Of tI a VOL. XI. ANN ARIBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1900. No. 67 Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and VWinter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles asd finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress ooscasions. 6, H, WILD CO., rob E. Washington St. i DAINTY X1fIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Cress Ware, Baned painted w~ithgol timmings thatneveretarnish. FOR GENTLEMEN: Ebony Toilet Sets FOR EVERYBODY: Lownev's Choo- latesin bulls an:dfancy pack:- SEE OUR WINDOWS. Wiktcr's Pbarmacy EVERYTHING our splenodid line of ° PIPES, CIGARS and TO- NEW BACCO-even the store itself is new. We have reniodeled the plate and invite all our friends to call and inspect what we have, You can't beat our LUNCHES. R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. QUARRY'5 Tooth Powder Has all the desirable qusal- ities of the best and Has none of the harmfusl ingredients found in so many. 25c per Bottle. IA+ + +Wernicke 4 + lastic+ SBook=Case I holding 25 books S$5.5o I Additienal units,I any numbher hold-~ ing 25 books, at +. + $2.50 each. IWAHR'S + INNE.S BAND TONIGHT COMIMUNICATIONl of the football masager. Tis year such anoissceueit was snot made, (The Daily is not respossible for any and many directors west to te meet- Will Give a Varied Program-Scenes seniments exresed hersn. lg wholly 'usprepared for what was From Grand Opera Will Bo, Feat- Editor of te Daiy: comin:sg. Tisij failure on the part of res With Spectacular Anvil The action of the Board of Directors te presideit of the Athletic Assoia- t its last meetiig is one that may well tio:: is avet:nbelie:: an oersigt. But Chorus (occasioin isore than passig comment, in view of the atter crafty manipula- Irefer to te election to te office of tios aray referred to, it can hardly tnnes' Band will appear tonight in football manager of its previous icmnn be cosiered probabe. the S. L. A. Course il one ot the most eit. As as ponted out by a writer The whole affair will be exceedingly poiular musical events of ~he ,year. is: te Daily Tesdy, this actios: Ries :etrim:etal to te athletic interests of The program:: will le i varieditnd:omst in the face of ll pecdt ad trdri- the Uiv ersity. Id can't help ut de- ejoyable osne giving nunbers btt: tio. 5Io snt wish mserey to reiterate stroy that helttlful unsdergradmate from classical ansd opular ise. A thne words of ta:t writer tit to poit suport vion: which (as some of the feature of tie sprogrm: will te the sut newer pa:ses f iterest i: this 5rset fials ill find to their re- se::ies from aut lby stars of tle Met- extrordiary cse. ret) successful athletics depesd. This ropolitan Gra:ndtOera Co. The pro- Ose woulitu~trally expect tt:sraistn:ce of :srations will probably gram will close with the spectacular perso:: seeking re-electios: (lthoiughi:lhave to tice:ndured; bust it is to be 'Anvil Chorus," with electrical effects. we re assuredlttat il ttis cse the led thatlt those who are beieited by off__________itic siugt the ima) tt:hle wol this siheme will be imade to feel the jusifyIll clim n te goun ofex-full vseight of their il-gtte: gains. ceptionalit qual:ification. t::deedI tat is IH.iO. S. flh- ionly ground:5 oi vwhich: so seriousisa: depai:rture frm:: colege trad~ition: culnd S. C. A. Notes beticlierated. But on :cstig bout for evidtence for such ,justiicato:, oe is Bishop Brewster of Connecticut imia~et:ely struick by its deiciency. sueaks t Newberry halt next Sunday At ino tim:e i: his career, either ai5as- afternson at 4:1. r sitaut ooth:l:l:man:ager or S man- The Students' Christian Asociation ager. has the mewly electeilooficial i busy this see on the suvenir edi- r a3>soswn: more::tian: imedioce :abiity. 