is COn- fined to us in this town, and is the swellest tailors' creations for Fall wear. Suits $1.5.0 tO 25.00. .vercoats $i0 1to 3o. LNDENSCH iITT &A PFEL We have just recieved our fall and winter stock of an sorts of c"01LLIUi1>VII L letic matters. We intend to be fair with both factions in the controversy but we will not give the columns of this sheet over to mere mud-slinging and personal attacks as such. Unless further communications contain mat- ter which really bears on the athletic situation and offers some reasonable amount of argument, the Daily will re- fuse publication. Personal grudges must be paid off outside of these col- umns. CHRISTMAS VACATION Begins-Friday Dec 21 (evening) Ends-Monday Jan. 7 (evening) The advance sale for "A Poor Re- lation" opened this morning at the Postal Telegraph office, and judging from the way the seats are being sold there promises to be one of the largest audiences of the season at the perform- ance of that beautiful play. People who have not seen "A Poor Relation" should not miss this opportunity, for tub is probably the last season of this play before the public. THE NEW SHOE FOR WOMEN Being scientifically constructed are always comfortable and never tire the feet. FANCY OVALS, FANCY CIRCLES, ORNAMENTAL FRAIlIES AND PICTURE MOULDINGS] of every description-Come in and see them. COMMUNICA ION (The Daily is not responsible for senti- ments expressed herein.) To the Editor of the Daily: For unqualifieu foolishness and ig- norance the communication of "Dana," published yesterday in the Daily cer- tainly carries off the plum. In the first place he roasts the Athletic Board for passing favorably on a bill of $1500 for grand stand improvements. Now, I for one would like to know where he obtained that valuable little bit of information; I was present at the Board meeting last Monday and voted to passi a bill for some $300 to pay Mr. Pipp for all his work on the new stands. This marks lie No. 1. Then next, with scathing sarcasm he mentions the purchase, or rather, au- thorization to purchase, a "coach and four," The truth of this matter is that in view of the fact that it has been made evident that hiring teams for work on the grounds is too expen- sive, we thought it advisable to pur- chase a dray horse and truck so that the ground keeper may continue his work in leveling off the southern por- tion of the field. I don't believe any of the board is particularly anxious to journey to the field in this convey- ance. This disposes of lie No. 2. Then comes his business statement as to how the students do not save money by joining the association. Now, in the name of all that is fair, who in the world ever imagined or claimed that joining the association is a money-making venture? Only a man of "Dana's" lofty patriotism and sound loyalty could think of the true reason for the support accorded ath- letics by virtue of the membership of a portion of the student body to the association. Of course the idea of aid- ing athletics is entirely subordinated to that of personal gain. His argument, or rather complaint, against scheduling seven games each season and selling tickets good for only six, is almost too absurd to receive serious attention. Suppose there were but six scheduled for football and baseball each-did it ever occur to my wise friend that out of that number of games some must be missed by the ticket holders? Did he evr think for a moment of the likelihood of it rain- ing on one of th'e Saturdays on which games are played in the spring? Would he suggest, then, that we schedule six games and return the money for those missed or that we see that nothing Geo. H. Miller, 212 s. Mein St. DEFRIES' ART STORE, r. 217 S 4th AVE., NN ARBO ~ATHENS THEATRE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14. Mr. FRANK J. KEENAN as NOAH VALE In SOL SMITH RUSSEL'S Great Play "APOOR RELATION" ''You remember his hit of last season." PRICES: - 25, 50, 75C AND $ 1.00 Seats now on sale. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 JEFFERSON DEANGELIS THE LEADING OPERETIC COMEDIAN And a Great Cast including a large Chorns of Pretty - Girls in His Latest Success "A R OYA LROGUE" All Last week at the Detroit Opera Housc. PRICES: - - - 50, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Seats now on sale. Carriages at 11. ON HAL F SHELL....-1 CENT EACH CLAMS OPENED WHILE YOU WAIT OYSTER STEWS TONGUE SANDWICHES OYSTER FRIES HAM SANDWICHES OYSTER COCKTAIL BEEF SAFDWICHES -- RED HOTS 4 S oA A THE OLD GENUINE SAN FRANCISCO AND TEXASHLES COLD ROAST BEEF COLD CHICKEN COLD TONGUE HOT COFFEE COFFEE CARES PIEs MILK AT D EID AND SosEsoRs 1 OUTH RIDEAT OcJE L R TB TATE ,RE aYC E OSENTHALERTREET M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, SANITARY PLUMBING 119 W. Washington St. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIEs, Best $3 hat made is the Howard. I 'J1 C UH, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, sole agents. 207 LuWaehington Street. ARTIssIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. -____ ._ _ .....HIGHG RADE MANTELS AND GRATES.. EXCHANGE ,ro"MtG "torsn We are headquarters for every thing in the line of furnishings for GASOLINE LAMPS students' rooms, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES Mring in your old ones and let na make you WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. an offer. The Superior M1g. Co., Our Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest. mai an St.,unear Wilams. eedqaarwers sr Shads, ManlsM and A RK H A M'S BAZAAR Chimneys. 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET NEW STATE 'PHONE 462 /FET- IF YOLWAN 1 TO R E WFPT -RFF RROcAN .110 MAI#