'onof te Blltin:, swhtih omeo out and:: more tian::ttith de :manageme:c:t netonay It wilt contain 25 pages, xof the all-fresh iieam::of a vycar ago i:having ver 40 hlf-tone illustration. noi criiit even::ti a med-iiocre. This is rticis sril be conribiuted osa the re- ''showii: by t:: fac:t tha:t teteamt':: broke ligiousv life t the Cisersity and many v:up svrl:t itles dur:ing the: fall. No interestin g f s.s vill be rosght to gmscwr-r ranugedl s ii previnus Iigii as to the um:~sbr of men and vo- Szyc u5s :.an1dtlire vv:s is: o:siderable:n wi:: v-:hobayre ::one out of tie Un- +idisstsf:iti i:oi ccoummt outhflcocith:-vrly isoc:gag ii Chisin vi-rk as lhg systim:. As a risut of this fiis missinaric. m:iisers, etc. Am:ong maiingiment -orto:hse ill Oici' 55 iflihethire:tributios wvi:: hertaiices ty Tie folowig progra:mm h:s ibe:: by tac:: iust blit itrib:iued i: lrge pa~rt Pre-sient Agel:and by De:: tutch- fr the most piopulrt':and vsill be lpe- to the 'mm::i:ge::mc:t vvt:plrmiscdvo l ls. sented:- bei:'a:vs:liablel:tribut:rary tu v arsiy ::ma- ___________ Osertre, Mignoni ...- Thmuns tri::ws csut off ii: its iiihi'nu. Yt - "Suerenad~e Roiucc'u.. -Myer-tHeliuild vwe-ari foceditodi: el:'this icpableuhiSenor aw Party (For Reed-ulInstr:mums). iman:: i t1::'lagerrsptosiiitis of Ari: for Teinor or Baritone:c va-rsiy :::::::::i'u ::m no:ut oly foro:e Arr:::g-eumt are abot compltede (Omneemly of these. ya:r ut fr twou. Tat: wvas lis recoru for te senior lawvspary to e given "Toreaudor Somg"------------- Bizet ias:ssistit. minext --ody eveninmg a i ramer's. (rom Curmem). his trin::ft offic: s mana::gr vvwas This vitt biome of the prettiest damces Sigimor Aberti. not fra:ught with: the' disstrv'wich: f the scsn:. The tickets are limited "'Celeste .Aida"''(from::"'Aida').. -Verdi uattemned his fird-t i'mieumii:limt it ivt di:niilinumbervcal~iling for:as mamy Signour Zerni. rater a signiianmt facut tat:ithedli-cupl~ues. But au esw-rcmaiin nosy in- "The Tvwo eretadiers-..Schumannmi rst csei his'v'as givnieutir:- c-ntmlhsldtiso0tha~t tose peroms who apply Mm. .5. Vermnonm. vshile t:- he li-miiei-: mpourtn:tofitce'' his i-st vill be theforuna:te omes, ais the "Lulmu-grim's Narrativet" -.... -Wagner ctiosmiwvsi-i:-supterisedl by tin gracuu- limitis abhsouie, and s hrge a nim- (Fr:::::"Lohemgrimn") iateudiretorSm:ntfce of this. this msam: ber s cnm:dice confortably om: te Mr. WilliiaimiXnten. asts fr momr'. floor. Teicthememtgomm Orchestra "Kammmnii5Ostrouv" .... Rtubinsteini 'fu- circummstancmmes :ttuuiigthis-vill turnish: the miussic aidtthe program (Descriptive F t":masi). ectiom: in- f sut:husnatureus lio- vitt-consis of wal:tes :amndlto-sep. "Tile WhirlvwindihtPolkma" -.. Levy' cusiumi wh~t. in v-ess of tufctus, insst liii capetrnies vitt be anounce Cormet Sulo by ryl. he u-onsiherned a wel groumihne suspic- latr. 'The succes of the seiors ins a. "Cupiud's Story" (Imterme-zzo) ion:.. Athedli rolu- pla~ynd bhedl: chinf theietpr :ties lst yar iisures amyem- -Imimi~~laes Ipartcipats wiu aas sut, otput the nat- juyithevninig tsor those who are fr-- h.'Pmri::::-e'Charnmig' ('1wo tdr milly, ummgmmsimmouos. 'fhereu bov- tsmui:ts -ough:tn get ih'ticet. Steps March, Ni-v)----------.Innmes rs oser tdliiholva-hh ffair aimair f Introdlucing Innes oast his dubmlle dealin~g false :assetiuons itrigu- Sho fMUI oe Famous Tromsbhone. ing and the lowaest srt of politicalsolfMufNte Aria fr Sopranomu. maciamtionsm. Why was not thin as- (One only of these). sistanm anauuger allowsed tot suceed te TheIs-nnues cncer coiing foigt "Al: Fosee u lu::-------------Verdith len:mimanagr. Wlivwasle udearredh eessdits thi s itoiniug off te lee- (Fro~mn Traviusfa") from wvvha, is cnsiered by eversyone ture vhitu'h vas fti ave heen gisemi in Mine. Nldi. a gr-atfre-munmertdionf or his trumg- Friee' MemourialuHaInll by M. Bernard "Els'o Drea-:mi"------------..Wagmner n-m. Nohbody seemms o hknouw. 'he~ Sturumuuni"'1The Violin." (tF'romas":Lohiengrin") ''blol affair is a nmystemry all insluleu. The m~embihes of theu Chorl Unioin Miss PrmamcesIBoyden. Bti if si-w ee di:tl:uazard :aguess it re euetued to he oii hanpromiptly "tinstimhe Viennma Wuods" (cmcert wo-:ul imiiplicae am: officil of recent t 7 o'clock Fidiay eveinimg for rehear- valtz)-------------------..Strauss reation: vshi::derives hus apupoinmnmt sl 'ilehiruss vill le dimssed ad from::tne regemits and his salary froim: 7:45 on::aucionmt off te lecture by Ex- SCENES FROM "FiAUST." fle studenuts: amd who, further is em:-PresidenidtHarrisom. Gounod d uhirimghihmsi-lf exceedingly onouxius Ad the Vesers toiay Mrs. Iastrieter (Nt in Costume). by reasont of just such: intrigues wa-hich: vill sing ta sl:andalslso i: te athem, -Marguerite-Mimie. Nldi or Miss Boy- rec-ent events in college politics give wahih is a muost beautiful ettg of den. ampule evidence of. thle hymnii."Lfead tKindly Light," 4:10 Faust-Signor Zerni or Mr. Xanten. Thu electiomn itself oughid to he me:-si. m. t Uiversiy Hall. Mefitfele-Signor Alberti or Mr. tioneu. Acordimg to fle cnstittion, 'The 'Uniersity Miedical sciey meets Vernon.fle eletom: of fle fooball maager toighif at i.30i sha:rto tinhtte lovaer lee- "TeVillage Blacksemith" ..Michaelis shonuuld dal e thc:'fluiredtmneeingin: tuiero m ofni t hi:-Meticaus uildimg. (Spectacular Fantasia). Decembuler. Tie lst meeing w':s fle D.iI uugiu v-ill fall oi:"Pse-uduo esi- Night. The Dawn. By fle Brook. first bl-litin: December, mund so far vas ine." Morninmg Prayer. At the Forge. regulr enuugh. But thure is aoter Itroducing the Costumed Corps of preu-eent which the presidemnt of fle r. C'harulie Westonm, fle Cwboy pool Musical Blacksmiths. Electric Anvils, Athletic Assocniationm( amdptresiuhimmc uffi- pluyer of Tledou:.,0..bias ccepted a etc. eer of fle Board) disregarded. In: for- positions at the Pikwaick Billiard Par- ________________ ninu-a years, hoever, it has beemn custo- fors. te will giae several exibition Dues for fle Woman's League must mary fr the president to announce at gieines i tfle ear fumfure in tha place "be paid immediafely to Mrs. Gilad, the last meeting, previous to fle first amdfle public are imvited tocall and Fat the gym., or Miss Florence Hedges.- one in December, the coning election see fle exert and his game. y i 1 e 3